;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_scmcal ;PURPOSE: ; A widget for choosing data for the THEMIS data analysis GUI ; This was specifically built for SCM data and displays additional ; user inputs for configuration settings ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_ui_scmcal, gui_id, instr_in0 ;INPUT: ; gui_id - gui id number for the main panel ; instr_in0 - instrument name ;OUTPUT: ; cal_params - structure of SCM calibration parameters ;HISTORY: ;AUTHOR: Cindy Goethel ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2010-08-27 16:21:22 -0700 (Fri, 27 Aug 2010) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 7778 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/tags/tdas_7_01/idl/themis/thm_ui/thm_ui_scmcal.pro $ cal_base ;- function is_numeric,s return,stregex(strtrim(s,2),'^[-+]?(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)|([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+))([EeDd][-+]?[0-9]+)?$') eq 0 end Pro thm_ui_scmcal_refresh, state Common thm_ui_scmcal0_private, cp_orig, cp_default, cp_current ;set the widgets for each parameter widget_control, state.widget_ids.mk_text, set_value=cp_current.mk widget_control, state.widget_ids.nk_text, set_value=cp_current.nk if cp_current.despin eq 1 then $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.on_despinbutton, /set_button else $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.off_despinbutton, /set_button widget_control, state.widget_ids.nspin_text, set_value=cp_current.nspins index=where(cp_current.cleanup_type eq state.cleanup_values) widget_control, state.widget_ids.cleanup_droplist, set_droplist_select=index index=where(cp_current.cleanup_author eq state.cauthor_values) widget_control, state.widget_ids.cauthor_droplist, set_droplist_select=index widget_control, state.widget_ids.wdur1s_text, set_value=cp_current.win_dur_1s widget_control, state.widget_ids.wdurst_text, set_value=cp_current.win_dur_st if cp_current.dfbb eq 1 then $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.on_dfbbbutton, /set_button else $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.off_dfbbbutton, /set_button if cp_current.dfbdf eq 1 then $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.on_dfbdfbutton, /set_button else $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.off_dfbdfbutton, /set_button if cp_current.ag eq 1 then $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.on_agbutton, /set_button else $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.off_agbutton, /set_button index=where(cp_current.coord_sys eq state.coord_values) widget_control, state.widget_ids.coord_droplist, set_droplist_select=index widget_control, state.widget_ids.dtrend_text, set_value=cp_current.det_freq widget_control, state.widget_ids.lfreq_text, set_value=cp_current.low_freq widget_control, state.widget_ids.min_text, set_value=cp_current.freq_min widget_control, state.widget_ids.max_text, set_value=cp_current.freq_max index=where(cp_current.psteps eq state.process_values) widget_control, state.widget_ids.process_droplist, set_droplist_select=index index=where(cp_current.edge eq state.edge_values) widget_control, state.widget_ids.edge_droplist, set_droplist_select=index index=where(cp_current.verbose eq state.verbose_values) widget_control, state.widget_ids.verbose_droplist, set_droplist_select=index if cp_current.download eq 1 then $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.on_dlbutton, /set_button else $ widget_control, state.widget_ids.off_dlbutton, /set_button widget_control, state.widget_ids.insuffix_text, set_value=cp_current.in_suffix widget_control, state.widget_ids.outsuffix_text, set_value=cp_current.out_suffix widget_control, state.widget_ids.dircal_text, set_value=cp_current.cal_dir end Pro thm_ui_choose_dtype_scm_event, event Common dtypw, dtyp10, dtyp20, station0, astation0, probe0 Common dtypw_info, stations, astations, probes, dlist1, dlist2, $ dlist1_all, dlist2_all, dtyp1, dtyp2 Common thm_ui_scmcal0_private, cp_orig, cp_default, cp_current ;first handle all the errors and checks