This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Dec 20 10:37:44 2023.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


[List of Routines]

 Plot a shaded area showing confidence range where avaialable.
 Expects the tplot variable structure to have either the 
 DY field (for symmetric confidence intervals) or the 
 DYL and DYH fields for deltalow and deltahigh values, respectively
 Will look for tplot variable options tags 
   psp_dy: 0 - do not show dy interval
           1 - show dy interval if available

 TPLOT needs to be called first

KEYWORDS: (Optional)   
 FORCE:    Set to ignore the 'psp_dy' tag setting and show the DY for all requested panels if DY available		
 NEW_DYINFO=: (output) Named variable to hold the keyword settings passed to this call of the routine
 OLD_DYINFO=: Set to a structure containing keywords to this routine. Will supercede any other keywords set.
 PANEL=:   Array of indices describing which panels for which to draw confidence. (1 indexed like TPLOT)
             If this is not set the routine will attempt to draw confidence for all panels.
 POS=:     4xn array describing the positions of each of the n panels in the plot of interest.
             Defaults to the positions found in the 'tplot_vars' structure.										
 TVINFO=:  Structure containing TPLOT variables information - as returned
             from the 'new_tvar' keyword to tplot. 
             If not set uses that found in common 'tplot_vars'
 VERBOSE=: Integer indicating the desired verbosity level.  Defaults to !psp_sweap.verbose
 WINDOW=:  Which direct graphics window to target for this polyfill. (int)
             This is gererally not needed if plotting on an existing tplot window. Will default
             to whatever is set by the TVINFO structure being used.
   ;Try to plot confidence on all panels if psp_dy flag is set
   ;Plot confidence on panel 1 and 3 even if psp_dy flag is not set
CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2020

 $LastChangedBy: anarock $
 $LastChangedDate: 2020-10-27 12:50:05 -0700 (Tue, 27 Oct 2020) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 29302 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/SPP/sweap/SPC/L3i/plot/