;+ ; ; Procedure: plotxyvec ; ; Purpose: Plots a set of arrows on an image generated with ; plotxy,tplotxy or, plotxyz this is a pretty simple wrapper ; for the idl arrow routine. The major difference is that ; this routine stores a history so that you can autoreplot it ; This routine will take any of the options that the normal ; arrows routine takes, with one exception. plotxyvec must ; always use data coordinates. ; ; ; Examples: ; ; plotxyvec,xy,dxy ; plotxyvec,xy,dxy,/grid,multi='2,1' ; plotxyvec,xy,dxy,/grid,/addpanel,xticks=5 ; ; Arguments: xy: an Nx2 array that contains the starting coordinates of the arrows ; dxy: an Nx2 array that contains the offset from each ; starting coordinate to the end of the arrow ; (They argument can be MxNx2 or JxMxNx2 ... the main requirement is that the last ; dimension be 2) ; ; Keywords: ; ; noisotropic:Set this keyword if you want the plot to not be isotropic ; ; overplot: set this keyword if you want to plot ; on the last plot and panel that you plotted on ; ; addpanel: set this keyword if you want to plot on a new ; panel within the same plot window as where you last ; plotted. This will go to the next column first and if it is ; at the end of a row, to the next row. ; ; multi: set this keyword to a string that ; specifies the layout of panels within a plotwindow. Set ; this keyword only the first time you call tplotxy for a ; given plotwindow. Each time you set it, the previous ; contents of the window will be erased. You can separate ; the two elements with a variety of different delimiters ; The first element is columns left to right, the second rows ; top to bottom. Append an 'r' to the elements to have it ; reverse the direction of panel application ; Examples: multi= '2 3' ; multi= '5r,7' ; multi=' 1:6r' ; ..... ; [xy]range: The desired range of your plot on a particular axis. By default ; this routine will not display any arrows that start or end outside this range. ; Use noclip, nostartclip, nostopclip, or clip. To display clipped arrows. ; ; [xy]margin: The desired margin for the plot on the left/right(x) axis ; or the top/bottom(y) axis. This is specified as a proportion of ; the overall plot window.(ie from 0.0 to 1.0) ; ; grid: Set this option to draw a grid on the output ; ; window: Set a specific window number to plot in. ; ; [xy]size: The size in pixels of the window you want to plot ; ; wtitle: The title of the window ; ; uarrowside: A string storing the side on which the unit arrow should be drawn. ; Can be: 'left','right','top','bottom','none' ; ; uarrowoffset: The distance of the arrow from the edge of the plot. This is ; specified as a proportion of the size of the plot. (By default it is .2 for left/right ; arrows and .05 for top/bottom arrows ; ; uarrowtext: Any text to be drawn after the number of data units the arrow represents. ; This is usually used to indicate the units. ; ; uarrowdatasize: The number of data units that the unit arrow should represent. ; ; arrowscale: The ratio between the coordinate system of the ; start points(xy) and the coordinate system of the offsets.(dxy) ; (default:1.0) ; ; xtick_get,ytick_get: These behave exactly as the plot ; command versions, but they had to be identified explictly ; to ensure they would be passed through correctly. ; ; hsize: This scales the head size of the arrow. This is basically like the hsize argument ; to arrow, except it is a normalized value instead of a fraction of !D.x_size. ; ; clip: allows the user to set clipping to a particular bounding box. ; either set /clip to clip to the current x,y range or set clip equal to q ; a 4 element array with elements [x0,y0,x1,x2] specifying the corners of ; the bounding box ; ; startclip: clip xy, but not dxy ; ; stopclip: clip dxy, but not xy ; ; color: Set the color of the arrows. Can use color indexes or letters('b','g'...) ; This does not currently allow you to set separate colors for separate arrows in ; a single call. ; Replot: For internal use only ; All Other Keywords: See IDL documentation for arrow.pro,plot.pro, this routine ; accepts most of the arguments to these routines through _extra ; ; Notes: If the arrows are overplotted, the routine will use the ; x,y range of the previous plot, by default. ; ; The unit arrow will only be drawn automatically when using isotropic plots. ; If you'd like the routine to draw two unit arrows when