;+ ;PROCEDURE: options, str, tag_name, value ;PURPOSE: ; Add (or change) an element of a structure. ; This routine is useful for changing plotting options for tplot, but can also ; be used for creating limit structures for other routines such as "SPEC3D" ; or "CONT2D" ; ;INPUT: ; str: ; Case 1: String (or array of strings) ; The limit structure associated with the "TPLOT" handle name is altered. ; Warning! wildcards accepted! "*" will change ALL tplot quantities! ; Case 2: Number (or array of numbers) ; The limit structure for the given "TPLOT" quantity is altered. The ; number/name association is given by "TPLOT_NAMES" ; Case 3: Structure or not set (undefined or zero) ; Structure to be created, added to, or changed. ; tag_name: string, tag name for value. ; value: (any type or dimension) value of new element. ;NOTES: ; if VALUE is undefined then it will be DELETED from the structure. ; if TAG_NAME is undefined, then the entire limit structure is deleted. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; DEFAULT: If set, modify the default limits structure rather than the ; regular limits structure (tplot variables only). ;SEE ALSO: ; "GET_DATA","STORE_DATA", "TPLOT", "XLIM", "YLIM", "ZLIM", "STR_ELEMENT" ; ;CREATED BY: Jasper Halekas ;Modified by: Davin Larson ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#)options.pro 1.19 99/04/07 ;- ;obsolete: ; DELETE: If set, then the corresponding tag_name is removed. ; GET: If set, return the current value for the tag name in a ; structure or array of structures. To use this keyword, the ; value variable must be previously defined. pro options, struct, tag_name, value,def=default,_extra=ex ;,get=get, delete=delete @tplot_com ;if keyword_set(delete) then message,/info,'Unnecessary use of DELETE keyword' ; ;if keyword_set(get) then begin ;message,/info,'Unnecessary use of get keyword' ; n = n_elements(struct) ; value = value(0) ; for i=0,n-1 do begin ; get_data,struct(i),alimit=limit ; str_element,limit,tag_name,value=v ; value = [value,v] ; endfor ; value=value(1:n) ; return ;endif if size(/type,value) eq 0 and not keyword_set(ex) then delete=1 dt = size(/type,struct) if (dt eq 8) or not keyword_set(struct) then begin if keyword_set(tag_name) then $ str_element, struct, tag_name, value ,delete=delete, /add $ else extract_tags,struct,ex endif else begin names = tnames(struct,n) ; (tplot variable) for i=0,n-1 do begin name = names[i] if keyword_set(default) then $ get_data,name,dlimit = limit $ ; get stored limit else $ get_data,name,limit = limit ; get stored limit if keyword_set(tag_name) then $ str_element, limit, tag_name, value ,delete=delete, /add $ else extract_tags,limit,ex if keyword_set(default) then $ store_data,name,dlimit = limit $ ; store new structure else $ store_data,name,limit = limit endfor if n eq 0 then dprint,'No TPLOT names found that match: '+string(/print,struct) endelse return end