;+ ; Procedure: plotxyz ; ; Purpose: Generates an isotropic spectrographic plot. It takes one ; 2-d array(Z) and plots it using the values in 2 1-d arrays(X,Y) to ; scale the data in Z. The X and Y axes can be any kind of data, ; most specifically the X axis need not be time. By default the ; plots, are scaled isotropically. Meaning that a unit on the x axis ; will have the same length on the screen as a unit on the z axis. ; ; The plots can be interleaved with plotxy/tplotxy plots in the same ; panel/window. Calling plotxyz with no arguments will redraw the ; entire window(including plotxy/tplotxy plots) ; ; The most significant restiction to this function is that it will ; clip any negative(or 0) data(in X,Y or Z) if you select a ; logarithmic axis. ; ; If one scaling axis is set to logarithmic and the other is not, ; but the plot is set to isotropic, 1 power unit on the logarithmic ; axis will take up the same space on screen as one normal unit on ; the normal axis. Despite the capability to perform these mixed ; x,y log plots, this is not recommended...but feel free to experiment. ; ; ;************************************ ; Detailed explanation of Plot windows and panels: ; /addpanel,/noisotropic and multi= ; ; To put multiple panels in a window first call ; plotxyz with the multi keyword. It will either ; plot in which ever window is your current one, or ; create a new one if no window exists or if you ; request the use of a nonexistent window. ; ; During this first call you may want to specify things ; like wtitle,xsize,ysize,window...in addition to your normal ; plotting options, setting these windowing options will ; interfere with the creation of postscript ; ; multi specifies the plot window panel layout. ; So if you set multi='3,2' you will get 6 plots ; in your window with a layout like: ; ------- ; |x x x| ; |x x x| ; ------- ; ; Each panel will have dimensions x number of pixels = 1/3 * ; xsize of window and y number of pixels = 1/2 * ysize of window. ; ; Your first call should also specify the layout of your ; first panel. To add to that panel use the /overplot keyword. ; ; When you use the /add keyword the program will move on to ; the next panel within the plot window and you should add ; options to specify the layout of that panel. ; ; If you set the xmargin or ymargin keyword the margin will be ; relative to the overall size of that panel. When using the ; not using the noisotropic keyword the procedure will make ; each axis vary over the same range AND make the ; largest possible square window given the size of the panel ; and the sizes of the margins you have provided, if possible. ; In some cases when ranges are set explictly the plot must ; be rectangular. ; ; An entire plot window must be filled in sequence, if you move ; on to a new window you will not be able to go back to the ; previous window without restarting. ; ; If you call plotxyz with no arguments it will redraw the ; entire window including all panels and overplots. If you ; resize the window before calling with new arguments it ; will redraw the isotropic panels as the largest possible ; squares. This comes at a cost of storing copies of the ; commands and data you made in memory. If you need to save ; memory you can call the function with the /memsave argument, ; but then redraws will be done using hardware and window resizes ; can distort isotropic plots. ; ; NOTE TO PROGRAMMERS: ; Information about plotting for plotxyz is stored in ; the global variable !TPLOTXY, this includes ; information about the layout of the plot window ; which panel it is currently working on, and the ; sequence of commands used to generate current plot window ; so that it can regenerate the plotwindow when called ; with no arguments. This variable also stores information ; used by the plotxy function so line plots ; can be interleaved with xyz spectrographic plots. ; ; Required Inputs: ; x: 1-d array specifying the scaling/spacing of the x axis ; This array must have