This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Dec 20 10:37:44 2023.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


[List of Routines]
Get sc pot from either just the STATIC common blocks, or the routine mvn_scpot, and put into tplot at the STATIC time cadence
for the specified sta_apid. User specifies which sta apid to use.

sta_apid: string: data product to use, e.g. 'c6', 'd0'. Default is 'c6' if not set (note, all sc potentials in STATIC data products
                  are ultiamtely from c6 data, but added to the other data products).

By default, this routine will alsorun mvn_scpot, which loads in save files that have the sc potential generated from a combination of 
SWEA, STATIC and LPW data, for the entire orbit. mvn_scpot will also update the STATIC common blocks, so that all timestamps have a valid 
sc pot value. There are still some times when the sc pot cannot be calculated, which are set to NaNs in mvn_scpot.

Setting /staticonly will produce the tplot variable using sc potentials stored only in the STATIC common blocks. Note that if you have already
run mvn_scpot, the STATIC common blocks will already contain the full set of sc pot values and you will have to load in STATIC data 
using mvn_sta_l2_load again.

This routine requires that the STATIC common block is loaded for the relevant data product, by running mvn_sta_l2_load beforehand. The
common block for c6 data must also be loaded, otherwise, only sc potentials measured by STATIC will be included. c6 data are needed so that
all other sc potentials can be interpolated to the requested apid timestamps.

timespan, '2019-01-01',1
mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid='c6'
mvn_sta_tplot_scpot, sta_apid='c6'

The routine produces a tplot variable named mvn_sta_[sta_apid]_cb_scpot, where "cb" stands for common block.

For testing:
.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/STATIC_routines/Spacecraft_potential/

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/spacecraft_potential/