pro crosshairs,x,y,color=color,legend=legend,dot_cursor=dot,fix=fix,$ silent=silent,nolegend=nolegend ;+ ;NAME: crosshairs ;PURPOSE: ;Display crosshairs on the plot window, display the data coordinates of the ;cursor position on the plot, and return the coordinates of clicked points. ; Use the mouse buttons to control operation: ; 1: Record and print a point ; 2: Delete the previously recorded point ; 3: Quit. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: crosshairs,x,y ;INPUTS: x,y: set to named variables to return the data ; coordinates of the cursor position where mouse ; button 1 was pressed. ; ;KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; COLOR: set to a scalar byte to change the color of the crosshairs. ; note: you will not get the color you ask for. it's the nature ; of XOR graphics. could be useful to change colors though. ; LEGEND: set a position for the legend, in data coords. ; DOT_CURSOR: change the cursor to a dot. it's smaller and makes seeing ; the data easier. warning: will reset the cursor to crosshairs ; after quitting. if you had set your own cursor (changed from ; the default) it'll be replaced. ; FIX: if crosshairs crashes (if you Control-C out of it) then ; you probabaly want to call crosshairs,/fix ; all it does is calls: device,set_graphics=3,/cursor_cross ; but do you want to remember that line? ; FIX repairs the changes to the X device that crosshairs made. ; SILENT: don't print clicked points ; NOLEGEND: don't display the legend ;OUTPUTS: prints clicked data points to the terminal, prints the current ; cursor position on the graphics window (or last position before ; leaving the window) ;SIDE EFFECTS: can mess up your display. use crosshairs,/fix to fix. ; can leave junk on your plot. not recommended for use ; if you intend to call tvrd() before reploting. ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 98/07/31 ;CREATED BY: Frank V. Marcoline ;NOTES: Inspired by IDL's ;- if keyword_set(fix) then begin device,set_graphics=3,/cursor_cross return endif if keyword_set(dot) then begin ;change the cursor to a dot curs=intarr(16) curs(14)=2^9 mask=curs mask([13,15])=2^9 mask(14)=mask(14)+2^8+2^10 device,cursor_image=curs,cursor_mask=mask,cursor_xy=[1,1] endif if not keyword_set(nolegend) then leg = 1 else leg = 0 if not keyword_set(silent) then prin = 1 else prin = 0 device, get_graphics = old, set_graphics = 6 ;Set xor if not keyword_set(color) then color = !d.n_colors -1 if not keyword_set(legend) then $ legend = [!d.x_size-22*!d.x_ch_size,!d.y_size-6*!d.y_ch_size] $ else legend = convert_coord(legend(0),legend(1),/data,/to_dev) flag = 0 x0 = !d.x_size/2 ;crosshairs initially in middle of window y0 = !d.y_size/2 data = convert_coord(x0,y0,/dev,/to_data) button = 0 goto, middle while 1 do begin old_button = button cursor, xd, yd, 2, /dev ;Wait for a button data = convert_coord(xd,yd,/dev,/to_data) button = !MOUSE.BUTTON x0 = xd y0 = yd if (!MOUSE.BUTTON eq 1) and (old_button eq 0) then begin if flag eq 0 then begin x = data(0) y = data(1) flag = 1 endif else begin x = [x,data(0)] y = [y,data(1)] endelse ndp = n_elements(x) numstr = strcompress(string('(',ndp,')'),/re) if prin then $ print,numstr,x(ndp-1),y(ndp-1),format='(a8,3x,"x: ",g," y: ",g)' endif plots,[0,!d.x_size-1],[py,py], color=color, /dev, thick=1, lines=0 plots,[px,px],[0,!d.y_size-1], color=color, /dev, thick=1, lines=0 if leg then begin xyouts,legend(0),legend(1), s1, color=color, /dev, size=1.4 xyouts,legend(0),legend(1) - 3*!d.y_ch_size, s2, color=color, /dev, size=1.4 end empty if !MOUSE.BUTTON eq 2 then begin ;move legend legend = [xd,yd] endif if !MOUSE.BUTTON eq 4 then begin ;Quitting device,set_graphics = old, cursor_cross = dot return endif middle: px = x0 py = y0 plots,[0,!d.x_size-1],[py,py], color=color, /dev, thick=1, lines=0 plots,[px,px],[0,!d.y_size-1], color=color, /dev, thick=1, lines=0 s1 = string('x:',data(0)) s2 = string('y:',data(1)) if leg then begin xyouts,legend(0),legend(1), s1, color=color, /dev, size=1.4 xyouts,legend(0),legend(1) - 3*!d.y_ch_size, s2, color=color, /dev, size=1.4 end empty wait, .01 ;be nice! endwhile end