;+ ;NAME: ; cl_ui_load_data ; ;PURPOSE: ; This routine builds a load data panel of widgets for the Cluster mission and ; handles the widget events produces. ; ;HISTORY: ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This helper function queries the widgets and creates a structure based on the user selections function cl_ui_get_user_selections, state, event ; retrieve the instrument selected instlist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='instrument') instrument = widget_info(instlist,/combobox_gettext) ; retrieve the probe[s] selected probelist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='probelist') probeSelect = widget_info(probelist,/list_select) if probeSelect[0] eq -1 then begin state.statusBar->update,'You must select at least one probe' state.historyWin->update,'cl add attempted without selecting probe' return, -1 endif probes=state.probeArray[probeSelect] ;get the start and stop times timeRangeObj = state.timeRangeObj timeRangeObj->getProperty,startTime=startTimeObj,endTime=endTimeObj startTimeObj->getProperty,tdouble=startTimeDouble,tstring=startTimeString endTimeObj->getProperty,tdouble=endTimeDouble,tstring=endTimeString ;report errors if startTimeDouble ge endTimeDouble then begin state.statusBar->update,'Cannot add data unless end time is greater than start time.' state.historyWin->update,'cl add attempted with start time greater than end time.' return, -1 endif ;create a load structure to pass the parameters needed by the load ;procedure selections = { instrument:instrument, $ probes:probes, $ timeRange:[startTimeString, endTimeString] } return, selections end ;---------------------- ; START EVENT HANDLER ;---------------------- pro cl_ui_load_data_event,event compile_opt hidden,idl2 ;handle and report errors, reset variables err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg if is_struct(state) then begin ;send error message FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO state.historywin->update,err_msg[j] if widget_valid(state.baseID) && obj_valid(state.historyWin) then begin spd_gui_error,state.baseid,state.historyWin endif ;update central tree, if possible if obj_valid(state.loadTree) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.loadTree->getCopy() endif ;restore the state structure Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy endif Print, 'Error--See history' ok=error_message('An unknown error occured and the window must be restarted. See console for details.',$ /noname, /center, title='Error in Load Data') widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF ;retrieve the state variable widget_control, event.handler, Get_UValue=state, /no_copy ;retrieve event information and the uvalue (or widget name) ;note, not all widgets are assigned uvalues widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue = uval if is_string(uval) then begin case uval of 'CLEARPARAMS': begin ;clear the level and type list widget of all selections probelist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='probelist') widget_control,probelist,set_list_select=-1 end 'CLEARDATA': begin ;clear the actual data that has been loaded. this will delete all ;data loaded into the gui memory so warn user first ok = dialog_message("This will delete all currently loaded data. Are you sure you wish to continue?",/question,/default_no,/center) if strlowcase(ok) eq 'yes' then begin datanames = state.loadedData->getAll(/parent) if is_string(datanames) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(dataNames)-1 do begin result = state.loadedData->remove(datanames[i]) if ~result then begin ;report errors to the status bar for the user to see and log the ;error to the history window state.statusBar->update,'Unexpected error while removing data.' state.historyWin->update,'Unexpected error while removing data.' endif endfor endif ;update the data tree and add the delete commands to the callSequence ;object which tracks sequences of calls during the gui session state.loadTree->update state.callSequence->clearCalls endif end ;'CHECK_DATA_AVAIL': spd_ui_open_url, 'ftp://themis-data.igpp.ucla.edu/themis/data/elfin' 'DEL': begin ;get the current list of loaded data dataNames = state.loadTree->getValue() if ptr_valid(datanames[0]) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(dataNames)-1 do begin ;delete the selected data from the gui memory and loaded data tree result = state.loadedData->remove((*datanames[i]).groupname) if ~result then begin ;report errors to the status bar for the user to see and log the ;error to the history window state.statusBar->update,'Unexpected error while removing data.' state.historyWin->update,'Unexpected error while removing data.' endif endfor endif state.loadTree->update end 'ADD': begin ;retrieve the selections made by the user loadstruc = cl_ui_get_user_selections(state, event) if size(loadstruc, /type) NE 8 then begin ;report errors to the status bar for the user to see and log the ;error to the history window state.statusBar->update,'Not all parameters were selected.' state.historyWin->update,'Not all parameters were selected.' endif else begin ;turn on the hour glass while the data is being loaded widget_control, /hourglass ;call the routine that loads the data and update the loaded data tree ;this routine is specific to each mission cl_ui_load_data_load_pro, $ loadstruc,$ state.loadedData,$ state.statusBar,$ state.historyWin,$ state.baseid, $ replay=replay,$ overwrite_selections=overwrite_selections ;allows replay of user overwrite selections from spedas ;update the loaded data object state.loadTree->update ;create a structure that will be used by the call sequence object. the ;call sequence object tracks the sequences of dprocs that have been ;executed during a gui session. This is so it can be replayed in a ;later session. The callSeqStruc.type for ALL new missions is ;'loadapidata'. callSeqStruc = { type:'loadapidata', $ subtype:'cl_ui_load_data_load_pro', $ loadStruc:loadStruc, $ overwrite_selections:overwrite_selections } ; add the information regarding this load to the call sequence object state.callSequence->addSt, callSeqStruc ;NOTE: In order to replay a session the user must save the sequence of ;commands by selecting 'Save SPEDAS document' under the 'File' ;pull down menu prior to exiting the gui session. endelse end else: endcase endif ;set the state structure before returning to the panel ;stop Widget_Control, event.handler, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy return end ;this procedure is called by the main load data panel when this tab is ;selected by the user. This is where the mission specific load data panel is ;created and initialized. The name of the ;load procedure (called later by the event handler) is the load procedure ;in the spd_ui_load_data_config.txt file. pro cl_ui_load_data,tabid,loadedData,historyWin,statusBar,treeCopyPtr,timeRangeObj,callSequence,loadTree=loadTree,timeWidget=timeWidget compile_opt idl2,hidden ;load bitmap resources getresourcepath,rpath rightArrow = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_000_medium.bmp', /rgb) trashcan = read_bmp(rpath + 'trashcan.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tabid, rightArrow spd_ui_match_background, tabid, trashcan ;create all the bases needed for the widgets on the panel topBase = Widget_Base(tabid, /Row, /Align_Top, /Align_Left, YPad=1,event_pro='cl_ui_load_data_event') leftBase = widget_base(topBase,/col) middleBase = widget_base(topBase,/col,/align_center) rightBase = widget_base(topBase,/col) leftLabel = widget_label(leftBase,value='Data Selection:',/align_left) rightLabel = widget_label(rightBase,value='Data Loaded:',/align_left) selectionBase = widget_base(leftBase,/col,/frame) treeBase = widget_base(rightBase,/col,/frame) ;create the buttons to add or remove data to the gui. the bitmaps for ;these buttons include a 'right arrow' for adding to the currently loaded ;data, and a 'trashcan' for removing data from the data tree. addButton = Widget_Button(middleBase, Value=rightArrow, /Bitmap, UValue='ADD', $ ToolTip='Load data selection') minusButton = Widget_Button(middleBase, Value=trashcan, /Bitmap, $ Uvalue='DEL', $ ToolTip='Delete data selected in the list of loaded data') ;this creates and copies the loaded data tree for use within this routine loadTree = Obj_New('spd_ui_widget_tree', treeBase, 'LOADTREE', loadedData, $ XSize=400, YSize=425, mode=0, /multi,/showdatetime) loadTree->update,from_copy=*treeCopyPtr ;create the buttons that removes all data clearDataBase = widget_base(rightBase,/row,/align_center) clearDataButton = widget_button(clearDataBase,value='Delete All Data',uvalue='CLEARDATA',/align_center,ToolTip='Deletes all loaded data') ;the ui time widget handles all widgets and events that are associated with the ;time widget and includes Start/Stop Time labels, text boxes, calendar icons, and ;other items associated with setting the time for the data to be loaded. if ~obj_valid(tr_obj) then begin st_text = '2018-09-17/00:00:00.0' et_text = '2018-09-18/00:00:00.0' tr_obj=obj_new('spd_ui_time_range',starttime=st_text,endtime=et_text) endif timeWidget = spd_ui_time_widget(selectionBase,$ statusBar,$ historyWin,$ timeRangeObj=tr_obj,$ uvalue='TIME_WIDGET',$ uname='time_widget') ;create the dropdown menu that lists the various instrument types for this mission instrumentArray = ['aspoc','cis','dwp','edi','efw','fgm','peace','rapid','staff','wbd','whisper'] instrumentBase = widget_base(selectionBase,/row, xpad=3) instrumentLabel = widget_label(instrumentBase,value='Instrument Type: ') instrumentCombo = widget_combobox(instrumentBase,$ value=instrumentArray,$ uvalue='INSTRUMENT',$ uname='instrument') selectionTypesBase = widget_base(selectionBase, /row) ;create the list box that lists all the probes that are associated with this ;mission along with the clear all button probeArray = ['1','2','3','4'] probeBase = widget_base(selectionTypesBase, /col) probeLabel = widget_label(probeBase,value='Probe:') probeList = widget_list(probeBase,$ value=probeArray,$ /multiple,$ uname='probelist',$ uvalue='PROBELIST',$ xsize=16,$ ysize=15) widget_control, probeList, set_list_select=0 davailabilitybutton = widget_button(selectionBase, val = ' Check Data Availability', $ uval = 'CHECK_DATA_AVAIL', /align_center, $ ToolTip = 'Check data availability on the web') ;create the state variable with all the parameters that are needed by this ;panels event handler routine state = {baseid:topBase, $ loadTree:loadTree, $ treeCopyPtr:treeCopyPtr, $ timeRangeObj:tr_obj, $ statusBar:statusBar, $ historyWin:historyWin, $ loadedData:loadedData, $ callSequence:callSequence, $ probeArray:probeArray, $ instrumentArray:instrumentArray} widget_control,topBase,set_uvalue=state return end