This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.

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Procedure: trace2equator

Purpose: Generates a model field line footprint from an array of given
         positions and times, will also trace field lines at the user's request
         This program will always use the refined foot point mappings (a
         modification made by Vassilis Angelopoulos to provide more accurate
         mappings of foot points) as there is no Tsyganenko code to 
         perform equatorial traces.

         tarray: N length array storing the position times in seconds utc since 1970

         in_pos_array: Nx3 array representing the position series (in
             km gsm by default)

         out_foot_array: named variable in which to store the footprints
             calculated by this function(will be an Nx3 array) will be returned
             (in RE gsm by default)

         out_trace_array(optional): named variable in which to store the traces of
             field lines leading to footprints. Because traces are of variable
             length, the returned array will be of dimensions NxDx3
             D is the maximum number of vectors in any of the traces.
             Shorter traces will have NaNs filling the space at the end
             of the array  

         in_coord(optional): set this keyword to a string indicating the
             coordinate system input position data is in.
             (can be 'gei','gse','geo','gsm',or 'sm' default: gsm)

         out_coord(optional): set this keyword to a string indicating the
             coordinate system output data should be in.
             (can be 'gei','gse','geo','gsm',or 'sm' default: gsm)

         internal_model(optional): set this keyword to a string
             indicating the internal model that should be used in tracing
             (can be 'dip' or 'igrf' default:igrf)

         external_model(optional): set this keyword to a string
             indicating the external model that should be used in tracing
             (can be 'none', 't89', 't96', 't01', 't04s','ts07', 'ta15b', 'ta15n', 'ta16'
              default: none)

         SOUTH(optional): set this keyword to indicate that fields
             should be traced towards the southern hemisphere. By default
             they trace north.
         KM(optional): set this keyword to indicate that input
             and output will be in KM not RE
         par(optional): parameter input for the external field model
             if using t89 then it should be an N element array containing 
             kp values or a single kp value, if using t96,t01,t04s it
             should be an N x 10 element array of parmod values or a 10
             element array or a 1x10 element array. At the moment if an
             external model is set and this is not set an error will be
         period(optional): the amount of time between recalculations of
             geodipole tilt and input of new model parameters in
             seconds (default: 60) increase this value to decrease
             run time
             if field line traces are requested this parameter is
             ignored and new model parameters are input on each

         error(optional): named variable in which to return the error state
             of the procedure.  1 for success, 0 for failure
         R0(optional):  radius of a sphere (in re), defining the inner boundary of the tracing region
         (usually, earth's surface or the ionosphere, where r0~1.0)
         if the field line reaches that sphere from outside, its inbound tracing is
         terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf  are calculated.
         (units are km if /km is set)

         RLIM(optional) - radius of a sphere (in re), defining the outer boundary of the tracing region;
         if the field line reaches that boundary from inside, its outbound tracing is
         terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf are calculated.(default 60 RE)
         (units are km if /km is set)   

         NOBOUNDARY(optional): Override boundary limits.

         STORM(optional): Specify storm-time version of T01 external 
             magnetic field model use together with /T01.

         add_tilt:  Increment the default dipole tilt used by the model with
             a user provided tilt in degrees.  Result will be produced with TSY_DEFAULT_TILT+ADD_TILT
             Value can be set to an N length array an M length array or a single element array. 
             N is the number of time elements for the data.  M is the number of periods in the time interval.(determined by the period keyword)
             If single element is provided the same correction will be applied to all periods.   
             If an N length array is provided, the data will be re-sampled to an M length array. Consequently, if
             the values change quickly, the period may need to be shortened. 
         get_tilt: Returns the dipole_tilt parameter used for each period. 
             Returned value has a number of elements equal to the value returned by get_nperiod
         set_tilt: Alternative alternative dipole_tilt value rather than the geopack tilt.
             This input can be an M length array, and N length array or a single elemnt.
             Value can be set to an N length array an M length array or a single element array. 
             N is the number of time elements for the data.  M is the number of periods in the time interval.(determined by the period keyword)
             If an N length array is provided, the data will be re-sampled to an M length array. Consequently, if
             the values change quickly, the period may need to be shortened. 
             set_tilt will cause add_tilt to be ignored. 