the same number of elements as the ; 1st dimension of Z. One can think of the x coordinates of ; the centers of the Z array data ; ; ; y: 1-d array specifying the scaling/spacing of the y axis ; This array must have the same number of elements as the ; 2nd dimension of Z. One can think of the y coordinates of ; the centers of the Z array data ; ; z: 2-d array specifying the intensity of each element, or the ; height of the z-axis. This will be represented by color ; in the 2-d plot this procedure generates. ; ; Optional keywords: ; interpolate: set this argument if you want the data to ; be interpolated between z data. This will give the ; appearance of smooth gradations, although this may not ; exist in the data. If your Z data has blanks(NaNs), ; interpolation can give inaccurate results near the blanks. ; ; noisotropic: set this argument if you don't want ; the plot to be isotropic. If this is set the plot ; will fill the entire space available to it, ; regardless of data scaling. ; ; xlog,ylog,zlog: set any of these to create logarithmic ; scaling on the appropriate axis. It is recommended, ; but not required that if you set xlog on an isotropic ; plot you also set ylog. ; ; multi: as explained above set this to a string ; indicating the desired number of columns and rows ; in your window. This string can must contain 2 numbers ; delimited by any common delimiter character or space. ; the numbers may optionally be followed by an r to ; indicate a reversal in the direction that the plots ; will be added to the window. ; ; addpanel: set this keyword to make the procedure ; move on to the next plot in window, if you have ; previously set multi. If this is not set, it will ; generate a new plot in a clear window, if this is ; set and there are no more available spaces for ; plots an error will be generated. ; ; memsave: To allow replotting of the data when the ; procedure is called with no arguments, the copies of ; the data are stored in memory. If memsave is set ; these copies will not be saved and you will be unable ; to replot with a 0 argument call. ; ; xmargin,ymargin: Set these keyword to a 2 element ; array to set extra space around the plot. Margins are ; measured proportionally(from 0.0 to 1.0) and are ; separate for each plot(not global to the entire window). ; The arrays store the [left,right] xmargin or ; [bottom,top] ymargin. Default xmargin for xyz plots is ; [.15,.15] and ymargin is [.1,.075]. ; ; xrange,yrange,zrange: Set these keywords to a 2 element ; array to control the range of values to be displayed ; for each axis. ; ; title: set this to a string indicating the title at ; the top of the plot ; ; xtitle,ytitle,ztitle: set this to a string indicating ; the title of the appropriate axis. ; ; charsize: set this to a number to scale the character ; size of writing on the plot. 1.0 is the default, ; less than 1.0 decreases charsize, greater increases. ; ; WARNING setting window, xsize, ysize or wtitle will ; interfere with the creation of postscript ; ; window: specify the window in which the plots should be ; made. The default is the current window. If the window ; number does not exist one will be made ; ; xsize,ysize: Specify the number of pixels of the window you are ; plotting in. This can be done ahead by the user if they ; like, or just by stretching the window. ; ; wtitle: Specify the title for the bar at the top of the ; window as a string. ; ; noticks: set this if you do not want ticks on the plot ; (mutually exclusive with grid) ; ; grid: set this if you want a grid on your plot ; (mutually exclusive with noticks) ; Use xticks and yticks to manipulate the ; spacing of your grid ; ; markends: This keyword is deprecated. You can use ; all the normal options for plot to manipulate the ; position of the ticks on the axes. ; ; xtick_get,ytick_get: These behave exactly as the plot ; command versions, but they had to be identified explictly ; to ensure they would be passed through correctly. ; ; zticks: this acts