This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
unction AACGM_v2_Dayno, yr,mo,dy, days=days ; works on an array. assume that all from same day ; WHAT IS THE POINT OF AN ARRAY OF THE SAME DAY?! mdays=[0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] nelem = n_elements(yr) if (yr[0] ne yr[nelem-1]) or $ (mo[0] ne mo[nelem-1]) or $ (dy[0] ne dy[nelem-1]) then begin print, '' print, 'Not same day in AACGM_v2_Dayno' print, '' exit endif tyr = yr[0] ; leap year calculation if tyr mod 4 ne 0 then inc=0 $ else if tyr mod 400 eq 0 then inc=1 $ else if tyr mod 100 eq 0 then inc=0 $ else inc=1 mdays[2]=mdays[2]+inc if keyword_set(days) then days = fix(total(mdays)) if nelem eq 1 then $ doy = total(mdays[0:mo[0]-1])+dy[0] $ else $ doy = intarr(nelem) + total(mdays[0:mo[0]-1])+dy[0] return, fix(doy) nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
ro AACGM_v2_Date, yr,dayno, mo,dy err = 0 mdays=[0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] ; leap year calculation if yr mod 4 ne 0 then inc=0 $ else if yr mod 400 eq 0 then inc=1 $ else if yr mod 100 eq 0 then inc=0 $ else inc=1 mdays[2]=mdays[2]+inc tots = intarr(13) for k=0,12 do tots[k] = total(mdays[0:k]) q = where(tots ge dayno, nq) mo = q[0] dy = dayno - tots[q[0]-1] nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
(See external/aacgm_v2/
unction AACGM_v2_LoadCoef, units, order=ord common AACGM_v2_Com on_ioerror, iofail if keyword_set(ord) then order_v2 = ord else order_v2 = 10 ; default order kmax_v2 = (order_v2+1)*(order_v2+1) ncoord = 3 ; xyz nquart = 5 ; quartic altitude fit coefficients nflag = 2 ; 0: GEO->AACGM; 1: AACGM->GEO ; interpolation in time, so need two sets of coefficients.... coefs_v2 = dblarr(2,kmax_v2,ncoord,nquart,nflag) temp_coef = dblarr(kmax_v2,ncoord,nquart,nflag) readf, units[0],temp_coef coefs_v2[0,*,*,*,*] = temp_coef readf, units[1],temp_coef coefs_v2[1,*,*,*,*] = temp_coef coef_v2 = dblarr(kmax_v2,ncoord,nquart,nflag) cint_v2 = dblarr(kmax_v2,ncoord,nflag) leo_first_coeff_old = -1. sol_dec_old = 0 ; what the hell are these used for?! told = 1e12 mslon1=0 mslon2=0 return, 0 ofail: return, -1 nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
unction AACGM_v2_Sgn, a, b if (a ge 0) then x = a else x = -a if (b ge 0) then return, x return, -x nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
ro AACGM_v2_Rylm, colat,lon,order, ylmval ; Note: the recurrence relations are for the associated legendre polynomials. ; SGS has added the normalization factor for the spherical harmonic ; functions given by (6.8.2). See note about this above. cos_theta = cos(colat) sin_theta = sin(colat) cos_lon = cos(lon) sin_lon = sin(lon) d1 = -sin_theta z2 = dcomplex(cos_lon,sin_lon) z1 = d1*z2 q_fac = z1 ; Generate Zonal Harmonics (P_l^(m=0) for l = 1,order) using recursion ; relation (6.8.7), p. 252, Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd. ed., Press. W. ; et al. Cambridge University Press, 1992) for case where m = 0. ; ; l Pl = cos(theta) (2l-1) Pl-1 - (l-1) Pl-2 (6.8.7) ; ; where Pl = P_l^(m=0) are the associated Legendre polynomials ylmval[0] = 1.d ; l = 0, m = 0 ylmval[2] = cos_theta ; l = 1, m = 0 for l=2,order do begin ; indices for previous two values: k = l * (l+1) + m with m=0 ia = (l-2)*(l-1) ib = (l-1)*l ic = l * (l+1) ylmval[ic] = (cos_theta * (2*l-1) * ylmval[ib] - (l-1)*ylmval[ia])/l endfor ; Generate P_l^l for l = 1 to (order+1)^2 using algorithm based upon (6.8.8) ; in Press et al., but incorporate longitude dependence, i.e., sin/cos (phi) ; ; Pll = (-1)^l (2l-1)!! (sin^2(theta))^(l/2) ; ; where Plm = P_l^m are the associated Legendre polynomials q_val = q_fac ylmval[3] = double(q_val) ; l = 1, m = +1 ylmval[1] = -imaginary(q_val) ; l = 1, m = -1 for l=2,order do begin d1 = l*2 - 1. z2 = d1*q_fac z1 = z2*q_val q_val = z1 ; indices for previous two values: k = l * (l+1) + m ia = l*(l+2) ; m = +l ib = l*l ; m = -l ylmval[ia] = double(q_val) ylmval[ib] = -imaginary(q_val) endfor ; Generate P_l,l-1 to P_(order+1)^2,l-1 using algorithm based upon (6.8.9) ; in Press et al., but incorporate longitude dependence, i.e., sin/cos (phi) ; ; Pl,l-1 = cos(theta) (2l-1) Pl-1,l-1 for l=2,order do begin l2 = l*l tl = 2*l ; indices for Pl,l-1; Pl-1,l-1; Pl,-(l-1); Pl-1,-(l-1) ia = l2 - 1 ib = l2 - tl + 1 ic = l2 + tl - 1 id = l2 + 1 fac = tl - 1 ylmval[ic] = fac * cos_theta * ylmval[ia] ; Pl,l-1 ylmval[id] = fac * cos_theta * ylmval[ib] ; Pl,-(l-1) endfor ; Generate remaining P_l+2,m to P_(order+1)^2,m for each m = 1 to order-2 ; using algorithm based upon (6.8.7) in Press et al., but incorporate ; longitude dependence, i.e., sin/cos (phi). ; ; for each m value 1 to order-2 we have P_mm and P_m+1,m so we can compute ; P_m+2,m; P_m+3,m; etc. for m=1,order-2 do begin for l=m+2,order do begin ca = double(2.*l-1)/(l-m) cb = double(l+m-1.)/(l-m) l2 = l*l ic = l2 + l + m ib = l2 - l + m ia = l2 - l - l - l + 2 + m ; positive m ylmval[ic] = ca * cos_theta * ylmval[ib] - cb * ylmval[ia] ic -= (m+m) ib -= (m+m) ia -= (m+m) ; negative m ylmval[ic] = ca * cos_theta * ylmval[ib] - cb * ylmval[ia] endfor endfor ; Normalization added here (SGS) ; ; Note that this is NOT the standard spherical harmonic normalization factors ; ; The recursive algorithms above treat positive and negative values of m in ; the same manner. In order to use these algorithms the normalization must ; also be modified to reflect the symmetry. ; ; Output values have been checked against those obtained using the internal ; IDL legendre() function to obtain the various associated legendre ; polynomials. ; ; As stated above, I think that this normalization may be unnecessary. The ; important thing is that the various spherical harmonics are orthogonal, ; rather than orthonormal. fact = factorial(indgen(2*order+1)) ffff = dblarr((order+1)*(order+1)) for l=0,order do begin for m=0,l do begin k = l * (l+1) + m ; 1D index for l,m ffff[k] = sqrt((2*l+1)/(4*!dpi) * fact[l-m]/fact[l+m]) endfor for m=-l,-1 do begin k = l * (l+1) + m ; 1D index for l,m kk = l * (l+1) - m ffff[k] = ffff[kk] * (-1)^(-m mod 2) endfor endfor ylmval *= ffff return nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
ro AACGM_v2_Alt2CGM, r_height_in, r_lat_alt, r_lat_adj common IGRF_v2_Com ; convert from at-altitude to AACGM coordinates eradius = 6371.2 eps = 1e-9 unim = 0.9999999 r1 = cos(!pi*r_lat_alt/180.) ra = r1*r1 if (ra lt eps) then ra = eps r0 = (r_height_in/RE + 1.) / ra if (r0 lt unim) then r0 = unim r1 = acos(sqrt(1./r0)) r_lat_adj= AACGM_v2_Sgn(r1, r_lat_alt)*180.0/!pi return nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
ro AACGM_v2_CGM2Alt, r_height_in,r_lat_in, r_lat_adj, error common IGRF_v2_Com ; convert from AACGM to at-altitude coordinates ;eradius = 6371.2 unim = 1 error = 0 r1 = cos(!pi*r_lat_in/180.0) ra = (r_height_in/RE+ 1)*(r1*r1) if (ra gt unim) then begin ra = unim error = 1 endif r1 = acos(sqrt(ra)) r_lat_adj = AACGM_v2_Sgn(r1,r_lat_in)*180.0/!pi return nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
ro AACGM_v2_ConvertGeoCoord, lat_in,lon_in,height_in, lat_out,lon_out, $ error, geo=geo, trace=trace, $ bad_idea=bad_idea, allow_trace=allow_trace, $ eps=eps, at_alt=at_alt, verbose=verbose, $ debug=debug common AACGM_v2_Com common IGRF_v2_Com ; need RE later on if (n_elements(RE) eq 0) then init_common if (height_in lt 0) then begin if ~keyword_set(verbose) || verbose ge 0 then $ print, $ 'WARNING: coordinate transformations are not intended for altitudes < 0 km : ', $ height_in error = -2 endif if height_in gt 2000 and $ not keyword_set(trace) and not keyword_set(bad_idea) and $ not keyword_set(allow_trace) then begin ; the user is not using fieldline tracing or indicated that they know ; what they are doing by setting the 'bad_idea' keyword. print, 'ERROR: coefficients are not valid for altitudes above 2000 km.' print, ' Use fieldline tracing option [/trace] to perform fieldline' print, ' tracing at all altitudes, [/allow_trace] to perform' print, ' fieldline tracing only above 2000 km or indicate that you' print, ' want to use the coefficients for extrapolation and are aware' print, ' that the results can be nonsensical by setting the bad_idea' print, ' keyword.' error = -4 return endif if (abs(lat_in) gt 