This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Dec 20 10:37:44 2023.

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 Routine to create a 6-panel plot with the orbits of MAVEN (and
 potentially other spacecraft in future)  plotted with respect to a
 gridded lat-long data image. 

 Syntax: mvn_orbit_survey_plot_ephemeris, time, fileroot, screen=screen

      time              - any UTC timestamp, typically the start or
                          central time  the image was taken

      fileroot          - the name of the file, without extension
                          (i.e. no '.jpg' at the end)

      screen            - boolean keyword to send the output to the
                          screen; used for testing. Default = 0

      tbuffer           - The number of seconds before and after the
                          central time where the trajectory  should
                          be plotted

      sun_view          - Controls the viewpoint in the YZ-plane. If
                          set to 'day', the view is of the dayside of
                          Mars. If set to 'night', the view is of the

      traj_ct           - Color table for the MAVEN trajectory

      overlay           - Structure describing the image/data to be
                          overlaid on the sphere of Mars. Contains
                          the following tags:

                           LAT: Nx-element array of latitudes of each
                           point to be painted on the sphere.

                           ELON: N-element array of East longitudes
                           of each point to be painted on the sphere

                           DATA: N-element array of values
                           (e.g. brightnesses etc.) to be painted on
                           the sphere

                           COLOR_TABLE: which color table is wanted
                           for the overlay

                           LOG: 0 or 1 for whether the data should be
                           plotted with a logarithmic color scale

                           RANGE: the color scale range for the data

                           OBSPOS: in the case of images of Mars
                           captured by orbital assets, this is the
                           position of the "camera", in Cartesian

                           DESCRIPTION: a string, briefly describing
                           what is being overlaid on the
                           sphere. Ideally this should be less than
                           20 characters

                           FILENAME: if the image comes from a
                           particular file, it can be entered for
                           printing on the final plot

      Requires installation of the Berkeley SPEDAS software package.

   1. This routine make use of the ImageMagick "convert" utility. This step is used when
      converting the .eps file producded by the program into a .jpg
      file. If you don't have "convert", simply comment out
      the lines below that create the .jpg and remove the .eps

 18 Jan, 2017 - Original version by David brain
 02 Nov, 2022 - update for EMM by Rob  Lillis

(See projects/emm/


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       The MAP_GRID procedure draws the graticule of parallels and meridians,
 according to the specifications established by MAP_SET. MAP_SET must be called
 before MAP_GRID to establish the projection type, the center of the
 projection, polar rotation and geographical limits.






