;+ ; NAME: RBSP_LOAD_SA_POINTING ; ; SYNTAX: ; rbsp_load_sa_pointing,probe='a',coord='GSM' ; rbsp_load_sa_pointing,/no_spice_load ; ; PURPOSE: Loads the spin axis pointing unit vector in GSE (default) or other ; SPICE supported coordinate system. Default cadence is 1 minute. ; ; ; INPUT: ; ; KEYWORDS: ; probe - either 'a', 'b', 'a b', or ['a','b'] ; coord=spice_coord_sys - default is GSE, but can be any of the coordinate ; systems (frame name) supported by the RBSP general frame kernels: ; Frame Name Relative To Type NAIF ID ; ======================= =================== ======= ======= ; GEI J2000 FIXED -362900 ; GEI_TOD J2000 DYNAMIC -362901 ; GEI_MOD J2000 DYNAMIC -362902 ; MEAN_ECLIP J2000 DYNAMIC -362903 ; GEO IAU_EARTH FIXED -362920 ; GSE J2000 DYNAMIC -362930 ; MAG J2000 DYNAMIC -362940 ; GSM J2000 DYNAMIC -362945 ; SM J2000 DYNAMIC -362950 ; times=times - array of times at which to return pointing direction ; NOTE: this can be in any format accepted by time_double(), time_string() ; /no_spice_load - skip loading/unloading of SPICE kernels ; NOTE: This assumes spice kernels have been manually loaded using: ; rbsp_load_spice_predict ; (optional) ; rbsp_load_spice_kernels ; (required) ; /debug - prints debugging info ; ; NOTES: ; ; HISTORY: ; 1. Created Oct 2013 - Kris Kersten, kris.kersten@gmail.com ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: kersten $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-10-09 15:54:28 -0700 (Wed, 09 Oct 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 13295 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_0/general/missions/rbsp/spacecraft/rbsp_load_sa_pointing.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_load_sa_pointing,probe=probe,coord=coord,times=times, $ no_spice_load=no_spice_load,debug=debug if keyword_set(coord) then coord=strupcase(coord) else coord='GSE' coords=['GEI','GEI_TOD','GEI_MOD','MEAN_ECLIP','GEO','GSE','MAG','GSM','SM'] vcoord=where(coord eq coords) if vcoord[0] eq -1 then begin message,'Invalid coordinate system. Returning...',/continue return endif if ~keyword_set(times) then begin tr=timerange() ntimes=long((tr[1]-tr[0])/60)+1 times=dindgen(ntimes)*60+tr[0] endif else begin ntimes=n_elements(times) times=time_double(times) ; make sure we have the times in unix format endelse if ~keyword_set(no_spice_load) then begin rbsp_load_spice_predict rbsp_load_spice_kernels endif vprobes = ['a','b'] if keyword_set(probe) then p_var = probe if not keyword_set(p_var) then p_var='*' p_var = strfilter(vprobes, p_var ,delimiter=' ',/string) for s=0,n_elements(p_var)-1 do begin ; SPICE body string and integer IDs for RBSPA, RBSPB str_id='RADIATION BELT STORM PROBE '+strupcase(p_var[s]) sc_id='RBSP'+strupcase(p_var[s])+'_SPACECRAFT' sci_id='RBSP'+strupcase(p_var[s])+'_SCIENCE' case p_var[s] of 'a':n_id=-362 'b':n_id=-363 endcase nsc_id=n_id*1000L ; integer SC frame id is -36?000 nsci_id=nsc_id-50L ; integer SCIENCE frame id is -36?050 ; get SPICE ephemeris time dts=times[1:ntimes-1]-times[0:ntimes-2] median_dt=median(dts) ; see if we have an irregular time cadence tjumps=where(dts ne median_dt) ; if not, get ets the easy (quick) way if tjumps[0] eq -1 then begin t0=time_string(times[0],prec=6) strput,t0,'T',10 cspice_str2et,t0,et0 ets=et0+dindgen(ntimes)*median_dt endif else begin ets=dblarr(ntimes) tstr=time_string(times,prec=6) for tcount=0L,ntimes-1L do begin strput,tstr[ncount],'T',10 cspice_str2et,tstr[tcount],et0 ets[tcount]=et0 endfor endelse ; get the low-res UVW -> GSE (or other coord) matrix for spin axis pointing dmessage='Running CSPICE_PXFORM, npoints: '+string(ntimes,format='(I0)')+'...' if keyword_set(debug) then message,dmessage,/continue tstart=systime(1) cspice_pxform,sci_id,coord,ets,pxform dmessage='CSPICE_PXFORM: ' $ +string(systime(1)-tstart,format='(F0.1)')+' sec.' if keyword_set(debug) then message,dmessage,/continue ; spin axis direction in GSE wsc=dblarr(3,ntimes) for i=0L,ntimes-1L do wsc[0:2,i]=pxform[0:2,0:2,i]##[0.d,0.d,1.d] str_element,l,'labels',['X_','Y_','Z_']+coord,/add_replace str_element,dl,'data_att',{coord_sys:coord},/add_replace tname='rbsp'+p_var[s]+'_sa_pointing' store_data,tname,data={x:times,y:transpose(wsc)},limits=l,dlimits=dl options,tname,labflag,-1 endfor end