;+ ;NAME: ; ; thm_gui_new ; ;PURPOSE: ; GUI for THEMIS data analysis ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; themis_gui_new ; ;INPUT: ; none ; ; Keywords: ; Reset - If set will reset all internal settings. ; Otherwise, it will try to load the state of the previous call. ; template_filename - The file name of a previously saved themis template document, ; can be used to store user preferences and defaults. ; ;OUTPUT: ; none ; ;HISTORY: ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2012-03-14 11:25:43 -0700 (Wed, 14 Mar 2012) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 10090 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/tags/tdas_7_01/idl/themis/thm_ui_new/thm_gui_new.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO thm_gui_new_event, event COMPILE_OPT hidden err_xxx = 0 catch, err_xxx If(err_xxx Ne 0) Then Begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output = err_msg For j = 0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 Do begin if is_struct(info) && obj_valid(info.historywin) then begin info.historywin->update,err_msg[j] endif print, err_msg[j] endfor If(is_struct(info)) Then Begin x=info.master if obj_valid(info.historywin) then begin thm_gui_error,x,info.historywin endif if widget_valid(event.top) then begin widget_control, event.top, set_uval = info, /no_copy endif else begin print,'Potentially catastrophic error. You may want to terminate the gui by selecting run->terminate' return endelse Endif else begin print,'Potentially catastrophic error. You may want to terminate the gui by selecting run->terminate' return endelse Endif ;kill request block IF(Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN thm_ui_exit,event,info=info return ENDIF ; Get the info structure from the top level widget Widget_Control, event.top, Get_UValue=info if ~is_struct(info) then begin t = error_message('Unset info in Event Handler',/Traceback, /center, title='Error in GUI') Widget_control,event.top,/destroy return endif ;resize event IF(tag_names(event,/structure_name) eq 'WIDGET_BASE') then begin tm = systime(/seconds) ;can get a series of resizes in quick succession ;this code will ignore all resizes after the first ;for a short time if tm - info.resizetime gt .25 then begin newx = event.x - info.interface_size[0] newy = event.y - info.interface_size[1] charSize = ceil(newx/!d.x_ch_size) mincharsize = ceil(info.toolbar_xsize/!d.x_ch_size) widget_control,info.master,update=0 widget_control,info.drawID,xsize=newx > info.toolbar_xsize,ysize=newy>1 info.scrollbar->setProperty,xsize=newx > info.toolbar_xsize info.statusBar->setProperty,xsize=charsize > mincharsize,/refresh ;info.pathBar->setProperty,xsize=charsize,/refresh widget_control,info.master,update=1 info.screenSize=[newx > info.toolbar_xsize,newy>1] info.resizetime = systime(/seconds) info.drawObject->draw endif Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=info, /No_Copy RETURN endif ; Handle all events in the draw window first IF tag_names(event, /structure_name) eq 'WIDGET_TRACKING' then begin info.draw_select = event.enter if info.marking ne 0 or info.rubberbanding ne 0 then begin if event.enter EQ 0 then thm_ui_reset_tracking, info endif Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=info, /No_Copy return endif IF(TAG_NAMES(event, /STRUCTURE_NAME) EQ 'WIDGET_DRAW') THEN BEGIN ; main handler for all events that occur in the draw window (cursor movement, ; button presses, and keyboard events) info=thm_ui_draw_event(event, info) ;handle an exit code if ~is_struct(info) then return ;this code redraws the window if manual redraw & expose events are enabled if event.type eq 4 then begin info.drawObject->draw endif Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=info, /No_Copy RETURN ENDIF ; Check for keyboard events IF (TAG_NAMES(event, /STRUCTURE_NAME) EQ 'WIDGET_KBRD_FOCUS') THEN BEGIN Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=info, /No_Copy RETURN ENDIF ; If not draw or keyboard event, must be a widget ; Get the user value to see which one Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=userValue ;disable cursor events during panels info.drawDisabled = 1 Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=info ;event will turn off context menu ;Putting this here should be okay, even ;though not all events below are context events info.contextMenuOn = 0 CASE userValue OF 'EXIT': BEGIN thm_ui_exit,event,info=info return end 'OPEN': BEGIN thm_ui_open,info END 'SAVE': BEGIN thm_ui_save,info END 'SAVEAS': BEGIN thm_ui_saveas,info END 'OPEN_TEMPLATE': BEGIN thm_ui_open_template,info END 'SAVE_TEMPLATE': BEGIN thm_ui_save_template,info END 'SAVEAS_TEMPLATE': BEGIN thm_ui_saveas_template,info END 'SAVEDATAAS': BEGIN data = info.loadedData->GetAll() IF Is_Num(data) THEN info.statusBar->Update, 'There is no data to save. Please load data using the Load THEMIS Data option under the File pull down menu.' $ ELSE BEGIN thm_ui_save_data_as, info.master, info.loadedData, info.historywin,info.guiTree, info.saveDataDirPtr, info.statusbar ENDELSE END 'SAVEWITH': BEGIN thm_ui_save_data, info.master, info.historywin saveWith=1 IF saveWith EQ 1 THEN BEGIN xt = Time_String(Systime(/sec)) timeString = Strmid(xt, 0, 4)+Strmid(xt, 5, 2)+Strmid(xt, 8, 2)+$ '_'+Strmid(xt,11,2)+Strmid(xt,14,2)+Strmid(xt,17,2) fileString = 'themis_saved_'+timeString fileName = Dialog_Pickfile(Title = 'Save With Data THEMIS Document:', $ Filter = '*.tgd', File = fileName, /Write, Dialog_Parent=info.master) IF (Is_String(fileName)) THEN BEGIN statusMessage = 'Successfully saved THEMIS document with data as: '+fileName info.statusBar->Update, statusMessage ENDIF ELSE BEGIN info.statusBar->Update, 'Operation Cancelled' ENDELSE ENDIF END 'CLOSE': BEGIN if info.marking eq 0 && info.rubberbanding eq 0 then begin info.ctrl=0 thm_ui_close_window, info endif end 'LOAD': BEGIN dataLoadSelectPtr = info.dataLoadSelectPtr thm_ui_init_load_window, info.master, info.windowStorage, info.loadedData, $ info.historyWin, info.dataFlag, info.dataButtons, $ info.loadtr,info.guiTree,dataLoadSelectPtr info.dataLoadSelectPtr = dataLoadSelectPtr ;thm_ui_load_data_file, info.master, info.windowStorage, info.loadedData, info.historyWin, info.dataFlag, info.dataButtons, info.loadtr info.drawObject->Update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw info.scrollbar->update END 'MANAGEDATA': BEGIN thm_ui_manage_data, info.master, info.loadedData, info.windowStorage, info.historywin,info.guiTree info.drawObject->Update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw END 'EXPORTMETA': BEGIN info.drawObject->draw saveObj = obj_new('thm_ui_draw_save',info.drawObject,info.loadedData,info.windowStorage) fileStruct = thm_ui_image_export(info.master,info.drawObject,info.historywin,info.statusBar,info.imageOptions) IF(Is_String(fileStruct.name)) THEN BEGIN ; saveObj = obj_new('thm_ui_draw_save',info.drawObject) if obj_valid(saveObj) && saveObj->write(fileStruct) then begin statusMessage = 'Successfully saved file: '+ fileStruct.name info.statusBar->Update, statusMessage info.historyWin->update,statusMessage ptr_free,info.imageOptions info.imageOptions = ptr_new(fileStruct) endif else begin info.statusBar->Update, 'Image Save Failed' info.historyWin->Update,'Image Save Failed' endelse obj_destroy,saveObj ENDIF ELSE BEGIN info.statusBar->Update, 'Image Save Cancelled' ENDELSE END 'LOADTHEME': BEGIN fileName = Dialog_Pickfile(Title='Open THEMIS Theme File:', $ Filter='*.thm', Dialog_Parent=info.master) IF(Is_String(fileName)) THEN BEGIN statusMessage = 'Successfully opened THEMIS Theme File: '+fileName info.statusBar->Update, statusMessage ENDIF ELSE BEGIN statusMessage = 'Invalid Filename: '+fileName info.statusBar->Update, statusMessage ENDELSE END 'SAVETHEME': BEGIN fileName = Dialog_Pickfile(Title='Save THEMIS Theme File:', $ Filter='*.thm', /Write, Dialog_Parent=info.master) IF(Is_String(fileName)) THEN BEGIN statusMessage = 'Successfully saved THEMIS Theme File: '+fileName info.statusBar->Update, statusMessage ENDIF ELSE BEGIN statusMessage = 'Invalid Filename: '+fileName info.statusBar->Update, statusMessage ENDELSE END 'IMPORTM': BEGIN dummy=dialog_message('Import Marker List not yet implemented',/ERROR,/CENTER, title='Error in GUI') END 'EXPORTM': thm_ui_export_markers, info.master 'EXPORTML': BEGIN fileName = Dialog_Pickfile(Title='Export THEMIS Marker List:', $ Filter='*.mrk', /Write, Dialog_Parent=info.master) IF(Is_String(fileName)) THEN BEGIN save_marker_list,windowstorage=info.windowstorage,filename=fileName,$ statusmsg=statusmsg,statuscode=statuscode IF (statuscode LT 0) THEN BEGIN info.statusBar->Update, statusmsg dummy=dialog_message(statusmsg,/ERROR,/CENTER, title='Error in GUI') ENDIF ELSE BEGIN info.statusBar->Update, statusmsg ENDELSE ENDIF END 'PRINT': BEGIN info.ctrl=0 thm_ui_print,info END 'PSETUP': BEGIN if info.printWarning eq 0 then begin ok = dialog_message("IDL printer support can be unreliable." + thm_ui_newline() + $ 'If you have trouble, try exporting from the "File->Export to Image File" menu.' + thm_ui_newline() + $ '"File->Export to Image File" supports eps, png, and numerous other image formats.',$ dialog_parent=info.master) info.printwarning=1 endif info.statusbar->update,'Warning: IDL printer support can be unreliable, if you have trouble try exporting to via the "File->Export to Image File" menu.' info.printObj = Obj_New("IDLgrPRINTER", Print_Quality=2, Quality=2) result=Dialog_Printersetup(info.printObj, Dialog_Parent=info.master) IF result NE 0 THEN thm_ui_print,info END 'UNDO': info.statusBar->Update, 'The undo function is not implemented in this release.' 