pro ctime_get_exact_data,var,v,t,pan,hx,hy,subvar,yind,yind2,z,$ spec=spec,dtype=dtype,load=load ; ;NAME: ; ctime_get_exact_data ;PROCEDURE: ctime_get_exact_data ;PURPOSE: Get a data structure for ctime. if var is a string or a strarr, ; create a structure of data structures. ; Get the new values for hx and hy, the crosshairs position. ; Also check the spec option. ; ctime need never see the actual data structures. ; All work is done with pointers to reduce data duplication ; and increase speed. ;COMMON BLOCKS: CTIME_COMMON ;HISTORY: First appeared in ctime version 1.29 ; @tplot_com common ctime_common, ptr ;this should NOT appear in ctime, it is local ;if dtype eq 1 then ptr is a struct of pointers containing the values: ;x = *ptr.x, y = *ptr.y, (v = *ptr.v) ;if dtype eq 3 then ptr is more complex: ;say data='Np Ne': get_data,'Np',ptr=np_ptr & get_data,'Ne',ptr=ne_ptr ;ptr={n:2,d1:{x:np_ptr.x,y:np_ptr.y,name:'Np'},$ ; d2:{x:ne_ptr.x,y:ne_ptr.y,name:'Ne'}} time_scale = tplot_vars.settings.time_scale time_offset = tplot_vars.settings.time_offset ytype = tplot_vars.settings.y[pan].type ;if this is a new panel, load the data if keyword_set(load) then begin get_data,var,dtype=dtype,alim=alim,ptr=ptr spec = 0 & str_element,alim,'spec',spec case dtype of 1: begin endcase 2: begin ;note that if dtype eq 2 ctime_get_exact_data does nothing endcase ;ie: ctime bahaves as if exact eq 0 3: begin get_data,var,data=var_str if ndimen(var_str) eq 0 then var_str = str_sep(strcompress(var_str),' ') nd2 = n_elements(var_str) ptr = {n:nd2} for i=0,nd2-1 do begin get_data,var_str[i],ptr=subptr,dtype=subdtype,alim=subalim str_element,alim,'spec',subspec if not keyword_set(subspec) then subspec = 0 if subdtype ne 1 then ptr.n = ptr.n-1 $ ;too limiting... else begin tag = 'd'+strtrim(i,2) str_element,/add,subptr,'spec',subspec ;add spec to substruct str_element,/add,subptr,'name',var_str[i] ;add var name to substruct str_element,/add,ptr,tag,subptr ;add substruct to struct endelse endfor endcase else: print,'Invalid value for dtype: ',dtype endcase endif ;get the new values for: v,t,z,yind2,hx,hy,subvar yind2 = -1 subvar = '' yind = 0l ;zero the time index case dtype of ;what type of tplot var do we have? 1: begin dt = abs(*ptr.x-t) ;find the closest data.x to t mini = min(dt,yind,/nan) ;get the index of the min dt t = (*ptr.x)[yind] tags = tag_names(ptr) wy = where(tags EQ 'Y') wv = where(tags EQ 'V') if not spec then begin if dimen2(*ptr.y) gt 1 then begin ;if y 2D, get nearest line if finite(v) then begin if ytype eq 0 then dy = abs((*ptr.y)[yind,*]-v) $ ;lin scale plot else dy = abs(alog((*ptr.y)[yind,*])-alog(v)) ;log scale plot mini = min(dy,yind2,/nan) ;get index of nearest y v = float((*ptr.y)[yind,yind2]) endif endif else v = float((*ptr.y)[yind]) endif else begin ;this is a specplot if finite(v) then begin if dimen2(*ptr.v) eq 1 then vr = *ptr.v $ else vr = reform((*ptr.v)[yind,*]) if ytype eq 0 then mini = min(abs(vr-v),yind2,/nan) $ ;lin scale plot else mini = min(abs(alog(vr)-alog(v)),yind2,/nan) ;log scale plot v = float(vr[yind2]) z = float((*ptr.y)[yind,yind2]) endif endelse t_scale = (t-time_offset)/time_scale hx = data_to_normal(t_scale,tplot_vars.settings.x) hy = data_to_normal(v, tplot_vars.settings.y[pan]) endcase 2: begin ;not written yet endcase 3: begin ;var is a string or strarr of vars yinds = lonarr(ptr.n) t2 = dblarr(ptr.n) v2 = fltarr(ptr.n)+v ;important for when v is NaN for i=0,ptr.n-1 do begin ;find the substr with the nearest time mini = min(abs(*ptr.(i+1).x-t),yind,/nan) yinds[i] = yind t2[i] = (*ptr.(i+1).x)[yind] endfor dt = abs(t2-t) sdt = sort(dt) w = where(dt eq dt[sdt[0]],wc) ;see if several have the same minimum dt if finite(v) then begin if wc eq 1 then begin ;if one substr to consider... j = sdt[0] & yind = yinds[j] if dimen2(*ptr.(j+1).y) gt 1 then begin ;if y 2D, get nearest line if ytype eq 0 then dy = abs((*ptr.(j+1).y)[yind,*]-v) $ ;lin scale y else dy = abs(alog((*ptr.