;+ ;***************************************************************************************** ; ; FUNCTION : spd_get_valid_trange.pro ; PURPOSE : This routine determines a time range in several formats from inputs ; define by the optional keywords or prompts to the user. ; ; CALLED BY: ; NA ; ; INCLUDES: ; NA ; ; CALLS: ; time_double.pro ; test_spd_date_format.pro ; is_num.pro ; spd_gen_prompt_routine.pro ; time_string.pro ; time_struct.pro ; ; REQUIRES: ; 1) SPEDAS IDL Libraries ; ; INPUT: ; NA ; ; EXAMPLES: ; [calling sequence] ; struc = spd_get_valid_trange([TDATE=tdate] [,TRANGE=trange] $ ; [,PRECISION=prec] ) ; ; KEYWORDS: ; TDATE : Scalar [string] defining the date of interest of the form: ; 'YYYY-MM-DD' [MM=month, DD=day, YYYY=year] ; [Default = {prompted input if TRANGE not set}] ; TRANGE : [2]-Element [double] array specifying the Unix time ; range for which to define/constrain data ; [Default = {prompted input if TDATE not set}] ; PRECISION : Scalar [long] defining precision of the string output: ; = -5 : Year only ; = -4 : Year, month ; = -3 : Year, month, date ; = -2 : Year, month, date, hour ; = -1 : Year, month, date, hour, minute ; = 0 : Year, month, date, hour, minute, sec ; = >0 : fractional seconds ; [Default = 0] ; MIN_TDATE : Scalar [string] defining the minimum allowable ; date that user can specify [same format as TDATE] ; [Default = '1957-10-04'] ; MAX_TDATE : Scalar [numeric] defining the maximum allowable ; date that user can specify [same format as TDATE] ; [Default = {today's date}] ; ; CHANGED: 1) Continued to write routine ; [09/25/2015 v1.0.0] ; 2) Fixed bug when both TDATE and TRANGE are set ; [09/25/2015 v1.0.1] ; 3) Changed a default output message, updated Man. page, and changed the ; minimum time range limit from 1 hour to 1 microsecond ; [10/05/2015 v1.0.2] ; 4) Added NOMSSG keyword to test_tdate_format.pro to reduce unnecessary ; and/or redundant output messages ; [11/02/2015 v1.0.3] ; 5) Fixed bug when NO_CLEAN keyword is set in call to time_struct.pro ; [bug only affected day of year output] ; [09/08/2016 v1.1.0] ; 6) Changed name from get_valid_trange.pro to ; spd_get_valid_trange.pro for migration of version ; to SPEDAS libraries --> now calls: ; test_spd_date_format.pro ; is_num.pro ; spd_gen_prompt_routine.pro ; and added keywords: MAX_TDATE and MIN_TDATE ; [09/08/2016 v1.2.0] ; ; NOTES: ; 1) If no keywords are given, the routine will prompt the user for a ; single date and define the time range as that given date. ; 2) See also: time_struct.pro, time_string.pro, time_struct.pro ; 3) Setting TDATE will result in a time range for the date defined from ; the start to the end of the day ; 3) This is a direct adaptation of the routine get_valid_trange.pro ; from L.B. Wilson's UMN Modified Wind/3DP IDL Libraries ; ; REFERENCES: ; NA ; ; CREATED: 09/23/2015 ; CREATED BY: Lynn B. Wilson III ; LAST MODIFIED: 09/08/2016 v1.2.0 ; MODIFIED BY: Lynn B. Wilson III ; ; $LastChangedBy: lbwilsoniii_desk $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-09-08 13:15:03 -0700 (Thu, 08 Sep 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21805 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_0/general/missions/wind/waves/spd_get_valid_trange.pro $ ; ;***************************************************************************************** ;- FUNCTION spd_get_valid_trange,TDATE=tdate,TRANGE=trange,PRECISION=prec, $ MIN_TDATE=min_tdate,MAX_TDATE=max_tdate ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Define some defaults ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Default time-related values start_of_day = '00:00:00.000000' end___of_day = '23:59:59.999999' ;; Define the DOY values at the start of each month for non-leap and leap years mdt = [[0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365], $ [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366]] ;; Define the # of days in each month for non-leap and leap years nd_per_mon = INTARR(13,2) x = LINDGEN(12) & y = x + 1L