         exact_tilt_times (optional):  Set this keyword to avoid grouping similar times (default 10 minutes) and instead
              recalculate the dipole tilt at each input time
         get_nperiod: Returns the number of periods used for the time interval=  ceil((end_time-start_time)/period)
         geopack_2008 (optional): Set this keyword to use the latest version (2008) of the Geopack
              library. Version 9.2 of the IDL Geopack DLM is required for this keyword to work.
          ts07_param_dir (optional): Location of TS07 parameter directory
          ts07_param_file (optional): Location of TS07 parameter file
          skip_ts07_load (optional): Do not reset TS07 parameter directory or reload parameter file

  1. Relies on the IDL/Geopack Module provided by Haje Korth JHU/APL
      and N.A. Tsyganenko NASA/GSFC, if the module is not installed
      this function will fail.  
  2. Has a loop with number of iterations =
      This means that as period becomes smaller the amount time of this
      function should take will grow quickly.
  3. If the trace_array variable is set
      the period variable will be ignored.  The program will
      recalculate for each value, this will cause the program to
      run very slowly. 
  4. All calculations are done internally in double precision

 $LastChangedBy: jwl $
 $LastChangedDate: 2022-09-16 16:30:39 -0700 (Fri, 16 Sep 2022) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 31098 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See external/IDL_GEOPACK/trace/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
Procedure: trace2iono

Purpose: Generates a model field line footprint from an array of given
         positions and times,will also trace field lines at the user's request
         This program will always use the refined foot point mappings(a
         modification made by Vassilis Angelopoulos to provide more accurate
         mappings of foot points) unless you request the standard mapping;

         tarray: N length array storing the position times in seconds utc since 1970

         in_pos_array: Nx3 array representing the position series (in
         km gsm by default)

         out_foot_array: named variable in which to store the footprints
         calculated by this function(will be an Nx3 array) will be returned
         (in RE gsm by default)

         out_trace_array(optional): named variable in which to store the traces of
             field lines leading to footprints. Because traces are of variable
             length, the returned array will be of dimensions NxDx3
             D is the maximum number of vectors in any of the traces.
             Shorter traces will have NaNs filling the space at the end
             of the array  

         in_coord(optional): set this keyword to a string indicating the
             coordinate system input position data is in.
             (can be 'gei','geo','gse','gsm',or 'sm' default: gsm)

         out_coord(optional): set this keyword to a string indicating the
             coordinate system output data should be in.
             (can be 'gei','geo','gse','gsm',or 'sm' default: gsm)

         internal_model(optional): set this keyword to a string
             indicating the internal model that should be used in tracing
             (can be 'dip' or 'igrf' default:igrf)

         external_model(optional): set this keyword to a string
             indicating the external model that should be used in tracing
             (can be 'none', 't89', 't96', 't01', 't04s','ts07', 'ta15b', 'ta15n', 'ta16'
              default: none)

         SOUTH(optional): set this keyword to indicate that fields
             should be traced towards the southern hemisphere. By default
             they trace north.
         KM(optional): set this keyword to indicate that input
             and output will be in KM not RE
         par(optional): parameter input for the external field model
             if using t89 then it should be an N element array containing 
             kp values or a single kp value, if using t96,t01,t04s it
             should be an N x 10 element array of parmod values or a 10
             element array or a 1x10 element array. At the moment if an
             external model is set and this is not set an error will be thrown.
         period(optional): the amount of time between recalculations of
             geodipole tilt and input of new model parameters in
             seconds (default: 60)  increase this value to decrease run time
             if field line traces are requested this parameter is
             ignored and new model parameters are input on each

         error(optional): named variable in which to return the error state
             of the procedure.  1 for success, 0 for failure
         standard_mapping(optional): Set to use Tsyganenko's
             unmodified version instead of the Angelopoulos's 
             refined version
         R0(optional):  radius of a sphere (in re), defining the inner boundary of the tracing region
         (usually, earth's surface or the ionosphere, where r0~1.0)
         if the field line reaches that sphere from outside, its inbound tracing is
         terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf  are calculated.
         (units are km if /km is set)

         RLIM(optional) - radius of a sphere (in re), defining the outer boundary of the tracing region;
         if the field line reaches that boundary from inside, its outbound tracing is
         terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf are calculated.(default 60 RE)
         (units are km if /km is set)

         NOBOUNDARY(optional): Override boundary limits.

