;+ ;NAME: ; thm_sst_convert_units2 ;PURPOSE: ; ; This routine converts input data into the desired physical units ; It is used as a callback function by ssl_general routines like moments_3d/conv_units ; It will mutate the contents of the struct that is passed as an argument. ; ;Inputs: ; data: data struct that is being converted, this structure will have its data mutated ; units: string identifying the desired output units ; other_data: Proper calibration of the SST requires removal of ion & electron cross-contamination at high energies. If this argument contains the associated struct from ; the opposite species, cross contamination will be removed. ; ;Outputs: ; scale: scale factor that was used to convert the data into the desired format, should have dimensions that match the data ; ; ;SEE ALSO: ; thm_sst_energy_cal2 ; moments_3d ; conv_units ; thm_convert_esa_units ; ;NOTES: ; This code is based heavily on thm_convert_esa_units. Looking there should be helpful in understanding this code. ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2013-09-06 18:19:42 -0700 (Fri, 06 Sep 2013) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 12970 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/SST/SST_cal_workdir/thm_sst_convert_units2.pro $ ;- pro thm_sst_convert_units2,data,units,scale=scale ;so scale gets passed back even if units = data.units_name scale = 1.d if n_params() eq 0 then return if strupcase(units) eq strupcase(data.units_name) then return ;Version checks all bits, accounts for issues due to stuck attenuator on THD if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(data)),'att') then begin atten = thm_sst_atten_scale(data.atten,dimen(data.data),scale_factors=data.att) endif else begin atten = thm_sst_atten_scale(data.atten,dimen(data.data)) endelse if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(data)),'eff') then begin eff = data.eff endif else begin eff = 1. endelse denergy = data.denergy energy = data.energy ; in eV (ne,nbins) n_e = data.nenergy ; number of energies nbins=data.nbins ; number of bins gf = data.geom_factor * atten * data.gf * denergy * data.eff dt = data.integ_t mass = data.mass dead = data.deadtime ; dead time in seconds/count case strupcase(data.units_name) of 'COMPRESSED': scale = 1.d 'COUNTS' : scale = 1. 'RATE' : scale = 1.d* dt 'EFLUX' : scale = 1.d * dt * gf / energy 'FLUX' : scale = 1.d * dt * gf 'DF' : scale = 1.d * dt * gf * (energy * 2./mass/mass*1e5 ) else: begin dprint,'Unknown starting units: ',data.units_name return end endcase tmp = data.data if strupcase(data.units_name) eq 'COMPRESSED' then begin ;decompress if input units are counts tmp = thm_part_decomp16(byte(tmp)) endif ;convert back to counts tmp = scale*tmp ;take out the dead time correction if strupcase(data.units_name) ne 'COUNTS' and strupcase(data.units_name) ne 'RATE' and strupcase(data.units_name) ne 'COMPRESSED' then begin tmp = tmp / (1+(dead/dt)*tmp) endif case strupcase(units) of 'COUNTS' : scale = 1. 'RATE' : scale = 1./dt 'EFLUX' : scale = 1./dt / gf * energy 'FLUX' : scale = 1./dt / gf 'DF' : scale = 1./dt / gf / (energy * 2./mass/mass*1e5 ) else: begin message,'Undefined units: '+units return end endcase ; dead time correction if not counts or rate if strupcase(units) ne 'COUNTS' and strupcase(units) ne 'RATE' then begin denom = 1.- dead*tmp/dt idx = where(denom lt .2,count) if count gt 0 then begin dprint, min(denom,ind) dprint, ' Error: sst_convert_units dead time error.' dprint, ' Dead time correction limited to x5 for ',count,' bins' dprint, ' Time= ',time_string(data.time,/msec) denom[idx] = !VALUES.F_NAN endif denom = .2 > denom < 1. endif else begin denom = 1. endelse ;scale to new units data.data = scale * tmp/denom idx = where(~finite(data.data),c) if c gt 0 then begin data.data[idx] = 0 endif data.units_name=units return end