'REDO': info.statusBar->Update, 'The redo function is not implemented in this release.' 'COPY': BEGIN if info.marking eq 0 && info.rubberbanding eq 0 then begin info.ctrl=0 dataNames = info.loadedData->GetAll() IF Is_Num(dataNames) THEN BEGIN info.statusBar->Update, 'The copy operation is not functional until data has been loaded' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN info.drawObject->vbaroff info.drawObject->hBaroff info.drawobject->legendoff ;quick fix by prc to make this thing work for presentation. It originally used the call: ;info.drawWin->getProperty,units=units,original_virtual_dimensions=virtual_dimensions ;but original_virtual_dimensions is not actually a keyword for IDLgrWindow->getProperty info.drawWin->getProperty,units=units,virtual_dimensions=virtual_dimensions myClipboard=Obj_New('IDLgrClipboard', Quality=2, Dimensions=virtual_dimensions,units=units) info.drawObject->SetProperty,destination=myclipboard info.drawObject->update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw,vector=0,postscript=0 ;redraw old window info.drawObject->setProperty, destination=info.drawWin info.drawObject->update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw result = widget_info(info.trackvMenu,/button_set) if result eq 1 then begin result = widget_info(info.trackAllMenu,/button_set) IF result eq 1 THEN info.drawObject->vBarOn, /all ELSE info.drawObject->vBarOn endif result = widget_info(info.trackhMenu,/button_set) if result eq 1 then begin result = widget_info(info.trackAllMenu,/button_set) ; IF result eq 1 THEN info.drawObject->hBarOn, /all ELSE info.drawObject->hBarOn info.drawObject->hBarOn endif result = Widget_Info(info.showPositionMenu, /button_set) IF result EQ 1 THEN BEGIN IF info.trackAll EQ 1 THEN info.drawObject->legendOn, /All ELSE info.drawObject->legendOn ENDIF ENDELSE endif END 'DELETEM': thm_ui_delete_marker, info 'SUBPAGE': BEGIN oldWindow = info.windowStorage->GetActive() newWindow = oldWindow->Copy() ; newWindow->GetProperty, NRows=nrows, NCols=ncols, Panels=panels, Settings=settings, $ ; Tracking=tracking, Locked=locked ; result = info.windowStorage->Add(NRows=nrows, NCols=ncols, Panels=panels, Settings=settings, $ ; Tracking=tracking, Locked=locked) result = info.windowStorage->AddNewObject(newWindow) activeWindow = info.windowStorage->GetActive() oldWindow->getProperty,settings=settings ;override any defaults which may be set by template activeWindow->setProperty,settings=settings->copy() activeWindow->GetProperty, Name=name info.windowMenus->Add, name info.windowMenus->Update, info.windowStorage info.drawObject->update,info.windowStorage, info.loadedData info.drawObject->draw info.scrollbar->update info.statusbar->update,'Subset page finished. New window displayed.' END 'SUBMARKER': thm_ui_subset_marker, info 'SUBMARKERMULTI': thm_ui_subset_marker_multi,info 'EXMD': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) IF result EQ 0 THEN BEGIN example_data,info info.statusBar->Update, 'Example window displayed' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN info.statusBar->Update, 'Example window not displayed' ENDELSE FOR i=0, N_Elements(info.dataButtons)-1 DO Widget_Control, info.dataButtons[i], sensitive=1 FOR i=0, N_Elements(info.panelButtons)-1 DO Widget_Control, info.panelButtons[i], sensitive=1 FOR i=0, N_Elements(info.markerButtons)-1 DO Widget_Control, info.markerButtons[i], sensitive=1 END 'TEST': BEGIN thm_ui_widget_tree_test,info.master,info.loadedData, info.historywin END 'CONF': BEGIN info.drawObject->draw drawID = info.drawId drawWin = info.drawWin thm_ui_fileconfig, info.master,drawId,drawWin,info.drawObject,$ info.screenSize,info.graphBase, $ info.historyWin ; update the references in info to template info.template_filename = !THM_GUI_NEW.templatepath !THM_GUI_NEW.windowstorage->GetProperty,template = templateobj info.template_object = templateobj info.drawId = drawId info.drawWin = drawWin info.drawDisableTimer = systime(/seconds) ; print,info.drawDisableTimer END 'JUMP': thm_ui_jump, info.master, info.historywin 'JOURNAL': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) IF result EQ 0 THEN BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=1 Journal,'thm_ui_idlsave.pro' info.statusBar->Update, 'Journaling has been turned on' info.historyWin->Update, 'Journaling has been turned on' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=0 Journal info.statusBar->Update, 'Journaling has been turned off' info.historyWin->Update, 'Journaling has been turned off' ENDELSE END 'REFRESH': BEGIN info.ctrl=0 thm_ui_refresh,info END 'SCROLLF':BEGIN thm_ui_scrollf,info END 'SCROLLB':BEGIN thm_ui_scrollb,info END 'EXPAND':BEGIN thm_ui_expand,info END 'REDUCE':BEGIN thm_ui_reduce,info END 'HISTORYW': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) IF result EQ 0 THEN BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=1 info.historyWin->Draw ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=0 info.historyWin->Delete ENDELSE END 'PATHBAR': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) IF result EQ 0 THEN BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=1 info.pathBar->Draw ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=0 info.pathBar->Delete ENDELSE END ;Note on code related to various tracking switches ;Because events and clicks can be unreliable this code goes a little bit ;overboard in guaranteeing valid state and restoring state even when an ;invariant should guarantee state. ;Concretely, (1) It tries to check the widget values, rather than rely on the internal info.* flag ; (2) It tries not to flip flags via newval = ~oldval logic, but instead sets value exactly, ie newval = 1 -or- newval = 0 ; (3) It resets the info.* flags whenever it can be certain of what a value should be ;In the long run we should try to eliminate the number of flags. So we can rely primarily on widget state 'POSITIONBAR': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) ;change legend from off to on if result eq 0 then begin info.legendOn = 1 info.tracking = 1 widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=1 widget_control,info.trackMenu,set_button=1 ;this trackone/trackall section is identical to a case in the vertical bar code if info.trackAll then begin info.trackOne = 0 info.trackAll = 1 widget_control,info.trackAllMenu,set_button=1 widget_control,info.trackOneMenu,set_button=0 all = 1 endif else begin info.trackOne = 1 info.trackAll = 0 widget_control,info.trackAllMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackOneMenu,set_button=1 all = 0 endelse info.drawObject->LegendOn,all=all if info.trackingv then begin info.trackingv = 1 widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->vBarOn,all=all endif else begin info.trackingv = 0 widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->vBarOff endelse if info.trackingh then begin info.trackingh = 1 widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=1 ; info.drawObject->hBarOn,all=all info.drawObject->hBarOn endif else begin info.trackingh = 0 widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->hBarOff endelse activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=1 endif ;whenever tracking is turned on a update/redraw needs to be done ;this is because the zoom may have been changed between tracking ;this leads to an incorrectly sized legend if not redrawn info.drawObject->Update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw info.statusBar->Update, 'Legend tracking turned on' ;change legend from on to off endif else begin info.legendOn = 0 widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->legendOff ;if vBar && hBar are also off, then turn other tracking switches off resultv = widget_info(info.trackvMenu,/button_set) resulth = widget_info(info.trackhMenu,/button_set) if ~resultv && ~resulth then begin info.tracking = 0 info.trackingv = 0 info.trackingh = 0 widget_control,info.trackMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackAllMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackOneMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->vBarOff info.drawObject->hBarOff activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=0 endif endif info.statusBar->Update, 'Legend tracking turned off' endelse END 'STATUSBAR': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) IF result EQ 0 THEN BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=1 info.statusBar->Draw ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=0 info.statusBar->Delete ENDELSE END ;Note on code related to various tracking switches ;Because events and clicks can be unreliable this code goes a little bit ;overboard in guaranteeing valid state and restoring state even when an ;invariant should guarantee state. ;Concretely, (1) It tries to check the widget values, rather than rely on the internal info.* flag ; (2) It tries not to flip flags via newval = ~oldval logic, but instead sets value exactly, ie newval = 1 -or- newval = 0 ; (3) It resets the info.