90.) then begin print, 'ERROR: latitudes must be in the range -90 to +90 degrees' error = -8 return endif SGS v2.3 removing requirement that longitude be 0 to 360. Does not seems to matter and is inconsistent with C version: -180 to 180. ; SGS - better checking of inputs needed here if lon_in lt 0 then lon_in += 360 if ((lon_in lt 0) or (lon_in gt 360)) then begin print, 'ERROR: longitudes must be in the range 0 to 360 degrees' print, lon_in error = -16 return endif SGS v2.3 geodetic to geocentric (and back) are done in AACGM_v2_Convert() ; field line tracing if keyword_set(trace) or (height_in gt 2000 and keyword_set(allow_trace)) $ then begin if keyword_set(geo) then begin AACGM_v2_Trace_inv, lat_in,lon_in,height_in, tmp_lat,tmp_lon, error, $ fixed=fixed, ds=ds, eps=eps, max_ds=max_ds, $ verbose=verbose lat_out = tmp_lat lon_out = tmp_lon endif else begin AACGM_v2_Trace, lat_in,lon_in,height_in, tmp_lat,tmp_lon, error, $ fixed=fixed, ds=ds, eps=eps, max_ds=max_ds lat_out = tmp_lat lon_out = tmp_lon endelse return endif ; 20140827 SGS moved coefficient loading to Date/Time setting functions ; 20140827 SGS moved time interpolation to Date/Time setting functions flag = keyword_set(geo) ; determine the altitude dependence of the coefficients if (height_in ne height_old_v2[flag]) then begin print, '*** HEIGHT INTERPOLATION ***' alt_var = height_in/2000.0 ; make this scaling height a variable? alt_var_sq = alt_var*alt_var alt_var_cu = alt_var*alt_var_sq alt_var_qu = alt_var*alt_var_cu for i=0,2 do begin ; should this be variable, i.e. we only use x and y for j=0,kmax_v2-1 do begin cint_v2[j,i,flag] = coef_v2[j,i,0,flag] + $ coef_v2[j,i,1,flag] * alt_var + $ coef_v2[j,i,2,flag] * alt_var_sq + $ coef_v2[j,i,3,flag] * alt_var_cu + $ coef_v2[j,i,4,flag] * alt_var_qu endfor endfor height_old_v2[flag] = height_in endif x = double(0) y = double(0) z = double(0) lon_input = lon_in*!pi/180.0 lon_input = lon_in*DTOR ; Intermediate coordinate. Only used for inverse transmformation if not keyword_set(at_alt) or (flag eq 0) then begin if not keyword_set(at_alt) and (flag eq 0) then begin colat_input = (90.-lat_in)*DTOR endif else begin ; convert from AACGM to at-altitude coordinates error = -64 AACGM_v2_CGM2Alt, height_in,lat_in, lat_adj, errflg if (errflg ne 0) then return colat_input = (90. - lat_adj)*DTOR endelse ; SGS - remove this feature after timing tests if keyword_set(debug) then begin ; use the built-in legendre function to compute values of the spherical ; harmonic functions fact = factorial(indgen(2*order_v2+1)) ylmval = dblarr(kmax_v2) for l=0,order_v2 do begin ; m < 0 terms for m=-l,-1 do begin plm = legendre(cos(colat_input), l, m, /double) ylm = sqrt((2*l+1)/(4*!dpi) * fact[l-m]/fact[l+m])*plm*sin(m*lon_input) k = l * (l+1) + m ; 1D index for l,m ylmval[k] = ylm x += cint_v2[k,0,flag] * ylm y += cint_v2[k,1,flag] * ylm z += cint_v2[k,2,flag] * ylm endfor ; m = 0 term plm = legendre(cos(colat_input), l, 0, /double) ylm = sqrt((2*l+1)/(4*!dpi)) * plm k = l * (l+1) ; 1D index for l,m ylmval[k] = ylm x += cint_v2[k,0,flag] * ylm y += cint_v2[k,1,flag] * ylm z += cint_v2[k,2,flag] * ylm ; m > 0 terms for m=1,l do begin plm = legendre(cos(colat_input), l, m, /double) ylm = sqrt((2*l+1)/(4*!dpi) * fact[l-m]/fact[l+m])*plm*cos(m*lon_input) k = l * (l+1) + m ; 1D index for l,m ylmval[k] = ylm x += cint_v2[k,0,flag] * ylm y += cint_v2[k,1,flag] * ylm z += cint_v2[k,2,flag] * ylm endfor endfor ;print, 'legendre()' ;print, ylmval endif else begin ; use the Rylm function (adapted to orthonormal functions; SGS) to compute ; values of the spherical harmonic functions ylmval = dblarr(kmax_v2) AACGM_v2_Rylm, colat_input,lon_input, order_v2,ylmval for l = 0,order_v2 do begin for m = -l,l do begin k = l * (l+1) + m x += cint_v2[k,0,flag]*ylmval[k] y += cint_v2[k,1,flag]*ylmval[k] z += cint_v2[k,2,flag]*ylmval[k] ; SGS - need this for sign... endfor endfor ;print, 'Rylm' ;print, ylmval endelse ; COMMENT: SGS ; ; This answers one of my questions about how the coordinates for AACGM are ; guaranteed to be on the unit sphere. Here they compute xyz indpendently ; using