         STORM(optional): Specify storm-time version of T01 external 
             magnetic field model use together with /T01.

         add_tilt:  Increment the default dipole tilt used by the model with
             a user provided tilt in degrees.  Result will be produced with TSY_DEFAULT_TILT+ADD_TILT
             Value can be set to an N length array an M length array or a single element array. 
             N is the number of time elements for the data.  M is the number of periods in the time interval.(determined by the period keyword)
             If single element is provided the same correction will be applied to all periods.   
             If an N length array is provided, the data will be re-sampled to an M length array. Consequently, if
             the values change quickly, the period may need to be shortened. 
         get_tilt: Returns the dipole_tilt parameter used for each period. 
             Returned value has a number of elements equal to the value returned by get_nperiod
         set_tilt: Alternative alternative dipole_tilt value rather than the geopack tilt.
             This input can be an M length array, and N length array or a single elemnt.
             Value can be set to an N length array an M length array or a single element array. 
             N is the number of time elements for the data.  M is the number of periods in the time interval.(determined by the period keyword)
             If an N length array is provided, the data will be re-sampled to an M length array. Consequently, if
             the values change quickly, the period may need to be shortened. 
             set_tilt will cause add_tilt to be ignored. 

         exact_tilt_times (optional):  Set this keyword to avoid grouping similar times (default 10 minutes) and instead
              recalculate the dipole tilt at each input time
         get_nperiod: Returns the number of periods used for the time interval=  ceil((end_time-start_time)/period)

         geopack_2008 (optional): Set this keyword to use the latest version (2008) of the Geopack
              library. Version 9.2 of the IDL Geopack DLM is required for this keyword to work.
Example: trace2iono,in_time,in_pos,out_foot

  1. Relies on the IDL/Geopack Module provided by Haje Korth JHU/APL
      and N.A. Tsyganenko NASA/GSFC, if the module is not installed
      this function will fail.  
  2. Has a loop with number of iterations =
      This means that as period becomes smaller the amount time of this
      function should take will grow quickly.
  3. If the trace_array variable is set
      the period variable will be ignored.  The program will
      recalculate for each value, this will cause the program to
      run very slowly. 
  4. All calculations are done internally in double precision

 $LastChangedBy: jwl $
 $LastChangedDate: 2022-09-16 16:30:39 -0700 (Fri, 16 Sep 2022) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 31098 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See external/IDL_GEOPACK/trace/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
Procedure : ttrace2equator

Purpose: tplot wrapper for field line footprint and tracing routines
         This program will always use the refined foot point mappings 
         (a modification made by Vassilis Angelopoulos to provide more accurate
         mappings of foot points) as there is no Tsyganenko code to 
         perform equatorial traces.Model parameters can be provided
         in the par array or individually, using the
         parameter's name.  If a model parameter is provided
         by name, it will overwrite a part of any par value
         provided.  If a named parameter is provided, but is
         unneeded by the model, it will be ignored.

