;+ ;PROCEDURE: zlim,lim, [min,max, [log]] ;PURPOSE: ; To set plotting limits for plotting routines. ; This procedure will add the tags 'zrange', 'zstyle' and 'xlog' to the ; structure lim. This structure can be used in other plotting routines. ;INPUTS: ; lim: structure to be added to. (Created if non-existent) ; min: min value of range ; max: max value of range ; log: (optional) 0: linear, 1: log ;If lim is a string then the limit structure associated with that "TPLOT" ; variable is modified. ;See also: "OPTIONS", "YLIM", "XLIM", "SPEC" ;Typical usage: ; zlim,'ehspec',1e-2,1e6,1 ; Change color limits of the "TPLOT" variable ; ; 'ehspec'. ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#)zlim.pro 1.2 02/11/01 ;- pro zlim,lim,min,max,log,default=default if n_params() eq 1 then begin options,lim,'zrange',default=default options,lim,'zstyle',default=default options,lim,'zlog',default=default return endif if n_elements(max) eq 0 then range = [0.,0.] else range = float([min,max]) options,lim,'zrange',range,default=default if range(0) eq range(1) then style=0 else style=1 options,lim,'zstyle',style,default=default if n_elements(log) ne 0 then options,lim,'zlog',log,default=default return end