;+ ;NAME: ; bitplot ; ;INPUT: (optional if DATA keyword is set) ; x: array of x values ; y: array of y values ; ;PURPOSE: ; Plots 'ON' bits for housekeeping type data. ; Can be used by "tplot". ; See "_tplot_example" and "_get_example_dat" for an example. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; PSYMS: array of IDL plot psym values corresponding to each bit. ; OVERPLOT: create plot without erasing previous plot. ; DI: value to be given to first bit in plot. Default is 0. ; LIMITS: TPLOT limits structure corresponding to the variable plotted. ; DATA: TPLOT data structure corresponding to the variable plotted. ; NUMBITS: the number of bits that will be plot ; SYMSIZE: set the size of the symbol ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2008-02-28 19:13:34 -0800 (Thu, 28 Feb 2008) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 2428 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/ssl_general/tags/tdas_5_21/tplot/bitplot.pro $ ;- pro bitplot,x,y,psyms=psyms,overplot=overplot,di=di,limits=lim,data=data,numbits=nb,symsize=symsize if keyword_set(data) then begin x = data.x y = data.y extract_tags,stuff,data,except=['x','y','dy'] endif extract_tags,stuff,lim extract_tags,plotstuff,stuff,/plot extract_tags,oplotstuff,stuff,/oplot str_element,lim,'numbits',nb str_element,stuff,'labels',val=labels str_element,lim,'psyms',psyms str_element,lim,'symsize',symsize labsize = 1. str_element,stuff,'labsize',val=labsize str_element,stuff,'colors',colors chsize = !p.charsize if not keyword_set(chsize) then chsize = 1. if not keyword_set(nb) then begin case size(/type,y) of 1: nb = 8 2: nb = 16 3: nb = 32 12: nb = 16 13: nb = 32 14: nb = 64 15: nb = 64 else: nb = 0 endcase endif if n_elements(di) eq 0 then di = 0 if not keyword_set(psyms) then psyms = replicate(3,nb) npsyms = n_elements(psyms) if not keyword_set(overplot) then $ plot,/nodata,x,y,yrange=[-1+di,nb+di],/ystyle,_extra=plotstuff if not keyword_set(symsize) then begin symsize = 1.0 endif if n_elements(colors) ne 0 then col = get_colors(colors) $ else col = !p.color ncol = n_elements(col) bit = 1l for i=0,nb-1 do begin ind = where(y and bit,c) if c ne 0 then $ oplot,x(ind),replicate(i+di,n_elements(ind)),psym=psyms(i mod npsyms),col=col[i mod ncol],symsize=symsize bit = bit * 2 endfor if keyword_set(labels) then begin charsize = !p.charsize if charsize eq 0 then charsize = 1. nlab = n_elements(labels) yp = indgen(nlab) + di xp = replicate(!x.crange(1),nlab) yw = !y.window xw = !x.window if not keyword_set(lbsize) then $ lbsize = charsize < (yw(1)-yw(0))/(nlab+1) *!d.y_size/!d.y_ch_size $ else lbsize = lbsize*charsize xyouts,xp,yp," "+labels,charsize=lbsize,color= col[indgen(nlab) mod ncol] endif end