;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_lpw_r_mask ;PURPOSE: ; This procedure only defines different masks ; so that 8 and 16 bit numbers can be ; quickly decomutated ; some of these masks are no longer used ; used by mvn_lpw_pkt_r_header.pro and mvn_lpw_pkt_r_header_l0.pro ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_lpw_r_mask,mask16,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,flip_8 ; ;INPUTS: ; r_mask: ; mask16: array to convert 16-bite (word) ; mask8: array to convert 8-bite (byte) ; bin_c: ; index_arr: ; flip_8: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; ;CREATED BY: Laila Andersson 17 august 2011 ;FILE: mvn_lpw_r_mask.pro ;VERSION: 2.0 ;;LAST MODIFICATION: 05/16/13 ; ;140718 clean up for check out L. Andersson ;- pro mvn_lpw_r_mask,mask16,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,flip_8 ;mask(number , the 16 bit word where index 0 is the LS bit) mask16=[[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0], $ [0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,1]] ;2 x 16 for i=1L,15 do begin mask16=[mask16,mask16] ;4 x 16 mask16[2L^i:2L^(i+1)-1,15-i]=1 endfor mask8=[[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,1]] ;2 x 8 for i=1,7 do begin mask8=[mask8,mask8] ;4 x 16 mask8[2L^i:2L^(i+1)-1,7-i]=1 endfor bin_c=2.^indgen(32) index_arr=indgen(32) ; to flip the 8 values flip_8=[7-indgen(8)+8,7-indgen(8)] ;flip_8=15-indgen(16) end