This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Dec 20 10:37:44 2023.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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  Runs standard ESA sanitation routine on data array.
    -removes excess fields in data structures
    -performs unit conversion (if UNITS specified)
    -removes retrace bin (top energy)
    -reverses energies to be in ascending order

Calling Sequence:
  thm_cmb_clean_esa, dist_array, [,units=units]

  dist_array:  ESA particle data array from thm_part_dist_array
  units: String specifying output units

  none, modifies input

  Further unit conversions will not be possible after sanitation
  due to the loss of some support quantities.

$LastChangedBy: jimm $
$LastChangedDate: 2020-08-12 13:44:20 -0700 (Wed, 12 Aug 2020) $
$LastChangedRevision: 29018 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/combined/


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  Runs standard SST sanitation routine on data array.
    -removes excess fields in data structures
    -performs unit conversion (if UNITS specified)
    -applies contamination removal (none or default bins)

Calling Sequence:
  thm_cmb_clean_sst, dist_array [,units] [,sst_sun_bins=sst_sun_bins]

  dist_array:  SST particle data array from thm_part_dist_array
  units: String specifying output units
  sst_sun_bins: Numerical list of contaminated bins to be removed
  sst_data_mask:  The name of a tplot variable containing a 1-dimensional, 0-1 array indicating SST samples to exclude(0=exclude,1=include),
                  If values don't match the times of particle data, they'll be nearest neighbor interpolated to match.

  none, modifies input

  Further unit conversions will not be possible after sanitation
  due to the loss of some support quantities.

$LastChangedBy: pcruce $
$LastChangedDate: 2016-07-18 12:21:54 -0700 (Mon, 18 Jul 2016) $
$LastChangedRevision: 21480 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/combined/


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  Unit conversion routine for combined (ESA+SST) particle distributions.
Calling Sequence:
  This procedure is called implicitly by

  data: single combined distribution structure
  units: string specifying the target units (flux, eflux, or df)
  scale: set to named variable to pass out conversion factor

  none, modifies input structure


$LastChangedBy: jimmpc1 $
$LastChangedDate: 2017-10-09 11:19:52 -0700 (Mon, 09 Oct 2017) $
$LastChangedRevision: 24129 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/combined/


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Detects mode overlap that occasionally occurs in ESA data, this
function compares the times for different ESA modes, if there is
overlap, as indicated by a mode end time greater than or equal to the
start time of the following mode, then an overlap is flagged. This
should be used for reprocessing gmom data files that had entire modes
removed due to overlaps.
overlap_flag = thm_esa_detect_overlap(date = date, probe = probe)
 via keyword
overlap_flag = 1, if overlap is detected, = 0 otherwise
date = the date, the default is to let thm_load_esa_pkt prompt for
probe = the probe, the default is 'a'

$LastChangedBy: jimm $
$LastChangedDate: 2020-08-18 10:11:19 -0700 (Tue, 18 Aug 2020) $
$LastChangedRevision: 29044 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/combined/


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  Create combined particle distributions from ESA and SST data.
  This distributions acts as a new data type and can be passed 
  to most THEMIS/SPEDAS particle product routines to create 
  combined ESA/SST plots.
  Combined distributions are created in three steps:
    a) Linear time interpolation
         -time samples are matched by linearly interpolating the  
          data set with lower time resolution to match the other
    b) Linear spherical interpolation
         -both data sets are interpolated onto the same angular grid
    c) Energy gap interpolation
         -once all times/angles match the gap between the 
          ESA and SST energy ranges is filled in with a logarithmic 
          linear interpolation (log(flux) vs log(energy))

Calling Sequence:
  combined_dist = thm_part_combine( probe=probe, trange=trange, 
                     esa_datatype=esa_datatype, sst_datatype=sst_datatype
                     [,units=units] [,regrid=regrid] [,energies=energies]
                     [,orig_esa=orig_esa] [,orig_sst=orig_sst] ... ) 

  probe:  Probe designation (string).
  trange:  Two element array specifying time range (string or double). 
  esa_datatype:  ESA datatype designation (string).
  sst_datatype:  SST datatype designation (string). 
  units:  String specifying output units ('flux', 'eflux', or 'df') 
  esa_dist:  Pass in manually loaded ESA particle data (see thm_part_dist_array)
             Must be used with SST_DIST 
  sst_dist:  Pass in manually loaded SST particle data (see thm_part_dist_array)
             Must be used with ESA_DIST
  regrid:  Two element array specifying the number of points used to regrid
           the data in phi and theta respectively (int or float). 
  energies:  Array specifying the energy interpolation mid-point targets for all output bins above the ESA.(gap & SST)
             If unspecified, a hardcoded set of defaults is used. 
  sst_sun_bins:  Array list of SST bins to mask (bin indices) (int).
  sst_min_energy: Set to minimum energy to toss bins that are having problems from instrument degradation. (float)
  esa_max_energy: Set to maximum energy to toss bins that are having problems from instrument contamination.(float) 
  set_counts:  Set all data to this # of counts before interpolation (for comparison).
  only_sst: Interpolates ESA to match SST and returns SST(only) with interpolated bins.(Backwards compatibility: functionality of thm_sst_load_calibrate)
  interp_to_esa: Combined product but data interpolated to match ESA(instead of always interpolating to higher resolution)
  interp_to_sst: Combined product but data interpolated to match SST(instead of always interpolating to higher resolution)
  get_sun_direction: Load sun direction with particle data (for 2D slices)
  esa_bgnd_advanced: Apply advanced ESA background subtraction 
                     Must call thm_load_esa_bkg first to calculate background
                     Disables default anode-based background removal
  extrapolate_esa: Flag to extrapolate from ESA data where no valid SST data exists
                   instead of throwing error.  Not recommended - use with caution!
  remove_one_count: removes all bins that are less than one count, suggestion from heli hietala(
  sst_data_mask:  The name of a tplot variable containing a 1-dimensional, 0-1 array indicating SST samples to exclude(0=exclude,1=include),
                  If values don't match the times of particle data, they'll be nearest neighbor interpolated to match.
  get_error:  if set, interpolates scaling factor needed for error propagation  
  combined_dist: Pointer array to combined distribution data.  This is analagous
                 to the arrays returned by thm_part_dist_array with each element
                 referencing a distinct mode, or in this case combination of modes.
  orig_esa: Pointer array to original ESA distribution data.
  orig_sst: Pointer array to original SST distribution data.

