;+ ; Name: ; spd_ui_mdd_help ; ; Purpose: ; Additional information for the MDD GUI ; ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: jwl $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2022-03-04 11:48:01 -0800 (Fri, 04 Mar 2022) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 30648 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_mdd_help.pro $ ;- ; Name: ; spd_ui_mdd_help_event ; ; Purpose: ; Event handler for this panel ; pro spd_ui_mdd_help_event, event compile_opt idl2, hidden Widget_Control, event.top, get_uvalue = ptrHelpState helpState = *ptrHelpState err_help_event = 0 catch, err_help_event ; catch any errors thrown if err_help_event ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output = err_msg widget_control, event.top,/destroy return endif ; handle kill requests if tag_names(event, /structure_name) eq 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST' then begin Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy ; run the garbage collector if we're in IDL 6-7 if double(!version.release) lt 8. then heap_gc return endif ; get the uvalue Widget_Control, event.id, get_uvalue=uval case uval of 'CLOSE': begin if ptr_valid(ptrHelpState) then ptr_free, ptrHelpState Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy return end endcase end pro spd_ui_mdd_help, parent_tlb catch, err_mva_help ; catch any errors opening the panel if err_mva_help ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output=err_msg dprint, dlevel = 1, err_msg err_msgbox = error_message('An unknown error occured while opening the MDD GUI help window. See the console for details', /noname, /center, title='Error in MVA GUI Help') return endif ; create the base widget for the neutral models panel tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title='MDD STD GUI Help', Group_Leader=parent_tlb, $ /Floating, /tlb_kill_request_events,/modal) mainBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /col) bottomBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /col, /base_align_center, /align_center) getresourcepath, resource_path palettebmp = read_bmp(resource_path + 'color.bmp', /rgb) cal = read_bmp(resource_path + 'cal.bmp', /rgb) helpbmp = read_bmp(resource_path + 'question.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, helpbmp spd_ui_match_background, tlb, palettebmp spd_ui_match_background, tlb, cal ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Information Text Box ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; helpMessage=['INTRODUCTION: ', $ ' ', $ 'The MDD & STD methods are to determine the structures dimensionality (i.e. whether is is 1-D, 2-D or 3-D), to ', $ 'build a dimensionality based (dim-based) coordinate system and a proper moving frame in space data analysis ', $ 'based on which one can directly compare with simulated and theoretical works. ', $ ' ', $ '1. MDD method can be used to analyze the dimensionality character of observed structures using multipoint vector', $ 'field measurements of four or more spacecraft. A new dim-based coordinate system can be built and the normal', $ 'of 1-D structure and invariant axis of a 2-D structure can be found instantly at every observed time moment.', $ ' ', $ '2. STD method can be used to calculate the velocity of quasi-stationary structures at every observed moment in', $ 'time from multi-point magnetic field measurements.', $ ' ', $ 'For additional help using this GUI go to: http://spedas.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tools_Menu_-_SPEDAS_GUI', $ ' ', $ ' ', $ 'REFERENCES:', $ '1. Shi, Q. Q., C. Shen, Z. Y. Pu, M. W. Dunlop, Q.-G. Zong, H. Zhang, C.J. Xiao, Z. X. Liu, and A. Balogh (2005),',$ 'Dimensional analysis of observed structures using multipoint magnetic field measurements: Application to Cluster,', $ 'Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L12105, doi:10.1029/2005GL022454.', $ ' ', $ '2. Shi, Q. Q., C. Shen, M. W. Dunlop, Z. Y. Pu, Q.-G. Zong, Z.-X. Liu, E. A. Lucek, and A. Balogh (2006),',$ 'Motion of observed structures calculated from mullti-point magnetic field measurements: Application to Cluster,', $ 'Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L08109, doi:10.1029/2005GL025073.', $ ' '] infoText=Widget_Text(mainBase, value = helpMessage, uvalue='INFOTEXT', /wrap, xsize=88, ysize=26) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Model Name selection ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; buttonBase = Widget_Base(bottomBase, /row) closeButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, value='Close', uval='CLOSE', tooltip='Close this window', /align_center) helpstate = {tlb: tlb} ptrHelpState = ptr_new(helpState, /no_copy) Widget_Control, tlb, set_uvalue = ptrHelpState, /no_copy centertlb, tlb Widget_Control, tlb, /realize XManager, 'spd_ui_mdd_help', tlb, /no_block return end