This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Dec 20 10:37:44 2023.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


[Next Routine] [List of Routines]
 Execute the given query and return the results in an array of
 structures of the given type. 
 This may return an error code or -1 if no data are found.

(See projects/mms/sdc/


[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]
 Query a LaTiS web service to get the SROIs whose
 start_time falls within the given time range.
 SROIs include predicted (future) values, which are subject to change.
 start_time and end_time arguments are optional. If specified, they
 must be UTC dates or datetimes in a format similar to the following:
 The '/' can optionally be a space or 'T'.
 The time part can be omitted. Fractional seconds are optional.
 If neither argument is specified, SROIs for all times are returned.
 Comparison to start_time is inclusive (>=), to end_time is exclusive (<).
 sc_id is optional. If omitted, results are returned for all spacecraft.
 Otherwise, it must be one of 'mms1', 'mms2', 'mms3', 'mms4', case-insensitive.
 Normally returns an array of struct with the following fields derived
 from the mms_events_view LaTiS dataset.
 start_time : string, UTC datetime string, e.g., '2020-02-15/08:21:01.000'
 end_time   : string, UTC datetime string
 sc_id      : string, 'mms1', etc. 
 orbit      : int, MMS orbit number at start_time_utc
 public     : bool, if set, executes the latis query as a public user
 The array is always sorted by start_time ascending.
 Can return an integer error code or -1 if no data are found.
 IDL> srois = get_mms_srois(start_time='2020-02-15/08:21:01.000', sc_id='mms1')
 IDL> help,srois
 SROIS           STRUCT    = -> SROI Array[60]
 IDL> help,srois[0]
 ** Structure SROI, 4 tags, length=56, data length=52:
 START_TIME      STRING    '2020-02-15/08:21:01.000'
 END_TIME        STRING    '2020-02-15/17:54:03.000'
 SC_ID           STRING    'mms1'
 ORBIT           LONG              1084

(See projects/mms/sdc/