;+ ; Procedure: tplot3d ; ; Purpose: Takes an array of 3-d(Nx3 or MxNx3) vectors or tplot variable ; holding these vectors and generates a 3d plot of them ; ;Example: tplotxy,'thb_state_pos' ; tplotxy,'thb_state_pos',/overplot ; ; Inputs: vectors: an Nx3 or MxNx3 list of vectors or the name of a tplot ; variable that stores an Nx3 or MxNx3 list of vectors ; ; Keywords: ; overplot(optional): overplot on an already existing 3d plot ; ; noreset(optional): iplot changes some internal settings, ; this procedure resets them to themis defaults, if you do not ; want this done then set this option. ; ; also takes all the other options that iplot takes ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2008-02-06 14:24:05 -0800 (Wed, 06 Feb 2008) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 2355 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/ssl_general/tags/tdas_5_21/tplot/tplot3d.pro $ ;- ;main function pro tplot3d, vectors,overplot = overplot,noreset=noreset, _extra = _extra compile_opt idl2 if(size(vectors, /type) eq 7) then begin if(tnames(vectors) eq '') then message, 'tplot variable specified does not exists' get_data, vectors, data = d vecs = d.y endif else vecs = vectors dims = size(vecs, /dimensions) if(n_elements(dims) ne 2 && n_elements(dims) ne 3) then message, 'vector argument must be a 2 or 3 dimensional array' if(dims[n_elements(dims)-1] ne 3) then message, 'last dimension of vector argument must be size 3' ;if a 2-d argument is passed, make it 3-d so all cases can be handled ;using the same code if(n_elements(dims) eq 2) then begin vecs = reform(vecs, [1, dims]) dims = [1, dims] endif for i = 0, dims[0]-1 do begin ;identify NaNs vec_x = reform(vecs[i, *, 0]) idx1 = where(finite(vec_x)) vec_y = reform(vecs[i, *, 1]) idx2 = where(finite(vec_y)) vec_z = reform(vecs[i, *, 2]) idx3 = where(finite(vec_z)) idxt = ssl_set_intersection(idx1, idx2) idxt = ssl_set_intersection(idx3, idxt) if(idxt[0] eq -1) then begin message, /continue, 'cannot plot an line composed entirely of NaNs, skipping line' continue endif ;filter NaNs vec_x = vec_x[idxt] vec_y = vec_y[idxt] vec_z = vec_z[idxt] if not keyword_set(overplot) and i eq 0 then $ iplot, vec_x,vec_y,vec_z, overplot = 0, _extra = _extra $ else $ iplot, vec_x, vec_y, vec_z, overplot = 1, _extra = _extra endfor loadct2,43 !P.color=0 !P.background=255 end