;+ ;PROCEDURE: tplot_options [,string,value] ;NAME: ; tplot_options ;PURPOSE: ; Sets global options for the "tplot" routine. ;INPUTS: ; string: option to be set. ; value: value to be given the option. ;KEYWORDS: ; HELP: Display current options structure. ; VAR_LABEL: String [array], variable[s] to be used for plot labels. ; FULL_TRANGE: 2 element double array specifying the full time range. ; TRANGE: 2 element double array specifying the current time range. ; DATANAMES: String containing names of variable to plot ; REFDATE: Reference date. String with format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'. ; This reference date is used with the gettime subroutine. ; WINDOW: Window to be used for all time plots. (-1 specifies current ; window. ; VERSION: plot label version. (1 or 2 or 3) ; TITLE: string used for the tplot title ; OPTIONS: tplot options structure to be passed to replace the current ; structure. ; GET_OPTIONS:returns the new tplot options structure. ;EXAMPLES: ; tplot_options,'ynozero',1 ; set all panels to YNOZERO=1 ; tplot_options,'title','My Data' ; Set title ; tplot_options,'xmargin',[10,10] ; Set left/right margins to 10 characters ; tplot_options,'ymargin',[4,2] ; Set top/bottom margins to 4/2 lines ; tplot_options,'position',[.25,.25,.75,.75] ; Set plot position (normal coord) ; tplot_options,'wshow',1 ; de-iconify window with each tplot ; tplot_options,'version',3 ; Sets the best time ticks possible ; tplot_options,'window',0 ; Makes tplot always use window 0 ; tplot_options,/help ; Display current options ; tplot_options,get_options=opt ; get option structure in the variable opt. ; tplot_options,'ygap',0.0 ;eliminate the vertical spacing between panels ; ; ;SEE ALSO: "TPLOT", "OPTIONS", "TPLOT_COM" ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson 95/08/29 ;LAST MODIFICATION: 01/10/08 ;VERSION: @(#)tplot_options.pro 1.16 ;- pro tplot_options,string,value $ ,datanames=datanames $ ,var_label=var_label $ ,version=version $ ,title = title $ ,refdate = refdate $ ,full_trange = tr_full $ ,trange = tr $ ,options = opts $ ,get_options = get_opts $ ,help=help $ ,window = wind @tplot_com if n_elements(opts) ne 0 then str_element,tplot_vars,'options',opts,$ /add_replace str_element,tplot_vars,'options',tplot_opts if size(/type,tplot_opts) ne 8 then str_element,tplot_vars,'options',0,$ /add_replace if size(/type,string) eq 7 then str_element,tplot_vars,'options.'+string,value,$ /add_replace if size(/type,datanames) eq 7 then $ str_element,tplot_vars,'options.datanames',datanames,/add_replace if not keyword_set(tplot_vars) then begin options ={datanames:'',varnames:'',trange_full:dblarr(2),trange:dblarr(2)} settings={varnames:'',trange_old:dblarr(2),trange_cur:dblarr(2)} tplot_vars= {options:options,settings:settings} endif if n_elements(title) ne 0 then str_element,tplot_vars,'options.title',$ title,/add_replace if n_elements(var_label) ne 0 then str_element,tplot_vars,'options.var_label',$ var_label,/add_replace if n_elements(version) ne 0 then str_element,tplot_vars,'options.version',$ version,/add_replace if n_elements(refdate) ne 0 then str_element,tplot_vars,'options.refdate',$ strmid(time_string(refdate),0,10),/add_replace if n_elements(tr) ne 0 then str_element,tplot_vars,'options.trange',$ tr,/add_replace if n_elements(tr_full) ne 0 then str_element,tplot_vars,$ 'options.trange_full',tr_full,/add_replace if n_elements(wind) ne 0 then str_element,tplot_vars,'options.window',$ wind,/add_replace str_element,tplot_vars,'options.trange_full',t_f if n_elements(t_f) eq 0 then str_element,$ tplot_vars,'options.trange_full',double([0.,0.]),/add_replace str_element,tplot_vars,'settings.trange_old',t_o if n_elements(t_o) eq 0 then str_element,$ tplot_vars,'settings.trange_old',tplot_vars.options.trange_full,$ /add_replace str_element,tplot_vars,'options.trange',t_r if n_elements(t_r) eq 0 then str_element,$ tplot_vars,'options.trange',tplot_vars.settings.trange_old,/add_replace if keyword_set(help) then begin help,/st,tplot_vars.options endif get_opts = tplot_vars.options end