* flags whenever it can be certain of what a value should be ;In the long run we should try to eliminate the number of flags. So we can rely primarily on widget state 'TRACK': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) ;if tracking is off, then we turn it on IF result EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ;if tracking is turned on then turn on the appropriate trackOne or trackAll setting if ~info.trackAll && info.trackOne then begin Widget_Control, info.trackAllMenu, Set_Button=0 Widget_Control, info.trackOneMenu, Set_Button=1 info.trackAll=0 info.trackOne=1 endif else if info.trackAll && ~info.trackOne then begin Widget_Control, info.trackAllMenu, Set_Button=1 Widget_Control, info.trackOneMenu, Set_Button=0 info.trackOne=0 info.trackAll=1 endif else begin Widget_Control, info.trackAllMenu, Set_Button=1 Widget_Control, info.trackOneMenu, Set_Button=0 info.trackOne=0 info.trackAll=1 info.statusBar->update,'Tracking in unexpected or illegal internal state' endelse ;if all tracking is off, then turn them all on if (~info.trackingv && ~info.legendOn && ~info.trackingh) then begin widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=1 widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=1 widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->vBarOn,all=info.trackAll ;info.drawObject->hBarOn,all=info.trackAll info.drawObject->hBarOn info.drawObject->legendOn,all=info.trackAll info.trackingv = 1 info.trackingh = 1 info.legendOn = 1 endif else begin if info.trackingv then begin widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->vBarOn,all=info.trackAll endif else begin widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->vBarOff endelse if info.trackingh then begin widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=1 ; info.drawObject->hBarOn,all=info.trackAll info.drawObject->hBarOn endif else begin widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->hBarOff endelse if info.legendOn then begin widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->legendOn,all=info.trackAll endif else begin widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->legendOff endelse endelse activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=1 endif widget_control,event.id,set_button=1 info.tracking = 1 info.statusBar->Update, 'Tracking turned on' ;whenever tracking is turned on a update/redraw needs to be done ;this is because the zoom may have been changed between tracking ;this leads to an incorrectly sized legend if not redrawn info.drawObject->Update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw endif else begin Widget_Control, info.trackhMenu, Set_Button=0 Widget_Control, info.trackvMenu, Set_Button=0 Widget_Control, info.trackAllMenu, Set_Button=0 Widget_Control, info.trackOneMenu, Set_Button=0 widget_control, info.showPositionMenu,set_button=0 Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=0 activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=0 endif info.drawObject->vBarOff info.drawObject->hBarOff info.drawObject->legendOff info.tracking = 0 info.statusBar->Update, 'Tracking turned off' endelse end ;Note on code related to various tracking switches ;Because events and clicks can be unreliable this code goes a little bit ;overboard in guaranteeing valid state and restoring state even when an ;invariant should guarantee state. ;Concretely, (1) It tries to check the widget values, rather than rely on the internal info.* flag ; (2) It tries not to flip flags via newval = ~oldval logic, but instead sets value exactly, ie newval = 1 -or- newval = 0 ; (3) It resets the info.* flags whenever it can be certain of what a value should be ;In the long run we should try to eliminate the number of flags. So we can rely primarily on widget state ;Also, note that this case is symmetrical to the trackall case 'TRACKALL': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) ;switching from track one to track all IF result EQ 0 THEN BEGIN info.trackAll = 1 info.trackOne = 0 info.tracking = 1 Widget_Control, info.trackAllMenu, Set_Button=1 Widget_Control, info.trackOneMenu, Set_Button=0 Widget_Control, info.trackMenu, Set_Button=1 all = 1 ;switching from track all to track one ENDIF ELSE BEGIN info.trackall = 0 info.trackOne = 1 info.tracking = 1 Widget_Control, info.trackAllMenu, Set_Button=0 Widget_Control, info.trackOneMenu, Set_Button=1 Widget_Control, info.trackMenu, Set_Button=1 all = 0 ENDELSE if info.trackingv then begin widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->vBarOn, all=all endif if info.legendOn then begin widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->legendOn,all=all endif if info.trackingh then begin widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=1 ; info.drawObject->hBarOn, all=all info.drawObject->hBarOn endif ;if they are all off turn them on so we get some visible result if ~info.trackingv && ~info.legendOn && ~info.trackingh then begin info.trackingv = 1 info.trackingh = 1 info.legendOn = 1 widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->vBarOn, all=all widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=1 ; info.drawObject->hBarOn, all=all info.drawObject->hBarOn widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->legendOn,all=all endif activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=1 endif ;whenever tracking is turned on a update/redraw needs to be done ;this is because the zoom may have been changed between tracking ;this leads to an incorrectly sized legend if not redrawn info.drawObject->Update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw if all then begin info.statusBar->Update, 'Tracking turned on for all panels' endif else begin info.statusBar->Update, 'Tracking turned on for single panel' endelse END ;Note on code related to various tracking switches ;Because events and clicks can be unreliable this code goes a little bit ;overboard in guaranteeing valid state and restoring state even when an ;invariant should guarantee state. ;Concretely, (1) It tries to check the widget values, rather than rely on the internal info.* flag ; (2) It tries not to flip flags via newval = ~oldval logic, but instead sets value exactly, ie newval = 1 -or- newval = 0 ; (3) It resets the info.* flags whenever it can be certain of what a value should be ;In the long run we should try to eliminate the number of flags. So we can rely primarily on widget state ;Also, Note that this case is symmetrical to the trackall case 'TRACKONE': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) ;switching from track one to track all IF result EQ 1 THEN BEGIN info.trackAll = 1 info.trackOne = 0 info.tracking = 1 Widget_Control, info.trackAllMenu, Set_Button=1 Widget_Control, info.trackOneMenu, Set_Button=0 Widget_Control, info.trackMenu, Set_Button=1 all = 1 ;switching from track all to track one ENDIF ELSE BEGIN info.trackall = 0 info.trackOne = 1 info.tracking = 1 Widget_Control, info.trackAllMenu, Set_Button=0 Widget_Control, info.trackOneMenu, Set_Button=1 Widget_Control, info.trackMenu, Set_Button=1 all = 0 ENDELSE if info.trackingv then begin widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->vBarOn, all=all endif if info.trackingh then begin widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=1 ; info.drawObject->hBarOn, all=all info.drawObject->hBarOn endif if info.legendOn then begin widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->legendOn,all=all endif ;if they are all off turn them on so we get some visible result if ~info.trackingv && ~info.legendOn && ~info.trackingh then begin info.trackingv = 1 info.trackingh = 1 info.legendOn = 1 widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->vBarOn, all=all widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=1 ; info.drawObject->hBarOn, all=all info.drawObject->hBarOn widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->legendOn,all=all endif activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=1 endif ;whenever tracking is turned on a update/redraw needs to be done ;this is because the zoom may have been changed between tracking ;this leads to an incorrectly sized legend if not redrawn info.drawObject->Update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw if all then begin info.statusBar->Update, 'Tracking turned on for all panels' endif else begin info.statusBar->Update, 'Tracking turned on for single panel' endelse END ;Note on code related to various tracking switches ;Because events and clicks can be unreliable this code goes a little bit ;overboard in guaranteeing valid state and restoring state even when an ;invariant should guarantee state. ;Concretely, (1) It tries to check the widget values, rather than rely on the internal info.* flag ; (2) It tries not to flip flags via newval = ~oldval logic, but instead sets value exactly, ie newval = 1 -or- newval = 0 ; (3) It resets the info.