;+ ;PROCEDURE: strplot, x, y ;INPUT: ; x: array of x values. ; y: array of y strings. ;PURPOSE: ; Procedure used to print strings in a "TPLOT" style plot. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; DATA: A structure that contains the elements 'x', 'y.' This ; is an alternative way of inputing the data. ; LIMITS: The limits structure including PLOT and XYOUTS keywords. ; OVERPLOT: If set, then data is plotted over last plot. ; DI: Not used. Exists for backward compatibility. ; ;LAST MODIFIED: @(#)strplot.pro 1.2 98/08/03 ;- pro strplot,x,y,overplot=overplot,di=di,limits=lim,data=data if keyword_set(data) then begin x = data.x y = data.y extract_tags,stuff,data,except=['x','y'] endif extract_tags,stuff,lim extract_tags,plotstuff,stuff,/plot extract_tags,xyoutstuff,stuff,/xyout str_element,stuff,'labels',val=labels labsize = 1. str_element,stuff,'labsize',val=labsize chsize = !p.charsize if not keyword_set(chsize) then chsize = 1. n = n_elements(x) if not keyword_set(overplot) then $ plot,/nodata,x,findgen(n)/n,yrange=[0,1],/ystyle,_extra=plotstuff z = fltarr(n) xyouts,x,z,y,charsize=chsize,orien=90.,noclip=0,_extra=xyoutstuff end