like the normal x,y ticks option in ; idl plots. Set it to some number greater than 1 to set ; the number of tick marks of the z axis. It is available ; because draw color scale will sometimes supress all the ; tick marks on the z axis. ; ; ps_resolution: set the resolution, if you are using ; postscript (default is 150 pts/cm) ; ; You can also use many normal plot options. ; ; NOTES: ; All NaN's & INFs in the x and y axes will be removed from the data. All ; NaN's in the z data will be replaced by the minimum value. ; ; bin2d is VERY useful for preparing data for use in this routine ; ; Be very careful when manually setting the ticks. While some options like [xy]ticks ; are quite safe, others can inadvertently produce inaccurate labels as idl will sometimes ; make assumptions about positioning of axes, by rounding off. If you plan on using [xy]tickv, ; or [xy]style be careful to verify that the axis labeling is working correctly. This can best be done by ; testing on a data set where the axes are irregularly spaced and where some of the values at the axes are ; irrational. ; ; ; SEE ALSO: ; plotxy,tplotxy,thm_crib_tplotxy,thm_crib_plotxy,thm_crib_plotxyz,bin2d, ; plotxylib,plotxyvec ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2008-01-16 16:54:40 -0800 (Wed, 16 Jan 2008) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 2283 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/ssl_general/trunk/tplot/tplotxy.pro $ ;- ;helper for the data processing routine ;code to clip the x and y axes pro pxyz_dim_clip,zp,ap,r1,r2,an,bn,znans ;the cases below determine if the data intersects with ;the xrange provided and decides how to fill the space ;between the data and the ranges id = where(r1 le ap and r2 ge ap) ;this case handles one element x if an eq 1 or id[0] eq -1 then begin ap = [r1,r2] an = 2 if id[0] ne -1 then begin zp = [zp,zp] znans = [znans,znans] endif else begin zp = dblarr(2,bn) znans = dblarr(2,bn) znans[*] = 1 endelse endif else begin ;if the lower range is outside the data, pad the edge with black if r1 lt ap[0] then begin ;decide where to place the boundary point ;this decision is essentially aesthetic ;it should determine how far the data will ;extend until it reaches the filler color if abs(ap[1]-ap[0]) lt abs(ap[0]-r1) then begin ap = [r1,ap[0]-abs(ap[1]-ap[0]),ap] zp = [dblarr(2,bn),zp] znans_fill = dblarr(2,bn) znans_fill[*] = 1 znans = [znans_fill,znans] an+=2 endif else begin ap = [r1,ap] zp = [dblarr(1,bn),zp] znans_fill = dblarr(1,bn) znans_fill[*] = 1 znans = [znans_fill,znans] an+=1 endelse ;if the lower range is within the data ;clip to the data edge and interpolate to the range ;marker endif else if r1 gt ap[0] then begin idx = where(ap gt r1) zp_edge = zp[(idx[0]-1):idx[0],*] znans_edge = znans[(idx[0]-1):idx[0],*] interp_loc = r1-ap[idx[0]-1]/(ap[idx[0]]-ap[idx[0]-1]) zp_interp = interpolate(zp_edge,interp_loc,dindgen(bn),/grid) znans_interp = interpolate(znans_edge,interp_loc,dindgen(bn),/grid) zp = [zp_interp,zp[idx,*]] znans = [znans_interp,znans[idx,*]] ap = [r1,ap[idx]] an = n_elements(ap) endif ;if the upper range is outside the ;data then pad the edge with black if r2 gt ap[an-1] then begin ;decide where to place the boundary point ;this decision is essentially aesthetic ;it should determine how far the data will ;extend until it reaches the filler color if abs(ap[an-1]-ap[an-2]) lt abs(r2 - ap[an-1]) then begin ap = [ap,ap[an-1]+abs(ap[an-1]-ap[an-2]),r2] zp = [zp,dblarr(2,bn)] znans_fill = dblarr(2,bn) znans_fill[*] = 1 znans = [znans,znans_fill] an+=2 endif else begin ap = [ap,r2] zp = [zp,dblarr(1,bn)] znans_fill = dblarr(1,bn) znans_fill[*] = 1 znans = [znans,znans_fill] an+=1 endelse ;if the lower range is within the data ;clip to the data edge and interpolate to the range ;marker endif else if r2 lt ap[an-1] then begin idx = where(ap lt r2) n = n_elements(idx) zp_edge = zp[idx[n-1]:(idx[n-1]+1),*] znans_edge = znans[idx[n-1]:(idx[n-1]+1),*] interp_loc = r2-ap[idx[n-1]]/(ap[idx[n-1]+1]-ap[idx[n-1]]) zp_interp = interpolate(zp_edge,interp_loc,dindgen(bn),/grid) znans_interp = interpolate(znans_edge,interp_loc,dindgen(bn),/grid) zp = [zp[idx,*],zp_interp] znans = [znans[idx,*],znans_interp] ap = [ap[idx],r2] an = n_elements(ap) endif endelse end ;do log processing for the x and y dims with this function ;for negative values, it replaces the values with -abs(log(value)) ;all 0s are removed pro pxyz_dim_log,zp,ap,range,znans zdims = size(zp,/dimensions) idx = where(ap gt 0) if idx[0] eq -1 then begin message,'entire logarithmic dimension is <= 0' endif else begin ap = ap[idx] ;may need to reset the range because low end got clipped by log if range[0] lt range[1] then begin range[0] = min(ap) endif else begin range[1] = min(ap) endelse ap = alog10(ap) zp = zp[idx,*] znans = znans[idx,*] endelse end pro pxyz_process_data,xp,yp,zp,xrange,yrange,zrange,xlog,ylog,zlog,znans zdims = size(zp,/dimensions) xn = n_elements(xp) yn = n_elements(yp) if size(xp,/n_dim) ne 1 || size(yp,/n_dim) ne 1 then begin message,'x and y must be 1 dimensional' endif if n_elements(zdims) ne 2 then begin message,'z must be 2 dimensional' endif if zdims[0] ne xn then begin message,'dim 1 of z must equal number of elements in x' endif if zdims[1] ne yn then begin message,'dim 2 of z must equal number of elements in y' endif ;make rules to allow single elements... ;process infinities and nans fn_x = where(finite(xp)) if fn_x[0] eq -1 then begin message,'no finite values in x' endif fn_y = where(finite(yp)) if fn_y[0] eq -1 then begin message,'no finite values in y' endif ;jury rigging some code to deal with NaNs ;since original code just code rid of them ;NaN locations with be tracked in separate data ;structure, all modifications to the zp structure will ;also occur to the NaN structure ;(Infinities are treated like NaNs, but if we wanted to ;treat them separately the code below would be where to ;do it) xp = double(xp[fn_x]) yp = double(yp[fn_y]) zt = zp[fn_x,*] zp = double(zt[*,fn_y]) fn_znf = where(~finite(zp)) fn_zf = where(finite(zp)) ;all locations where there are nans end up 1s others are 0 znans = dblarr(size(zp,/dimensions)) if fn_zf[0] eq -1 then begin zp[*] = 0 znans[*] = 1 endif else begin if fn_znf[0] ne -1 then begin zp[fn_znf] = min(zp[fn_zf]) znans[fn_znf] = 1 endif endelse ;sort data xs = sort(xp) ys = sort(yp) xp = xp[xs] yp = yp[ys] zp = zp[xs,*] zp = zp[*,ys] znans = znans[xs,*] znans = znans[*,ys] ;set ranges(by either lengthening or shortening) if keyword_set(xrange) then begin if n_elements(xrange) ne 2 then begin message,'xrange must have exactly 2 elements if set' endif ;the calculations below are made simpler ;if we perform them while the data is ;monotic and ascending then reverse ;according to ranges later if xrange[0] gt xrange[1] then begin xr1 = xrange[1] xr2 = xrange[0] endif else begin xr1 = xrange[0] xr2 = xrange[1] endelse pxyz_dim_clip,zp,xp,xr1,xr2,xn,yn,znans if xrange[0] gt xrange[1] then begin xp = reverse(xp) zp = reverse(zp,1) znans = reverse(znans,1) endif endif else begin xrange = [min(xp),max(xp)] endelse ;set ranges(by either lengthening or shortening) if keyword_set(yrange) then begin if n_elements(yrange) ne 2 then begin message,'yrange must have exactly 2 elements if set' endif ;the calculations below are made simpler ;if we perform them while the data is ;monotic and ascending then reverse ;according to ranges later if yrange[0] gt yrange[1] then begin yr1 = yrange[1] yr2 = yrange[0] endif else begin yr1 = yrange[0] yr2 = yrange[1] endelse ;to simplfy concatenations along the y dimension ;calculations will be done with a transposed z ;this means the clipping code for ;the x and y axes is now symmetric zp = transpose(zp) znans = transpose(znans) pxyz_dim_clip,zp,yp,yr1,yr2,yn,xn,znans zp = transpose(zp) znans = transpose(znans) if yrange[0] gt yrange[1] then begin yp = reverse(yp) zp = reverse(zp,2) znans = reverse(znans,2) endif endif else begin yrange = [min(yp),max(yp)] endelse ;handle