;+ ; Procedure: ; poes_overview_plot ; ; Purpose: ; Generates overview plots for POES data ; ; Keywords: ; probe: POES probe to create an overview plot for (noaa18, noaa19, etc.) ; ; date: Start date for the overview plot ; duration: Duration of the overview plot ; error: error state, 0 for no error, 1 for an error ; makepng: generate png files ; gui_overplot: flag, 0 if the overview plot isn't being made in the GUI, 1 if it is ; oplot_calls: pointer to an int for tracking calls to overview plots - for ; avoiding overwriting tplot data already loaded during this session ; ; Notes: ; ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2022-03-18 12:52:44 -0700 (Fri, 18 Mar 2022) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 30691 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/poes/poes_overview_plot.pro $ ;- pro poes_overview_plot, date = date, probe = probe_in, duration = duration, error = error, makepng = makepng,$ gui_overplot = gui_overplot, oplot_calls = oplot_calls, directory = directory, $ device = device, import_only=import_only, _extra = _extra compile_opt idl2 ; Catch errors and return catch, errstats if errstats ne 0 then begin error = 1 dprint, dlevel=1, 'Error: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG catch, /cancel return endif thm_init poes_init window_xsize = 750 window_ysize = 800 if undefined(date) then date = '2013-03-17/00:00:00' if undefined(probe_in) then probe_in = 'noaa19' if is_numeric(probe_in) then probe_in = 'noaa' + probe_in ; if undefined(duration) then duration = 0.08333 ; days if undefined(duration) then duration = 1 ; days if undefined(directory) then dir = path_sep() + probe_in+path_sep() else dir = directory if ~undefined(device) then begin set_plot, device device, set_resolution = [window_xsize, window_ysize] endif timespan, date, duration, /day poes_load_data, probes = probe_in poes_plots = probe_in+['_ted_ele_flux_tel0_fixed', '_ted_ele_flux_tel30_fixed', $ '_ted_pro_flux_tel0_fixed', '_ted_pro_flux_tel30_fixed', $ '_mep_ele_flux_tel?', '_mep_ele_flux_tel??', $ '_mep_pro_flux_tel?', '_mep_pro_flux_tel??'] ; make sure the data was loaded poes_data_loaded = tnames(poes_plots) if n_elements(poes_data_loaded) gt 1 then begin if undefined(gui_overplot) then begin ; setup the plot ;window, 1, xsize=window_xsize, ysize=window_ysize time_stamp,/off loadct2,43 !p.charsize=0.7 !p.background=255. !p.color=0. tplot_options, 'title', strupcase(probe_in) tplot, poes_plots ; add the ephem labels options, /def, probe_in+'_mlt', 'ytitle', 'MLT' options, /def, probe_in+'_mag_lat_sat', 'ytitle', 'Lat' tplot, var_label=[probe_in+'_mlt', probe_in+'_mag_lat_sat'] if keyword_set(makepng) then begin thm_gen_multipngplot, probe_in, date, directory = dir, /mkdir endif endif else begin options, /add, probe_in+'_mlt', 'ytitle', 'MLT' options, /add, probe_in+'_mag_lat_sat', 'ytitle', 'Lat' tplot_gui, /no_verify, /add_panel, poes_plots, var_label=[probe_in+'_mag_lat_sat', probe_in+'_mlt'], import_only=import_only endelse error = 0 endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error creating POES overview plot - no data loaded for ' + time_string(date) error = 1 endelse end