General Notes:
  Combined distributions can be used with the following routines in the same
  way as output from thm_part_dist_array:

            thm_part_conv_units (unit conversion)
            thm_part_moments (wrapper/deprecated)
            thm_part_getspec (wrapper/deprecated)
  Processing more than 1-2 hours of data (full) at once may cause older systems to 
  run out of memory.  Typical run times 30-60+ sec.

  SST:  This routine automatically uses the /sst_cal option when loading sst full
        or burst data and sets default contamination removal options.  No calibrations or contamination
        removal are applied for reduced data.  Other contamination
        options may be passed through to override the defaults, see SST contamination 
        removal crib for options.

 Note that the GET_ERROR keyword must be set if the user wants to
 propagate errors through to the thm_part_moments routine. This is
 not done automatically, because it doubles the interpolation time

Developer Notes:
  In general this code makes the following assumptions about the particle data:
    -(ESA & SST) The dimensions of all fields will remain constant within a mode.
    -(ESA & SST) A single distribution's energy bins are constant across all look angles.
    -(ESA & SST) Energy bins may change within a mode (they probably never will but 
                 this is assumed for safety).
    -(ESA & SST) Look directions, while general constant within a mode, may change at
                 any point due to eclipse corrections to phi values.
  All E/phi/theta items above are assumed for the bin widths as well.  Greater
  uniformity is assumed as the data is replaced with interpolated versions.

$LastChangedBy: jimmpc1 $
$LastChangedDate: 2017-10-05 10:26:24 -0700 (Thu, 05 Oct 2017) $
$LastChangedRevision: 24117 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/combined/


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  Interpolate particle data by energy between sst & esa distributions using 
  a weighted curve fitting routine.

  dist_sst: SST particle distribution structure in flux 
  dist_esa: ESA particle distribution structure in flux
  energies: The set of target energies to interpolated the SST to.
   Replaces dist_sst with the interpolated data set

  error: Set to 1 on error, zero otherwise
  get_error:  if set, interpolates scaling factor needed for error propagation
   #1 The number of time samples and the times of those samples must 
      be the same for dist_sst & dist_esa (use
   #2 The number of angles and the angles of each sample must be 
      the same for dist_sst & dist_esa (use


  $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
  $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-26 16:32:05 -0700 (Thu, 26 Sep 2013) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 13156 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/combined/


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  Merge ESA/SST particle distributions once they have been 
  altered to match in time, energy, angle, and mode transition. 

  esa_dist:  esa distribution array
  sst_dist:  sst distribution array
  sst_only:  flag to only return SST + new energies
  probe:  probe designation
  esa_datatype:  esa data type, e.g. 'peif'
  sst_datatype:  sst data type, e.g. 'psif'

  out_dist:  combined distributions, fresh and ready for unit conversion


$LastChangedBy: aaflores $
$LastChangedDate: 2013-09-26 18:59:57 -0700 (Thu, 26 Sep 2013) $
$LastChangedRevision: 13157 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/combined/


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PROCEDURE: thm_part_sphere_interp

PURPOSE: Temporary generalized copy of thm_part_sphere_interpolate  
  (Interpolate particle data to match the look direcitons of another distribution)

  source: The particle distribution to be modified by spherical interpolation.
  target: The particle distribution to which the sources times have been matched.
          This distribution will only be used to merge times between modes.
   Replaces source with a spherically interpolated version

  error: Set to 1 on error, zero otherwise
  get_error: if set, interpolates scaling factor needed for error propagation
   #1 Interpolation done using IDL library routine "griddata"
   #2 This code assumes that source & target have been time interpolated to match each other

   This has a ton of TBDs, we need to come back and fix them when time is available.  With TBDs this code will not have general purpose utility...
   thm_part_dist_array, thm_part_smooth, thm_part_subtract,thm_part_omni_convert,

  $LastChangedBy: aaflores $
  $LastChangedDate: 2013-10-02 10:31:06 -0700 (Wed, 02 Oct 2013) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 13173 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/combined/


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PROCEDURE: thm_part_time_interpolate
PURPOSE:  Interpolate particle data to match the time grid of another distribution, or to an arbitary time grid

  source: A particle dist_data structure to be modified by interpolation to match target
  target: A particle dist_data structure whose times will be matched, or an array of target times for interpolatuion.
   Replaces source with a time interpolated dist_data structure

  error: Set to 1 on error, zero otherwise
   Any target times that occur between modes will contain samples filled with NANs.  Effective interpolation is very very tricky between modes.(Read: It will probably never happen)
   Accepts any keywords normally accepted by IDL interpol
   This has a done of TBDs, we need to come back and fix them when time is available.
   thm_part_dist_array, thm_part_smooth, thm_part_subtract,thm_part_omni_convert

  $LastChangedBy: jimmpc1 $
  $LastChangedDate: 2017-10-23 14:17:30 -0700 (Mon, 23 Oct 2017) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 24204 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/combined/