* flags whenever it can be certain of what a value should be ;In the long run we should try to eliminate the number of flags. So we can rely primarily on widget state 'TRACKV': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) ;going from vbarOff to vbarOn if result eq 0 then begin ;if vBarOn is selected, turn tracking settings on info.trackingv = 1 info.tracking = 1 widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=1 widget_control,info.trackMenu,set_button=1 ;this trackone/trackall section is identical to a case in the postion bar code if info.trackAll then begin info.trackOne = 0 info.trackAll = 1 widget_control,info.trackAllMenu,set_button=1 widget_control,info.trackOneMenu,set_button=0 all = 1 endif else begin info.trackOne = 1 info.trackAll = 0 widget_control,info.trackAllMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackOneMenu,set_button=1 all = 0 endelse info.drawObject->vBarOn,all=all if info.legendOn then begin info.legendOn = 1 widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->legendOn,all=all endif else begin info.legendOn = 0 widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->legendOff endelse if info.trackingh then begin info.trackingh = 1 widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=1 ;info.drawObject->hBarOn,all=all info.drawObject->hBarOn endif else begin info.trackingh = 0 widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->hBarOff endelse activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=1 endif ;whenever tracking is turned on a update/redraw needs to be done ;this is because the zoom may have been changed between tracking ;this leads to an incorrectly sized legend if not redrawn info.drawObject->Update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw info.statusBar->Update, 'Vertical tracking turned on' ;going from vbarOn to vbarOff endif else begin ;if vBarOff is selected, turn tracking settings off info.trackingv = 0 widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->vBarOff ;if legend && horizontal tracking are also off, then turn other tracking switches off resultL = widget_info(info.showPositionMenu,/button_set) resultH = widget_info(info.trackHMenu,/button_set) if ~resultL && ~resultH then begin info.tracking = 0 info.legendOn = 0 info.trackingh = 0 widget_control,info.trackMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackAllMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackOneMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackHMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->legendOff info.drawObject->hBarOff activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=0 endif endif info.statusBar->Update, 'Vertical tracking turned off' endelse END ;Note on code related to various tracking switches ;Because events and clicks can be unreliable this code goes a little bit ;overboard in guaranteeing valid state and restoring state even when an ;invariant should guarantee state. ;Concretely, (1) It tries to check the widget values, rather than rely on the internal info.* flag ; (2) It tries not to flip flags via newval = ~oldval logic, but instead sets value exactly, ie newval = 1 -or- newval = 0 ; (3) It resets the info.* flags whenever it can be certain of what a value should be ;In the long run we should try to eliminate the number of flags. So we can rely primarily on widget state 'TRACKH': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) ;going from hbarOff to hbarOn if result eq 0 then begin ;if hBarOn is selected, turn tracking settings on info.trackingh = 1 info.tracking = 1 widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=1 widget_control,info.trackMenu,set_button=1 ;this trackone/trackall section is identical to a case in the postion bar code if info.trackAll then begin info.trackOne = 0 info.trackAll = 1 widget_control,info.trackAllMenu,set_button=1 widget_control,info.trackOneMenu,set_button=0 all = 1 endif else begin info.trackOne = 1 info.trackAll = 0 widget_control,info.trackAllMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackOneMenu,set_button=1 all = 0 endelse ; info.drawObject->hBarOn,all=all info.drawObject->hBarOn if info.legendOn then begin info.legendOn = 1 widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->legendOn,all=all endif else begin info.legendOn = 0 widget_control,info.showPositionMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->legendOff endelse if info.trackingv then begin info.trackingv = 1 widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=1 info.drawObject->vBarOn,all=all endif else begin info.trackingv = 0 widget_control,info.trackvMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->vBarOff endelse activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=1 endif ;whenever tracking is turned on a update/redraw needs to be done ;this is because the zoom may have been changed between tracking ;this leads to an incorrectly sized legend if not redrawn info.drawObject->Update,info.windowStorage,info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw info.statusBar->Update, 'Vertical tracking turned on' ;going from hbarOn to hbarOff endif else begin ;if hBarOff is selected, turn tracking settings off info.trackingh = 0 widget_control,info.trackhMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->hBarOff ;if legend && horizontal tracking are also off, then turn other tracking switches off resultL = widget_info(info.showPositionMenu,/button_set) resultV = widget_info(info.trackVMenu,/button_set) if ~resultL && ~resultV then begin info.tracking = 0 info.legendOn = 0 info.trackingv = 0 widget_control,info.trackMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackAllMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackOneMenu,set_button=0 widget_control,info.trackVMenu,set_button=0 info.drawObject->legendOff info.drawObject->vBarOff activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() if n_elements(activeWindow) gt 0 && $ obj_valid(activeWindow[0]) then begin activeWindow[0]->SetProperty, Tracking=0 endif endif info.statusBar->Update, 'Horizontal tracking turned off' endelse END 'RUBBERBANDX': BEGIN controlid = widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname='RUBBERBANDX') isset = widget_info(controlid,/button_set) widget_control,controlid,set_button=~isset ;no action required END 'MARKER': BEGIN result = widget_info(event.id, /button_set) IF result EQ 0 THEN BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=1 info.markerTitleOn=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=0 info.markerTitleOn=0 ENDELSE END 'PAGE': thm_ui_page_options, info 'PANEL': thm_ui_panel_options, info.master, info.windowStorage, info.loadedData, info.historyWin, $ info.drawObject,info.template_object, info.statusBar 'LINE' : thm_ui_line_options, info.master, info.windowStorage, info.loadedData, info.historyWin, $ info.drawObject,info.template_object, info.statusBar 'LAYOUT': thm_ui_layout_options, info 'XAXIS': thm_ui_axis_options, info.master, info.windowStorage, info.loadedData, $ info.drawObject, info.historyWin, $ 'THEMIS - X Axis Options', 0, $ ;"0" for x. info.scrollbar,info.template_object, info.statusBar 'YAXIS': thm_ui_axis_options, info.master, info.windowStorage, info.loadedData, $ info.drawObject, info.historyWin, $ 'THEMIS - Y Axis Options', 1, $ ;"1" for y. info.scrollbar,info.template_object, info.statusBar 'ZAXIS': thm_ui_zaxis_options, info.master, info.windowStorage, info.zAxisSettings, info.drawObject, info.loadedData, info.historywin,info.template_object, info.statusBar 'MARKERP': thm_ui_marker_options, info.master, info.historywin 'VARIABLE': begin thm_ui_variable_options, info.master, info.loadeddata, info.windowstorage, info.drawobject, info.historywin,info.template_object,info.guiTree end 'OVERPLOT': begin info.windowStorage->getProperty,callSequence=callSequence success = thm_ui_gen_overplot(info.master, info.historyWin, info.statusBar, info.oplot_calls, $ callSequence,info.windowStorage,info.windowMenus,info.loadedData,info.drawObject,$ tr_obj=info.loadtr) if success then begin ;Turn off panel tracking: info.tracking = 1 info.trackall = 0 info.trackone = 1 info.trackingv = 1 info.trackingh = 1 info.drawObject->vBarOn info.drawObject->hBarOn info.drawObject->legendOn info.scrollbar->update widget_control, info.trackhmenu, set_button=1 widget_control, info.trackvmenu, set_button=1 widget_control, info.trackallmenu, set_button=0 widget_control, info.trackonemenu, set_button=1 widget_control, info.showpositionmenu,set_button=1 widget_control, info.trackMenu,set_button=1 info.historyWin->Update, 'Overplot completed.' info.statusBar->Update, 'Overplot completed.' endif else begin info.historyWin->Update, 'Overplot not completed.' info.statusBar->Update, 'Overplot not completed.' endelse end 'NUDGE': BEGIN info.windowStorage->getProperty,callSequence=callSequence thm_ui_nudge_options, info.master, info,callSequence END 'CALCULATE': BEGIN info.windowStorage->getProperty,callSequence=callSequence thm_ui_calculate, info.master,info.loadedData,info.calcSettings, info.historywin,info.guiTree,callSequence, $ info.drawObject, info.windowStorage, info.scrollbar, info.statusBar END 'DPROC': thm_ui_dproc_panel, info 'SLICE': thm_ui_slice2d, gui_ID=info.master, historywin=info.historyWin 'ZOOM': BEGIN widget_control,info.zoom,get_value=zoomval if ~finite(zoomval,/nan) then begin if obj_isa(info.drawWin,'IDLgrWindow') then begin if ~event.valid && zoomval eq 200 then begin info.statusBar->Update,"Maximum zoom is 200%" endif else if ~event.valid && zoomval le 10 then begin ;increment value is 10 so zooms 10 or below won't