zrange... ;clipping and reversal ;should clipped z data be filled with??? ;filler or should it be max = to max??? ;and min??? if keyword_set(zrange) then begin if n_elements(zrange) ne 2 then begin message,'zrange must have exactly 2 elements if set' endif ;the calculations below are made simpler ;if we perform them while the data is ;monotic and ascending then reverse ;according to ranges later if zrange[0] gt zrange[1] then begin zr1 = zrange[1] zr2 = zrange[0] endif else begin zr1 = zrange[0] zr2 = zrange[1] endelse idx = where(zp lt zr1) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin zp[idx] = zr1 endif idx = where(zp gt zr2) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin zp[idx] = zr2 endif if zrange[0] gt zrange[1] then begin maxz = max(zp,min=minz) zp = minz + maxz - zp endif endif else begin zrange = [min(zp),max(zp)] endelse ;perform logarithms if keyword_set(xlog) then begin pxyz_dim_log,zp,xp,xrange,znans endif if keyword_set(ylog) then begin zp = transpose(zp) znans = transpose(znans) pxyz_dim_log,zp,yp,yrange,znans zp = transpose(zp) znans = transpose(znans) endif if keyword_set(zlog) then begin idx = where(zp le 0) idx2 = where(zp gt 0) if idx2[0] eq -1 then begin message,'all values in logarthimic z dimension are <= 0' endif if idx[0] ne -1 then begin message,/continue,'some values are <= 0 and are being removed' mn = min(zp[idx2]) zp[idx] = mn znans[idx] = 1 if zrange[0] lt zrange[1] then begin zrange[0] = mn endif else begin zrange[1] = mn endelse endif zp = alog10(zp) endif end ;this function tricks the interpolate function in idl ;to generate a grid of points for output with tv function pxyz_grid,x,y,z,pixx,pixy,interp,znans,zrange compile_opt hidden,idl2 xi = x yi = y xn = n_elements(xi) yn = n_elements(yi) if pixx lt 1. then begin message,'x dimension soooo small that plot is less than 1 pixel wide' endif if pixy lt 1. then begin message,'y dimension soooo small that plot is less than 1 pixel high' endif ;the proportional positions on the x-axis xi = (xi - xi[0])/(xi[xn-1]-xi[0]) ;the positions to interpolate to on the x axis xpos = interpol(dindgen(xn),xi,dindgen(pixx)/pixx) ;the proportional positions on the y-axis yi = (yi - yi[0])/(yi[yn-1]-yi[0]) ypos = interpol(dindgen(yn),yi,dindgen(pixy)/pixy) if ~keyword_set(interp) then begin xpos = round(xpos) ypos = round(ypos) endif z = bytscl(z,top=247,min=zrange[0],max=zrange[1])+7 outz = floor(interpolate(z,xpos,ypos,/grid),/l64) outnulls = interpolate(znans,round(xpos,/l64),round(ypos,/l64),/grid) idx = where(outnulls eq 1.0) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin outz[idx] = !P.background endif ;grid the points and scale them into the range of color indices ;return, floor(interpolate(z,xpos,ypos,/grid)) return,outz end ;data must be processed as follows ;dimensions are already clipped and ordered ;pos of panel calculated ;all inputs are assigned ;values are logarithm'd(if requested) ;nans are reassigned to a default pro pxyz_make_spec,x,y,z,pos,interp,znans,ps_resolution,zrange,zlog compile_opt hidden,idl2 x_p_sz = pos[2]-pos[0] y_p_sz = pos[3]-pos[1] if keyword_set(zlog) then begin if zrange[0] le 0 || zrange[1] le 0 then begin message,'Logarithmic Z-range cannot contain values 0 or less' endif zr = alog10(zrange) endif else begin zr = zrange endelse if(!D.name eq 'PS') then begin ps_sz_x_cm = !D.x_size/!D.X_PX_CM ps_sz_y_cm = !D.y_size/!D.Y_PX_CM x_p_sz_cm = x_p_sz* ps_sz_x_cm y_p_sz_cm = y_p_sz* ps_sz_y_cm x_p_off_cm = pos[0]*ps_sz_x_cm y_p_off_cm = pos[1]*ps_sz_y_cm image = pxyz_grid(x,y,z,x_p_sz_cm*ps_resolution,y_p_sz_cm*ps_resolution,interp,znans,zr) tv,image,x_p_off_cm,y_p_off_cm,/CENTIMETERS,xsize=x_p_sz_cm,ysize=y_p_sz_cm endif else begin pxx = x_p_sz * !D.x_size pxy = y_p_sz * !D.y_size image = pxyz_grid(x,y,z,pxx,pxy,interp,znans,zr) tv,image,pos[0],pos[1],/normal endelse ;isotropic plot will often leave blank space in the plot area end ;makes the labels for the plot since tv doesn't pro pxyz_make_labels,xrange,yrange,zrange,pos,xlog,$ ylog,zlog,charsize,xtitle,ytitle,ztitle,title,noticks,$ grid,markends,zticks,xtick_get,ytick_get,xstyle=xstyle,$ ystyle=ystyle,_extra=_extra compile_opt hidden,idl2 x = dindgen(100)/99 * (xrange[1]-xrange[0]) + yrange[0] y = dindgen(100)/99 * (yrange[1]-yrange[0]) + yrange[0] if keyword_set(noticks) && keyword_set(grid) then begin message,'grid and noticks are mutually exclusive' endif if keyword_set(noticks) then begin ticklen=0 endif if keyword_set(grid) then begin ticklen = 1.0 endif if ~keyword_set(xstyle) then begin xstyle=1 endif if ~keyword_set(ystyle) then begin ystyle=1 endif ;This option ay produce unreliable results so it has been disabled ;The user should be able to perform this operation manually if needed ;if keyword_set(markends) then begin if keyword_set(markends) then begin dprint,'Option: markends has been deprecated, you can control the placement of ticks using all the standard commands from plot.' endif ;keyword xstyle,ystyle=1.0 is needed to control exact positioning of the axes. ;Otherwise the spectrographic image and the ploted axes may not coincide plot,x,y,xlog=xlog,ylog=ylog,ticklen=ticklen,/normal,/noclip,position=pos,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,xstyle=xstyle,ystyle=ystyle,$ charsize=charsize,/noerase,/nodata,xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle,title=title,xtick_get=xtick_get,ytick_get=ytick_get,_extra=_extra p = pos p[0] = pos[2] + (pos[2]-pos[0])*.05 p[2] = pos[2] + (pos[2]-pos[0])*.1 draw_color_scale,range=zrange,log=zlog,charsize=charsize,position=p,title=ztitle,yticks=zticks,brange=[7,254] return end pro plotxyz,x,y,z,interpolate=interpolate,noisotropic=noisotropic,xlog=xlog,ylog=ylog,zlog=zlog,addpanel=addpanel,$ multi=multi,memsave=memsave,xmargin=xmargin,ymargin=ymargin,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,zrange=zrange,$ title=title,xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle,ztitle=ztitle,charsize=charsize,window=window,xsize=xsize,$ ysize=ysize,wtitle=wtitle,replot=replot,noticks=noticks,grid=grid,markends=markends,zticks=zticks,$ ps_resolution=ps_resolution,xtick_get=xtick_get,ytick_get=ytick_get,_extra=_extra compile_opt idl2 plotxylib if undefined(x) and undefined(y) and undefined(z) then begin pxy_replot return endif pxy_set_window,overplot,addpanel,replot,window,xsize,ysize,wtitle,multi,noisotropic,isotropic=isotropic if ~keyword_set(ps_resolution) then begin ps_resolution = 150 endif ;the process data function ;mutates these variables ;so these are stored for use ;in the state push... ;and to prevent mutation ;of variables in parent env if undefined(x) || undefined(y) || undefined(z) then begin message,'x y & z must be set' endif xs = double(x) ys = double(y) zs = double(z) if keyword_set(xrange) then begin xr = xrange endif if keyword_set(yrange) then begin yr = yrange endif if keyword_set(zrange) then begin zr = zrange endif ;clear if ~keyword_set(addpanel) then begin plot,[1],[1],/nodata,color=!P.background endif pxyz_process_data,xs,ys,zs,xr,yr,zr,xlog,ylog,zlog,znans pos = pxy_get_pos([min(xs),max(xs)],[min(ys),max(ys)],isotropic,xmargin,ymargin) ;isotropic calculation ;generate plot pxyz_make_spec,xs,ys,zs,pos,interpolate,znans,ps_resolution,zr,zlog pxyz_make_labels,xr,yr,zr,pos,xlog,ylog,zlog,charsize,xtitle,ytitle,ztitle,title,noticks,grid,markends,zticks,xtick_get,ytick_get,_extra=_extra ;state push is called last ;to ensure that only successful ;plot operations are stored if ~keyword_set(replot) then begin pxy_push_state,'plotxyz',{x:x,y:y,z:z},interpolate=interpolate,noisotropic=noisotropic,xlog=xlog,ylog=ylog,zlog=zlog,$ addpanel=addpanel,multi=multi,memsave=memsave,xmargin=xmargin,ymargin=ymargin,xrange=xrange,$ yrange=yrange,zrange=zrange,title=title,xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle,ztitle=ztitle,$ charsize=charsize,noticks=noticks,grid=grid,markends=markends,zticks=zticks,ps_resolution=ps_resolution,$ xtick_get=xtick_get,ytick_get=ytick_get,_extra=_extra endif end