;+ ;PROCEDURE: IUG_CRIB_MU.PRO ; A sample crib sheet that explains how to use the "iug_load_mu.pro" ; procedure. You can run this crib sheet by copying & pasting each ; command below (except for stop and end) into the IDL command line. ; Or alternatively compile and run using the command: ; .run iug_crib_mu ; ;Written by: A. Shinbori, Feb 18, 2011 ;Last Updated: A. Shinbori, Jan 07, 2014 ;- ;Initializes system variables for themis: ;========================================= thm_init ;=======================Troposphere======================================= ;Specify timespan: ;================= timespan,'1994-09-29',1,/day ;Load all the standard observation data of the troposphere and stratosphere ;taken by the MU radar in timespan: ;Tplot variables are 'iug_mu_uwnd', 'iug_mu_vwnd', 'iug_mu_wwnd', 'iug_mu_pwr1', ;'iug_mu_pwr2', 'iug_mu_pwr3', 'iug_mu_pwr4', 'iug_mu_pwr5', 'iug_mu_wdt1', ;'iug_mu_wdt2', 'iug_mu_wdt3', 'iug_mu_wdt4', 'iug_mu_wdt5', 'iug_mu_dpl1', ;'iug_mu_dpl2', 'iug_mu_dpl3', 'iug_mu_dpl4', 'iug_mu_dpl5', 'iug_mu_pn1', ;'iug_mu_pn2, 'iug_mu_pn3,'iug_mu_pn4, 'iug_mu_pn5: ; uwnd = zonal wind: ; vwnd = meridional wind ; wwnd = vertical wind ; pwr = echo intensity, wdt = spectral width, dpl = radial Doppler velocity, ; pn = noise level ;=============================================================================== iug_load_mu, datatype = 'troposphere' ;Plot time-height distribution of zonal wind, and echo intensity, spectral width, ;radial Doppler velocity, and noise level for beam number 1 in the troposphere: ;=============================================================================== tplot,['iug_mu_trop_uwnd','iug_mu_trop_pwr1','iug_mu_trop_wdt1','iug_mu_trop_dpl1', 'iug_mu_trop_pn1'] stop ; Set up the plot time range of zonal wind, and echo intensity, spectral width, ;radial Doppler velocity, and noise level for beam number 1 in the troposphere: ;=============================================================================== tlimit, '1994-09-29 10:00:00', '1994-09-29 15:00:00' tplot stop ;=======================Ionosphere======================================= ;Specify timespan: ;================= timespan,'1989-03-06',3,/day ;Load all the incoherent scatter observation data of the ionosphere ;taken by the MU radar in timespan: ;Tplot variables are 'iug_mu_iono_Vperp_e', 'iug_mu_iono_Vperp_n', 'iug_mu_iono_Vpara_u', 'iug_mu_iono_Vpara_u', ;'iug_mu_iono_Vz_ns', 'iug_mu_iono_Vz_ew', 'iug_mu_iono_Vd_b', 'iug_mu_iono_pwr1', 'iug_mu_iono_pwr2', ;'iug_mu_iono_pwr3', 'iug_mu_iono_pwr4': ; Vperp_e = eastward ion drift perpendicular to the magnetic field ; Vperp_n = northward ion drift perpendicular to the magnetic field ; Vpara_u = Upward ion drift parallel to the magnetic field ; Vz_ns = north-south ion drift ; Vz_ew = east-west ion drift ; Vd_b = ion drift parallel to each beam direction ; pwr = echo intensity ;=============================================================================== iug_load_mu, datatype = 'ionosphere' ;Plot time-height distribution of eartward and northward drift velocity perpendicular ;to the magnetic field and echo power for beam 1 and 2 in the ionosphere: ;===================================================================================== tplot,['iug_mu_iono_Vperp_e','iug_mu_iono_Vperp_n','iug_mu_iono_Vpara_u','iug_mu_iono_pwr1', 'iug_mu_iono_pwr2'] stop ;=======================Meteor======================================= ;Specify timespan: ;================= timespan,'1990-05-18',5,/day ;Load all the special observation data of meteor wind ;taken by the MU radar in timespan: ;Tplot variables are 'iug_mu_meteor_uwnd_h1t60min00', 'iug_mu_meteor_vwnd_h1t60min00', ;'iug_mu_meteor_uwndsig_h1t60min00', 'iug_mu_meteor_vwndsig_h1t60min00', ;'iug_mu_meteor_mwnum_h1t60min00': ; uwnd = zonal wind: ; vwnd = meridional wind ; uwndsig = standard deviation of zonal wind ; vwndsig = standard deviation of meridional wind ; mwnum = number of meteors used to derive the horizontal wind ;=============================================================================== iug_load_mu, datatype = 'meteor',parameter = 'h1t60min00' ;Plot time-height distribution of zonal and meridional winds, standard deviation of ;zonal and meridional winds and number of meteors used to derive the horizontal wind: ;===================================================================================== tplot,['iug_mu_meteor_uwnd_h1t60min00','iug_mu_meteor_vwnd_h1t60min00','iug_mu_meteor_uwndsig_h1t60min00',$ 'iug_mu_meteor_vwndsig_h1t60min00', 'iug_mu_meteor_mwnum_h1t60min00'] stop ;==========================RASS======================================= ;Specify timespan: ;================= timespan,'1996-10-27',10,/day ;Load all the special observation data of RASS ;taken by the MU radar in timespan: ;Tplot variables are 'iug_mu_rass_uwnd', 'iug_mu_rass_vwnd', ;'iug_mu_rass_wwnd', 'iug_mu_rass_temp': ; uwnd = zonal wind: ; vwnd = meridional wind ; wwnd = vertical wind ; temp = air temperature ;=============================================================================== iug_load_mu, datatype = 'rass' ;Plot time-height distribution of zonal and meridional winds, standard deviation of ;zonal and meridional winds and number of meteors used to derive the horizontal wind: ;===================================================================================== tplot,['iug_mu_rass_uwnd','iug_mu_rass_vwnd','iug_mu_rass_wwnd',$ 'iug_mu_rass_temp'] stop ;==========================FAI======================================= ;Specify timespan: ;================= timespan,'1986-08-05',10,/day ;Load all the special observation data of FAI ;taken by the MU radar in timespan: ;Tplot variables are 'iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_dpl1', 'iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_pwr1', ;'iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_wdt1', 'iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_snr1', 'iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_pn1', and so on: ;=============================================================================== iug_load_mu, datatype = 'fai', parameter = 'ifdp1t' ;Plot time-height distribution of zonal and meridional winds, standard deviation of ;zonal and meridional winds and number of meteors used to derive the horizontal wind: ;===================================================================================== tplot,['iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_dpl1','iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_pwr1','iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_wdt1',$ 'iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_snr1','iug_mu_fai_ifdp1t_pn1'] end