the SH coefficients for each coordinate. They reject anything that ; is +/- .1 Re from the surface of the Earth. They then scale each xyz ; coordinate by the computed radial distance. This is a TERRIBLE way to do ; things... but necessary for the inverse transformation. ; SGS - new method that ensures position is on unit sphere and results in a ; much better fit. Uses z coordinate only for sign, i.e., hemisphere. if (flag eq 0) then begin fac = x*x + y*y if fac gt 1. then begin ; we are in the forbidden region and the solution is undefined lat_out = !values.f_nan lon_out = !values.f_nan error = -64 return endif ztmp = sqrt(1. - fac) if z lt 0 then z = -ztmp else z = ztmp colat_temp = acos(z) endif else begin ; SGS - for inverse the old normalization produces lower overall errors... r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) if ((r lt 0.9) or (r gt 1.1)) then begin ; too much variation in the radial component lat_out = !values.f_nan lon_out = !values.f_nan error = -32 return endif z /= r x /= r y /= r ; SGS - this is for cases where abs(z) > 1. if (z ge 1.) then colat_temp = 0 $ else if (z lt -1.) then colat_temp = !dpi $ else colat_temp = acos(z) endelse ; SGS - check these values if ((abs(x) lt 1e-8) and (abs(y) lt 1e-8)) then $ lon_temp = 0 $ else $ lon_temp = atan(y,x) lon_output = lon_temp if keyword_set(at_alt) and (flag eq 0) then begin lat_alt = 90 - colat_temp/DTOR AACGM_v2_Alt2CGM, height_in,lat_alt, lat_adj colat_output = (90. - lat_adj) * DTOR; * !pi/180.0 endif else $ colat_output = colat_temp lat_out = 90. - colat_output/DTOR ;*180.0/!pi lon_out = lon_output/DTOR ;*180.0/!pi error = 0 return nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
unction AACGM_v2_Convert, in_lat,in_lon,height, out_lat,out_lon,r, geo=geo, $ trace=trace, bad_idea=bad_idea, $ eps=eps, allow_trace=allow_trace, $ gcentric=gcentric, $ verbose=verbose, debug=debug common IGRF_v2_Com geo = keyword_set(geo) if n_elements(in_lat) ne 1 then begin n = n_elements(in_lat) sze = size(in_lat) out_lat = dblarr(sze[1:sze[0]]) out_lon = dblarr(sze[1:sze[0]]) r = dblarr(sze[1:sze[0]]) tmp_lat = 0.d tmp_lon = 0.d for i=0, n-1 do begin ; convert geodetic to geocentric if not keyword_set(gcentric) and not keyword_set(geo) then begin rtp = geod2geoc(in_lat[i], in_lon[i], height[i]) ;* modify lat/lon/alt to geocentric values */ in_lat[i] = 90.d - rtp[1]/DTOR in_lon[i] = rtp[2]/DTOR height[i] = (rtp[0]-1.d)*RE endif AACGM_v2_ConvertGeoCoord, in_lat[i],in_lon[i],height[i], $ tmp_lat,tmp_lon, error, geo=geo, $ trace=trace, bad_idea=bad_idea, $ allow_trace=allow_trace, eps=eps, $ verbose=verbose, debug=debug out_lat[i] = tmp_lat out_lon[i] = tmp_lon if not keyword_set(geo) then begin r[i] = (height[i] + RE)/RE ; geocentric radial distance in RE endif else begin if not keyword_set(gcentric) then begin p = geoc2geod(out_lat[i],out_lon[i],(RE+height[i])/RE) out_lat[i] = p[0] height[i] = p[2] endif r[i] = height[i] endelse endfor endif else begin out_lat = 0.d out_lon = 0.d ; convert geodetic to geocentric if not keyword_set(gcentric) and not keyword_set(geo) then begin rtp = geod2geoc(in_lat, in_lon, height) ;* modify lat/lon/alt to geocentric values */ in_lat = 90.d - rtp[1]/DTOR in_lon = rtp[2]/DTOR height = (rtp[0]-1.d)*RE endif AACGM_v2_ConvertGeoCoord, in_lat,in_lon,height, $ out_lat,out_lon, error, geo=geo, $ trace=trace, bad_idea=bad_idea, $ allow_trace=allow_trace, eps=eps, $ verbose=verbose, debug=debug if not keyword_set(geo) then begin r = (height + RE)/RE ; geocentric radial distance in RE endif else begin if not keyword_set(gcentric) then begin p = geoc2geod(out_lat,out_lon,(RE+height)/RE) out_lat = p[0] height = p[2] endif r = height endelse endelse return, error nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
