;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mex_marsis_snap ; PURPOSE: ; Plots ionograms for times selected with the cursor in a tplot window. ; Hold down the left mouse button and slide for a movie effect. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mex_marsis_snap, /keepwin ; KEYWORDS: ; window: window number (Def. a new window will be generated) ; keepwin: do not delete the snap window ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2017-05-11 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2023-12-17 20:37:02 -0800 (Sun, 17 Dec 2023) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 32299 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_0/projects/mex/marsis/mex_marsis_snap.pro $ ;- pro mex_marsis_snap, window=window, keepwin=keepwin, time=t0, _extra=_ex, nowindow=nowindow, noaalt=noaalt, symsize=symsize, noinv=noinv, nochfit=nochfit, csv_save=csv_save @mex_marsis_com if ~size(marsis_ionograms,/type) and ~size(marsis_inv,/type) then begin dprint,'No ionogram/inversion data are loaded' return endif if ~keyword_set(noinv) and size(marsis_inv,/type) ne 0 then inv=1 else inv=0 if ~keyword_set(symsize) then symsize = .5 tplot_options, get_opt=topt str_element, topt, 'window', value=Twin, success=ok if (not ok) then Twin = !d.window ;;; set up a window dsize = get_screen_size() if ~keyword_set(nowindow) then if size(window,/type) ne 0 then Iwin = window else begin window, /free, xsize=dsize[0]/2., ysize=dsize[1]*2./3.,xpos=0., ypos=dsize[1]/3. Iwin = !d.window endelse oldpmulti = !p.multi if size(t0,/type) eq 0 then begin print, 'Use button 1 to select time; button 3 to quit.' ctime,t,npoints=1,/silent endif else t = time_double(t0) ok = 1 while (ok) do begin if ~keyword_set(nowindow) then wset,Iwin if size(marsis_ionograms,/type) ne 0 then begin ;;; get data tmp = min( abs(marsis_ionograms.time - t) , inow ) orbstr = string(marsis_ionograms[inow].orbnum,f='(i0)') time = marsis_ionograms[inow].time freq = marsis_ionograms[inow].freq /1e6 sdens = marsis_ionograms[inow].spec arange = 0.1499 * marsis_delay_times td = marsis_delay_times /1e3 geom_str = '' alt =!values.f_nan if size(marsis_geometry,/type) ne 0 then begin alt = interp(marsis_geometry.alt,marsis_geometry.time,time, $ interp=10,/no_ex) ;; tmp = min(abs(marsis_geometry.time-time),imin) ;; if tmp lt 10 then alt = marsis_geometry[imin].alt geom_str = ', Alt: '+string(alt,f='(f6.1)') endif if ~keyword_set(noaalt) and finite(alt) then altflag = 1 else altflag = 0 if inv then !p.multi = [0,1,2] dlim = {xmargin:[8,12+10*altflag],xtitle:'Frequency [MHz]',xstyle:1, $ xrange:[0,max(freq)],xticklen:-.01,yticklen:-.01, $ ymargin:[4,2],ytitle:'Time Delay [ms]', $ yrange:[max(marsis_delay_times/1e3),0],ystyle:1+8*altflag, $ ztitle:'Spectral Density!c[(V/m)!u2!n/Hz]', $ zlog:1,zrange:[1e-18,1e-10],no_interp:1,zoffset:[1,2]+10*altflag, $ minzlog:1e-30, $ title:'Orb '+orbstr+', ' $ +time_string(time,tf='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.fff')+geom_str} extract_tags,dlim,_ex specplot,freq,marsis_delay_times/1e3,sdens,lim=dlim if altflag