This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Dec 20 10:37:44 2023.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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 Generate v02 burst1 vb1 and mscb1 split files.
 In v02 files, we move the epochs to the correct times when data are measured,
   and we remove data outside the known times, identified by rbsp_efw_phasef_gen_b1_time_rate_v01.

 This file should be used by EFW to batch process the data over the whole mission.

(See general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_phasef/burst1/


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 Generate v03 burst1 vb1 and mscb1 split files.
 In v03 files, we move the epochs to the correct times when data are measured,
   and we remove data outside the known times, identified by rbsp_efw_phasef_gen_b1_time_rate_v01.

 This file should be used by EFW to batch process the data over the whole mission.

(See general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_phasef/burst1/


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 Scan all vb1_split and mscb1_split files for time_range and data_rate.
 Needs to run on a computer with all vb1_split mscb1_split data are downloaded.

 data_dir. Data should be saved at data_dir/YYYY/*.cdf.
 log_file=. Save time range and sampling rate (median and mean) in texts.
 filename=. Save time_range and sampling rate (median and mean) in value in cdf.
 datatype=. can be 'vb1' or 'mscb1'.

 Note: median and mean are both saved for sanity check.
   There are 2 times when they disagree. I've verified
   that median is good, mean is off b/c data gap. -Sheng 2021-09-05.

 Data file procudes is used by rbsp_efw_phasef_read_b1_time_rate.

(See general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_phasef/burst1/


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 Split a mscb1 file into several files per hour.

 This file should be used by EFW to batch process the data over the whole mission.

(See general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_phasef/burst1/


[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]
 Split a vb1 file into several files per hour.

 This file should be used by EFW to batch process the data over the whole mission.

(See general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_phasef/burst1/