;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_set_userpass,username,password ;PURPOSE: ; Sets the username and password for automatic file retrieval ;Typical Usage: ; mvn_set_userpass,'joe@gmail.com','passwd!'[,/TEMPORARY] ; This line is typically put in your IDL_STARTUP routine. ;Keywords: ; TEMPORARY: Set this keyword to prevent the username and password from being stored in an environment variable ; $LastChangedBy: $ ; $LastChangedDate: $ ; $LastChangedRevision: $ ; $URL: $ ;- pro mvn_set_userpass,username,password,TEMPORARY=TEMPORARY if ~keyword_set(TEMPORARY) then setenv,'MAVENPFP_USER_PASS=' + idl_base64( byte( username+':'+password) ) s = mvn_file_source(/set,USER_PASS = idl_base64( byte( username+':'+password)) ) end