;+ ;PROCEDURE makegap,dg,x,y ;PURPOSE: ; Creates data gaps (by inserting NaN) when the time between data points is ; larger than a value either passed in by the user or calculated to a ; default. ;INPUT: ; dg: If dg is positive, it is the maximum allowed time gap. Any time gaps ; greater than dg will be treated as data gaps. If dg is negative, ; the procedure will calculate a default value for dg of 20 times the ; the smallest time gap in the time series. ; x: The time array. ; y: The data array. ;KEYWORDS: ; v: Optional third dimension array. ; dy: Optional uncertainty in y. ;CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder ;LAST MODIFIED: @(#)makegap.pro 1.2 98/02/18 ;- pro makegap,dg,x,y,dy=dy,v=v dty = size(/type,y) case dty of 4: filly = !values.f_nan 5: filly = !values.d_nan else: return endcase if n_elements(x) le 1 then return diffarray = [x[1:*]-x[0:n_elements(x)-2]] if dg lt 0 then begin posindx = where(diffarray gt 0,poscnt) if poscnt gt 0 then dg = 20d*min(diffarray(posindx)) else return endif gapindx = where(diffarray gt dg,gapcnt) for i=gapcnt-1,0,-1 do begin indx = gapindx(i) x = [x[0:indx],x[indx]+dg,x[indx+1:*]] if size(/n_dimen,y) eq 1 then begin y = [y[0:indx],filly,y[indx+1:*]] if keyword_set(dy) then dy = [dy[0:indx],0.,dy[indx+1:*]] endif else begin y = [y[0:indx,*],replicate(filly,1,dimen2(y)),y[indx+1:*,*]] if keyword_set(dy) then dy = [dy[0:indx,*],$ replicate(0.,1,dimen2(dy)),dy[indx+1:*,*]] endelse if keyword_set(v) then if size(/n_dimen,v) eq 2 then $ v = [v[0:indx,*],v[indx,*],v[indx+1:*,*]] endfor return end