using nonisotropic plots, ; to indicate the scaling in each direction, please request the feature. ; ; Arrows that start or end outside of the user defined xrange,yrange will be clipped ; by default. Use noclip, nostartclip, nostopclip, or clip. Clipping clips the apparent ; range. So if the arrows are enlarged by uarrowscale, they may be clipped; even if the ; data values they represent are in range. ; ; ******************************** ; Plot windows and panels: ; using, /overplot,/addpanel,/noisotropic and multi= ; ; To put multiple panels in a window first call ; plotxy with the multi keyword. It will either ; plot in which ever window is your current one, or ; create a new one if no window exists or if you ; request the use of a nonexistent window. ; ; During this first call you may want to specify things ; like wtitle,xsize,ysize,window...in addition to your normal ; plotting options. However,Calling window options will interfere with ; the creation of postscripts. ; ; multi specifies the plot window panel layout. ; So if you set multi='3,2' you will get 6 plots ; in your window with a layout like: ; ------- ; |x x x| ; |x x x| ; ------- ; ; Each panel will have dimensions x number of pixels = 1/3 * ; xsize of window and y number of pixels = 1/2 * ysize of window. ; ; Your first call should also specify the layout of your ; first panel. To add to that panel use the /overplot keyword. ; ; When you use the /add keyword the program will move on to ; the next panel within the plot window and you should add ; options to specify the layout of that panel. ; ; If you set the xmargin or ymargin keyword the margin will be ; relative to the overall size of that panel. When using the ; not using the noisotropic keyword the procedure will make ; each axis vary over the same range AND make the ; largest possible square window given the size of the panel ; and the sizes of the margins you have provided, if possible. ; In some cases when ranges are set explictly the plot must ; be rectangular. ; ; An entire plot window must be filled in sequence, if you move ; on to a new window you will not be able to go back to the ; previous window without restarting. ; ; If you call plotxy with no arguments it will redraw the ; entire window including all panels and overplots. If you ; resize the window before calling with new arguments it ; will redraw the isotropic panels as the largest possible ; squares. This comes at a cost of storing copies of the ; commands and data you made in memory. If you need to save ; memory you can call the function with the /memsave argument, ; but then redraws will be done using hardware and window resizes ; can distort isotropic plots. ; ; NOTE TO PROGRAMMERS: ; Information about plotting for plotxy is stored in ; the global variable !TPLOTXY, this includes ; information about the layout of the plot window ; which panel it is currently working on, and the ; sequence of commands used to generate current plot window ; so that it can regenerate the plotwindow when called ; with no arguments. This variable also stores information ; used by the plotxyz function so spectrographic xyz plots ; can be interleaved with xy line plots. ; ; See Also: ; plotxy.pro,tplotxy.pro,plotxyz.pro,plotxylib.pro ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2008-08-15 14:15:37 -0700 (Fri, 15 Aug 2008) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 3406 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/ssl_general/tags/tdas_5_21/tplot/plotxyvec.pro $ ; ;- ;helper function ;draws the unit arrow ;this indicates the scale ;of the arrows pro makeunitarrow,dsize,ascale,isotropic,uarrowside,uarrowoffset,uarrowtext,charsize=charsize,charthick=charthick,font=font,_extra=ex compile_opt idl2 ;uses the dimensions of whatever plot the arrows are being placed on ;if the dimensions of the particular call were used they might very different ;This would give distorted results pos = !tplotxy.pos xrange = !tplotxy.xrange yrange = !tplotxy.yrange side = 0 if ~keyword_set(isotropic) then begin dprint,"Arrow scales not currently automatically drawn for nonisotropic plots. If you want this feature, please request it",dlevel=2 return endif ;user can specify which side of the plot the arrow goes on if keyword_set(uarrowside) then begin if ~is_string(uarrowside) then begin dprint,"Error uarrowside must be type: string" return endif