 BOX_AXES: Surround the map window with a "box" style axes with
         annotations, outside the box, where the parallels intersect the
         sides, and the meridians intersect the bottom and top edges of the
         box.  The border of the box is drawn in alternating foreground and
         background colors, with color changes at each intersection with
         a parallel or meridian.  This keyword determines the thickness of
         the box's border, in millimeters.  If LABEL is not explicitly
         specified, it defaults to 1 when this keyword is present.  If this
         feature is selected, be sure to leave enough room around the map
         window for the annotation, usually by specifying the XMARGIN and
         YMARGIN keywords to MAP_SET.  See the example below.
   CHARSIZE: The size of the characters used for the labels. The default is 1.
      COLOR: The color index for the grid lines.
FILL_HORIZON: Fills the current map_horizon.
    HORIZON: Draws the current map horizon.
  INCREMENT: Determines the spacing between graticle points.
 GLINESTYLE: If set, the line style used to draw the grid of parallels and
             meridians. See the IDL User's Guide for options. The default is
 GLINETHICK: The thickness of the grid lines. Default is 1.
      LABEL: Set this keyword to label the parallels and meridians with their
             corresponding latitudes and longitudes. Setting this keyword to
             an integer will cause every LABEL gridline to be labeled (i.e,
             if LABEL=3 then every third gridline will be labeled). The
             starting point for determining which gridlines are labeled is the
             minimum latitude or longitude (-180 to 180), unless the LATS or
             LONS keyword is set to a single value. In this case, the starting
             point is the value of LATS or LONS.
   LATALIGN: This keyword controls the alignment of the text baseline for
             latitude labels. A value of 0.0 left justifies the label,
             1.0 right justifies it, and 0.5 centers it.
     LATDEL: The spacing in degrees between parallels of latitude in the grid.
             If not set, a suitable value is determined from the current map
       LATS: The desired latitudes to be drawn (and optionally labeled). If
             this keyword is omitted, appropriate latitudes will be generated
             with consideration of the optional LATDEL keyword. If this
             keyword is set to a single value, drawn (and optionally labeled)
             latitudes will be automatically generated  as
             [...,LATS-LATDEL,LATS,LATS+LATDEL,...] over the extent of the
             map.  The single valued LATS is taken to be the starting point
             for labelling (See the LABEL keyword).
     LATLAB: The longitude at which to place latitude labels. The default is
             the center longitude on the map.
   LATNAMES: An array specifing the names to be used for the latitude labels.
             By default, this array is automatically generated in units of
             degrees. This array can be a string array or numeric, but should
             not be of mixed type. When LATNAMES is specified, LATS must also
             be specified, but the number of elments in the two arrays need not
             be equal. Extra LATNAMES are ignored, while LATNAMES not supplied
             are automatically reported in degrees. LATNAMES can be used when
             LATS is set to a single value. It this case, the LATS used will
             start at the specified latitude and progress northward, wrapping
             around the globe if appropriate. Caution should be used when
             using LATNAMES in conjunction with a single LATS, since the
             number of visible latitude gridlines is dependent on many factors.
   LONALIGN: This keyword controls the alignment of the text baseline for
             longitude labels. A value of 0.0 left justifies the label,
             1.0 right justifies it, and 0.5 centers it.
     LONDEL: The spacing in degrees between meridians of longitude in the grid.
             If not set, a suitable value is determined from the current map
     LONLAB: The latitude at which to place longitude labels. The default is
             the center latitude on the map.
       LONS: The desired longitudes to be drawn (and optionally labeled). If
             this keyword is omitted, appropriate longitudes will be generated
             with consideration of the optional LONDEL keyword. If this
             keyword is set to a single value, drawn (and optionally labeled)
             longitudes will be automatically generated as
             [...,LONS-LONDEL,LONS,LONS+LONDEL,...] over the extent of the map.
             The single valued LONS is taken to be the starting point for
             labeling (See the LABEL keyword).
   LONNAMES: An array specifing the names to be used for the longitude labels.
             By default, this array is automatically generated in units of
             degrees. This array can be a string array or numeric, but should
             not be of mixed type. When LONNAMES is specified, LATS must also
             be specified, but the number of elments in the two arrays need not
             be equal. Extra LONNAMES are ignored, while LATNAMES not supplied
             are automatically reported in degrees. LONNAMES can be used when
             LONS is set to a single value. It this case, the LONS used will
             start at the specified longitude and progress eastward, wrapping
             around the globe if appropriate. Caution should be used when
             using LONNAMES in conjunction with a single LONS, since the number
             of visible longitude gridlines is dependent on many factors.

 MAP_STRUCTURE: Set this keyword to a !MAP structure, as returned from
       MAP_PROJ_INIT. If this keyword is set then the gridlines are passed
       through MAP_PROJ_FORWARD and the resulting lines are drawn using
       Cartesian coordinates. If this keyword is not set then it is assumed
       that MAP_SET has been called to set up a map projection.

 NO_GRID: Set this keyword if you only want labels but not gridlines.

ORIENTATION: Specifies the clockwise angle in degrees from horizontal
             of the text baseline that the labels should be rotated. Note,
             that the rotation used in MAP_SET is also clockwise, but XYOUTS
             is normally counterclockwise.

 T3D: Set this keyword to indicate that the generalized transformation
      matrix in !P.T is to be used. If not present, the user-supplied
      coordinates are simply scaled to screen coordinates.

 ZVALUE: Sets the Z coordinate, in normalized coordinates in the
         range of 0 to 1, at which to output the continents.

      Note - This keyword has effect only if keyword T3D is set and the
         transformation is stored in !P.T

         Draws gridlines and labels on the current map.

     map_set,10,20,23.5,/cont,/ortho,/horizon     ; establish a projection
                     ; choose the parallels to draw
                     ;draw the grid
   Make a map with a grid surrounded by a box style axis:
   map_set, /STEREO, 40, -90,scale=50e6,/CONTINENTS, XMARGIN=3, YMARGIN=3
   map_grid, /BOX_AXES, COLOR=3, CHARSIZE=1.5  ;

   Written by: SVP, May, 23 1996.
   DMS, Feb, 1996 Note that this version plots all gridlines
           unless a 4 element LIMIT was specified to MAP_SET.
       SVP, Nov 1996   Changed over !map1 (new IDL5 maps)
   SVP, May 1996   Map_Grid used to live inside of, now
                       it lives here.
       SVP, May 1996   Changed LABEL to determine the skip between labelled
                       Also, added the LATS and LONS keywords to give complete
                       control over where the labels go.
       SVP, Sept 1996  Added LATNAMS,LONAMES, and ORIENTATION keywords
   DMS, Nov, 1996  Rev 2 of maps.
   DMS, Jul, 1997  Added Box Axes
   CT, Jan 2004: Added MAP_STRUCTURE keyword.
   Renamed the function FIXED_MAP_GRID with fixed at lines 555-556 and
      664-665 as described here:
      This is required to get proper grid output in some applications, but
      it breaks other code.

(See projects/emm/