;+ ;DEMONSTRATION OF TPLOT AND RELATED ROUTINES ;PURPOSE: ; A sample crib sheet that explains how to use the "TPLOT" procedure. ; ;Written by Peter Schroeder 97-9-17 ; ;- ;Set up your device: device,pseudo_color=8 ;fixes color table problem for machines with 24-bit color ;Pick a color table: loadct,39 ;Rainbow (I also recommend 22) ;Load some WIND_3DP key parameter data: load_wi_3dp 96-5-20 2 load_wi_elsp_3dp ;List the currently available data quantities: tplot_names ;Plot some quantities: tplot,['wi_3dp_Ne','wi_3dp_Ve','wi_3dp_Te'] ;or alternatively: tplot,[1,2,3] ;Some examples of changing plotting options: ;Limits: ylim,'wi_3dp_Ve',-200,200 ; set y-limits from -200 to 200 for 'wi_3dp_Ve' tplot ylim,'wi_3dp_Te',1,20,1 ; set y-limits from 1 to 20 and plot tplot ; logarithmically (that's what the extra 1 ; does) for 'wi_3dp_Te' ylim,'wi_3dp_Te',0,0,0 ; reset y-limits for both variables back to ylim,'wi_3dp_Ve',0,0,0 ; linear auto-scaling tplot ylim ; use the mouse to set the limit range tplot ;Time limit tplot,refdate='96-5-20' ; set reference date tlimit,1,3 ; time limit from 100 UT to 300 UT tlimit,/full ; full time limit tlimit ; use the mouse to select a time range tlimit,0,0 ; back to auto ranging ;Multiline plots: tplot,'wi_3dp_Fe',/add_var ; add another variable to plot tplot,/nocolor ; turn off auto coloring on multi-line plots ; (for hardcopies) options,'wi_3dp_Fe','labflag',-1 ; Set evenly spaced labels tplot options,'wi_3dp_Fe','labflag',0 ; No labels tplot options,'wi_3dp_Fe','labflag',1 ; Reverse order tplot options,'wi_3dp_Fe','labflag',2 ; Auto spacing tplot bins = replicate(1,7) bins( [2,4] ) = 0 ; turn off channels 2,4 options,'wi_3dp_Fe','bins',bins ; add bins option tplot options,'wi_3dp_Fe','bins',1 ; turn all channels on tplot ;Spectrogram options: tplot,'elsp' ; produce line plot of spectral data options,'elsp','spec',1 ; set option to produce a spectrum plot tplot zlim,'elsp',10,1e4,1 ; set limited range and plot logarithmically tplot zlim,'elsp',0,0,0 ; return to linear autoscaling tplot options,'elsp','y_no_interp',1 ; prevent y-axis interpolation tplot options,'elsp','y_no_interp',0 ; allow y-axis interpolation tplot options,'elsp','ystyle',1 ; force exact y-axis limits tplot options,'elsp','ystyle',0 ; return to autoranging tplot options,'elsp','spec',0 ; change to multi-line plot tplot ;Setting global options: tplot_options,'title','My very own plot' ; set tplot title tplot tplot_options,'region',[0.,.5,1.,1.] ; use top half of screen only tplot tplot_options,'region' ; remove region keyword (full screen) tplot tplot_options,'xmargin' ,[15,10] ; change default xmargin tplot tplot_options,'ymargin' ,[6,3] ; change default ymargin tplot tplot_options,'charsize',.5 ; change default character size tplot tplot_options,'charsize',1. ; back to regular character size ;Adding extra labels at the bottom: ;Any tplot (scaler) variable can also be printed at the bottom, below ;the time labels. tplot,var_label=['wi_3dp_Ne'] options,'wi_3dp_Ne','ytitle','Ne' ; Change the label options,'wi_3dp_Ne','format','(f8.3)' ; Change the printing format tplot ;Miscellaneous: tplot,[1,2,3,4] tplot,mix=[3,1,2] ;Mix the panel order, plot the 3rd, then 1st, then 2nd tplot,/last ;Return to last mix of panels and variables tplot,/pick ;Use the cursor to pick panels options,'wi_3dp_Fe','panel_size',2. ;make one panel double size tplot time_stamp,/off ;Turn of the time_stamp tplot time_stamp,/on ;Turn it on again tplot tplot,version=2 ;Change labeling scheme tplot,version=1 ;Another scheme tplot,version=3 ;Back to default options,'wi_3dp_Np','color',90 ;Set plotting color tplot,'wi_3dp_Ne' tplot,'wi_3dp_Np',/overplot ;Overplot this data on the last plot wi,2 ;Open another window tplot,'wi_3dp_Fe',window=2 ;Plot in second window store_data,'Ne&Np',data=['wi_3dp_Ne','wi_3dp_Np'] tplot,'Ne&Np',/add_var ;Plot two data quantities in same panel tplot,'wi_3dp_Ne',new_tvars=tv_str ;Plot and return tplot common block for plot tlimit ;Create new plot with different time limits wi,3 ;Open a window tplot,old_tvars=tv_str,window=3 ;Plot original plot in new window