pro ftinfo, h, ft_str, Count = tfields ;+ ; NAME: ; FTINFO ; PURPOSE: ; Return an informational structure from a FITS ASCII table header. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ftinfo,h,ft_str, [Count = ] ; ; INPUTS: ; h - FITS ASCII table header, string array ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ft_str - IDL structure with extracted info from the FITS ASCII table ; header. Tags include ; .tbcol - starting column position in bytes ; .width - width of the field in bytes ; .idltype - idltype of field. ; 7 - string, 4- real*4, 3-integer, 5-real*8 ; .tunit - string unit numbers ; .tscal - scale factor ; .tzero - zero point for field ; .tnull - null value for the field ; .tform - format for the field ; .ttype - field name ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORD: ; Count - Integer scalar giving number of fields in the table ; PROCEDURES USED: ; GETTOK(), SXPAR() ; NOTES: ; This procedure underwent a major revision in May 2000, and **THE ; NEW CALLING SEQUENCE IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE OLD ONE ** ; HISTORY: ; D. Lindler July, 1987 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Major rewrite, return structure W. Landsman April 2000 ;- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; On_error,2 ; if N_params() LT 2 then begin print,'Syntax - FTINFO, header, ft_str' return endif ; get number of fields tfields = sxpar( h, 'TFIELDS' , Count = N_TFields) if N_TFields EQ 0 then $ message,'Invalid FITS header. keyword TFIELDS is missing' if tfields EQ 0 then return tbcol = intarr(tfields) tform = replicate(' ',tfields) ; get info for specified field ttype = sxpar(h,'ttype*',Count=N_ttype) ;field name if N_ttype EQ 0 then ttype = strarr(tfields) tbcol[0] = sxpar(h,'tbcol*', Count = N_tbcol) ;starting column position if N_tbcol NE tfields then message,/CON, $ 'Warning - Invalid FITS table header -- TBCOL not present for all fields' ; tform[0] = strtrim(sxpar(h,'tform*', Count = N_tform),2) ; column format if N_tform NE tfields then message,/CON, $ 'Warning - Invalid FITS table header -- TFORM not present for all fields' ; ; physical units tunit = strarr(Tfields) temp = sxpar(h, 'TUNIT*', Count = N_tunit) if N_tunit GT 0 then tunit[0] = temp tscal = fltarr(Tfields) temp = sxpar(h, 'TSCAL*', Count = N_tscal) ; data scale factor if N_tscal GT 0 then tscal[0] = temp tzero = fltarr(tfields) temp = sxpar(h,'TZERO*', Count = N_tzero) ; zero point for field if N_tzero GT 0 then tzero[0] = temp tnull = strarr(Tfields) temp = sxpar(h,'TNULL*', Count = N_tnull) ;null data value if N_tnull GT 0 then tnull[0] = temp ; ; determine idl data type from format ; type = strmid(tform,0,1) idltype = intarr(tfields) for i=0,tfields-1 do begin case strupcase(type[i]) of 'A' : idltype[i] = 7 'I' : idltype[i] = 3 'E' : idltype[i] = 4 'F' : idltype[i] = 4 'D' : idltype[i] = 5 else: message,'Invalid format specification for keyword ' + $ 'TFORM' + strtrim(i+1,2) endcase endfor ; ; get field width in characters ; decpos = strpos(tform,'.') decimal = decpos GT 0 len = strlen(tform) width = intarr(tfields) for i=0, tfields-1 do begin if decimal[i] then width[i] = fix(strmid(tform[i],1,decpos[i]-1)) else $ width[i] = fix(strmid(tform[i],1,len[i]-1)) endfor ft_str = {TBCOL:tbcol,WIDTH:width,IDLTYPE:idltype,TUNIT:tunit, TSCAL:tscal, $ TZERO:tzero, TNULL:tnull, TFORM:tform, TTYPE:ttype} return end