         in_pos_tvar: name of the tplot variable storing the
             position information for tracing, input values should be in
             'gse','gei','gsm',or 'sm'

         newname(optional): name of the tplot variable in which output
             footprints should be stored(default: in_pos_tvar+'_foot')

         trace_var_name(optional): name of the tplot variable in
             which to store the traces of field lines leading to footprints. 
             Because traces are of variable length, the returned array
             will be of dimensions NxDx3
             D is the maximum number of vectors in any of the traces.
             Shorter traces will have NaNs filling the space at the end
             of the array  

         in_coord(optional): set this keyword to the coordinate
             system of the input, defaults to 'gsm', must match tplot
             meta data

         out_coord(optional): set this keyword to a string indicating
             the coordinate system output data should be in, defaults to 'gsm'
             (can be 'geo','gei','gse','gsm',or 'sm' default: the same as
              the input)

         internal_model(optional): set this keyword to a string
             indicating the internal model that should be used in tracing
             (can be 'dip' or 'igrf' default:igrf)

         external_model(optional): set this keyword to a string
             indicating the external model that should be used in tracing
             (can be 'none','t89','t96','t01', or 't04s' default: none)

         SOUTH(optional): set this keyword to indicate that fields
             should be traced towards the southern hemisphere. By default
             they trace north.
         KM(optional): set this keyword to indicate that input
             and output will be in KM not RE
         par(optional): parameter input for the external field model
             if using t89 then it should be an N element array containing 
             kp values or a single kp value, if using t96,t01,t04s it
             should be an N x 10 element array of parmod values or a 10
             element array. At the moment if an external model is set and
             this is not set an error will be thrown. This value can also
             be tplot variable name. If it is a tplot variable name it
             will be interpolated to match the positions in pos_tvar
         period(optional): the amount of time between recalculations of
             geodipole tilt and input of new model parameters in
             seconds (default: 60) increase this value to decrease
             run time 
             if field line traces are requested this parameter is
             ignored and new model parameters are input on each

         error(optional): named variable in which to return the error
             state of the procedure.  1 for success, 0 for failure

         R0(optional):  radius of a sphere (in re), defining the inner boundary of the tracing region
         (usually, earth's surface or the ionosphere, where r0~1.0)
         if the field line reaches that sphere from outside, its inbound tracing is
         terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf  are calculated.
         (units are km if /km is set)

         RLIM(optional) - radius of a sphere (in re), defining the outer boundary of the tracing region;
         if the field line reaches that boundary from inside, its outbound tracing is
         terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf are calculated.(default 60 RE)
         (units are km if /km is set)      

         NOBOUNDARY(optional): Override boundary limits.
         STORM(optional): Specify storm-time version of T01 external 
             magnetic field model use together with /T01.

         kp (optional): Kp index value for T89 model should either be a
              string naming a tplot variable or an array or a single
              value. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to
              match the time inputs from the position var. Non-tplot array values
              must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar
         pdyn(optional): Solar wind pressure(nanoPascals) should either be a
              string naming a tplot variable or an array or a single
              value. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to
              match the time inputs from the position var. Non-tplot array values
              must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         dsti(optional): DST index(nanoTeslas)  should either be a
              string naming a tplot variable or an array or a single
              value.  If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to
              match the time inputs from the position var. Non-tplot array values
              must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         yimf(optional): y component of the interplanetary magnetic field
             should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an
             array or a single value.  If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         zimf(optional): z component of the interplanetary magnetic field
             should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an
             array or a single value.  If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar
         symc(optional, for TA16 only): sliding average of Sym-H over 30-min interval,
             centered on the current time moment.
             symc can be computed from symh using symh2symc

         g1(optional):  index describes solar wind conditions in the
             previous hour, should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an
             array or a single value.   If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         g2(optional): index describes solar wind conditions in the
             previous hour should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an
             array or a single value.   If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar
         w1(optional):  time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable(see paper reference
             below for definitions of w1-w6) or a single value. 
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w2(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w3(optional):  time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w4(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w5(optional):  time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w6(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         get_tilt(optional):  Set this value to a tplot variable name in which the geodipole tilt for each period will be returned
             One sample will be returned for each period with time at the center of the period.
         set_tilt(optional): Set this to a tplot variable name or an array of values containing the dipole tilt that should be used.
             If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         add_tilt(optional): Set this to a tplot variable name or an array of values containing the values to be added to the dipole tilt
             that should be used for each period. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         exact_tilt_times (optional):  Set this keyword to avoid grouping similar times (default 10 minutes) and instead
              recalculate the dipole tilt at each input time

         get_nperiod(optional): Return the number of periods used in the time interval
         geopack_2008 (optional): Set this keyword to use the latest version (2008) of the Geopack
              library. Version 9.2 of the IDL Geopack DLM is required for this keyword to work.
         ts07_param_dir (optional): Specify location of TS07 parameter directory
         ts07_param_file (optional): Specify TS07 parameter file to load
         skip_ts07_load (optional):  Do not reset the TS07 parameter directory or reload the parameter file