if strcompress(strlowcase(uarrowside),/remove_all) eq 'right' then begin side = 0 endif else if strcompress(strlowcase(uarrowside),/remove_all) eq 'top' then begin side = 1 endif else if strcompress(strlowcase(uarrowside),/remove_all) eq 'left' then begin side = 2 endif else if strcompress(strlowcase(uarrowside),/remove_all) eq 'bottom' then begin side = 3 endif else if strcompress(strlowcase(uarrowside),/remove_all) eq 'none' then begin return endif else begin dprint,"Error uarrowside is unrecognized string: " + strcompress(strlowcase(uarrowside),/remove_all) return endelse endif ;user can specify the offset from the edge of the plot at which the arrow is placed if undefined(uarrowoffset) then begin if side eq 0 || side eq 2 then begin offset = .25 endif else begin offset = .05 endelse endif else begin offset = uarrowoffset endelse ;user can specify the text that goes after the number of data units if ~keyword_set(uarrowtext) then begin text = '' endif else begin text = uarrowtext endelse if side eq 1 || side eq 3 then begin arrlen = ascale*dsize*(pos[2]-pos[0])/(xrange[1]-xrange[0]) textorr = 0 endif else begin arrlen = ascale*dsize*(pos[3]-pos[1])/(yrange[1]-yrange[0]) textorr = 90 endelse ;calculate arrow dimensions p = pos if side eq 0 then begin p[0] = pos[2] + (pos[2]-pos[0])*offset p[2] = p[0] p[3] = p[1]+arrlen tp = [p[0],p[3]*1.05] endif else if side eq 1 then begin p[1] = pos[3] + (pos[3]-pos[1])*offset p[3] = p[1] p[2] = p[0] + arrlen tp = [p[2]*1.05,p[1]] endif else if side eq 2 then begin p[0] = pos[0] - (pos[2]-pos[0])*offset p[2] = p[0] p[3] = p[1]+arrlen tp = [p[0],p[3]*1.05] endif else if side eq 3 then begin p[1] = pos[1] - (pos[3]-pos[1])*offset p[3] = p[1] p[2] = p[0] + arrlen tp = [p[2]*1.05,p[1]] endif arrow,p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],_extra=ex,/normalized xyouts,tp[0],tp[1],strcompress(string(dsize))+' '+text,orientation=textorr,/normal,charsize=charsize,charthick=charthick,font=font,_extra=ex end pro plotxyvec,xy,dxy,noisotropic=noisotropic,addpanel=addpanel, $ overplot=overplot,multi=multi,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,$ xmargin=xmargin,ymargin=ymargin,grid=grid,window=window,$ xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize,wtitle=wtitle,uarrowside=uarrowside,$ uarrowoffset=uarrowoffset,uarrowtext=uarrowtext,$ uarrowdatasize=uarrowdatasize,arrowscale=arrowscale,$ hsize=hsize,clip=clip,startclip=startclip,stopclip=stopclip,$ color=color,replot=replot,_extra=ex compile_opt idl2 plotxylib if undefined(xy) && undefined(dxy) then begin pxy_replot return endif if undefined(xy) || undefined(dxy) then begin dprint,"x,y,dx,dy not set, Returning" return endif if ~undefined(color) then begin if is_string(color) then begin col = (get_colors(color))[0] endif else if is_num(color) then begin col = color endif else begin dprint,'Color set to illegal type' return endelse endif dimxy = dimen(xy) dimdxy = dimen(dxy) if dimxy[n_elements(dimxy)-1] ne 2 || dimdxy[n_elements(dimdxy)-1] ne 2 || n_elements(dimxy) ne n_elements(dimdxy) then begin dprint,'xy & dxy must be Nx2 arrays' return endif if n_elements(dimxy) ge 2 then begin d_new = product(dimxy[0:n_elements(dimxy)-2]) xy_new = reform(xy,d_new,2) dxy_new = reform(dxy,d_new,2) dimxy = [d_new,2] dimdxy = [d_new,2] endif else if n_elements(dimxy eq 2) then begin xy_new = xy dxy_new = dxy endif else begin dprint,'Too few dimensions in xy/dxy' return endelse x = double(xy_new[*,0]) y = double(xy_new[*,1]) dx = double(dxy_new[*,0]) dy = double(dxy_new[*,1]) pxy_set_window,overplot,addpanel,replot,window,xsize,ysize,wtitle,multi,noisotropic,isotropic=isotropic if keyword_set(xrange) then begin xr = double(xrange) if n_elements(xr) ne 2 then begin dprint,"Xrange should have 2 elements" return endif if ~is_num(xr) then begin dprint,"Xrange should be numerical type" return endif if xr[0] ge xr[1] then begin xr2 = [xr[1],xr[0]] endif else begin xr2 = xr endelse endif else begin if keyword_set(overplot) then begin xr = !tplotxy.xrange endif else begin x_max = max(x,/nan) x_min = min(x,/nan) xr = [x_min,x_max] endelse xr2 = xr endelse if keyword_set(yrange) then begin yr = double(yrange) if n_elements(yr) ne 2 then begin dprint,"Yrange should have 2 elements" return endif if ~is_num(yr) then begin dprint,"Yrange should be numerical type" return endif if yr[0] ge yr[1] then begin yr2 = [yr[1],yr[0]] endif else begin yr2 = yr endelse endif else begin if keyword_set(overplot) then begin yr = !tplotxy.yrange endif else begin y_max = max(y,/nan) y_min = min(y,/nan) yr = [y_min,y_max] endelse yr2 = yr endelse ;user can specify the arrow length in data units if ~keyword_set(uarrowdatasize) then begin dxyrange = max(sqrt(dx^2+dy^2),/nan) datmag=alog10(dxyrange) datdif = datmag - floor(datmag) if datdif ge alog10(5) then begin dsize = 10.