This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
PRO: das2dlm_add_metadata, ... Description: Adds following metadata from das2dlm outputs into a structure 'name' - name of the variable 'use' - how it should be used 'units' - units 'props' - structure of das2dlm properties Keywords: DAS2: Structure where metadata will be added p: Physical dimension, das2c_pdims v: Variable, das2c_vars m: Properties, das2c_props add (optional): adds postfix to the metadata field (default: '') CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov ( NOTE: This function is under active development. Its behavior can change in the future. $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $Date: 2020-08-03 20:45:11 -0700 (Mon, 03 Aug 2020) $ $Revision: 28983 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/das2dlm/
PRO: das2dlm_get_ds_meta, ... Description: Extracts metadata from dataset (ds) Keywords: ds: Dataset returned by das2c_datasets(query) meta: structure of metadata title: Name that can be obtained from the dataset properies CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov ( NOTE: This function is under active development. Its behavior can change in the future. $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $Date: 2020-08-28 20:47:39 -0700 (Fri, 28 Aug 2020) $ $Revision: 29092 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/das2dlm/
PRO: das2dlm_get_ds_var, ... Description: Loads physical dimensions, variables, methadata and data from das2dlm dataset Works only with 1D variables Keywords: ds: Dataset returned by das2c_datasets(query) name: dimension name (e.g. 'time') role: variable role (e.g. 'center'); p: Physical dimension, das2c_pdims v: Variable, das2c_vars m: Properties, das2c_props d: Data, das2c_data CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov ( NOTE: This function is under active development. Its behavior can change in the future. $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $Date: 2020-08-03 20:45:11 -0700 (Mon, 03 Aug 2020) $ $Revision: 28983 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/das2dlm/
PRO: das2dlm_get_ds_var_name, ... Description: Return the name of the data variable in the dataset. Keywords: ds: Dataset returned by das2c_datasets(query) vnames: list of names of the data variable exclude (optional): array of variables to exclude from the list CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov ( NOTE: This function is under active development. Its behavior can change in the future. $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $Date: 2021-01-25 20:24:16 -0800 (Mon, 25 Jan 2021) $ $Revision: 29620 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/das2dlm/
FUNCTION: das2dlm_mj1958_to_unixtime, ... Description: Converts mj1958 time to unixtime mj1958 – Days since midnight 1958-01-01, more accurately Julian day – 2436204.5 INPUT: time - mj1958 time RETURN: unixtime - unixtime (SPEDAS time) CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov ( $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $Date: 2020-08-03 20:45:11 -0700 (Mon, 03 Aug 2020) $ $Revision: 28983 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/das2dlm/
FUNCTION: das2dlm_t2000_to_unixtime, ... Description: Converts t2000 time to unixtime t2000 – Seconds since midnight January 1st 2000, ignoring leap seconds INPUT: time - t2000 time RETURN: unixtime - unixtime (SPEDAS time) CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov ( $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $Date: 2020-08-03 20:45:11 -0700 (Mon, 03 Aug 2020) $ $Revision: 28983 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/das2dlm/
FUNCTION: das2dlm_time_to_unixtime, ... Description: Converts time from das2dlm to unixtime INPUT: time - vector of time data units - string of das2dlm time, e.g. 'us2000' RETURN: unixtime - unixtime (SPEDAS time) CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov ( TODO: us1980 – Microseconds since midnight January 1st 1980, ignoring leap seconds t1970 – Seconds since midnight January 1st 1970, ignoring leap seconds. (unixtime?) mjd – Days since midnight November 17, 1858. tt2000 – nanoseconds since 01-Jan-2000 including leap seconds, may be transmitted as an 8-byte cdfEpoch – milliseconds since 01-Jan-0000 $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $Date: 2020-08-03 20:45:11 -0700 (Mon, 03 Aug 2020) $ $Revision: 28983 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/das2dlm/
FUNCTION: das2dlm_us2000_to_unixtime, ... Description: Converts us2000 time to unixtime us2000 – Microseconds since midnight January 1st 2000, ignoring leap seconds INPUT: time - us2000 time RETURN: unixtime - unixtime (SPEDAS time) CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov ( $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $Date: 2020-08-03 20:45:11 -0700 (Mon, 03 Aug 2020) $ $Revision: 28983 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/das2dlm/
PRO: das2dlm_load_vap_efw,... Description: Read EFW ElectronPlasmaFrequency Parameters: probe: 'a' or 'b' spacesraft trange: If a time range is set, timespan is executed with it at the end of this program CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov ( $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $Date: 2020-08-03 20:45:11 -0700 (Mon, 03 Aug 2020) $ $Revision: 28983 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/das2dlm/