;FUNCTION:  gettime(x)
;INPUTS:   x: Null or double or string or integer
;OUTPUT:   double,  seconds since Jan 1, 1970
;  t = gettime('95-7-4/12:34')
;  t = gettime('12:34:56')     (get time on reference date)
;  t = gettime(t+300.)         (assumes t is a double)
;  t = gettime(10)             (t = 10 am on reference date)
;  t = gettime(/key)           (prompts user for time on reference date)
;  t = gettime(key='Enter time: ')
;  t = gettime(/curs)          (select time using cursor in tplot routine)
;   KEYBOARD:  If non-zero then user is prompted to enter a time.  If KEYBOARD
;      is a string then that string is used as a prompt.
;   CURSOR:  if non-zero then user can select a time with the cursor.
;   VALUES:  if cursor keyword set, returns data values for time chosen.
;   REFDATE:  Sets the reference date if REFDATE is a string with
;       format: "yyyy-mm-dd".
;CREATED BY:	Davin Larson
;LAST MODIFICATION:	@(#)gettime.pro	1.17 98/08/02

function gettime,x        $
   ,KEYBOARD=key          $
   ,CURSOR=curs           $
   ,values=vals           $
   ,REFDATE = refdate


IF n_elements(x) NE 0 THEN t = x

if keyword_set(refdate) then $

if keyword_set(key) then begin                             ; from keyboard
  if size(/type,key) ne 7 then key='Enter time for '+tplot_vars.options.refdate+$
  	': (hh:mm:ss) '

if keyword_set(curs) then   ctime,t,vals,npoints=curs

if n_elements(t) eq 0 then return,time_double(tplot_vars.options.refdate)      ; default

if size(/type,t) eq 7 then begin     ; strings
   IF strpos(t(0),':') ge 0 and strpos(t[0],'-') eq -1 and strpos(t[0],'/') eq -1  THEN $
   	t=tplot_vars.options.refdate + '/'+ t
   t = time_double(t)
endif else t = double(t)

if t(0) lt 1e8 then t = time_double(tplot_refdate) + t * 3600.   ; hours

IF N_ELEMENTS(tplot_refdate) EQ 0 THEN str_element,tplot_vars,$

if n_elements(t) eq 1 then t=t(0)