(j+1).y)[yind,*])-alog(v)) ;log scale y mini = min(dy,yind2,/nan) ;get index of nearest y v2[j] = (*ptr.(j+1).y)[yind,yind2] endif else v2[j] = (*ptr.(j+1).y)[yind] endif else begin ;if multiple substrs to consider... j = w[0] y = ((*ptr.(j+1).y)[yinds[j],*])[*] ;[*] works better than REFORM if ytype eq 0 then dy = abs(y-v) else dy = abs(alog(y)-alog(v)) mini = min(dy,yind2,/nan) for i=1,wc-1 do begin y2 = ((*ptr.(w[i]+1).y)[yinds[w[i]],*])[*] if ytype eq 0 then dy = abs(y2-v) else dy = abs(alog(y2)-alog(v)) mini2 = min(dy,yind22,/nan) if mini2 lt mini then begin j = w[i] & mini = mini2 & yind2 = yind22 end endfor v2[j] = (*ptr.(j+1).y)[yinds[j],yind2] if dimen2(*ptr.(j+1).y) eq 1 then yind2 = -1 endelse endif else j = sdt[0] t = t2[j] v = float(v2[j]) subvar = ptr.(j+1).name t_scale = (t-time_offset)/time_scale hx = data_to_normal(t_scale,tplot_vars.settings.x) hy = data_to_normal(v, tplot_vars.settings.y[pan]) endcase else: print,'Invalid value for dtype: ',dtype endcase yind = long(yind) yind2 = fix(yind2) end function time_round,time,res,precision=prec,$ ; res must be a scaler! days = days ,$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; hours = hours ,$ ; Keywords for setting time granularity. minutes = minutes,$ ; seconds = seconds ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; res=abs(res[0]) prec=6 if res eq 0 then return,time ; don't round res0= [0,[1,2,5,10,20,30,60]*1d,[2,5,10,20,30,60]*60d,[2,4,6,12,24]*3600d] prc0=-[0, 0,0,0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,2,2, 2, 3] n = n_elements(res0) resn = floor(interp(findgen(n),res0,res)) if resn le 0 then begin prec = -floor(alog10(res*1.0001d)) < 10 res = 10d^(-prec) endif else begin res = res0[resn < (n-1)] prec = prc0[resn < (n-1)] endelse if keyword_set(days) then res = days*86400.d if keyword_set(hours) then res = hours*3600.d if keyword_set(minutes) then res = minutes*60.d if keyword_set(seconds) then res = seconds*1.d rtime = time_double(time) if res ge 1 then return, res * round(rtime/res) time0 = round(time) return, time0 + res * round((rtime-time0)/res) end ;+ ;PROCEDURE: ctime,time,y,z ;INPUT: ; time: Named variable in which to return the selected time (seconds ; since 1970) ; y: Named variable in which to return the y value ; z: Named variable in which to return the z value ;KEYWORDS: ; PROMPT: Optional prompt string ; NPOINTS: Max number of points to return ; PSYM: If set to a psym number, the cooresponding psym is plotted at ; selected points ; SILENT: Do not print data point information ; PANEL: Set to a named variable to return an array of tplot panel numbers ; coresponding to the variables points were chosen from. ; APPEND: If set, points are appended to the input arrays, ; instead of overwriting the old values. ; VNAME: Set to a named variable to return an array of tplot variable names, ; cooresponding to the variables points were chosen from. ; COLOR: An alternative color for the crosshairs. 0<=color<=!d.n_colors-1 ; SLEEP: Sleep time (seconds) between polling the cursor for events. ; Defaults to 0.1 seconds. Increasing SLEEP will slow ctime down, ; but will prevent ctime from monopolizing cpu time. ; INDS: Return the indices into the data arrays for the points nearest the ; recorded times to this named variable. ; VINDS: Return the second dimension of the v or y array. ; Thus TIME(i) is data.x(INDS(i)) and ; Y(i) is data.y(INDS(i),VINDS(i)) and ; V(i) is data.v(VINDS(i)) or data.v(INDS(i),VINDS(i)) ; for get_data,VNAME(i),data=data,INDS=INDS,VINDS=VINDS ; EXACT: Get the time,y, and (if applicable) z values from the data ; arrays. If on a multi-line plot, get the value from the line ; closest to the cursor along y. ; NOSHOW: Do not show the plot window. ; DEBUG: Avoids default error handling. Useful for debugging. ; DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS: Sets time granularity. For example ; with MINUTES=1, CTIME will find nearest minute