^floor(datmag) endif else if datdif le alog10(5) && $ datdif ge alog10(2) then begin dsize = 10.^(floor(datmag)-1+alog10(5)) endif else begin dsize = 10.^(floor(datmag)-1+alog10(2)) endelse endif else begin dsize = double(uarrowdatasize) endelse if ~keyword_set(arrowscale) then begin ascale=1.0 endif else begin ascale = double(arrowscale) endelse ; print,dsize,ascale,xyrange,dxyrange ;scale arrow length uplot = ascale*dx vplot = ascale*dy if keyword_set(grid) then begin ticklen = 1.0 endif if keyword_set(addpanel) then begin noerase=1 endif else begin noerase=0 endelse if ~keyword_set(hsize) then begin head_size = .5 endif else begin head_size = hsize endelse head_size *= !D.x_size/64 if ~keyword_set(overplot) then begin uarrowoffset=.1 pos = pxy_get_pos(xr2,yr2,isotropic,xmargin,ymargin) plot,xr2,yr2,xrange=xr,yrange=yr,ticklen=ticklen,position=pos,thick=1.0,/nodata,$ xtick_get=xtick_get,ytick_get=ytick_get,xstyle=1,ystyle=1,noerase=noerase,_extra=ex ;generate background labels etc... endif if keyword_set(clip) || keyword_set(startclip) || keyword_set(stopclip) then begin if keyword_set(clip) && n_elements(clip) eq 4 && is_num(clip) then begin x_min = min([clip[0],clip[2]],/nan) x_max = max([clip[0],clip[2]],/nan) y_min = min([clip[1],clip[3]],/nan) y_max = max([clip[1],clip[3]],/nan) endif else begin x_min = min(xr) x_max = max(xr) y_min = min(yr) y_max = max(yr) endelse if keyword_set(startclip) || ~keyword_set(stopclip) then begin ;clip x idx = where(x ge x_min and x le x_max) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin x = x[idx] y = y[idx] uplot = uplot[idx] vplot = vplot[idx] endif else begin dprint,'All data values start outside of clipping range' nodraw = 1 endelse ;clip y idx = where(y ge y_min and y le y_max) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin x = x[idx] y = y[idx] uplot = uplot[idx] vplot = vplot[idx] endif else begin dprint,'All data values start outside of clipping range' nodraw = 1 endelse endif if keyword_set(stopclip) || ~keyword_set(startclip) then begin ;clip u idx = where(x+uplot ge x_min and x+uplot le x_max) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin x = x[idx] y = y[idx] uplot = uplot[idx] vplot = vplot[idx] endif else begin dprint,'All data values stop outside of clipping range' nodraw = 1 endelse ;clip v idx = where(y+vplot ge y_min and y+vplot le y_max) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin x = x[idx] y = y[idx] uplot = uplot[idx] vplot = vplot[idx] endif else begin dprint,'All data values stop outside of clipping range' nodraw = 1 endelse endif endif idx = where(finite(x)) if idx[0] eq -1 then begin dprint,'All input not finite' return endif else begin x=x[idx] y=y[idx] uplot = uplot[idx] vplot = vplot[idx] endelse idx = where(finite(y)) if idx[0] eq -1 then begin dprint,'All input not finite' return endif else begin x=x[idx] y=y[idx] uplot = uplot[idx] vplot = vplot[idx] endelse idx = where(finite(uplot)) if idx[0] eq -1 then begin dprint,'All input not finite' return endif else begin x=x[idx] y=y[idx] uplot = uplot[idx] vplot = vplot[idx] endelse idx = where(finite(vplot)) if idx[0] eq -1 then begin dprint,'All input not finite' return endif else begin x=x[idx] y=y[idx] uplot = uplot[idx] vplot = vplot[idx] endelse if ~keyword_set(nodraw) then begin arrow,x,y,x+uplot,y+vplot,hsize=head_size,color=col,_extra=ex,/data endif makeunitarrow,dsize,ascale,isotropic,uarrowside,uarrowoffset,uarrowtext,hsize=head_size,color=col,_extra=ex if ~keyword_set(replot) then begin pxy_push_state,'plotxyvec',{xy:xy,dxy:dxy},noisotropic=noisotropic,addpanel=addpanel, $ overplot=overplot,multi=multi,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,$ xmargin=xmargin,ymargin=ymargin,grid=grid,uarrowside=uarrowside,$ uarrowoffset=uarrowoffset,uarrowtext=uarrowtext,$ uarrowdatasize=uarrowdatasize,arrowscale=arrowscale,hsize=hsize,$ clip=clip,startclip=startclip,stopclip=stopclip,color=color,_extra=ex endif end