Example: ttrace2equator,'tha_state_pos',newname='tha_out_foot'

See: crib_ttrace for more examples

  1. Relies on the IDL/Geopack Module provided by Haje Korth JHU/APL
      and N.A. Tsyganenko NASA/GSFC, if the module is not installed
      this function will fail.  
  2. Has a loop with number of iterations =
      This means that as period becomes smaller the amount time of this
      function should take will grow quickly.
  3. If the trace_array variable is set
      the period variable will be ignored.  The program will
      recalculate for each value, this will cause the program to
      run very slowly. 
  4. All calculations are done internally in double precision

 $LastChangedBy: jwl $
 $LastChangedDate: 2022-09-16 16:30:39 -0700 (Fri, 16 Sep 2022) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 31098 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See external/IDL_GEOPACK/trace/


[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]
Procedure : ttrace2iono

Purpose: tplot wrapper for field line footprint and tracing routines
         This program will always use the refined foot point mappings
         (a modification made by Vassilis Angelopoulos to provide more
         accurate mappings of foot points) unless you request the standard
         mapping. Model parameters can be provided in the par array
         or individually, using the parameter's name.  If a model parameter
         is provided by name, it will overwrite an par value
         provided.  If a named parameter is provided, but is
         unneeded by the model, it will be ignored.

         in_pos_tvar: name of the tplot variable storing the
             position information for tracing, input values should be in
             'gse','gei','gsm',or 'sm'

         newname(optional): name of the tplot variable in which output
             footprints should be stored(default: in_pos_tvar+'_foot')

         trace_var_name(optional): name of the tplot variable in
             which to store the traces of field lines leading to footprints. 
             Because traces are of variable length, the returned array
             will be of dimensions NxDx3
             D is the maximum number of vectors in any of the traces.
             Shorter traces will have NaNs filling the space at the end
             of the array  

         in_coord(optional): set this keyword to the coordinate
             system of the input, defaults to 'gsm', must match tplot
             meta data

         out_coord(optional): set this keyword to a string indicating
             the coordinate system output data should be in, defaults to 'gsm'
             (can be 'geo','gei','gse','gsm',or 'sm' default: the same as
              the input)

         internal_model(optional): set this keyword to a string
             indicating the internal model that should be used in tracing
             (can be 'dip' or 'igrf' default:igrf)

         external_model(optional): set this keyword to a string
             indicating the external model that should be used in tracing
             (can be 'none','t89','t96','t01', or 't04s' default: none)

         SOUTH(optional): set this keyword to indicate that fields
             should be traced towards the southern hemisphere. By default
             they trace north.
         KM(optional): set this keyword to indicate that input
             and output will be in KM not RE
         par(optional): parameter input for the external field model
             if using t89 then it should be an N element array containing 
             kp values or a single kp value, if using t96,t01,t04s it
             should be an N x 10 element array of parmod values or a 10
             element array or a 1x10 element array. At the moment if an
             external model is set and this is not set an error will be
             thrown. This can also contain a string naming a tplot 
             variable storing the par values. If a tplot variable is 
             named it will also be interpolated to match the position
         period(optional): the amount of time between recalculations of
             geodipole tilt and input of new model parameters in
             seconds (default: 60) increase this value to decrease
             run time 
             if field line traces are requested this parameter is
             ignored and new model parameters are input on each

         error(optional): named variable in which to return the error
             state of the procedure.  1 for success, 0 for failure
         standard_mapping(optional): Set to use Tsyganenko's
             unmodified version instead of the Angelopoulos's 
             refined version

