;+ ; ;NAME: ; atec_keogram_glat_glong ; ;PURPOSE: ; Create a keogram of the subtracted TEC (Total Electron Content) data ; provided by the DRAWING/PWING projects and and loads data into tplot format. ; ;SYNTAX: ; atec_keogram_glat_glong, glong = glong ; ;KEYWOARDS: ; glong = specify the geographic longitude of a TEC keogram. ; The default is 0. ; ;CODE: ; A. Shinbori, 06/10/2021. ; ;MODIFICATIONS: ; ; ;ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ; $LastChangedBy: $ ; $LastChangedDate: $ ; $LastChangedRevision: $ ; $URL $ ;- pro atec_keogram_glat_glong, glong = glong ;********************** ;***Chek keyword*** ;********************** ;--- all glong values (default) glong_all = strsplit('0.0 30.0 60.0 90.0 120.0 150.0 180.0 210.0 240.0 270.0 300.0 330.0',' ', /extract) ;--- check parameters if(not keyword_set(glong)) then begin glong ='all' glongs = ssl_check_valid_name(glong, glong_all, /ignore_case, /include_all) endif else begin if glong[0] eq 'all' or glong[0] eq '*' then begin glongs = glong_all[1:n_elements(glong_all )-1] endif glongs = glong endelse ; if glongs[0] eq '*' then glong = glongs[1:n_elements(glong)-1] print, glongs glong = float(glongs) ;---Get data from tplot variable 'nict_gps_atec_global' : get_data, 'iug_gps_atec', data = atec, dlimit=str tec = atec.y ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;============================================================================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------ Create the keogram data------------------------------------------------------ ;---Convert the eastern longitude: idx = where(glong ge 180.0, cnt) if idx[0] ne -1 then glong[idx] = glong[idx] -360.0 for i = 0, n_elements(glong)-1 do begin ;---Longitude array number corresponding to the specified longitude: index_glong = where(abs(atec.glon - glong[i]) eq min(abs(atec.glon - glong[i]))) ;---Select the TEC data to plot a keogram: atec_keogram = reform(atec.y[*, index_glong[0], *]) idx2 = where(glong lt 0.0, cnt) if idx2[0] ne -1 then glong[idx2] = 360.0 + glong[idx2] ;----Store tplot variable of the specified geographic longitude: store_data, 'atec_keogram_geocoord_' + strtrim(string(glong[i], format='(f5.1)'),2), data = {x:atec.x, y:atec_keogram,v:atec.glat, glon:atec.glon}, dlimit=str options, 'atec_keogram_geocoord_' + strtrim(string(glong[i], format='(f5.1)'),2), ytitle = 'GLAT [deg]', ztitle = 'TEC!C(GLONG:'+strtrim(string(glong[i], format='(f5.1)'),2)+' [deg])!C[10!U16!N/m!U2!N]', spec = 1 zlim,'atec_keogram_geocoord_' + strtrim(string(glong[i], format='(f5.1)'),2),0, 40 endfor ;--------------------------------------------Create the keogram data END------------------------------------------------------- ;============================================================================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end