;+ ;FUNCTION: vp_4d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins,MASS=ms,m_int=mi,q=q,mincnt=mincnt) ;INPUT: ; dat: structure, 4d data structure filled by themis routines mvn_sta_get_c8.pro ;KEYWORDS ; ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ; ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration ; EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration ; 0,1=exclude,include, ; na = dat.nenergy ; ANGLE: fltarr(2,2), optional, angle range for integration ; theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -9022 theta ; may want to set thmax_def to 50. if the APP is off-pointing as during NGIMS wind measurements common sta_c8_th_vperp_default,thmax_def if keyword_set(thmax_def) then thmax=thmax_def else thmax=22. ; assume a O2+ beam if dat2.apid eq 'c8' - only include 3 energies centered on peak offset_time=0. if dat2.apid eq 'c8' then begin ind = where(abs(theta) ge thmax,count) if count gt 0 then data[ind] = 0. spec = total(data,2) pk_spec = max(spec,ind2) peak=energy[ind2,0] get_data,'mvn_sta_o2+_c6_ec',data=tmp97 if size(tmp97,/type) eq 8 then begin ; peak = interp(tmp97.y,tmp97.x,dat2.time+2.) min_tim = min(abs(tmp97.x-dat2.time-2.),ind97) peak = tmp97.y[ind97] endif if keyword_set(en) then peak2 = en[0] > peak < en[1] else peak2=peak closest = min(abs(reform(energy[*,0])-peak2),ind2) peak2=energy[ind2,0] nne=2 if dat.mode eq 7 then nne=nne*2 data[0:((ind2-nne)>0),*]=0. data[((ind2+nne)<31):31,*]=0. offset_time = (ind2-15.5)*2./16. ; this accounts for the actual time of measurement -- needed for ngims wind APP nods endif ; use the debye length and characteristic energy to correct for deflections by s/c potentials caused by surface geometry relative to particle direction get_data,'mvn_sta_o2+_o+_c6_density3',data=tmp98 if size(tmp98,/type) eq 8 then begin min_tim = min(abs(tmp98.x-dat2.time-2.),ind98) den98 = tmp98.y[ind98] debye = 740.*(0.1/den98)^.5 ; cm, debye length radii = 5. ; cm, characteristic dimension of analyzer ; scale2 = radii/(debye+radii) ; original guess scale2 = (debye/4.+radii)/(debye+radii) ; scale2->1 as debye->0, scale2-> ~1/4 at debye>>radii, 1/4 is a guess pot2 = pot*scale2 ; the amount of potential acceleration normal to analyzer surface endif else begin ; may want to modify this den98 = nb_4d(dat) debye = 740.*(0.1/den98)^.5 ; cm, debye length radii = 5. ; cm, characteristic dimension of analyzer ; scale2 = radii/(debye+radii) ; original guess scale2 = (debye/4.+radii)/(debye+radii) ; scale2->1 as debye->0, scale2-> ~1/4 at debye>>radii, 1/4 is a guess pot2 = pot*scale2 ; the amount of potential acceleration normal to analyzer surface ; pot2=0 endelse if keyword_set(mincnt) then if total(data-bkg) lt mincnt then return,def if total(data-bkg) lt 1 then return,def if keyword_set(mi) then mass = dat.mass*mi else mass=dat.mass*32. ; assume O2+ if not set ; the following offsets account for aberations in the electrostatic analyzer ; it assumes the beam is centered on an anode ; offset0 and offset 1 could be improved by using apid ca to determine where the beam is centered and its width ; offset0 is due to the attenuator, determined by discontinuities in center theta ; offset1 is due to is an overall alignment offset ; offset2 is due to ion suppression and therefore is energy dependent - use ram-horizontal to determine this or scenario 1 ; offset3 is due to APP not pointing in RAM direction - requires 'Vthe_MAVEN_APP' tplot data loaded if (dat.att_ind eq 3) then offset0=1.5 ; 1.5 0 if (dat.att_ind eq 2) then offset0=0.0 ; 0.0 0 ;if (dat.att_ind eq 1) then offset0=1.0 ; 1.0 1 ;if (dat.att_ind eq 0) then offset0=0.0 ; 0.0 0 ; changed 20190204 empirically determined on nightside ; offsets for non-mech-att states are larger than originally estimated ; offsets are determined at attenuator state changes ; may need to check for scpot of variation of these offsets - these work for low scpot>-1V if (dat.att_ind eq 1) then offset0=2.0 ; if (dat.att_ind eq 0) then offset0=1.0 ; ; offset2,offset1 uses inputs from common mvn_sta_offset2 offset2=efoldoffset*(1.-erf((energy-e0)/(scale1*(e0+.01)))) ;offset2=0. ; for testing purposes get_data,'V_sc_APP_The',data=tmp99 if size(tmp99,/type) eq 8 then begin ; ind_t = min(abs(dat2.time+2. - tmp99.x),ind99) ; offset3 = -tmp99.y[ind99] offset3 = interp(-tmp99.y,tmp99.x,dat2.time+2.+offset_time) endif else offset3=0. offset=offset0+offset1+offset2+offset3 ; not sure which of the following is correct - for density>1.e4, debye length is small (1-2 cm) and scpot does not impact vperp ; there may be lower density cases where debye length is 10 cm where this breaks down. v = (2.*(energy+pot)/mass)^.5 > 0. ; use scpot corrected energy for large debye length ;v = (2.*energy/mass)^.5 ; don't use scpot corrected energy for small debye length sth = sin((dat.theta+offset)/!radeg) vp = v*sth ; km/s ;corr = exp((kk/dat.energy)^2) ; don't weight by sensitivity - use highest counts for statistics. corr = 1. data2 = ((data-bkg)>0.)*corr ; we assume no contribution for energies>11eV for att=1,3, so no need to use eflux ;vperp = total(vp*((data-bkg)>0.))/total((data-bkg)>0.) ;vperp = total(vp*data2)/total(data2) th1 = total(dat.theta*data2)/total(data2) ; th1 is the measured beam center w/o corrections th2 = total(offset*data2)/total(data2) ; th2 is the APP pointing ram direction plus instrument internal offsets, not used anymore th3 = total((dat.theta+offset0+offset1+offset2)*data2)/total(data2) ; th3 is the measured beam center minus internal instrument offsets th4 = -offset3 ; th4 is the APP pointing direction ;th5 = !radeg*atan ((peak2/(peak2+pot2))^.5*tan(th3/!radeg)) ; th5 blue is the th3 angle corrected for external deflections caused by s/c charging ; def_const should be 1 for a planar surface, 0 for spherical def_const=1.00 ; determined imperically during APP nods 20171008 - might need to be debye length dependent th5 = !radeg*atan ((peak2/(peak2+def_const*pot2))^.5*tan(th3/!radeg)) ; th5 is the th3 angle corrected for external deflections caused by s/c charging ;print,th5,peak2,def_const,pot2 vperp = total(v*data2)/total(data2)*sin((th5-th4)/!radeg) ; vperp is the velocity perpendicular to the "th4" ram direction return, vperp ; km/s end