nd_per_mon[y,*] = mdt[y,*] - mdt[x,*] ;; # of days in each month ;; Default prompting info yearmin = 1957L ;; Year Sputnik 1 spacecraft was launched --> cannot start before this tdate_min = '1957-10-04' ;; Date Sputnik 1 spacecraft was launched unix_min = time_double(tdate_min[0]+'/'+end___of_day[0]) unix_max = SYSTIME(1,/SECONDS) current_time = SYSTIME() ;; Current time yearmax = LONG(STRMID(current_time,STRLEN(current_time)-4,4)) prompt_yy = "Please enter a year between "+STRING(yearmin[0],FORMAT='(I4.4)')+$ " and "+STRING(yearmax[0],FORMAT='(I4.4)')+":" prompt_mm = "Please enter a month between 1 and 12:" prompt_dd = "Please enter a day between 1 and 31:" ;; this will change below ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Check keywords ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Check TDATE test = (N_ELEMENTS(tdate) LT 1) OR (test_spd_date_format(tdate,/NOMSSG) EQ 0) IF (test[0]) THEN tdate_on = 0b ELSE tdate_on = 1b ;; Check TRANGE test = (N_ELEMENTS(trange) GE 2) AND is_num(trange) IF (test[0]) THEN BEGIN test = ((TOTAL(trange GT unix_min[0]) EQ 2) OR (TOTAL(trange LT unix_max[0]) EQ 2)) AND $ (trange[0] NE trange[1]) ENDIF IF (test[0]) THEN tran__on = 1b ELSE tran__on = 0b ;; Check PRECISION test = (N_ELEMENTS(prec) GE 1) AND is_num(prec) IF (test[0]) THEN prec = (LONG(prec[0]))[0] < 15L ELSE prec = 0L ;; Check MAX_TDATE and MIN_TDATE test = (N_ELEMENTS(min_tdate) LT 1) OR (test_spd_date_format(min_tdate,/NOMSSG) EQ 0) IF (test[0]) THEN min_tdate_on = 0b ELSE min_tdate_on = 1b test = (N_ELEMENTS(max_tdate) LT 1) OR (test_spd_date_format(max_tdate,/NOMSSG) EQ 0) IF (test[0]) THEN max_tdate_on = 0b ELSE max_tdate_on = 1b ;; Check if time range limit and prompting strings require updating test = min_tdate_on[0] OR max_tdate_on[0] IF (test[0]) THEN BEGIN IF (min_tdate_on[0]) THEN BEGIN unix_min = time_double(min_tdate[0]+'/'+start_of_day[0]) yearmin = LONG(STRMID(min_tdate[0],0L,4)) ENDIF IF (max_tdate_on[0]) THEN BEGIN unix_max = time_double(max_tdate[0]+'/'+end___of_day[0]) yearmax = LONG(STRMID(max_tdate[0],0L,4)) ENDIF ;; Update year prompt prompt_yy = "Please enter a year between "+STRING(yearmin[0],FORMAT='(I4.4)')+$ " and "+STRING(yearmax[0],FORMAT='(I4.4)')+":" ENDIF ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Define Time Range ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Define Min/Max TDATES tdate_min = STRMID(time_string(unix_min[0],PREC=3),0L,10L) tdate_max = STRMID(time_string(unix_max[0],PREC=3),0L,10L) month_min = STRMID(tdate_min[0],5L,2L) month_max = STRMID(tdate_max[0],5L,2L) daynm_min = STRMID(tdate_min[0],8L,2L) daynm_max = STRMID(tdate_max[0],8L,2L) test = (tdate_on[0] EQ 0) AND (tran__on[0] EQ 0) IF (test[0]) THEN BEGIN ;; Niether TDATE or TRANGE were set ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; --> Prompt user for a year ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- read_out = 0L val__out = 0L WHILE (val__out[0] LT yearmin[0] OR val__out[0] GT yearmax[0]) DO BEGIN val__out = spd_gen_prompt_routine(read_out,STR_OUT=prompt_yy[0]) test = (is_num(val__out) EQ 0) IF (test[0]) THEN val__out = 0L ENDWHILE ;; Define year [force long integer format too] year = (LONG(STRING(val__out[0],FORMAT='(I4.4)')))[0] leap = ((year[0] MOD 4) EQ 0) - ((year[0] MOD 100) EQ 0) + ((year[0] MOD 400) EQ 0) $ - ((year[0] MOD 4000) EQ 0) ;; Update Min/Max month range if necessary min_mon = ([ 1L,(LONG(month_min[0]))[0]])[(year[0] EQ yearmin[0])] max_mon = ([12L,(LONG(month_max[0]))[0]])[(year[0] EQ yearmax[0])] mnmx_mstr = STRING([min_mon[0],max_mon[0]],FORMAT='(I2.2)') ;; Re-define the month prompt prompt_mm = "Please enter a month between "+mnmx_mstr[0]+" and "+mnmx_mstr[1]+":" ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; --> Prompt user for a month ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- read_out = 0L val__out = 0L WHILE (val__out[0] LT min_mon[0] OR val__out[0] GT max_mon[0]) DO BEGIN val__out = spd_gen_prompt_routine(read_out,STR_OUT=prompt_mm[0]) test = (is_num(val__out) EQ 0) IF (test[0]) THEN val__out = 0L ENDWHILE ;; Define month [force long integer format too] month = (LONG(STRING(val__out[0],FORMAT='(I2.2)')))[0] ;; Define the max number of days in this month max_nd = nd_per_mon[month[0],leap[0]] ;; Update Min/Max month range if necessary test_min = (year[0] EQ yearmin[0]) AND (month[0] EQ (LONG(month_min[0]))[0]) test_max = (year[0] EQ yearmax[0]) AND (month[0] EQ (LONG(month_max[0]))[0]) min_day = ([ 1L,(LONG(daynm_min[0]))[0]])[test_min[0]] max_day = ([max_nd[0],(LONG(daynm_max[0]))[0]])[test_max[0]] mnmx_dstr = STRING([min_day[0],max_day[0]],FORMAT='(I2.2)') ;; Re-define the day prompt prompt_dd = "Please enter a day between "+mnmx_dstr[0]+" and "+mnmx_dstr[1]+":" ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; --> Prompt user for a day ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- read_out = 0L val__out = 0L WHILE (val__out[0] LT min_day[0] OR val__out[0] GT max_day[0]) DO BEGIN val__out = spd_gen_prompt_routine(read_out,STR_OUT=prompt_dd[0]) test = (is_num(val__out) EQ 0) IF (test[0]) THEN val__out = 0L ENDWHILE ;; Define day [force long integer format too] day = (LONG(STRING(val__out[0],FORMAT='(I2.2)')))[0] ;; Define TDATE [e.g., '2007-01-01'] tdate = STRING(year[0],FORMAT='(I4.4)')+'-'+STRING(month[0],FORMAT='(I2.2)')+$ '-'+STRING(day[0],FORMAT='(I2.2)') ;; Define TRANGE tra_t = tdate[0]+'/'+[start_of_day[0],end___of_day[0]] trange = time_double(tra_t) ;; Redefine string time range in case it changed tra_t = time_string(trange,PREC=prec) ;; Define TDATES in case it changed tdates = STRMID(tra_t,0L,10L) ;; Let user know the date they chose outmssg = 'Defining time range for '+tdate[0] MESSAGE,outmssg[0],/INFORMATIONAL,/CONTINUE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Either TDATE and/or TRANGE was set ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test = (TOTAL([(tdate_on[0] EQ 0),(tran__on[0] EQ 0)]) LT 2) AND $ (TOTAL([tdate_on[0],tran__on[0]]) NE 2) IF (test[0]) THEN BEGIN ;; Only one is set CASE 1 OF (tdate_on[0] EQ 0) : BEGIN ;; TRANGE was set ;; --> Constrain to within valid time ranges [force min ∆t = 1 µs] trange = trange[SORT(trange)] trange[0] = trange[0] > unix_min[0] trange[1] = (trange[1] < unix_max[0]) > (trange[0] + 1d-6) tra_t = time_string(trange,PRECISION=prec) ;; Define TDATES [e.g., '2007-01-01'] tdates = STRMID(tra_t,0L,10L) END (tran__on[0] EQ 0) : BEGIN ;; TDATE was set --> Load one full day ;; --> Check tra_t = tdate[0]+'/'+[start_of_day[0],end___of_day[0]] ;; Define TRANGE trange = time_double(tra_t) ;; --> Constrain to within valid time ranges [force min ∆t = 1 µs] trange[0] = trange[0] > unix_min[0] trange[1] = (trange[1] < unix_max[0]) > (trange[0] + 1d-6) ;; Redefine string time range in case it changed tra_t = time_string(trange,PRECISION=prec) ;; Define TDATES in case it changed tdates = STRMID(tra_t,0L,10L) END ELSE : STOP ;; This should not be able to happen... debug! ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;; Both are set --> Check [TRANGE has priority] ;; --> Constrain to within valid time ranges [force min ∆t = 1 µs] trange = trange[SORT(trange)] trange[0] = trange[0] > unix_min[0] trange[1] = (trange[1] < unix_max[0]) > (trange[0] + 1d-6) tra_t = time_string(trange,PRECISION=prec) ;; Define TDATES in case it changed tdates = STRMID(tra_t,0L,10L) ENDELSE ENDELSE ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Determine day of year (DOY) range ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tstruc = time_struct(tra_t) test = (SIZE(tstruc,/TYPE) EQ 8) IF (test[0]) THEN doy_ra = tstruc.DOY ELSE doy_ra = REPLICATE(-1,2L) ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Define output structure ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tags = ['DATE','DOY','STRING','UNIX']+'_TRANGE' struct = CREATE_STRUCT(tags,tdates,doy_ra,tra_t,trange) ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Return to user ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN,struct END