ro AACGM_v2_Trace, lat_in,lon_in,height_in, lat_out,lon_out, error, $ fixed=fixed, ds=ds, eps=eps, max_ds=max_ds common AACGM_v2_Com common IGRF_v2_Com IGRF_SetDateTime, aacgm_v2_datetime.year, aacgm_v2_datetime.month, $, aacgm_v2_datetime.hour, $ aacgm_v2_datetime.minute, aacgm_v2_datetime.second, $ err=error if (error ne 0) then return if not keyword_set(ds) then $ ds = 1. ; 1 km default starting stepsize dsRE = ds/RE dsRE0 = dsRE if not keyword_set(eps) then $ eps = 1e-4/RE ; global error (RE) ; if user wants to fix maximum step size then let them by turning off ; radial step size dependence that is default if keyword_set(max_ds) then RRds = 0 else RRds = 1 rtp = dblarr(3) rtp[0] = (RE + height_in)/RE ; 1.0 is surface of Earth rtp[1] = (90.-lat_in)*DTOR ; colatitude in radians rtp[2] = lon_in*DTOR ; longitude in radians ; convert position to Cartesian coords xyzg = sph2car(rtp) ; convert to magnetic Dipole coordinates xyzm = geo2mag(xyzg) if xyzm[2] gt 0 then idir = -1 else idir = 1 ; N or S hemisphere dsRE = dsRE0 ; trace to magnetic equator ; ; Note that there is the possibility that the magnetic equator lies ; at an altitude above the surface of the Earth but below the starting ; altitude. I am not certain of the definition of CGM, but these ; fieldlines map to very different locations than the solutions that ; lie above the starting altitude. I am considering the solution for ; this set of fieldlines as undefined; just like those that lie below ; the surface of the Earth. ; Added a check for when tracing goes below altitude so as not to contiue ; tracing beyond what is necessary. ; ; Also making sure that stepsize does not go to zero below = 0 niter = 0 while (~below && (idir*xyzm[2] lt 0)) do begin xyzp = xyzg ; x,y,z are passed by reference and modified here... AACGM_v2_RK45, xyzg, idir, dsRE, eps ; make sure that stepsize does not go to zero if (dsRE*RE lt 1e-2) then dsRE = 1e-2/RE ; convert to magnetic Dipole coordinates xyzm = geo2mag(xyzg) below = (total(xyzg*xyzg) lt (RE+height_in)*(RE+height_in)/(RE*RE)) niter++ endwhile xyzc = xyzp if (~below && niter gt 1) then begin ; now bisect stepsize (fixed) to land on magnetic equator w/in 1 meter while dsRE gt 1e-3/RE do begin dsRE *= .5 xyzp = xyzc AACGM_v2_RK45, xyzc, idir, dsRE, eps, /fixed xyzm = geo2mag(xyzc) ; Is it possible that resetting here causes a doubling of the tol? if idir * xyzm[2] gt 0 then xyzc = xyzp endwhile endif ; 'trace' back to surface along Dipole field lines Lshell = sqrt(total(xyzc*xyzc)) if Lshell lt (RE+height_in)/RE then begin ; Magnetic equator is below your... lat_out = !values.f_nan lon_out = !values.f_nan error = 1 endif else begin xyzm = geo2mag(xyzc) rtp = car2sph(xyzm) lat_out = -idir*acos(sqrt(1./Lshell))/DTOR lon_out = rtp[2]/DTOR if lon_out gt 180 then lon_out -= 360 ; SGS - make consistent with output ; from coefficient functions error = 0 endelse nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
ro AACGM_v2_Trace_inv, lat_in,lon_in,height_in, lat_out,lon_out, error, $ fixed=fixed, ds=ds, eps=eps, max_ds=max_ds, verbose=verbose common AACGM_v2_Com common IGRF_v2_Com IGRF_SetDateTime, aacgm_v2_datetime.year, aacgm_v2_datetime.month, $, aacgm_v2_datetime.hour, $ aacgm_v2_datetime.minute, aacgm_v2_datetime.second, $ err=error if (error ne 0) then return if not keyword_set(ds) then $ ds = 1. ; 1 km default starting stepsize dsRE = ds/RE dsRE0 = dsRE if not keyword_set(eps) then $ eps = 1e-4/RE ; global error (RE) ; if user wants to fix maximum step size then let them by turning off ; radial step size dependence that is default if keyword_set(max_ds) then RRds = 0 else RRds = 1 ; INV: for inverse we must first map AACGM to magnetic equator along ; the dipole field line that passes through the Earth at lat/lon if (abs(lat_in - 90.d) lt 1e-6) then lat_in = 90-1e-6 Lshell = 1.d/(cos(lat_in*DTOR)*cos(lat_in*DTOR)) if keyword_set(verbose) then print, Lshell if Lshell lt (RE + height_in)/RE then begin ; solution does not exist, the starting position at the magnetic ; equator is below the altitude of interest lat_out = !values.f_nan lon_out = !values.f_nan error = 1 endif else begin phim = lon_in ; magnetic Cartesian coordinates of fieldline trace starting point xyzm = dblarr(3) xyzm[0] = Lshell*cos(phim*DTOR) xyzm[1] = Lshell*sin(phim*DTOR) xyzm[2] = 0.d ; geographic Cartesian coordinates of starting point xyzg = mag2geo(xyzm) ; geographic spherical coordinates of starting point