to cursor ; position. ;PURPOSE: ; Interactively uses the cursor to select a time (or times) ;NOTES: If you use the keyword EXACT, ctime may run noticeablly slower. ; Reduce the number of time you cross panels, especially with ; tplots of large data sets. ;SEE ALSO: "crosshairs" ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson & Frank Marcoline ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.44 02/11/01 ;WARNING! ; If ctime crashes, you may need to call: ; IDL> device,set_graph=3,/cursor_crosshair ;- pro ctime,time,value,zvalue,$ append = append ,$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; exact = exact ,$ ; npoints = npoints,$ ; Keywords for setting ctime mode and inds = inds ,$ ; for returning data. vinds = inds2 ,$ ; panel = panel ,$ ; routine_name = routine_name, $ ; this routine is called everytime the curser is updated. cut = cut ,$ ; Shortcut to: ctime,routine_name='tplot_cut' counts = n ,$ ; vname = vname ,$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; prompt = prompt ,$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; local_time=local_time, $ ; Displays local time instead of UTC psym = psym ,$ ; silent = silent ,$ ; Less common keywords for affecting noshow = noshow ,$ ; ctime mode, graphics and text output. debug = debug ,$ ; color = color ,$ ; sleep = sleep ,$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; days = days ,$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; hours = hours ,$ ; Keywords for setting time granularity. minutes = minutes,$ ; seconds = seconds ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wndw = struct_value(tplot_vars,'settings.window',default=-1) if wndw eq -1 then begin dprint,dlevel=0,'Tplot has not yet been initialized!, Returning.' return endif tplot_d = tplot_vars.settings.d tplot_x = tplot_vars.settings.x tplot_y = tplot_vars.settings.y time_scale = tplot_vars.settings.time_scale time_offset = tplot_vars.settings.time_offset tplot_var = tplot_vars.options.varnames if keyword_set(cut) then routine_name='tplot_cut' ;;;;;; make sure we have the correct window flags = 256+128+16+8 if (!d.flags and flags) ne flags then begin m='Current device ('+!') does not support enough features. See !d.flags' message,m,/cont return endif if ne ! then begin message,'Device has changed from "''" to "'+!'" since the Last TPLOT.',/cont return endif current_window = !d.window wset, tplot_vars.settings.window if tplot_d.x_size ne !d.x_size or tplot_d.y_size ne !d.y_size then begin wset,current_window message,'TPLOT window has been resized!',/cont return endif if not keyword_set(noshow) then wshow ;,icon=0 ;open the window ;;;;;; ;;;;;; check keywords and set defaults if size(/type,sleep) eq 0 then sleep = 0.01 ;if not set: 0.01, if set 0: 0 if not keyword_set(exact) then exact = 0 else exact = 1 if not keyword_set(npoints) then max = 2000 else max = npoints > 1 if not keyword_set(silent) then silent = 0 if not silent then begin if size(/type,prompt) ne 7 then $ prompt='Use button 1 to select time, 2 to erase time, and 3 to quit.' prompt2 = ' point name: date/time yvalue' if exact then begin strput,prompt2,'comp',21 prompt2=prompt2+' (zvalue)' end print,prompt,prompt2,format='(a)' endif ;;;;;; ;;;;;; set graphics function, move cursor to screen, and plot original crosshairs ;the graphics function is set to (bitwise) "xor" rather than standard "copy" ;((a xor b) xor b) = a, lets call your plot "a" and the crosshairs "b" ;plot "a", set the graphics function to "xor", and plot "b" twice and you get "a" ;this way we don't damage your plot device, get_graphics = old, set_graphics = 6 ;Set xor graphics function if not keyword_set(color) then color = !d.n_colors-1 $ else color = (color > 0) < (!d.n_colors-1) px = 0.5 ;Pointer (cursor) x and y positions py = 0.5 hx = 0.5 ;crossHairs x and y positions hy = 0.5 ;when cursor,x,y,/dev is called and the cursor is off of the plot, (x,y)=(-1,-1) cursor,testx,testy,/dev,/nowait ;find current cursor location if (testx eq -1) and (testy eq -1) then begin ;if cursor not on current window tvcrs,px,py,/norm ;move cursor to middle of window endif else begin ;cursor is on window. pxpypz = convert_coord(testx,testy,/dev,/to_norm) ;find normal coords px = pxpypz[0] py = pxpypz[1] hx = px hy = py endelse plots,[0,1],[hy,hy], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 plots,[hx,hx],[0,1], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 opx = px ;store values for later comparison opy = py ohx = hx ;store values for later crossHairs deletion ohy = hy ;if EXACT set, px & py will differ from hx & hy, else they will be the same ;use p{x,y} when working with pointer and h{x,y} when working with crosshairs ;;;;;; ;;;;;; set up output formats spaces = ' ' ;wipes out z output from form5 and form6 if ! eq 'X' or 1 then begin cr = string(13b) ;a carriage return (no new line) form1 = "(4x,a15,': ',6x,a19,x,g10.4,a,a,$)" ;transient output line form2 = "(4x,a15,': [',i2,'] ',a19,x,g10.4,a,a,$)" ;transient output line, EXACT form3 = "(i4,a15,': ',6x,a19,x,g10.4,a)" ;recorded point output line form4 = "(i4,a15,': [',i2,'] ',a19,x,g10.4,a)" ;recorded point output, EXACT form5 = "(4x,a15,': [',i2,'] ',a19,x,g10.4,x,g,a,$)";transient, EXACT, SPEC form6 = "(i4,a15,': [',i2,'] ',a19,x,g10.4,x,g)" ;recorded, EXACT, SPEC endif else begin ;these are for compatibility with MS-Windows cr = '' form1 = "(4x,a15,': ',6x,a19,x,g,a,a,TL79,$)" ;same as above six formats form2 = "(4x,a15,': (',i2,') ',a19,x,g,a,a,TL79,$)" form3 = "(i4,a15,': ',6x,a19,x,g,a)" form4 = "(i4,a15,': (',i2,') ',a19,x,g,a)" form5 = "(4x,a15,': (',i2,') ',a19,x,g,x,g,a,TL79,$)" form6 = "(i4,a15,': (',i2,') ',a19,x,g,x,g)" endelse ;;;;;; ;;;;;; get and print initial position and panel in tplot data coordinates pan = where(py ge tplot_y[*].window[0] and py le tplot_y[*].window[1]) pan = pan[0] t = normal_to_data(px,tplot_x) * time_scale + time_offset if pan ge 0 and pan lt n_elements(tplot_var) then begin v = normal_to_data(py,tplot_y[pan]) var = tplot_var[pan] endif else begin v = !values.f_nan var = 'Null' endelse print,form=form1,var,time_string(t,prec=prec,local_time=local_time),float(v),cr ;;;;;; ;;;;;; create an error handling routine if not keyword_set(debug) then begin catch,myerror if myerror ne 0 then begin ;begin error handler plots,[0,1],[ohy,ohy], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 ;erase crosshairs plots,[hx,hx],[0,1], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 print print,'Error: ',!error ;report problem print,!err_string tvcrs,0 ;turn off cursor device,set_graphics=old ;restore old graphics state wset,current_window ;restore old window return ;exit on error endif endif ;end error handler ;;;;;; ;;;;;; set the initial values for internal and output variables button=0 if not keyword_set(append) then begin time = 0 value = 0 panel = 0 vname = '' inds = 0 inds2 = 0 zvalue = 0 endif n = 0 ind = -1 ind2 = -1 lastvalidvar = var ;record previous data variable (not 'Null') oldbutton = 0 ;record last button pressed if (exact ne 0) and (var ne 'Null') then $ ctime_get_exact_data,var,v,t,pan,hx,hy,subvar,ind,ind2,z,$ spec=spec,dtype=dtype,/load ;;;;;; ;;;;;; here we are: the main loop... while n lt max do begin ;the main loop calls cursor, ;which waits until there is a button press or cursor movement ;the old crosshairs are reploted (erased), the new crosshairs are ploted ;;;; get new position, update crosshairs cursor,px,py,/change,/norm ;get the new position button = !MOUSE.BUTTON ;get the new button state hx = px ;correct assignments in the case of EXACT eq 0 hy = py ;temporary assignments in the case of EXACT ne 0 plots,[0,1],[ohy,ohy], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 ;unplot old cross plots,[ohx,ohx],[0,1], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 if button eq 4 then goto,quit ;yikes! i used a goto! if exact eq 0 then begin