;+ ; This is a routine that needs further testing, development, and enhancements. ; PROCEDURE: cdf_partial_epoch_finder, cdf_id, epoch_names ; Purpose: Supports partial loading of cdf files by determining which range of indices ; to load based on time_span and the epoch variables in a cdf file. ; ; INPUT: ; cdf_id: File ID of an opened CDF file ; epoch_names: Names of the epoch variables for which to find indices ; OUTPUT: ; epoch_indices: Indices corresponding to start/stop of timespan for each ; epoch variable (LONARR(number of epoch names, 2)) ; Written by Peter Schroeder ; ; $LastChangedBy: peters $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-12-11 12:20:54 -0800 (Wed, 11 Dec 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 13659 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_0/general/missions/rbsp/efw/cdf_partial_load/cdf_partial_epoch_finder.pro $ ;- pro cdf_partial_epoch_finder,cdf_id,epoch_names,epoch_indices get_timespan,tspan number_of_epochs = n_elements(epoch_names) epoch_indices = lonarr(number_of_epochs,2) info = cdf_info(cdf_id) for i = 0, number_of_epochs - 1 do begin found_start = 0 found_end = 0 this_var = where(info.vars.name eq epoch_names[i]) epoch_type = info.vars[this_var].datatype epoch_nrecs = info.vars[this_var].numrec cdf_varget, cdf_id, epoch_names[i], start_epoch, rec_start=0 if epoch_type eq 'CDF_TIME_TT2000' then start_time = time_double(start_epoch,/tt2000) $ else start_time = time_double(start_epoch,/epoch) cdf_varget,cdf_id, epoch_names[i], end_epoch, rec_start=epoch_nrecs-1 if epoch_type eq 'CDF_TIME_TT2000' then end_time = time_double(end_epoch,/tt2000) $ else end_time = time_double(end_epoch,/epoch) if (tspan[1] lt start_time) or (tspan[0] gt end_time) then begin epoch_indices[i,0] = -1 epoch_indices[i,1] = -1 found_start = 1 found_end = 1 endif if tspan[0] le start_time then begin start_index = 0 epoch_indices[i,0] = 0 found_start = 1 endif if tspan[1] ge end_time then begin end_index = epoch_nrecs-1 epoch_indices[i,1] = end_index found_end = 1 endif print,'First time in file: ',time_string(start_time) print,'Last time in file: ',time_string(end_time) search_start = 0 search_end = epoch_nrecs-1 new_time = end_time while (found_start eq 0) do begin if search_start eq search_end then begin start_index = search_start epoch_indices[i,0] = start_index found_start = 1 endif else if (search_end - search_start) eq 1 then begin if tspan[0] lt new_time then begin start_index = search_start epoch_indices[i,0] = start_index found_start = 1 endif else begin start_index = search_end epoch_indices[i,0] = start_index found_start = 1 endelse endif else begin new_index = (search_end - search_start) / 2l + search_start cdf_varget,cdf_id, epoch_names[i], end_epoch, rec_start=new_index if epoch_type eq 'CDF_TIME_TT2000' then new_time = time_double(end_epoch,/tt2000) $ else new_time = time_double(end_epoch,/epoch) if new_time eq tspan[0] then begin start_index = new_index epoch_indices[i,0] = new_index found_start = 1 endif else begin if new_time lt tspan[0] then $ search_start = new_index else $ search_end = new_index endelse endelse endwhile search_start = start_index search_end = epoch_nrecs-1 while (found_end eq 0) do begin if search_start eq search_end then begin end_index = search_start epoch_indices[i,1] = end_index found_end = 1 endif else if (search_end - search_start) eq 1 then begin if tspan[1] gt new_time then begin end_index = search_start epoch_indices[i,1] = end_index found_end = 1 endif else begin end_index = search_end epoch_indices[i,1] = end_index found_end = 1 endelse endif else begin new_index = (search_end - search_start) / 2l + search_start cdf_varget,cdf_id, epoch_names[i], end_epoch, rec_start=new_index if epoch_type eq 'CDF_TIME_TT2000' then new_time = time_double(end_epoch,/tt2000) $ else new_time = time_double(end_epoch,/epoch) if new_time eq tspan[1] then begin end_index = new_index epoch_indices[i,1] = new_index found_end = 1 endif else begin if new_time lt tspan[1] then $ search_start = new_index else $ search_end = new_index endelse endelse endwhile endfor return end