PRO split_vec,names,polar=polar,titles=titles, names_out = names_out,suffix=dsuffix, $ tensor_suffix=tensor_suffix,vector_suffix=vector_suffix ;+ ;NAME: split_vec ;PURPOSE: ; take a stored vector like 'Vp' and create stored vectors 'Vp_x','Vp_y','Vp_z' ;CALLING SEQUENCE: split_vec,names ;INPUTS: names: string or strarr, elements are data handle names ;OPTIONAL INPUTS: ;KEYWORD PARAMETERS: polar: Use '_mag', '_th', and '_phi' ; titles: an array of titles to use instead of ; the default or polar sufficies (NOT USED) ; names_out: The variable names of the new variables ;OUTPUTS: ;OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ;COMMON BLOCKS: ;SIDE EFFECTS: ;RESTRICTIONS: ;EXAMPLE: ;LAST MODIFICATION: 12-mar-2007, jmm ;CREATED BY: Frank V. Marcoline ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2009-10-01 10:12:20 -0700 (Thu, 01 Oct 2009) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 6793 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh:// $ ;- nms = tnames(names) num = n_elements(nms) if not keyword_set(dsuffix) then begin IF keyword_set(polar) THEN dsuffix3 = ['_mag','_th','_phi'] $ ELSE dsuffix3 = ['_x','_y','_z'] dsuffix6 = '_'+strsplit('xx yy zz xy xz yz',/extract) endif names_out = '' FOR i=0,num-1 DO BEGIN get_data,nms[i],dat=dat,dlim=dlim,lim=lim,alim=alim tags = tag_names(dat) nt = n_elements(tags) ytitle = nms[i] str_element,alim,'ytitle',ytitle labels = '' str_element,alim,'labels',labels ny = dimen2(dat.y) if keyword_set(dsuffix) then suffix = dsuffix else $ if ny eq 3 then suffix= dsuffix3 $ else if ny eq 6 and keyword_set(tensor_suffix) then suffix = dsuffix6 $ else suffix = strcompress('_'+string(indgen(ny)),/remove) for j = 0,ny-1 do begin vname = nms[i]+suffix[j] store_data,vname,data={x:dat.x,y:dat.y[*,j]},dlim=dlim,lim=lim ; if keyword_set(labels) then options,vname,/def,ytitle=ytitle+' '+labels[j] if is_struct(dlim) then begin if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(dlim)),'labels') && n_elements(dlim.labels) eq ny then begin options,vname,/def,labels=dlim.labels[j] endif if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(dlim)),'colors') && n_elements(get_colors(dlim.colors)) eq ny then begin options,vname,/def,colors=(get_colors(dlim.colors))[j] endif endif if is_struct(lim) then begin if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(lim)),'labels') && n_elements(lim.labels) eq ny then begin options,vname,labels=lim.labels[j] endif if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(lim)),'colors') && n_elements(get_colors(lim.colors)) eq ny then begin options,vname,colors=(get_colors(lim.colors))[j] endif endif options,vname,/def,ynozero=1 names_out = [names_out, vname] endfor ENDFOR If(n_elements(names_out) Gt 1) Then names_out = names_out[1:*] END