decrease with down button info.statusBar->Update, "Minimum zoom is 1%" endif if zoomval gt 200 then begin info.statusBar->Update,"Maximum zoom is 200%" endif else if zoomval lt 1 then begin info.statusBar->Update,"Minimum zoom is 1%" endif else begin info.drawobject->setzoom,double(zoomval)/100 if event.valid then info.statusbar->update,"Zoom updated." endelse endif else begin zoomval = 100 widget_control,info.zoom,set_value=zoomval endelse endif else info.statusbar->update,"Invalid Zoom value, please re-enter.' END 'NEWWIN':BEGIN info.ctrl=0 thm_ui_new_window, info ; result=info.windowStorage->Add(Settings=info.pageSettings) ; activeWindow=info.windowStorage->GetActive() ; activeWindow[0]->GetProperty, Name=name ; info.windowMenus->Add, name ; info.windowMenus->Update, info.windowStorage ; info.drawObject->update,info.windowStorage, info.loadedData ; info.drawObject->draw END 'WINBUTTON': BEGIN result = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) info.windowMenus->Clear IF result EQ 0 THEN Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=1 $ ELSE Widget_Control, event.id, Set_Button=0 ids=info.windowMenus->GetIds() names=info.windowMenus->GetNames() IF N_Elements(ids) EQ 1 THEN index=0 ELSE index = Where(ids EQ event.id) IF index GE 0 THEN BEGIN windowObjs=info.windowStorage->GetObjects() IF N_Elements(windowObjs) GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0,N_Elements(windowObjs)-1 DO BEGIN windowObjs[i]->GetProperty, Name=name, Id=id IF name EQ names[index] THEN BEGIN IF result EQ 0 THEN begin info.windowStorage->SetActive, Id=id thm_ui_orientation_update,info.drawObject,info.windowStorage, rezoom=rezoom endif ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF ENDIF info.drawObject->Update,info.windowStorage, info.loadedData info.drawObject->Draw info.scrollbar->update ;re-apply zoom to keep some plots from being clipped on windows if keyword_set(rezoom) then begin cz = info.drawobject->getzoom() info.drawobject->setzoom, cz endif END 'HELP': BEGIN thm_ui_help_window, info.historyWin, info.master ; help_arr = ["Please see User's Guide at: http://www.testme.edu/asdf;j/"] ; result = dialog_message(help_arr, title = 'THEMIS: GUI Help', /information) END 'HELPFORM': thm_gui_error, info.master, info.historyWin 'HELP:OVIEWKEY': thm_ui_overplot_key, info.master, info.historyWin 'XSCROLL': thm_ui_scroll_data, event, info.windowstorage, info.loadeddata, info.drawobject, info.scrollbar, info ;doesn't destroy object, leaves it to the garbage collector 'RESET_PAGE_TEMPLATE':info.template_object->setProperty,page=obj_new() 'RESET_PANEL_TEMPLATE': info.template_object->setProperty,panel=obj_new() 'RESET_XAXIS_TEMPLATE': info.template_object->setProperty,x_axis=obj_new() 'RESET_YAXIS_TEMPLATE': info.template_object->setProperty,y_axis=obj_new() 'RESET_ZAXIS_TEMPLATE': info.template_object->setProperty,z_axis=obj_new() 'RESET_LINE_TEMPLATE': info.template_object->setProperty,line=obj_new() 'RESET_VARIABLE_TEMPLATE': info.template_object->setProperty,variable=obj_new() ELSE: info.statusBar->Update, 'Feature Not Yet Implemented: ' + uservalue ENDCASE info.drawDisabled = 0 Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=info, /No_Copy RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO thm_gui_new,reset=reset,template_filename=template_filename ;Return if there is already a thm_gui_new widget running If(xregistered('thm_gui_new') Ne 0) Then Begin message, /info, 'You are already running thm_gui_new' Return Endif thm_init thm_graphics_config thm_gui_new_init ;stop reporting of floating point errors(which will get annoying) !EXCEPT=0 ;use themis bitmap as toolbar icon for newer versions if double(!version.release) ge 6.4d then begin getresourcepath,rpath palettebmp = read_bmp(rpath + 'thmLogo.bmp', /rgb) palettebmp = transpose(palettebmp, [1,2,0]) _extra = {bitmap:palettebmp} endif ; top level and main bases master = Widget_Base(Title='THEMIS: Main Window', MBar=bar, /TLB_Kill_Request_Events, $ /Col, XPad=10, /Kbrd_Focus_Events,tlb_size_events=1, _extra=_extra) toolBarBase = Widget_Base(master, /Row, /ToolBar) scrollbase = widget_base(master, /row, xpad=0, ypad=0, space=0) pathBase = Widget_Base(master, /Col, /Align_Left) graphBase = Widget_Base(master, /Row) statusBase = Widget_Base(master, /Row) ; widgets ; File Pull Down Menu fileMenu= Widget_Button(bar, Value='File ', /Menu) ;documentMenu = widget_button(fileMenu,value='Document ',/menu) ; newMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='New THEMIS Document... ', UValue='NEW', $ ; Accelerator="Ctrl+N") openMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Open THEMIS Document... ', UValue='OPEN', $ Accelerator="Ctrl+O") saveMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Save THEMIS Document... ', UValue='SAVE', $ Accelerator="Ctrl+S") saveAsMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Save THEMIS Document As... ', UValue='SAVEAS') saveWithMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Save With Data... ', UValue='SAVEWITH', $ Sensitive=0) templateMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Template ',/menu) openTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Open Template... ', UValue='OPEN_TEMPLATE' ) saveTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Save Template... ', UValue='SAVE_TEMPLATE' ) saveAsTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Save Template As... ', UValue='SAVEAS_TEMPLATE') resetTemplateMenu = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Reset Template ',/menu) resetPageTemplate = Widget_Button(resetTemplateMenu, Value='Reset Page Template', UValue='RESET_PAGE_TEMPLATE') resetPanelTemplate = Widget_Button(resetTemplateMenu, Value='Reset Panel Template', UValue='RESET_PANEL_TEMPLATE') resetXAxisTemplate = Widget_Button(resetTemplateMenu, Value='Reset X-Axis Template', UValue='RESET_XAXIS_TEMPLATE') resetYAxisTemplate = Widget_Button(resetTemplateMenu, Value='Reset Y-Axis Template', UValue='RESET_YAXIS_TEMPLATE') resetZAxisTemplate = Widget_Button(resetTemplateMenu, Value='Reset Z-Axis Template', UValue='RESET_ZAXIS_TEMPLATE') resetLineTemplate = Widget_Button(resetTemplateMenu, Value='Reset Line Template', UValue='RESET_LINE_TEMPLATE') resetVariableTemplate = Widget_Button(resetTemplateMenu, Value='Reset Variable Template', UValue='RESET_VARIABLE_TEMPLATE') ;resetPageTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Reset Page Template', UValue='RESET_PAGE_TEMPLATE') ;resetPanelTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Reset Panel Template', UValue='RESET_PANEL_TEMPLATE') ;resetXAxisTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Reset X-Axis Template', UValue='RESET_XAXIS_TEMPLATE') ;resetYAxisTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Reset Y-Axis Template', UValue='RESET_YAXIS_TEMPLATE') ;resetZAxisTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Reset Z-Axis Template', UValue='RESET_ZAXIS_TEMPLATE') ;resetLineTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Reset Line Template', UValue='RESET_LINE_TEMPLATE') ;resetVariableTemplate = Widget_Button(templateMenu, Value='Reset Variable Template', UValue='RESET_VARIABLE_TEMPLATE') closeMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Close Window', UValue='CLOSE', Accelerator="Ctrl+Z") loadMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Load Data ', UValue='LOAD', /Separator) overplotMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Generate THEMIS Overview Plot...', uvalue='OVERPLOT') saveDataAsMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Save Data As... ', UValue='SAVEDATAAS') importExportMenu = Widget_button(fileMenu, Value='Manage Data and Import/Export Tplot...', UValue='MANAGEDATA') exportMetaMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Export To Image File... ', $ UValue='EXPORTMETA', Sensitive=1, /Separator) ; markerMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Markers ', UValue='MARKERS', /menu, $ ; Sensitive=0) ; impMarkerMenu = Widget_Button(markerMenu, Value='Import Marker List... ', $ ; UValue='IMPORTM', Sensitive=0) ; expMarkerMenu = Widget_Button(markerMenu, Value='Export Marker Data... ', $ ; UValue='EXPORTM',Sensitive=0) ; expMarkerlMenu = Widget_Button(markerMenu, Value='Export Marker List... ', $ ; UValue='EXPORTML', Sensitive=0) ; journalMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Journal ', UValue='JOURNAL', /Separator, /Checked_Menu) ; Widget_Control, journalMenu, Set_Button=1 printMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Print... ', UValue='PRINT', /Separator, $ Accelerator="Ctrl+P") previewMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Print Preview ', UValue='PREVIEW', $ Sensitive=0) printmMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Print Multiple Files... ', uval='PRINTM', $ Sensitive=0) psetupMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Print Setup ', UValue='PSETUP') propertiesMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Configuration Settings... ', UValue='CONF', $ /Separator) ; prototypeMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, Value='Prototype ', UValue='PROT', /Menu, $ ; /Separator) ; testButton = Widget_Button(prototypeMenu, Value='Test Widget', UValue='TEST',sensitive=0) ; exmdButton = Widget_Button(prototypeMenu, Value='Example