plots,[0,1],[hy,hy], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 ;plot new crosshairs plots,[hx,hx],[0,1], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 endif ;;;; Get new data values and crosshair positions from pointer position values, ;;;; if we are not deleting the last data point. if (opx ne px) or (opy ne py) or (button ne 2) then begin t = normal_to_data(px,tplot_x) * time_scale + time_offset res = 1.d/tplot_x.s[1]/!d.x_size t = time_round(t,res,days=days,hours=hours,minutes=minutes,seconds=seconds,prec=prec) pan = (where(py ge tplot_y[*].window[0] and py le tplot_y[*].window[1]))[0] if pan ge 0 and pan lt n_elements(tplot_var) then begin v = normal_to_data(py,tplot_y[pan]) var = tplot_var[pan] endif else begin v = !values.f_nan var = 'Null' endelse ind2 = -1 if size(/type,routine_name) eq 7 then begin device, set_graphics = old wset,current_window call_procedure,routine_name,var,t wset, tplot_vars.settings.window device, set_graphics = 6 endif if exact ne 0 then begin if var ne 'Null' then begin ;get data points load = var ne lastvalidvar ctime_get_exact_data,var,v,t,pan,hx,hy,subvar,ind,ind2,z,$ spec=spec,dtype=dtype,load=load endif plots,[0,1],[hy,hy], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 ;plot new crosshairs plots,[hx,hx],[0,1], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 endif if not silent then begin ;print the new data if keyword_set(subvar) then varn = var+"->"+subvar else varn = var tstr = time_string(t,prec=prec,local_time=local_time) if ind2 eq -1 then print,form=form1,varn, tstr,v,spaces,cr $ else if spec then print,form=form5,varn,ind2,tstr,v,z ,cr $ else print,form=form2,varn,ind2,tstr,v,spaces,cr endif endif ;;;; got the current data ;;;; if a button state changes, take action: if button ne oldbutton then begin case button of 1: begin ;record the new data and print output line append_array,time,t append_array,value,v if keyword_set(spec ) then append_array,zvalue,z $ else append_array,zvalue,!values.f_nan if keyword_set(subvar) then append_array,vname,subvar $ else append_array,vname,var append_array,panel,pan np = n_elements(time) append_array,inds,ind append_array,inds2,ind2 > 0 ;if ind2 eq -1 set to zero if not silent then begin if ind2 eq -1 then print,form=form3,np-1,varn, tstr,v,spaces $ else if spec then print,form=form6,np-1,varn,ind2,tstr,v,z $ else print,form=form4,np-1,varn,ind2,tstr,v,spaces endif if keyword_set(psym) then plots,t-time_offset,v,psym = psym n = n + 1 end 2: begin ;delete last data and print output line np = n_elements(time) if np ge 2 then begin time = time[0:np-2] value = value[0:np-2] vname = vname[0:np-2] panel = panel[0:np-2] inds = inds[0:np-2] inds2 = inds2[0:np-2] zvalue = zvalue[0:np-2] if not silent then $ print,form="(79x,a,TL79,'last sample (',i0,') deleted.')",cr,np-1 n = n-1 endif else if (np ne 0) and (time[0] ne 0) then begin time = 0 value = 0 panel = 0 vname = '' inds = 0 inds2 = 0 zvalue = 0 if not silent then print,$ form="(79x,a,TL79,'Zero sample (',i0,') set to zero.')",cr,np-1 n = (n-1) > 0 end end else: ;do nothing (if 4 then we exited already) endcase endif ;;;; store the current information, and pause (reduce interrupts on cpu) if var ne 'Null' then lastvalidvar = var oldpanel = pan oldbutton = button opx = px opy = py ohx = hx ohy = hy wait, sleep ;Be nice endwhile ;;;;;; end main loop ;;;;;; erase the crosshairs plots,[0,1],[hy,hy], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 plots,[hx,hx],[0,1], color=color,/norm,/thick,lines=0 ;;;;;; return life to normal quit: print,cr,format='(79x,a,TL79,$)';clear the line tvcrs ;turn off cursor device,set_graphics=old ;restore old graphics state wset,current_window ;restore old window ;if not keyword_set(noshow) then wshow if n_elements(time) eq 1 then begin ;turn outputs into scalars time = time[0] value = value[0] panel = panel[0] vname = vname[0] inds = inds[0] inds2 = inds2[0] zvalue = zvalue[0] endif return end