;+ ; ; Procedure: THM_SST_PSIF ; ; For documentation on sun contamination correction keywords that ; may be passed in through the _extra keyword please see: ; thm_sst_remove_sunpulse.pro or thm_crib_sst_contamination.pro ; ; ;VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-02-05 14:02:49 -0800 (Fri, 05 Feb 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 19904 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/SST/thm_sst_psif.pro $ ;- function thm_sst_psif,time,index=index,probe=probe,times=times,$ badbins2mask=badbins2mask, $ err_msg=err_msg, msg_suppress=msg_suppress, $ _extra=ex data_cache,'th'+probe+'_sst_raw_data',data,/get if not keyword_set(data) then begin err_msg = 'No data loaded for probe '+probe dprint,dlevel=1, err_msg return,0 endif if keyword_set(times) then return, *data.sif_064_time dptr = data.sif_064_data dim = size(/dimension,*dptr) dist = thm_sst_dist3d_16x64(/ion,probe=probe) dist.project_name = 'THEMIS' dist.spacecraft = strlowcase(probe) dist.data_name = 'SST Ion Full distribution' dist.apid = '45a'x dist.magf = !values.f_nan if n_elements(index) eq 0 then begin if n_elements(time) eq 0 then begin ctime,time endif index=round( interp(dindgen(dim[0]),*data.sif_064_time,time) ,/l64) if index lt 0 || index ge dim[0] then begin dprint,dlevel=0,'No valid data for the requested time' return,0 endif endif dprint,dlevel=5,index dist.index = index if index lt 0 or index ge n_elements(*data.sif_064_time) then return,dist ;Note SST L1 data has been corrected to be mid time interval, jmm, 2-oct-2012 dist.time = (*data.sif_064_time)[index]-1.5 dist.end_time = dist.time+3.0 dist.data= thm_part_decomp16((*data.sif_064_data)[index,*,*]) dist.cnfg= (*data.sif_064_cnfg)[index] dist.nspins= (*data.sif_064_nspins)[index] dist.eclipse_dphi = (*data.sif_064_edphi)[index] ;dist.cnfg= (*data.sif_064_hed)[index,13] ; ;There seems to be a timing error in the sst attenuator flags. This leaves a short interval ;of data that is not corrected using the correct factor, creating a spike in the data. ;Shifting the attenuator flags by one sample seems to remove most of these errors. ;dist.atten = (*data.sif_064_atten)[index] dist.atten = (*data.sif_064_atten)[index-1>0] dist.units_name = 'Counts' dist.valid=1 dist.mass = 1836.*0.511e6/(2.9979e5)^2 dist.bins[12:15,*] = 0 if keyword_set(badbins2mask) then begin if array_equal(badbins2mask,1) then begin bad_ang = [0,16,32,48] ; default masking created by Davin badbins2mask = intarr(64)+1 badbins2mask[bad_ang] = 0 endif endif dist = thm_sst_remove_sunpulse(badbins2mask=badbins2mask,dist,err_msg=err_msg,msg_suppress=msg_suppress,_extra=ex) return,dist end