rtp = car2sph(xyzg) ; direction of trace is determined by the starting hemisphere? if lat_in gt 0 then idir = 1 else idir = -1 ; N or S hemisphere dsRE = dsRE0 ; trace back to altitude above Earth niter = 0 while rtp[0] gt (RE + height_in)/RE do begin xyzp = xyzg if keyword_set(verbose) then print, 'xyz: ', xyzg, dsRE AACGM_v2_RK45, xyzg, idir, dsRE, eps, $ fixed=fixed, max_ds=max_ds, RRds=RRds, $ verbose=verbose if keyword_set(verbose) then print, 'xyz: ', xyzg, dsRE ; make sure that stepsize does not go to zero if (dsRE*RE lt 5e-1) then dsRE = 5e-1/RE rtp = car2sph(xyzg) niter++ if keyword_set(verbose) then stop endwhile ; now bisect stepsize (fixed) to land on magnetic equator w/in 1 meter xyzc = xyzp if niter gt 1 then begin while dsRE gt 1e-3/RE do begin dsRE *= .5 xyzp = xyzc AACGM_v2_RK45, xyzc, idir, dsRE, eps, /fixed rtp = car2sph(xyzc) if rtp[0] lt (RE + height_in)/RE then xyzc = xyzp endwhile endif ; record lat/lon and xyz lat_out = 90. - rtp[1]/DTOR lon_out = rtp[2]/DTOR if lon_out gt 180 then lon_out -= 360 ; SGS - make consistent with output ; from coefficient functions error = 0 endelse nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
unction AACGM_v2_SetDateTime, year,month,day,hour,minute,second common AACGM_v2_Com common IGRF_v2_Com ; set defaults if not all parameters are passed in np = n_params() if np lt 6 then second = 0 if np lt 5 then minute = 0 if np lt 4 then hour = 0 if np lt 3 then day = 1 if np lt 2 then month = 1 if np lt 1 then return, -1 days = -1 doy = AACGM_v2_Dayno(year,month,day, days=days) fyear = year + ((doy-1) + $ (hour + (minute + second/60.)/60.)/24.) / days if n_elements(IGRF_FIRST_EPOCH) eq 0 then init_common if (fyear lt IGRF_FIRST_EPOCH or fyear ge IGRF_LAST_EPOCH+5) then begin print, '' print, 'Date range for AACGM-v2 is ',IGRF_FIRST_EPOCH,'-',IGRF_LAST_EPOCH+5 print, '' return, -1 endif aacgm_v2_datetime = {year:-1, month:-1, day:-1, hour:-1, minute:-1, $ second:-1, dayno:-1, daysinyear:-1} aacgm_v2_datetime.year = year aacgm_v2_datetime.month = month = day aacgm_v2_datetime.hour = hour aacgm_v2_datetime.minute = minute aacgm_v2_datetime.second = second aacgm_v2_datetime.dayno = doy aacgm_v2_datetime.daysinyear = days err = AACGM_v2_TimeInterp() return, err nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
unction AACGM_v2_SetNow common AACGM_v2_Com common IGRF_v2_Com aacgm_v2_datetime = {year:-1, month:-1, day:-1, hour:-1, minute:-1, $ second:-1, dayno:-1, daysinyear:-1} ; use current time (in UT) caldat, systime(/julian, /utc), month,day,year, hour,minute,second days = -1 doy = AACGM_v2_Dayno(year,month,day, days=days) fyear = year + ((doy-1) + $ (hour + (minute + second/60.)/60.)/24.) / days if n_elements(IGRF_FIRST_EPOCH) eq 0 then init_common if (fyear lt IGRF_FIRST_EPOCH or fyear ge IGRF_LAST_EPOCH+5) then begin print, '' print, 'Date range for AACGM-v2 is ',IGRF_FIRST_EPOCH,'-',IGRF_LAST_EPOCH+5 print, '' return, -1 endif aacgm_v2_datetime.year = year aacgm_v2_datetime.month = month = day aacgm_v2_datetime.hour = hour aacgm_v2_datetime.minute = minute aacgm_v2_datetime.second = second aacgm_v2_datetime.dayno = doy aacgm_v2_datetime.daysinyear = days err = AACGM_v2_TimeInterp() return, err nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
unction AACGM_v2_GetDateTime, year, month=month, day=day, $ hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second, $ dyno=dayno, silent=silent common AACGM_v2_Com if (n_elements(aacgm_v2_datetime) eq 0) then begin if not keyword_set(silent) then $ print, "Date and Time are not currently set" return, -1 endif year = aacgm_v2_datetime.year month = aacgm_v2_datetime.month day = hour = aacgm_v2_datetime.hour minute = aacgm_v2_datetime.minute second = aacgm_v2_datetime.second dayno = aacgm_v2_datetime.dayno return, 0 nd
