;+ ;procedure: thm_spinfit ; ;Purpose: finds spinfits of field data ; ; finds A,B, and C fits for each period of data, over the entire day ; ;required parameters: ; var_name_in = tplot variable name containing data to fit ; ;keywords: ; sigma = If set, will cause program to output tplot variable with sigma for each period. ; npoints = If set, will cause program to output tplot variable with number of points in fit. ; spinaxis = If set, program will output a tplot variable storing the average over the spin axis dimension ; for each time period. ; median = If spinaxis set, program will output a median of each period instead of the average. ; plane_dim = Tells program which dimension to treat as the plane. 0=x, 1=y, 2=z. Default 0. ; axis_dim = Tells program which dimension contains axis to average over. Default 0. Will not ; create a tplot variable unless used with /spinaxis. ; min_points = Minimum number of points to fit. Default = 5. ; alpha = A parameter for finding fits. Points outside of sigma*(alpha + beta*i) ; will be thrown out. Default 1.4. ; beta = A parameter for finding fits. See above. Default = 0.4 ; phase_mask_starts = Time to start masking data. Default = 0 ; phase_mask_ends = Time to stop masking data. Default = -1 ; sun2sensor = Tells how much to rotate data to align with sun ; sensor. This defaults to 45 degrees for plane_dim = 1 ; and 135 degrees for plane_dim = 0 ; build_efi_var = if set to a valid string, then this will return an ; EFI-like variable, with Ex set to spinfit_b, and Ey ; set to spinfit_c, with the name of build_efi_var ; ;Example: ; ; thm_spinfit,'th?_fg?',/sigma ; ;Notes: under construction!! ; ;Written by Katherine Ramer ; $LastChangedBy: kramer $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2007-06-08 10:10:36 -0700 (Fri June 8, 2007) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 0 $ ; $URL: ;- pro thm_spinfit,var_name_in, $ sigma=sigma, npoints=npoints, spinaxis=spinaxis, median=median, $ plane_dim=plane_dim, axis_dim=axis_dim, $ min_points=min_points,alpha=alpha,beta=beta, $ phase_mask_starts=phase_mask_starts,phase_mask_ends=phase_mask_ends, $ sun2sensor=sun2sensor, build_efi_var=build_efi_var ;print, "CALLING THM_SPINFIT" vprobes = ['a','b','c','d','e'] vdatatypes = ['fgl', 'fgh', 'fge'] if keyword_set(valid_names) then begin probe = vprobes datatypes = vdatatypes return endif if not keyword_set(plane_dim) then plane_dim=0 matches=tnames(var_name_in) n_matches=n_elements(matches) if n_matches eq 1 then if matches eq '' then n_matches=0 for i=0,n_elements(n_matches)-1 do begin probe = strmid(matches[i], 2, 1) probes = thm_check_valid_name(strlowcase(probe), vprobes, /include_all) thx = 'th'+probes[0] sizephase=size(thx_spinphase) sizeper=size(thx_spinper) if not sizephase[0] or not sizeper[0] then begin get_data,thx+'_state_spinphase',data=thx_spinphase get_data,thx+'_state_spinper',data=thx_spinper endif if not (n_elements(thx_spinphase)) or not (n_elements(thx_spinper)) then begin thm_load_state,probe=probes, /get_support_data get_data,'th'+probes+'_state_spinphase',data=thx_spinphase get_data,'th'+probes+'_state_spinper',data=thx_spinper endif get_data,matches[i],data=thx_xxx_in, dl = dl boomfix='' if cotrans_get_coord(dl) eq 'spg' then begin if undefined(sun2sensor) then begin case 1 of plane_dim eq 0: begin dprint,'User set PLANE_DIM to "0". Internally setting SUN2SENSOR keyword to 135 degrees for E12 boom angle offset.' ;Cite THEMIS doc here. sun2sensor = 135. boomfix = '_e12' end plane_dim eq 1: begin dprint,'User set PLANE_DIM to "1". Internally setting SUN2SENSOR keyword to 45 degrees for E34 boom angle offset.' ;Cite THEMIS doc here. sun2sensor = 45. boomfix = '_e34' end endcase endif else dprint,'*** WARNING: User has overridden standard angle offset for chosen boom (PLANE_DIM keyword) via SUN2SENSOR keyword.';Cite THEMIS doc. endif If(is_struct(thx_spinphase) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No Spinphase structure: '+var_name_in Return Endif thm_sunpulse,thx_spinphase.x,thx_spinphase.y,thx_spinper.y,sunpulse="thx_sunpulse_times" get_data, 'thx_sunpulse_times',data=thx_sunpulse_times del_data, 'thx_sunpulse_times' ;remove probe specific temp variable spinfit,thx_xxx_in.x,thx_xxx_in.y,thx_sunpulse_times.x,thx_sunpulse_times.y,$ a,b,c,spin_axis,med_axis,s,n,sun_data,min_points=min_points,alpha=alpha,beta=beta, $ plane_dim=plane_dim,axis_dim=axis_dim,phase_mask_starts=phase_mask_starts,$ phase_mask_ends=phase_mask_ends,sun2sensor=sun2sensor sizesun=size(sun_data) sun_midpoint=fltarr(sizesun[1]) ;for j=0,sizesun[1]-2 do sun_midpoint[j]=(sun_data[j]+sun_data[j+1])/2 sun_midpoint=sun_data ; metadata: ; str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, success=has_data_att if has_data_att then str_element, data_att, 'boom', boomfix, /add else data_att = { data_type: boomfix } str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, dl,'labels',/delete store_data,matches[i]+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_a',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:a}, dl = dl store_data,matches[i]+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_b',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:b}, dl = dl store_data,matches[i]+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_c',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:c}, dl = dl if keyword_set(sigma) then store_data,matches[i]+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_sig',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:s}, dl = dl if keyword_set(Npoints) then store_data,matches[i]+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_npoints',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:n}, dl = dl if keyword_set(spinaxis) then begin if keyword_set(median)then begin store_data,matches[i]+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_med',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:med_axis}, dl = dl endif else store_data,matches[i]+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_avg',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:spin_axis}, dl = dl endif If(is_string(build_efi_var)) Then Begin ;jmm, 21-dec-2010, create an EFI-like variable dummy = a & dummy[*] = !values.f_nan y = transpose([transpose(b), transpose(c), transpose(dummy)]) store_data, build_efi_var[0], data = {x:sun_midpoint,y:y}, dl = dl Endif endfor ;i end