         R0(optional):  radius of a sphere (in re), defining the inner boundary of the tracing region
         (usually, earth's surface or the ionosphere, where r0~1.0)
         if the field line reaches that sphere from outside, its inbound tracing is
         terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf  are calculated.
         (units are km if /km is set)

         RLIM(optional) - radius of a sphere (in re), defining the outer boundary of the tracing region;
         if the field line reaches that boundary from inside, its outbound tracing is
         terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf are calculated.(default 60 RE)
         (units are km if /km is set)

         NOBOUNDARY(optional): Override boundary limits.
         STORM(optional): Specify storm-time version of T01 external 
             magnetic field model use together with /T01.

         kp (optional): Kp index value for T89 model should either be a
              string naming a tplot variable or an array or a single
              value. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to
              match the time inputs from the position var. Non-tplot array values
              must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar.

         pdyn(optional): Solar wind pressure(nanoPascals) should either be a
              string naming a tplot variable or an array or a single
              value. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to
              match the time inputs from the position var. Non-tplot array values
              must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         dsti(optional): DST index(nanoTeslas)  should either be a
              string naming a tplot variable or an array or a single
              value.  If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to
              match the time inputs from the position var. Non-tplot array values
              must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         yimf(optional): y component of the interplanetary magnetic field
             should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an
             array or a single value.  If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         zimf(optional): z component of the interplanetary magnetic field
             should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an
             array or a single value.  If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         symc(optional, for TA16 only): sliding average of Sym-H over 30-min interval,
             centered on the current time moment.
             symc can be computed from symh using symh2symc

         g1(optional):  index describes solar wind conditions in the
             previous hour, should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an
             array or a single value.   If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         g2(optional): index describes solar wind conditions in the
             previous hour should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an
             array or a single value.   If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar
         w1(optional):  time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable(see paper reference
             below for definitions of w1-w6) or a single value. 
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w2(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w3(optional):  time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w4(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w5(optional):  time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         w6(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm
             can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value
             If a tplot input is used it will
             be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the
             tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         get_tilt(optional):  Set this value to a tplot variable name in which the geodipole tilt for each period will be returned
             One sample will be returned for each period with time at the center of the period.
         set_tilt(optional): Set this to a tplot variable name or an array of values containing the dipole tilt that should be used.
             If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         add_tilt(optional): Set this to a tplot variable name or an array of values containing the values to be added to the dipole tilt
             that should be used for each period. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position
             var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar

         exact_tilt_times (optional):  Set this keyword to avoid grouping similar times (default 10 minutes) and instead
              recalculate the dipole tilt at each input time
         get_nperiod(optional): Return the number of periods used in the time interval
         geopack_2008 (optional): Set this keyword to use the latest version (2008) of the Geopack
              library. Version 9.2 of the IDL Geopack DLM is required for this keyword to work.
         ts07_param_dir (optional): Specify location of TS07 parameter directory
         ts07_param_file (optional): Specify TS07 parameter file to load
         skip_ts07_load (optional):  Do not reset the TS07 parameter directory or reload the parameter file

Example: ttrace2iono,'tha_state_pos',newname='tha_out_foot'

See: crib_ttrace for more examples

  1. Relies on the IDL/Geopack Module provided by Haje Korth JHU/APL
      and N.A. Tsyganenko NASA/GSFC, if the module is not installed
      this function will fail.  
  2. Has a loop with number of iterations =
      This means that as period becomes smaller the amount time of this
      function should take will grow quickly.
  3. If the trace_array variable is set
      the period variable will be ignored.  The program will
      recalculate for each value, this will cause the program to
      run very slowly. 
  4. All calculations are done internally in double precision

 $LastChangedBy: jwl $
 $LastChangedDate: 2022-09-16 16:30:39 -0700 (Fri, 16 Sep 2022) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 31098 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See external/IDL_GEOPACK/trace/