Data ', UValue='EXMD',sensitive=0) exitMenu = Widget_Button(fileMenu, value='Exit ',UValue='EXIT', /Separator, Accelerator="Ctrl+Q") ; Edit Pull Down Menu editMenu = Widget_Button(bar, Value='Edit ', /Menu) undoMenu = Widget_Button(editMenu, Value='Undo ', UValue='UNDO', Sensitive=0) redoMenu = Widget_Button(editMenu, Value='Redo ', UValue='REDO', Sensitive=0) copyMenu = Widget_Button(editMenu, Value='Copy ', UValue='COPY', $ Accelerator="Ctrl+C", /Separator) deletemMenu = Widget_Button(editMenu, Value='Delete Marker ', UValue='DELETEM', $ Sensitive=1) subSetMenu = Widget_Button(editMenu, Value= 'Subset ', /menu, /Separator) subPageMenu = Widget_Button(subSetMenu, Value='Page ', UValue='SUBPAGE') subMarkerMenu = Widget_Button(subSetMenu, Value='Marker (Single Panel) ', UValue='SUBMARKER', $ Sensitive=1) subMarkerMenu = Widget_Button(subSetMenu, Value='Marker (All Panels) ', UValue='SUBMARKERMULTI', $ Sensitive=1) ; View Pull Down Menu viewMenu=Widget_Button(bar, Value='View ', /Menu) ; nextpMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Next Page ', UValue='NEXTP', Sensitive=0) ; prevpMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Previous Page ', UValue='PREVP', $ ; Sensitive=0) ; nextsMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Page Up ', UValue='NEXTS', Sensitive=0) ; prevsMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Page Down ', UValue='PREVS', Sensitive=0) ; layoutMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Layout ', UValue='LAYOUT', /Separator, $ ; /Menu) ; up1Menu = Widget_Button(layoutMenu, Value='1 Up ', UValue='ONEUP') ; up2Menu = Widget_Button(layoutMenu, Value='2 Up ', UValue='TWOUP') ; up4Menu = Widget_Button(layoutMenu, Value='4 Up ', UValue='FOURUP') ; refreshMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Refresh ', UValue='REFRESH', /Separator, $ ; Accelerator="Ctrl+R") refreshMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Refresh ', UValue='REFRESH', Accelerator="Ctrl+R") ; jumpMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Jump ', UValue='JUMP', /Separator, $ ; Sensitive=0) scrollfMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Scroll Forward (Right)', UValue='SCROLLF', $ /separator) scrollbMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Scroll Backward (Left)', UValue='SCROLLB') expandMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Expand (Tab)', UValue='EXPAND', $ /Separator) reduceMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Reduce (Backspace)', UValue='REDUCE') historyMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='History Window', /Checked_Menu, $ UValue='HISTORYW', /Separator) ; showPathMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Path Bar', /Checked_Menu, UValue='PATHBAR') ; Widget_Control, showPathMenu, Set_Button=1 showPositionMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Legend', /Checked_Menu, $ UValue='POSITIONBAR') Widget_Control, showPositionMenu, Set_Button=1 showStatusMenu = Widget_Button(viewMenu, Value='Status Bar', /Checked_Menu, $ UValue='STATUSBAR') Widget_Control, showStatusMenu, Set_Button=1 ; Graph Pull Down Menus graphMenu = Widget_Button(bar, Value='Graph ', /Menu) trackMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Panel Tracking', /Checked_Menu, $ UValue='TRACK') trackOneMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Track One Panel', /Checked_Menu, $ UValue='TRACKONE') trackAllMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Track All', /Checked_Menu, $ UValue='TRACKALL') Widget_Control, trackMenu, Set_Button=1 Widget_Control, trackallMenu, Set_Button=1 trackHMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Show Horizontal Tracking', $ /Checked_Menu, UValue='TRACKH', /Separator) widget_control,trackHMenu,set_button=1 trackVMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Show Vertical Tracking', $ /Checked_Menu, UValue='TRACKV') Widget_Control, trackVMenu, Set_Button=1 trackAddMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Track Additional Variables', $ /Checked_Menu, UValue='TRACKADD', Sensitive=0) rubberBandX = Widget_button(graphMenu, value='Rubber Band for X-Only',/checked_menu,uname='RUBBERBANDX',uvalue='RUBBERBANDX') Widget_Control, rubberBandX, Set_Button=1 ; panelFPMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Panel Format Painter', $ ; UValue='PANELFP', /Separator, Sensitive=0) markerTitleMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Query for Marker Title', /checked_menu, $ Uvalue='MARKER', /separator) Widget_Control, markerTitleMenu, set_button=1 layoutOptMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Plot/Layout Options... ', UValue='LAYOUT', /separator) pageMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Page Options... ', UValue='PAGE') panelMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Panel Options... ', UValue='PANEL') lineMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Line Options... ', UValue='LINE') xaxisMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='X Axis Options... ', UValue='XAXIS') yaxisMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Y Axis Options... ', UValue='YAXIS') zaxisMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Z Axis Options... ', UValue='ZAXIS') ; markerPMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Marker Options... ', UValue='MARKERP') variableMenu = Widget_Button(graphMenu, Value='Variable Options... ', $ UValue='VARIABLE') ; Analysis Pull Down Menus analysisMenu=Widget_Button(bar, Value='Analysis ', /Menu) calculateMenu = Widget_Button(analysisMenu, Value='Calculate... ', UValue='CALCULATE') nudgeMenu = Widget_Button(analysisMenu, Value='Nudge Traces ', UValue='NUDGE') dprocMenu = Widget_Button(analysisMenu, Value = 'Data Processing... ', UValue = 'DPROC', $ sensitive = 1) slicesMenu = widget_button(analysisMenu, value='Velocity Slices... ', uval='SLICE') ; Window Pull Down Menu window windowMenu = Widget_Button(bar, Value='Pages ', /Menu, UValue=0) newWinMenu = Widget_Button(windowMenu, Value='New ', UValue='NEWWIN',Accelerator="Ctrl+N") closeWinMenu = Widget_Button(windowMenu, Value='Close ', UValue='CLOSE', Accelerator="Ctrl+Z") ; Help Pull Down Menu helpMenu = Widget_Button(bar, Value='Help ', /Menu) helpButton = Widget_Button(helpMenu, Value='Help Window...', uValue='HELP') helpRequestButton = Widget_Button(helpMenu, Value='Help Request Form...', uValue='HELPFORM') oplotkeyButton = Widget_Button(helpMenu, Value='Overview Plot Key...', uValue='HELP:OVIEWKEY') ; Start of Toolbar Buttons ; First get the bitmap full path name getresourcepath,rpath openBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'folder_horizontal_open.bmp',/rgb) saveBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'disk.bmp',/rgb) printBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'printer.bmp',/rgb) copyBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'copy.bmp',/rgb) undoBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_turn_180_left.bmp',/rgb) redoBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_turn.bmp',/rgb) zoomInBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'double_arrows_in.bmp',/rgb) zoomOutBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'double_arrows_out.bmp',/rgb) ; zoomInBMP = rpath + 'magnifier_zoom.bmp' ; zoomOutBMP = rpath + 'magnifier_zoom_out.bmp' plotBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'np_icon.bmp',/rgb) shiftRBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'control_180.bmp',/rgb) shiftLBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'control.bmp',/rgb) plusBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'plus.bmp',/rgb) minusBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'minus.bmp',/rgb) windowBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'new_page.bmp',/rgb) helpBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'question.bmp',/rgb) manageBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'wrench_screwdriver.bmp',/rgb) loadBMP = read_bmp(rpath + 'folder_open_image.bmp',/rgb) thm_ui_match_background, master, openBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, saveBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, printBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, copyBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, undoBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, redoBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, zoomInBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, zoomOutBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, plotBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, shiftRBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, shiftLBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, plusBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, minusBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, windowBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, helpBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, manageBMP thm_ui_match_background, master, loadBMP ; openBMP = FilePath('open.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; saveBMP = FilePath('save.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; printBMP = FilePath('print1.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; copyBMP = FilePath('copy.