;+ ; tt89_test ; ; Purpose: A few tests to verify that the model and the wrapper ; procedures work correctly ; ; $LastChangedBy: lphilpott $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-06-14 11:15:50 -0700 (Thu, 14 Jun 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 10561 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/external/IDL_GEOPACK/t89/t89_test.pro $ ;- ;takes a matrix whose columns define a plane ;and an Nx3 series of points ;returns an Nx2 series of points generated by projecting x into a function project_t89, a, x p = a ## invert(transpose(a) ## a) ## transpose(a) return, p ## x end pro orbital_vf_t89, name get_data, name, data = d tt89, name,kp=2.0D get_data, name+'_bt89', data = td t_size = n_elements(d.x) ;3 points selected to define a plane v1 = d.y[0, *] v2 = d.y[floor(t_size/3), *] v3 = d.y[floor(2*t_size/3), *] ;plane vectors are just v2, and v3 shifted by the reference point v1 vp1 = v2-v1 vp2 = v3-v1 proj_pos = project_t89([vp1, vp2], d.y) proj_mag = project_t89([vp1, vp2], td.y) ivector, interpol(proj_mag[*, 0],20),interpol(proj_mag[*, 1],20), interpol(proj_pos[*, 0],20), interpol(proj_pos[*, 1],20),renderer=1 end timespan, '2007-03-23' ;load state data thm_load_state, probe = 'b', coord = 'gsm' ;no argument test tt89, 'thb_state_pos',error=e if e eq 0 then begin message,/continue,'error detected, stopping' stop endif tplot,'thb_state_pos_bt89' stop del_data,'thb_state_pos_bt89' ;test with single number argument tt89, 'thb_state_pos',kp=2.0D,error=e if e eq 0 then begin message,/continue,'error detected, stopping' stop endif tplot,'thb_state_pos_bt89' stop del_data,'thb_state_pos_bt89' get_data,'thb_state_pos',data=d n = n_elements(d.x) ;test with an array argument tt89, 'thb_state_pos',kp=replicate(2.0D,n),error=e if e eq 0 then begin message,/continue,'error detected, stopping' stop endif tplot,'thb_state_pos_bt89' stop del_data,'thb_state_pos_bt89' d2 = {x:d.x[0],y:2.0D} store_data,'t_kp',data=d2 ;test with a tplot argument tt89,'thb_state_pos',kp='t_kp',error=e if e eq 0 then begin message,/continue,'error detected, stopping' stop endif tplot,'thb_state_pos_bt89' stop del_data,'thb_state_pos_bt89' ;test with newname tt89, 'thb_state_pos',kp=2.0D,newname='test',error=e if e eq 0 then begin message,/continue,'error detected, stopping' stop endif tplot,'test' stop del_data,'test' ;test with a different period tt89, 'thb_state_pos',kp=2.0D,period=30,error=e if e eq 0 then begin message,/continue,'error detected, stopping' stop endif tplot,'thb_state_pos_bt89' stop ;test with an incremented tilt tt89, 'thb_state_pos',kp=2.0,period=30,error=e,get_tilt='tilt_vals',get_nperiod=gn,add_tilt=1 if e eq 0 then begin message,/continue,'error detected, stopping' stop endif tplot,'tilt_vals' stop ;test with a set tilt tt89, 'thb_state_pos',kp=2.0,period=30,error=e,get_tilt='tilt_vals',get_nperiod=gn,set_tilt=1 if e eq 0 then begin message,/continue,'error detected, stopping' stop endif options,'tilt_vals',yrange=[0,2] tplot,'tilt_vals' options,'tilt_vals',yrange=[1,1] ;reset to auto-range stop orbital_vf_t89,'thb_state_pos' print,'The plot produced should look like the plot titled t89_test.png' end