err_xxx = 0 catch, err_xxx If(err_xxx Ne 0) Then Begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output = err_msg For j = 0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 Do print, err_msg[j] If(is_struct(state)) Then Begin cw = state.cw widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy Endif Else Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy If(is_struct(state)) Then Begin cw = state.cw widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy Endif Else cw = -1 Endelse If(widget_valid(cw)) Then Begin If(is_struct(wstate)) Then Begin For j = 0, n_elements(wstate.button_arr)-1 Do widget_control, $ wstate.button_arr[j], sensitive = 1 widget_control, cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy Endif Else Begin widget_control, cw, get_uval = wstate, /no_copy For j = 0, n_elements(wstate.button_arr)-1 Do widget_control, $ wstate.button_arr[j], sensitive = 1 widget_control, cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy Endelse thm_ui_update_history, cw, [';*** FYI', ';'+err_msg] thm_ui_update_progress, cw, 'Error--See history' Endif thm_ui_error Return Endif ;If the 'X' is hit... If(TAG_NAMES(event, /STRUCTURE_NAME) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') Then Begin If(is_struct(state) Eq 0) Then $ widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy cw = state.cw widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy If(is_struct(wstate)) Then $ widget_control, cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy widget_control, cw, get_uval = wstate, /no_copy For j = 0, n_elements(wstate.button_arr)-1 Do widget_control, $ wstate.button_arr[j], sensitive = 1 If(ptr_valid(dtyp1)) Then ptr_free, dtyp1 If(ptr_valid(dtyp2)) Then ptr_free, dtyp2 widget_control, cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy widget_control, event.top, /destroy thm_ui_update_progress, cw, 'Unexpected Exit from Choose_dtype Widget' thm_ui_update_history, cw, ';Unexpected Exit from Choose_dtype Widget' Return Endif ;what happened? widget_control, event.id, get_uval = uval Case uval Of 'EXIT': widget_control, event.top, /destroy 'CLEAR_PRST':Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy widget_control, state.cw, get_uval = wstate, /no_copy If(state.instr Eq 'asi' Or state.instr Eq 'ask') Then Begin If(ptr_valid(wstate.astation)) Then ptr_free, wstate.astation widget_control, state.cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy h = 'asi_station = '+''''+'''' widget_control, state.messwp, set_val = 'No Chosen Asi_station' thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, h Endif Else If(state.instr Eq 'gmag') Then Begin If(ptr_valid(wstate.station)) Then ptr_free, wstate.station widget_control, state.cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy h = 'gmag_station = '+''''+'''' widget_control, state.messwp, set_val = 'No Chosen Gmag_station' thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, h Endif Else Begin If(ptr_valid(wstate.probe)) Then ptr_free, wstate.probe widget_control, state.cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy h = 'probe = '+''''+'''' widget_control, state.messwp, set_val = 'No Chosen Probe' thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, h Endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy End 'CLEAR_DTYP':Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy ptr_free, dtyp1 ptr_free, dtyp2 widget_control, state.moddata_text, set_val='' widget_control, state.messw, set_val = 'No Chosen data types' widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy End 'PRST':Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy pindex = widget_info(state.prstlist, /list_select) all_chosen = where(pindex Eq 0, nall) If(state.instr Eq 'asi' Or state.instr Eq 'ask') Then Begin If(nall Gt 0) Then astation0 = astations[1:*] $ Else astation0 = astations[pindex] widget_control, state.cw, get_uval = wstate, /no_copy If(ptr_valid(wstate.astation)) Then ptr_free, wstate.astation wstate.astation = ptr_new(astation0) widget_control, state.cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy h = thm_ui_multichoice_history('asi_station = ', astation0) widget_control, state.messwp, set_val = h thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, h Endif Else If(state.instr Eq 'gmag') Then Begin If(nall Gt 0) Then station0 = stations[1:*] $ Else station0 = stations[pindex] widget_control, state.cw, get_uval = wstate, /no_copy If(ptr_valid(wstate.station)) Then ptr_free, wstate.station wstate.station = ptr_new(station0) widget_control, state.cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy h = thm_ui_multichoice_history('gmag_station = ', station0) widget_control, state.messwp, set_val = h thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, h Endif Else Begin If(nall Gt 0) Then probe0 = probes[1:*] $ Else probe0 = probes[pindex] widget_control, state.cw, get_uval = wstate, /no_copy If(ptr_valid(wstate.probe)) Then ptr_free, wstate.probe wstate.probe = ptr_new(probe0) widget_control, state.cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy h = thm_ui_multichoice_history('probe = ', probe0) widget_control, state.messwp, set_val = h thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, h Endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy End 'DTYP1':Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy pindex = widget_info(state.dtyp1list, /list_select) all_chosen = where(pindex Eq 0, nall) If(dlist1[0] Ne 'None') Then Begin If(nall Gt 0) Then dtyp10 = dlist1[1:*] $ Else dtyp10 = dlist1[pindex] If(state.instr Eq 'esa_pkt') Then Begin dtype = strmid(dtyp10, 0, 3) Endif Else dtype = dtyp10 if dtype(0) eq 'scf' then cp_current.mk='8' if dtype(0) eq 'scp' then cp_current.mk='4' if dtype(0) eq 'scw' then cp_current.mk='1' widget_control, state.widget_ids.mk_text, set_value=cp_current.mk dtype = state.instr+'/'+dtype+'/l1' dtype = strcompress(strlowcase(dtype), /remove_all) If(ptr_valid(dtyp1)) Then ptr_free, dtyp1 dtyp1 = ptr_new(dtype) If(ptr_valid(dtyp2)) Then Begin If(is_string(*dtyp2)) Then dtype = [dtype, *dtyp2] Endif h = thm_ui_multichoice_history('Chosen dtypes: ', dtype) cal_dtype='' if n_elements(dtype) le 1 then Begin cal_dtype = strmid(dtype,4,3) endif else Begin $ cal_dtype(0)=strmid(dtype(0),4,3) for i=1,n_elements(dtype)-1 do cal_dtype = cal_dtype+', '+strmid(dtype(i),4,3) endelse h = thm_ui_multichoice_history('Chosen dtypes: ', dtype) widget_control, state.moddata_text, set_val = cal_dtype widget_control, state.messw, set_val = h Endif widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy End 'DTYP2':Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy pindex = widget_info(state.dtyp2list, /list_select) all_chosen = where(pindex Eq 0, nall) If(dlist2[0] Ne 'None') Then Begin If(nall Gt 0) Then dtyp20 = dlist2[1:*] $ Else dtyp20 = dlist2[pindex] dtype = dtyp20 dtype = state.instr+'/'+dtype+'/l2' dtype = strcompress(strlowcase(dtype), /remove_all) If(ptr_valid(dtyp2)) Then ptr_free, dtyp2 dtyp2 = ptr_new(dtype) If(ptr_valid(dtyp1)) Then Begin If(is_string(*dtyp1)) Then dtype = [*dtyp1, dtype] Endif h = thm_ui_multichoice_history('Chosen dtypes: ', dtype) widget_control, state.messw, set_val = h Endif widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy End 'STRTEXT':Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy widget_control, event.id, get_val = temp_string If(temp_string Eq '*') Then Begin dlist1 = dlist1_all dlist2 = dlist2_all Endif Else Begin dlist1 = dlist1_all dlist2 = dlist2_all ts = strcompress(temp_string, /remove_all) x1 = strmatch(dlist1, ts, /fold_case) tx1 = where(x1 Ne 0, ntx1) If(ntx1 Eq 0) Then dlist1 = 'None' $ Else Begin y1 = where(dlist1[tx1] Eq '*') If(y1[0] Ne -1) Then dlist1 = dlist1[tx1] $ Else dlist1 = ['*', dlist1[tx1]] Endelse ts = strcompress(temp_string, /remove_all) x2 = strmatch(dlist2, ts, /fold_case) tx2 = where(x2 Ne 0, ntx2) If(ntx2 Eq 0) Then dlist2 = 'None' $ Else Begin y2 = where(dlist2[tx2] Eq '*') If(y2[0] Ne -1) Then dlist2 = dlist2[tx2] $ Else dlist2 = ['*', dlist2[tx2]] Endelse Endelse ;reset the values of the datalists widget_control, state.dtyp1list, set_val = dlist1 widget_control, state.dtyp2list, set_val = dlist2 widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy End ; now for all the calibration widgets 'NK': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=nk if (nk ne '') then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy result=is_numeric(nk) if result eq 0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - nk value must be numeric' endif else Begin if (fix(nk) gt 0) then Begin cp_current.nk = nk endif else Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - nk must be greater than 0' endelse endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy endif end 'MK': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=mk if (mk ne '') then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy result=is_numeric(mk) if result eq 0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - mk value must be numeric' endif else Begin if (fix(mk) gt 0) then Begin cp_current.mk = mk endif else Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - mk value must be greater than 0' endelse endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy endif end 'DESPINON': Begin cp_current.despin = 1 end 'DESPINOFF': Begin cp_current.despin = 0 end 'NSPIN': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=nspin if (nspin ne '') then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy result=is_numeric(nspin) if result eq 0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - nspin value must be numeric.' endif else Begin if fix(nspin) gt 0 then Begin cp_current.nspins = nspin endif else Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - nspin value must be greater than 0.' endelse endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy endif end 'CLEANUP': Begin widget_control, event.id widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy cp_current.cleanup_type= state.cleanup_values(event.index) widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy end 'CAUTHOR': Begin widget_control, event.id widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy cp_current.cleanup_author=state.cauthor_values(event.index) widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy end 'WDUR1S': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=dur if (dur ne '') then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy result=is_numeric(dur) if result eq 0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - wind_dur_1s value must be numeric' endif else Begin if float(dur) lt 0.0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - wind_dur_1s must be positive' endif else Begin cp_current.win_dur_1s = dur endelse endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy endif end 'WDURST': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=dur if (dur ne '') then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy result=is_numeric(dur) if result eq 0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - wind_dur_st value must be numeric' endif else Begin if float(dur) lt 0.0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - wind_dur_st must be positive' endif else Begin cp_current.win_dur_st = dur endelse endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy endif end 'DFBBON': Begin cp_current.dfbb = 1 end 'DFBBOFF': Begin cp_current.dfbb = 0 end 'DFBDFON': Begin cp_current.dfbdf = 1 end 'DFBDFOFF': Begin cp_current.dfbdf = 0 end 'AGON': Begin cp_current.ag = 1 end 'AGOFF': Begin cp_current.ag = 0 end 'COORD': Begin widget_control, event.id widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy cp_current.coord_sys=state.coord_values(event.index) widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy end 'DTREND': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=fdet if (fdet ne '') then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy result=is_numeric(fdet) if result eq 0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - det_freq value must be numeric' endif else Begin if float(fdet) lt 0.0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - det_freq must be positive' endif else Begin cp_current.det_freq = fdet endelse endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy endif end 'LFREQ': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=lfreq if (lfreq ne '') then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy result=is_numeric(lfreq) if result eq 0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - low_freq value must be numeric' endif else Begin if float(lfreq) lt 0.0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - low_freq must be positive' endif else Begin cp_current.low_freq = lfreq endelse endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy endif end 'MINF': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=min if (min ne '') then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy result=is_numeric(min) if result eq 0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - min_freq value must be numeric' endif else Begin if float(min) lt 0.0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - min_freq must be positive' endif else Begin cp_current.freq_min = min endelse endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy endif end 'MAXF': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=max if (max ne '') then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy result=is_numeric(max) if result eq 0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - max_freq value must be numeric' endif else Begin if float(max) lt 0.0 then Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, message_wid=state.messw, $ 'Error - max_freq must be positive' endif else Begin cp_current.freq_max = max endelse endelse widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy endif end 'PSTEP': Begin widget_control, event.id cp_current.psteps=event.index end 'EDGE': Begin widget_control, event.id widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy cp_current.edge=state.edge_values(event.index) widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy end 'VERBOSE': Begin widget_control, event.id cp_current.verbose=event.index end 'DOWNLDON': Begin cp_current.download = 1 end 'DOWNLDOFF': Begin cp_current.download = 0 end 'INSUFF': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=in_suffix cp_current.in_suffix = in_suffix end 'OUTSUFF': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=out_suffix cp_current.out_suffix = out_suffix end 'CALDIR': Begin widget_control, event.id, get_val=cal_dir cp_current.cal_dir = cal_dir end 'RESET': Begin cp_current = cp_default widget_control, event.id widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy thm_ui_scmcal_refresh, state widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy end 'HELP': Begin thm_ui_scmcal_help end 'CANCEL': Begin cp_current=cp_orig widget_control, event.top, /destroy end Endcase help, /struc, cp_current Return End Pro thm_ui_choose_dtype_scm, gui_id, instr_in0 Common dtypw, dtyp10, dtyp20, station0, astation0, probe0 Common dtypw_info, stations, astations, probes, dlist1, dlist2, $ dlist1_all, dlist2_all, dtyp1, dtyp2 Common thm_ui_scmcal0_private, cp_orig, cp_default, cp_current arrx = 'Nothing Here' dtyp10 = '' & dtyp20 = '' & station0 = '' & astation0 = '' probe0 = '' & instr0 = '' If(ptr_valid(dtyp1)) Then ptr_free, dtyp1 dtyp1 = ptr_new(dtyp1) If(ptr_valid(dtyp2)) Then ptr_free, dtyp2 dtyp2 = ptr_new(dtyp2) instr_in = strlowcase(instr_in0) ;Get valid datatypes, probes, etc for different data types dlist = thm_ui_valid_dtype(instr_in, ilist, llist) fl = 'THEMIS Probe' probes = ['*', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] probes_ext = ['*', 'A (P5)', 'B (P1)', 'C (P2)', 'D (P3)', 'E (P4)'] prst_val = probes_ext xx1 = where(llist Eq 'l1', nxx1) If(nxx1 Gt 0) Then Begin dlist1_all = ['*', dlist[xx1]] If(instr_in Eq 'fbk') Then Begin dlist1_all = ['*', 'fb1', 'fb2', 'fbh'] Endif Endif Else dlist1_all = 'None' xx2 = where(llist Eq 'l2', nxx2) If(nxx2 Gt 0) Then dlist2_all = ['*', dlist[xx2]] Else dlist2_all = 'None' dlist1 = dlist1_all dlist2 = dlist2_all ;Set up the widget tlb = widget_base(/col, title = 'THEMIS: '+$ strupcase(instr_in)+': DATA INPUT OPTIONS', $ group_leader = gui_id, /tlb_kill_request_events) ;Create the 5 base