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_apparent_obliquity PURPOSE: Calculate apparent obliquity CALLING SEQUENCE: eps = AstAlg_apparent_obliquity(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the apparent obliquity.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_apparent_solar_longitude PURPOSE: Calculate apparent solar longitude. CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_apparent_solar_longitude(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the apparent solar longitude.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_dday PURPOSE: Convert DHMS to decimal day. CALLING SEQUENCE: dday = AstAlg_dday(day,hour,minute,second) All the arguments must be given. Day is the day of month ranging from 0-31. The returned value is the decimal day of month.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_equation_of_time PURPOSE: Calculate solar equation of time. CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_equation_of_time(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the equation of time.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_geometric_solar_longitude PURPOSE: Calculate geometric solar longitude. CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_geometric_solar_longitude(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the geometric solar longitude.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_jde PURPOSE: Convert year,month, decimal day to Julian date. CALLING SEQUENCE: jde = AstAlg_jde(year,month,day) All the arguments must be given. The returned value is the julian date.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_jde2calendar PURPOSE: Convert Julian date to YMDHMS CALLING SEQUENCE: jde = AstAlg_jde2calendar(jd,year,month,day,hour,minute,second) All the arguments must be given. The returned value is zero on success.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_lunar_ascending_node PURPOSE: Calculate lunar ascending node CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_lunar_ascending_node(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the lunar ascending node.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_mean_lunar_longitude PURPOSE: Calculate mean lunar longitude CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_mean_lunar_longitude(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the lunar ascending node.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_mean_obliquity PURPOSE: Calculate mean obliquity CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_mean_obliquity(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the mean obliquity.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_mean_solar_anomaly PURPOSE: Calculate mean solar anomaly. CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_mean_solar_anomaly(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the mean solar anomaly.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_mean_solar_longitude PURPOSE: Calculate mean solar longitude. CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_mean_solar_longitude(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the mean solar longitude.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_nutation_corr PURPOSE: Calculate correction factors for the nutation of the Earth's spin. CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_nutation_corr(jd,slong_corr,obliq_corr) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned values are the correction factors
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_solar_declination PURPOSE: Calculate solar declination. CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_solar_declination(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the solar declination.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: AstAlg_solar_right_ascension PURPOSE: Calculate solar right_ascension. CALLING SEQUENCE: asl = AstAlg_solar_right_ascension(jd) All the arguments must be given. The time is given as the julian date The returned value is the solar right ascension.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: MLTConvertEpoch_v2 PURPOSE: Calculate Magnetic Local Time CALLING SEQUENCE: mlt = MLTConvertEpoch_v2(epoch,mlon [, /MLT2mlon]) This function calculates magnetic local time.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: MLTConvertYMDHMS_v2 PURPOSE: Calculate Magnetic Local Time CALLING SEQUENCE: mlt = MLTConvertYMDHMS_v2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,mlon [, /MLT2mlon]) This function calculates magnetic local time.