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; undoBMP = FilePath('undo.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; redoBMP = FilePath('redo.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; zoomInBMP = FilePath('zoom_in.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; zoomOutBMP = FilePath('zoom_out.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; windowBMP = FilePath('view.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; shiftRBMP = FilePath('shift_left.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; shiftLBMP = FilePath('shift_right.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) plusBMP = FilePath('plus.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) minusBMP = FilePath('minus.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; helpBMP = FilePath('help.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; plotBMP = FilePath('plot.bmp', SubDir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; Toolbar bases to help cluster icons by type (annoying IDL thing) fileToolBase = Widget_Base(toolBarBase, /Row, XPad=2) ; printToolBase = Widget_Base(toolBarBase, /Row, XPad=2) editToolBase = Widget_Base(toolBarBase, /Row, XPad=2) moveToolBase = Widget_Base(toolBarBase, /Row, XPad=2) shiftToolBase = Widget_base(toolBarBase, /Row, Xpad=2) dataToolBase = Widget_base(toolBarBase, /Row, Xpad=2) plotToolBase = Widget_Base(toolBarBase, /Row, XPad=2) helpToolBase = Widget_Base(toolBarBase, /Row, XPad=2) zoomBase = Widget_Base(toolBarBase, /Row, XPad=2) ; Toolbar icon buttons openBmpButton = Widget_Button(fileToolBase, Value=openbmp, /Bitmap, UValue='OPEN', $ ToolTip='Open File') saveBmpButton = Widget_Button(fileToolBase, Value=savebmp, /Bitmap, UValue='SAVE', $ ToolTip='Save File') printBmpButton = Widget_Button(fileToolBase, Value=printbmp, /Bitmap, $ ToolTip='Print', UValue='PRINT') ; undoBmpButton = Widget_Button(editToolBase, Value=undobmp, /Bitmap, ToolTip='Undo', $ ; Sensitive=0, UValue='UNDO') ; redoBmpButton = Widget_Button(editToolBase, Value=redobmp, /Bitmap, ToolTip='Redo', $ ; Sensitive=0, UValue='REDO') copyBmpButton = Widget_Button(editToolBase, Value=copybmp, /Bitmap, ToolTip='Copy to clipboard', $ UValue='COPY') zoomInBmpButton = Widget_Button(moveToolBase, Value=zoominbmp, /Bitmap, $ ToolTip='Reduces X range by major tick mark', UValue='REDUCE') zoomOutBmpButton = Widget_Button(moveToolBase, Value=zoomoutbmp, /Bitmap, $ ToolTip='Expands X range by major tick mark', UValue='EXPAND') shiftLBmpButton = Widget_Button(moveToolBase, Value=shiftrbmp, /Bitmap, $ ToolTip='Shift Left by major tick mark', UValue='SCROLLB') shiftRBmpButton = Widget_Button(moveToolBase, Value=shiftlbmp, /Bitmap, $ ToolTip='Shift Right by major tick mark', UValue='SCROLLF') plotBmpButton = Widget_Button(plotToolBase, Value=plotbmp, /Bitmap, $ ToolTip='Plot data', UValue='LAYOUT') windowBmpButton = Widget_Button(plotToolBase, Value=windowbmp, /Bitmap, $ ToolTip='Create New Page', UValue='NEWWIN') helpBmpButton = Widget_Button(helpToolBase, Value=helpbmp, /Bitmap, ToolTip='Help', $ UValue='HELP') loadBmpButton = Widget_Button(dataToolBase, Value=loadBMP, /Bitmap, ToolTip='Load Data', $ UValue='LOAD') manageBmpButton = Widget_Button(dataToolBase, Value=manageBMP, /Bitmap, ToolTip='Manage GUI Data and Import and Export Tplot data', $ UValue='MANAGEDATA') zoomSpinner = thm_ui_spinner(zoomBase, Increment=10, Value=100, uval='ZOOM',UNITS="%", min_value=1, max_value=200) ; Get screen size so that we can set the bar and draw areas the right size dev = !d.name plot_var = !P ;In case some other device is set, switch to screen, then reset when done with screen size query. if strlowcase(!version.os_family) eq 'windows' then begin set_plot,'WIN' endif else begin set_plot,'X' endelse ;get device dimensions (with margin) Device, get_screen_size=gss x_scr_size=gss[0]-gss[0]*.25 y_scr_size=gss[1]-gss[1]*.35 ;get default page dimensions defaultxsize = !D.X_PX_CM * 2.54 * 8.5 defaultysize = !D.Y_PX_CM * 2.54 * 11 xsize = defaultxsize ysize = defaultysize defsysv,'!THM_GUI_NEW',exists=thm_exists ;these blocks determine whether to reload old state from memory ;or to restart with new settings if thm_exists && in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(!THM_GUI_NEW)),'loadeddata') && obj_valid(!THM_GUI_NEW.loadeddata) then begin if keyword_set(reset) then begin obj_destroy,!THM_GUI_NEW.loadedData loadedData = Obj_New('THM_UI_LOADED_DATA') endif else begin loadedData = !THM_GUI_NEW.loadedData endelse endif else begin loadedData = Obj_New('THM_UI_LOADED_DATA') endelse template_file = '' ;read template from file, if requested or read template if stored in !thm_gui_new.templatepath (obtained from config file) - give priority to keyword if passed in if keyword_set(template_filename) then begin open_themis_template,template=template,filename=template_filename,$ statusmsg=statusmsg,statuscode=statuscode if statuscode lt 0 then begin ok = dialog_message(statusmsg,/error,/center) template=obj_new() endif else begin template_file = template_filename endelse endif else if thm_exists && in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(!THM_GUI_NEW)),'templatepath') && (size(!THM_GUI_NEW.templatepath,/type) eq 7) then begin if !THM_GUI_NEW.templatepath ne '' then begin open_themis_template,template=template,filename=!THM_GUI_NEW.templatepath,$ statusmsg=statusmsg,statuscode=statuscode if statuscode lt 0 then begin ok = dialog_message(statusmsg,/error,/center) template=obj_new() endif else begin template_file = !THM_GUI_NEW.templatepath endelse endif endif if thm_exists && in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(!THM_GUI_NEW)),'windowstorage') && obj_valid(!THM_GUI_NEW.windowstorage) then begin if keyword_set(reset) then begin obj_destroy,!THM_GUI_NEW.windowStorage windowStorage = obj_new('thm_ui_windows',loadedData) endif else begin windowStorage = !THM_GUI_NEW.windowStorage endelse endif else begin windowStorage = obj_new('thm_ui_windows',loadedData) endelse ;store template that was loaded via template_filename keyword if obj_valid(template) then begin windowStorage->setProperty,template=template endif ;whether loaded or not, make sure an accurate copy is available windowStorage->getProperty,template=template ;get dimensions of current page if one exists current_window = windowstorage->getactive() if obj_valid(current_window) then begin current_window->getproperty, settings=cwsettings if obj_valid(cwsettings) then begin cwsettings->GetProperty,canvassize=canvassize xsize=canvasSize[0]*2.54*!D.X_PX_CM ysize=canvasSize[1]*2.54*!D.Y_PX_CM endif endif ;ensure that the page size does not cause the gui go off screen ; lphilpott feb-16-2012: Setting gui to always be default size as if page size is small it doesn't look good ; Could set to be page size if page size > defaultxsize but Delete ; Draw Area ;NOTE any changes in the following call to widget draw should be mirrored by changes ;in the call to WIDGET_DRAW in thm_ui_fileconfig that occurs when changing rendering ;mode if !THM_GUI_NEW.renderer eq 0 && strlowcase(!VERSION.os_family) eq 'windows' then begin retain = 2 endif else begin retain = 1 endelse ; toolbargeom gets the size of the toolbar across the top of the gui. This helps when resizing. ; This call to widget_info is placed here because on X11 the widget_draw changes both the toolbargeom xsize ; and x_scr_size rather than just the x_scr_size (as on windows). toolbarGeom = Widget_Info(toolbarbase, /Geometry) drawID = WIDGET_DRAW(graphBase,/scroll,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize,x_scroll_size=x_scr_size,y_scroll_size=y_scr_size,Frame=3, Motion_Event=1, $ /Button_Event,keyboard_events=2,graphics_level=2,renderer=!THM_GUI_NEW.renderer,retain=retain,/expose_events,/tracking_events) ; Create Context Menu (Right Click) drawContextBase = Widget_Base(drawID, /Context_Menu) contextPanelButton = Widget_Button(drawContextBase, Value='Panel Options...', $ UValue='PANEL') contextLayoutButton = Widget_Button(drawContextBase, Value='Layout Options...', $ UValue='LAYOUT') ; contextMarkerButton = Widget_Button(drawContextBase, Value='Marker Options...', $ ; UValue='MARKERP') contextNudgeButton = Widget_Button(drawContextBase, Value='Nudge Traces', $ UValue='NUDGE') contextSubSetButton = Widget_Button(drawContextBase, Value='Subset', UValue='SUBSET', $ /Menu, /Separator) contextSubPageButton = Widget_Button(contextSubSetButton, Value='Page', UValue='SUBPAGE') contextSubMarkButton = Widget_Button(contextSubSetButton, Value='Marker', UValue='SUBMARKER') contextCalculateButton = Widget_Button(drawContextBase, Value='Calculate...', UValue='CALCULATE',/Separator) contextDprocButton = Widget_Button(drawContextBase, Value='Data Analysis...', UValue='DPROC') ; Create Status Bar Object statusBar = Obj_New('THM_UI_MESSAGE_BAR', statusBase, XSize=charSize, YSize=1) ; And FINALLY Create the Position Area positionBase = Widget_Base(graphBase, /Col, ypad=5) ; DONE Creating widgets!!! ; Create objects or templates (that haven't already been initialized loadtr = Obj_New('THM_UI_TIME_RANGE', starttime=0d) historyWin = Obj_New('THM_UI_HISTORY', historyMenu, master) pageSettings = Obj_New('THM_UI_PAGE_SETTINGS',backgroundcolor=[255,255,255]) markerSettings = Obj_New('THM_UI_MARKER_SETTINGS') panelSettings = Obj_New('THM_UI_PANEL_SETTINGS') lineSettings = Obj_New('THM_UI_LINE_SETTINGS') spectraSettings = Obj_New('THM_UI_SPECTRA_SETTINGS') xAxisSettings = Obj_New('THM_UI_AXIS_SETTINGS') yAxisSettings = Obj_New('THM_UI_AXIS_SETTINGS') zAxisSettings = Obj_New('THM_UI_ZAXIS_SETTINGS') ; Make sure that the device and color table are always loaded and the same ; Device, decomposed=0 ; LoadCT, 39 ; gray=GetColor('Dark Gray', !d.table_size-2) ; red=GetColor('red', !d.table_size-3) ; ;Turn journaling on ; if ~!journal then Journal,'thm_ui_idlsave.pro' ; These are the buttons that are only available when data has been loaded or markers exist dataButtons = [saveMenu, saveAsMenu, copyMenu, scrollfMenu, scrollbMenu, expandMenu, $ reduceMenu, savebmpButton, printBmpButton, copyBmpButton, zoomInBmpButton, $ zoomOutBmpButton, shiftlBmpButton, shiftrBmpButton, saveDataAsMenu, $ ;nextpMenu, prevpMenu, refreshMenu, subSetMenu, subPageMenu] markerButtons = [subMarkerMenu, deletemMenu] panelButtons = [xaxisMenu, yaxisMenu, variableMenu] ; Main information structure for THEMIS GUI ; NOTE TO PROGRAMMERS: ; All the elements of this structure should be commented. ; If you notice something that isn't commented and ; you know its purpose, please add a comment ; Ideally, we should also remove the obsolete members info = {master:master,$ ;The ID of the top widget base for the entire GUI tracking:0,$ marking:0, $ markerFail:0, $ ;indicates whether a failure message has been sent to the user so that duplicate messages are not generated markers:[0.0, 0.0], $ drawID:drawID, $ ;widget ID of the draw window draw_select:1, $ drawWin:OBJ_NEW(), $ ;draw window object prevEvent:'NODATA', $ screenSize:[x_scr_size,y_scr_size], $ drawDisabled:0,$ drawDisableTimer:0D,$ data:0, $ dataButtons:dataButtons,$ nWindows:0,$ mainFileName:'', $ lastClick: [0d,0], $ prevEventType:-1, $ statusBar:statusBar, $ ;the status message bar for the main window pathBar:pathBar, $ trackingv:0, $ ;indicates whether vertical tracking is on trackingh:0, $ ;indicates whether horizontal tracking is on trackvMenu:trackvMenu, $ ;widget id of vertical tracking menu item trackhMenu:trackhMenu, $ ;widget id of horizontal tracking menu item markerButtons:markerButtons, $ trackMenu:trackMenu, $ prevEventX:0, $ drawingBox:0, $ windowMenu:windowMenu, $ viewPort:0, $ examButton:0, $ pageSettings:pageSettings, $ lineSettings:lineSettings, $ xAxisSettings:xAxisSettings, $ legendOn:0,$ cursorPosition:[0.0, 0.0], $ yAxisSettings:yAxisSettings, $ dataFlag:0, $ drawContextBase:drawContextBase, $ graphBase:graphBase,$ showPositionMenu:showPositionMenu, $ showStatusMenu:showStatusMenu, $ historyWin:historyWin, $ ; The history window object loadedData:obj_new(), $ ; The loaded data object, manages all loaded quantities loadtr:loadtr, $ drawObject:OBJ_NEW(), $ ;The draw object, maintains window state windowStorage:obj_new(), $ ;Stores state of various pages, this is the top level of the plot representation hierarchy printObj:OBJ_NEW(), $ ;IDLgrPrint object stores print settings rubberBandTimer:0D, $ spectraSettings:spectraSettings, $ windowMenus:obj_new(), $ panelButtons:panelButtons, $ zAxisSettings:zAxisSettings, $ trackOneMenu:trackOneMenu, $ ;Widget ID of the menu item that allows single panel tracking trackAllMenu:trackAllMenu, $ ;Widget ID of the menu item that allows multi panel tracking markerSettings:markerSettings, $ resizetime:0D, $ ;Time of last resize, used to prevent flicker during resize interface_size:[0.0,0.0], $ ; Estimated size of the interface used for resizing calculations ; markerTitle:markerTitle, $ markerTitleOn:1, $ rubberBanding:0, $ trackAll:1, $ trackOne:0,$ calcSettings:obj_new('thm_ui_calculate_settings'),$ ;Settings for the calculate panel, ensures that the same code that was in the calculate buffer when you last used it, is still present zoom:zoomSpinner,$ dimRatio:[1D,1D],$ ctrl:0,$ click:0,$ rubberBandBox:[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],$ imageOptions:ptr_new(), $ oplot_calls:!THM_GUI_NEW.oplot_calls,$ contextMenuOn:0,$ guiTree:ptr_new(0l), $ ;Stores a copy of the widget tree, so that each panel can be expanded to the same place as the last one when opened scrollbar:obj_new(), $ printWarning:0B, $ ;indicates whether a popup warning has already been issued for non-windows printing during this session template_object:template, $ ; stores a template object, which contains default settings for common displayable objects template_filename:template_file, $ ;stores the name of a file in which a template can be stored dataLoadSelectPtr:ptr_new(), $ ; stores users selections from the load data window so that they don't have to re-click every time they open the window. saveDataDirPtr:ptr_new(''),$; stores path to last directory data was save to so user doesn't have to renavigate toolbar_ysize:0,$; store the size of the toolbar along top of gui toolbar_xsize:0$; store the x size of the toolbar along top of gui } info.tracking = 1 info.trackingv = 1 info.trackingh = 1 info.legendon = 1 ; Find out how much space is required for the toolbar (to prevent resizing smaller than space needed for buttons) ;toolbarGeom = Widget_Info(toolbarbase, /Geometry) info.toolbar_ysize = toolbarGeom.ysize info.toolbar_xsize = toolbarGeom.xsize ;All the initial set up is done, display the widgets Widget_Control, master, Set_UValue=info, /No_Copy Widget_Control, master, /Realize ;get a pointer to the graphics window Widget_Control, master, Get_UValue=info, /No_Copy info.loadedData=loadedData Widget_Control, drawID, Get_Value=drawWin info.drawWin = drawWin if thm_exists && in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(!THM_GUI_NEW)),'drawobject') && obj_valid(!THM_GUI_NEW.drawObject) then begin if keyword_set(reset) then begin obj_destroy,!THM_GUI_NEW.drawObject drawObj = OBJ_NEW('thm_ui_draw_object',drawWin,statusbar,historyWin) endif else begin drawObj = !THM_GUI_NEW.drawObject drawObj->setProperty,historyWin=historyWin,destination=drawWin,statusBar=statusBar endelse endif else begin drawObj = OBJ_NEW('thm_ui_draw_object',drawWin,statusbar,historyWin) endelse windowObjects = windowStorage->getObjects() ;add an initial window, if none is currently present if ~obj_valid(windowObjects[0]) then begin if ~windowStorage->add(settings=pageSettings, isactive=1) then begin out = error_message('Error initializing default window',/traceback, /center, title='Error in GUI') widget_control,master,/destroy return endif endif ;add scroll bar at the to of the draw window scrollbar = obj_new('THM_UI_SCROLL_BAR', scrollbase, x_scr_size, $ windowStorage, loadedData, drawObj, statusbar, $ value=500, range=[0,1000]) ;create the window menus object and synchronize it with the window storage object windowMenus = Obj_New("THM_UI_WINDOW_MENUS", windowMenu) windowStorage->reloadWindowMenus,windowMenus windowMenus->Update, windowStorage drawWin->setProperty,units=1 drawWin->getProperty,dimensions=dim drawWin->setProperty,units=0 ;drawWin->setCurrentCursor,'ARROW' ;The draw area dimensions that match closely to particular ;dimensions on the screen aren't the dimensions that IDL ;considers to have that measurement. For example, if the ;draw area measures ~8.5x11 inches on the screen, IDL will ;list the size to be 11.5x14.9 on my computer. Different ;computers should have different measurements, ratios ;of IDL measurements to true measurements. By recording this ;ratio, we can guarantee near accurate screen sizing, while ;also maintaining absolutely accurate output sizing. ;ratio of output inches to screen inches info.dimRatio = [xsize / 2.54*!D.X_PX_CM, $ ysize / 2.54*!D.X_PX_CM ] / dim master_geo = widget_info(master,/geometry) draw_geo = widget_info(drawid,/geometry) ;measuring the interface size needed to calculate resize. Differences in OS apply. if strlowcase(!version.os_family) eq 'windows' then begin interface_size = [master_geo.xsize-draw_geo.xsize,master_geo.ysize-draw_geo.ysize] endif else begin interface_size = [master_geo.scr_xsize-draw_geo.xsize,master_geo.scr_ysize-draw_geo.ysize] endelse info.interface_size=interface_size ;replace the cursor on non-windows system ;The cursor also needs to be reset when a new window is created. ;ATM This only happens here & when switching between hardware & software render modes. if strlowcase(!version.os_family) ne 'windows' then begin thm_ui_set_cursor,drawWin endif drawObj->update,windowStorage,info.loadedData drawObj->draw drawObj->vBarOn, /All ; drawObj->hBarOn, /All drawObj->hBarOn drawObj->legendOn, /All scrollbar->update info.drawObject = drawObj info.windowStorage=windowStorage info.windowMenus=windowMenus info.scrollbar=scrollbar ;store relevant variables inside system variable, so that we ;can integrate command line and gui !thm_gui_new.drawObject = drawObj !thm_gui_new.windowStorage = windowStorage !thm_gui_new.loadedData = loadedData !thm_gui_new.windowmenus = windowmenus !thm_gui_new.historyWin = historyWin !thm_gui_new.guiId = master Widget_Control, master, set_UValue=info, /No_Copy ;reset the direct graphics plot device to whatever it was before the gui was started set_plot,dev !P=plot_var XManager, 'thm_gui_new', master, /No_Block RETURN END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------