then $ axis,yaxis=1,ystyle=1,ytitle='Apparent Alt. [km]',yticklen=-.01, $ yrange=alt+[-0.1499*max(marsis_delay_times),0.] if keyword_set(csv_save) then begin csv_filename = 'iono_'+time_string(time,tf='YYYYMMDD_hhmmss')+'.csv' aalt = alt -0.1499*marsis_delay_times openw,unit,csv_filename,/get_lun line = 'aalt [km] (column) / freq [MHz] (row)' for ifreq=0,n_elements(freq)-1 do line += ', '+string(freq[ifreq],f='(f9.3)') printf,unit,line for iaalt=0,n_elements(aalt)-1 do begin line = string(aalt[iaalt],f='(f9.2)') for ifreq=0,n_elements(freq)-1 do begin line += ', '+string(sdens[ifreq,iaalt],f='(e9.2)') endfor printf,unit,line endfor free_lun,unit endif ;;; plots plasma line harmonics and electron cyclotron echoes if size(marsis_eledens_bmag,/type) eq 8 then begin tmp = min( abs(marsis_eledens_bmag.time - time) , inow ) if tmp lt 7 then begin for i=1,16 do begin oplot,[1,1]*marsis_eledens_bmag[inow].fpe/1e3*i,[0,.167], $ color=6,thick=2 oplot,[0,.1],[1,1]*marsis_eledens_bmag[inow].tce*i, $ color=6,thick=2 endfor endif endif ;;; plots ionosphere trace if size(marsis_itrc,/type) ne 0 then begin tmp = min( abs(marsis_itrc.time - time) , inow ) if tmp lt 7 then begin fr_itrc = marsis_itrc[inow].freq td_itrc = marsis_itrc[inow].td oplot,fr_itrc,td_itrc,color=6 oplot,fr_itrc,td_itrc,color=6,psym=4,symsize=symsize endif endif endif ;- ionogram ;;; plot inversion results if inv then begin tmp = min(abs(marsis_inv.time-t),inow) if tmp lt 7. then begin alt_inv = marsis_inv[inow].alt aalt_inv = marsis_inv[inow].aalt dens_inv = marsis_inv[inow].dens alt_inv_interp = marsis_inv[inow].alt_interp dens_inv_interp = marsis_inv[inow].dens_interp plot,[0],/nodata, $ xtitle='Density [cm!u-3!n]',xrange=[1e2,1e6],xlog=1, $ ytitle='Altitude [km]',yrange=[0,max(alt_inv,/nan)], $ title='inversion qflag = '+string(marsis_inv[inow].qflag,f='(i0)') oplot,dens_inv,aalt_inv,color=6 oplot,dens_inv,aalt_inv,psym=4,symsize=symsize,color=6 oplot,dens_inv_interp,alt_inv_interp oplot,dens_inv,alt_inv,psym=4,symsize=symsize ;;; Chapman fit if size(marsis_itrc,/type) eq 8 and ~keyword_set(nochfit) then begin tmp = min(abs(marsis_itrc.time-t),inow2) szanow = marsis_itrc[inow2].sza chapman_fit_set_sza,sza=szanow w = where(finite(dens_inv*alt_inv),nw) if nw gt 3 then begin x = alt_inv[w] y = dens_inv[w] freq_arr = 8980.*y^.5 *1e-6 del_freq_arr = 0. * freq_arr + 1.e-6 * 10937.0/2.0 chapman_fit, freq_arr, x, del_freq_arr, a_fit, sigma_a, rchisq, dof, fit_ind, fit_qual x_extend=findgen(1000) chapman_funct,x_extend,a_fit,f_extend oplot,exp(f_extend),x_extend,color=2 xyouts,color=2,/norm,.8,.4, $ 'n0 = '+string(exp(a_fit[0]),f='(e7.1)') $ +'!ch0 = '+string(a_fit[1],f='(f5.1)') $ +'!cH = '+string(a_fit[2],f='(f4.1)') $ +'!cSZA = '+string(szanow,f='(f5.1)') ;$ ; +'!cqual = '+string(fit_qual) endif endif endif !p.multi = oldpmulti endif if size(t0,/type) eq 0 then begin wait,.1 wset,Twin ctime,t,npoints=1,/silent if (data_type(t) eq 5) then ok = 1 else ok = 0 endif else ok = 0 endwhile if ~keyword_set(nowindow) then if ~keyword_set(keepwin) and size(t0,/type) eq 0 then wdelete,Iwin end