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: MLTConvertYrsec_v2 PURPOSE: Calculate Magnetic Local Time CALLING SEQUENCE: mlt = MLTConvertYrsec_v2(yr,yrsec,mlon [, /MLT2mlon]) This function calculates magnetic local time.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: MLTConvert_v2 PURPOSE: Calculate Magnetic Local Time (MLT) using AACGM-v2 coordinates CALLING SEQUENCE: mlt = MLTConvert_v2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc, mlon [, sstrace=sstrace] $ [, ssheight=ssheight] [, anti=anti] [, err=err] $ [, dday_bug=dday_bug] [, /MLT2mlon] mlon - AACGM-v2 magnetic longitude of desired location sstrace - use field-line tracing option for reference longitude. Note, this is an advanced feature and can result in undefined results. Not recommended. ssheight - use a different height when computing the reference longitude of the subsolar point. err - error code. 0 for success. anti - use antisolar point for reference longitude MLT2mlon - set keyword for inverse calculation. mlon is taken to be MLT in this case.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: mlt_v2 PURPOSE: Legacy routine. Wrapper to compute Magnetic Local Time (MLT) using AACGM-v2 coordinates and time specified using keywords or the current AACGM-v2 time. CALLING SEQUENCE: mlt = mlt_v2(mlon [, year=yr] [, month=mo] [, day=dy] [, hour=hr] $ [, minute=mt] [, second=sc] [, err=err] $ [, sstrace=sstrace] [, ssheight=ssheight] $ [, /MLT2mlon] mlon - AACGM-v2 magnetic longitude of desired location date/time - optional date and time, current AACGM-v2 time used by default so must be already set. sstrace - use field-line tracing option for reference longitude. Note, this is an advanced feature and can result in undefined results. NOT RECOMMENDED. ssheight - use a different height when computing the reference longitude of the subsolar point. err - error code. 0 for success. anti - use antisolar point for reference longitude. NOT RECOMMENDED. MLT2mlon - set keyword for inverse calculation. In this case mlon is MLT.
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: TimeEpochToYMDHMS PURPOSE: Convert seconds of epoch to YMDHMS. CALLING SEQUENCE: status = TimeEpochToYMDHMS(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,epoch) All the arguments must be given. The returned value is zero for success, or -1 for failure
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: TimeJulianToYMDHMS PURPOSE: Convert Julian date to YMDHMS. CALLING SEQUENCE: status = TimeJulianToYMDHMS(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,epoch) All the arguments must be given. The returned value is zero for success, or -1 for failure
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: TimeYMDHMSToEpoch PURPOSE: Convert YMDHMS to seconds of epoch. CALLING SEQUENCE: epoch = TimeYMDHMSToEpoch(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc) All the arguments must be given. The returned value is the number of seconds since 0:00UT January 1, 1970 for success, or -1 for failure
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: TimeYMDHMSToJulian PURPOSE: Convert YMDHMS to Julian date. CALLING SEQUENCE: julian = TimeYMDHMStoJulian(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc) All the arguments must be given. The returned value is the julian time for success, or -1 for failure
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: TimeYMDHMSToYrsec PURPOSE: Convert YMDHMS to seconds of year. CALLING SEQUENCE: yrsec = TimeYMDHMSToYrSec(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc) All the arguments must be given. The returned value is the number of seconds past the start of the year for success, or -1 for failure
(See external/aacgm_v2/
NAME: TimeYrsectoYMDHMS PURPOSE: Convert seconds of year to YMDHMS. CALLING SEQUENCE: status = TimeYrsecToYMDHMS(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,yrsec) All the arguments must be given. The returned value is zero for success, or -1 for failure
(See external/aacgm_v2/