areas for this widget list_base = widget_base(tlb, /row, frame=3, /align_center) string_base = widget_base(tlb, /col, frame = 3, /align_center) cal_base = widget_base(tlb, /col, /align_center) button_base = widget_base(tlb, /row, /align_center) progress_base = widget_base(tlb, /row, /align_center) ;THEMIS Probe list probe_base = widget_base(list_base, /col, /align_center) flabel = widget_label(probe_base, value = fl) prstid = widget_base(probe_base, /row, /align_center) prstlist = widget_list(prstid, value = prst_val, xsiz = 8, $ ysiz = 10, uval = 'PRST', /mult) ;Data level 1 list data1_base = widget_base(list_base, /col, /align_center) flabel = widget_label(data1_base, value = 'Level 1 Data Quantity') dtyp1id = widget_base(data1_base, /row, /align_center) dtyp1list = widget_list(dtyp1id, value = dlist1, xsiz = 16, $ ysiz = 10, uval = 'DTYP1', /mult) ;Data level 2 list data2_base = widget_base(list_base, /col, /align_center) flabel = widget_label(data2_base, value = 'Level 2 Data Quantity') dtyp2id = widget_base(data2_base, /row, /align_center) dtyp2list = widget_list(dtyp2id, value = dlist2, xsiz = 16, $ ysiz = 10, uval = 'DTYP2', /mult) ;input string and clear buttons string_button_base=widget_base(string_base, /row, /align_center) flabel = widget_label(string_button_base, value = 'String to Match ') strtextw = widget_text(string_button_base, value = '*', $ xsiz = 12, $ ysiz = 1, uval = 'STRTEXT', $ /editable, /all_events) space_text=widget_label(string_button_base, value= ' ') clearbut1 = widget_button(string_button_base, val = ' Clear Probe/Station ', $ uval = 'CLEAR_PRST', /align_center) space_text=widget_label(string_button_base, value= ' ') clearbut2 = widget_button(string_button_base, val = ' Clear Data Type ', $ uval = 'CLEAR_DTYP', /align_center) ; message window string_message_base=widget_base(string_base, /col) messwp_base=widget_base(string_message_base, /row) messwp_label=widget_label(messwp_base, value='Probe: ') messwp = widget_text(messwp_base, val = 'No Probe/Station Chosen',$ xsize = 62, ysize = 1) dmesswp_base=widget_base(string_message_base, /row) dmesswp_label=widget_label(dmesswp_base, value='Data: ') dmesswp = widget_text(dmesswp_base, val = 'No Data Chosen',$ xsize = 62, ysize = 1) ;Calibration widget cal_main_base = widget_base(cal_base, /col, frame=3) cal_label_base = widget_base(cal_main_base, /row) cal_param_base = widget_base(cal_main_base, /row) cal_button_base = widget_base(cal_main_base, /row, /align_center) modify_data_base1 = widget_base(cal_label_base, /row, /align_center) moddata_label = widget_label(modify_data_base1, value=' Modifying Calibration Parameters for: ', /align_center) moddata_text = widget_text(modify_data_base1, value=' ', xsize=10) ;now define the specific widget bases to hold all the parameters column1_base = widget_base(cal_param_base, /col) column2_base = widget_base(cal_param_base, /col) mk_master = widget_base(column1_base, /row) mk_label = widget_label(mk_master, value = 'mk (def.- scf 8, scp 4, scw 1): ') mk_text = widget_text(mk_master, /edit, val= '', xsize=7, uval='MK',/all_events) nk_master = widget_base(column1_base, /row) nk_label = widget_label(nk_master, value = 'nk (if set, overrides mk): ') nk_text = widget_text(nk_master, /edit, val= '', xsize=7, uval='NK', /all_events) despin_base = widget_base(column1_base, /row) despin_label = widget_label(despin_base, value='Despin: ') despin_buttonbase = widget_base(despin_base, /exclusive, /row, uval="DSPIN") on_despinbutton = widget_button(despin_buttonbase, value='On', uval='DESPINON') off_despinbutton = widget_button(despin_buttonbase, value='Off', uval='DESPINOFF') widget_control, on_despinbutton, /set_button nspin_master = widget_base(column1_base, /row) nspin_label = widget_label(nspin_master, value = 'Number Spins to Fit: ') nspin_text = widget_text(nspin_master, /edit, val= '1', uval='NSPIN', xsize=7, /all_events) cleanup_base = widget_base(column1_base, /row) cleanup_label = widget_label(cleanup_base, value='Clean Up: ') cleanup_values = ['None', 'Spin', 'Full'] cleanup_droplist = widget_droplist(cleanup_base, value=cleanup_values, uval='CLEANUP', /align_center) cauthor_base = widget_base(column1_base, /row) cauthor_label = widget_label(cauthor_base, value='CleanUp Author: ') cauthor_values = ['ole', 'ccc'] cauthor_droplist = widget_droplist(cauthor_base, value=cauthor_values, uval='CAUTHOR', /align_center) wdur1s_base = widget_base(column1_base, /row) wdur1s_label = widget_label(wdur1s_base, value = 'Window Duration 8/32Hz: ') wdur1s_text = widget_text(wdur1s_base, /edit, val= '1.0', uval='WDUR1S', xsize=7, /all_events) wdurst_base = widget_base(column1_base, /row) wdurst_label = widget_label(wdurst_base, value = 'Window Duration Spintone: ') wdurst_text = widget_text(wdurst_base, /edit, val= '1.0', uval='WDURST', xsize=7, /all_events) dfbb_base = widget_base(column1_base, /row) dfbb_label = widget_label(dfbb_base, value='DFB Buterworth Filter: ') dfbb_buttonbase = widget_base(dfbb_base, /exclusive, /row) on_dfbbbutton = widget_button(dfbb_buttonbase, value='On', uval='DFBBON') off_dfbbbutton = widget_button(dfbb_buttonbase, value='Off', uval='DFBBOFF') widget_control, on_dfbbbutton, /set_button dfbdf_base = widget_base(column1_base, /row) dfbdf_label = widget_label(dfbdf_base, value='DFB Digital Filter: ') dfbdf_buttonbase = widget_base(dfbdf_base, /exclusive, /row) on_dfbdfbutton = widget_button(dfbdf_buttonbase, value='On', uval='DFBDFON') off_dfbdfbutton = widget_button(dfbdf_buttonbase, value='Off', uval='DFBDFOFF') widget_control, on_dfbdfbutton, /set_button ag_base = widget_base(column1_base, /row) ag_label = widget_label(ag_base, value='Correct for Antenna Gain: ') ag_buttonbase = widget_base(ag_base, /exclusive, /row) on_agbutton = widget_button(ag_buttonbase, value='On', uval='AGON') off_agbutton = widget_button(ag_buttonbase, value='Off', uval='AGOFF') widget_control, on_agbutton, /set_button coord_base = widget_base(column1_base, /row) coord_label = widget_label(coord_base, value='Coordinate System: ') coord_values = ['DSL', 'SSL', 'GSE', 'GEI', 'GSM', 'SPG'] coord_droplist = widget_droplist(coord_base, value=coord_values, uval='COORD', /align_center) dtrend_base = widget_base(column2_base, /row) dtrend_label = widget_label(dtrend_base, value = 'Detrend Frequency (Hz): ') dtrend_text = widget_text(dtrend_base, /edit, val= '0.0', uval='DTREND', xsize=7, /all_events) lfreq_base = widget_base(column2_base, /row) lfreq_label = widget_label(lfreq_base, value = 'Low Frequency cut-off (Hz): ') lfreq_text = widget_text(lfreq_base, /edit, val= '0.1', uval='LFREQ', xsize=7, /all_events) freq_master = widget_base(column2_base, /row) flabel_master = widget_base(freq_master, /col, /align_center) freq_label = widget_label(flabel_master, value = 'Filter Frequency (Hz): ') fstring_master = widget_base(freq_master, /col,frame=3) min_master = widget_base(fstring_master, /row) min_label = widget_label(min_master, value = 'Min ') min_text = widget_text(min_master, /edit, val='0.1', $ xsize = 7, /all_events, uval='MINF') max_master = widget_base(fstring_master, /row) max_label = widget_label(max_master, value = 'Max ') max_text = widget_text(max_master, /edit, val='1.0', $ xsize = 7, /all_events, uval='MAXF') process_values = ['0','1','2','3','4','5'] process_master = widget_base(column2_base, /row) process_label = widget_label(process_master, value='Number Processing Steps: ') process_droplist = widget_droplist(process_master, value=process_values, $ uval='PSTEP', /align_center) widget_control, process_droplist, set_droplist_select=5 edge_values = ['Zero', 'Wrap', 'Truncate'] edge_master = widget_base(column2_base, /row) edge_label = widget_label(edge_master, value='Edge Handling: ') edge_droplist = widget_droplist(edge_master, value=edge_values, uval='EDGE', /align_center) verbose_values = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'] verbose_master = widget_base(column2_base, /row) verbose_label = widget_label(verbose_master, value='Verbose Level: ') verbose_droplist = widget_droplist(verbose_master, value=verbose_values, $ uval='VERBOSE', /align_center) download_base = widget_base(column2_base, /row) download_label = widget_label(download_base, value='Download Calibration Files: ') download_buttonbase = widget_base(download_base, /exclusive, /row) on_dlbutton = widget_button(download_buttonbase, value='On', uval='DOWNLDON') off_dlbutton = widget_button(download_buttonbase, value='Off', uval='DOWNLDOFF') widget_control, on_dlbutton, /set_button insuffix_base = widget_base(column2_base, /row) insuffix_label = widget_label(insuffix_base, value = 'Input Data Suffix: ') insuffix_text = widget_text(insuffix_base, /edit, val= ' ', xsize=18, uval='INSUFF', /all_events) outsuffix_base = widget_base(column2_base, /row) outsuffix_label = widget_label(outsuffix_base, value = 'Out Data Suffix: ') outsuffix_text = widget_text(outsuffix_base, /edit, val= ' ', xsize=18, uval='OUTSUFF', /all_events) dircal_base = widget_base(column2_base, /row) dircal_label = widget_label(dircal_base, value = 'Calibration Directory: ') dircal_text = widget_text(dircal_base, /edit, val= ' ', uval='CALDIR', xsize=18, /all_events) ;define the help, reset, and default buttons for the calibration parameters help_button = widget_button(cal_button_base, value= ' Help ', uval='HELP') reset_button = widget_button(cal_button_base, value= ' Reset ', uval='RESET') ; define all the control buttons at the bottom of the panel cancel_button = widget_button(button_base, value= ' Cancel ', uval='CANCEL') accept_button = widget_button(button_base, value= ' Accept and Close ', uval='EXIT') ;message windows messw = widget_text(progress_base, val = 'No dtypes chosen', $ xsize = 80, ysize = 1, /scroll) ;widget_array widget_ids={mk_text:mk_text, nk_text:nk_text, $ on_despinbutton:on_despinbutton, $ off_despinbutton:off_despinbutton, $ nspin_text:nspin_text, cleanup_droplist:cleanup_droplist,$ cauthor_droplist:cauthor_droplist, wdur1s_text:wdur1s_text,$ wdurst_text:wdurst_text, on_dfbbbutton:on_dfbbbutton, $ off_dfbbbutton:off_dfbbbutton, on_dfbdfbutton:on_dfbdfbutton, $ off_dfbdfbutton:off_dfbdfbutton, on_agbutton:on_agbutton, $ off_agbutton:off_agbutton, $ coord_droplist:coord_droplist, $ dtrend_text:dtrend_text, lfreq_text:lfreq_text, $ min_text:min_text, max_text:max_text, $ process_droplist:process_droplist, edge_droplist:edge_droplist, $ verbose_droplist:verbose_droplist, on_dlbutton:on_dlbutton, $ off_dlbutton:off_dlbutton, insuffix_text:insuffix_text, $ outsuffix_text:outsuffix_text, dircal_text:dircal_text} ;state structures state = {cw:gui_id, dtypw_id:tlb, prstlist:prstlist, dtyp1list:dtyp1list, $ dtyp2list:dtyp2list, instr:instr_in, messw:messw, messwp:messwp, $ cleanup_values:cleanup_values, cauthor_values:cauthor_values, $ process_values:process_values, edge_values:edge_values, $ moddata_text:moddata_text, verbose_values:verbose_values, $ coord_values:coord_values, widget_ids:widget_ids} ;set state structure and realize widget_control, tlb, set_uval = state, /no_copy widget_control, tlb, /realize xmanager, 'thm_ui_choose_dtype_scm', tlb ;Now you are done, and can put the data types in the main widget widget_control, gui_id, get_uval = wstate, /no_copy ;Clear out the dtyp_1 list If(ptr_valid(wstate.dtyp_1)) Then ptr_free, wstate.dtyp_1 wstate.dtyp_1 = ptr_new() dtype = '' If(ptr_valid(dtyp1)) Then Begin If(is_string(*dtyp1)) Then dtype = *dtyp1 Endif If(ptr_valid(dtyp2)) Then Begin If(is_string(*dtyp2)) Then Begin If(is_string(dtype)) Then dtype = [dtype, *dtyp2] $ Else dtype = *dtyp2 Endif Endif If(is_string(dtype)) Then wstate.dtyp_1 = ptr_new(dtype) widget_control, gui_id, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy End function thm_ui_scmcal, tlb, instr_in0 common thm_ui_scmcal0_private, cp_orig, cp_default, cp_current cp_default = {nk:'', mk:'', despin:1, nspins:'1',$ cleanup_type:'None', cleanup_author:'ole', win_dur_1s:'1.0', $ win_dur_st:'1.0', dfbb:1, dfbdf:1, ag:1, det_freq:'0', $ low_freq:'0.1', freq_min:'0.1', freq_max:'1.0', psteps:5, $ edge:'Zero', download:1, cal_dir:'', in_suffix:'', $ out_suffix:'', coord_sys:'DSL', verbose:0} cp_orig = cp_default cp_current = cp_default thm_ui_choose_dtype_scm, tlb, instr_in0 return, cp_current end