;+ ; Name: thm_crib_plotxy ; ; Purpose:crib to demonstrate capabilities of plotxy ; ; Notes: run it by compiling in idl and then typing ".go" ; or copy and paste. ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2008-02-06 13:43:58 -0800 (Wed, 06 Feb 2008) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 2352 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/ssl_general/trunk/tplot/tplotxy.pro $ ;- ;sets the colors correctly thm_init ;basic data: an Nx3 array is passed in a = rebin(indgen(100),100,3) ;by default plotxy does a projection of the data into ;the x-y plane, although the user can select any plane ;they want. plotxy,a stop ;can be 2-d as well ;notice the plot shape, as it ;is isotropic by default a = [[indgen(100)+1],[alog(indgen(100)+1)]] plotxy,a stop ;turn of isotropic plotxy,a,/noisotropic stop ;now with real themis data timespan,'2007-09-21' thm_load_state,probe='b c',coord='gsm',datatype='pos' get_data,'thb_state_pos',data=d d_thm_b = d.y/6374 get_data,'thc_state_pos',data=d d_thm_c=d.y/6374 ;basic call with themis data array plotxy,d_thm_b stop ;now different axis ;this plots the x axis reversed vs the z axis plotxy,d_thm_b,versus='xrz' stop ;now plot the points projected into the plane defined ;by the span of [1,1,0] and [0,0,1] ;(this is the xz plane rotated counter clockwise in ;the xy plane by pi/4 radians ;the custom plane is specified using a 2x3 matrix plotxy,d_thm_b,versus='cc',custom=transpose([[1,1,0],[0,0,1]]) stop ;same plot as above but with the y axis of the plot reversed plotxy,d_thm_b,versus='ccr',custom=transpose([[1,1,0],[0,0,1]]) stop ;range setting example: xrange plotxy,d_thm_b,xrange=[0,5] stop ;range setting example: yrange plotxy,d_thm_b,yrange=[-10,-5] stop ;range setting example: xrange & yrange plotxy,d_thm_b,xrange=[0,5],yrange=[-10,-5] stop ;plot two tplot variables on the same panel plotxy,d_thm_b,color=2 plotxy,d_thm_c,color=4,/over stop ;plot on multiple panels ;in new window plotxy,d_thm_b,multi='3 1',xsize=900,ysize=300 plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='xz' plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='yz' stop ;plot on multiple panels, paneling direction reversed plotxy,d_thm_b,multi='3r 1' plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='xz' plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='yz' stop ;plot on multiple panels, and with multiple variables per panel window,xsize=500,ysize=500 plotxy,d_thm_b,multi='2 2',color=2 plotxy,d_thm_c,/over,color=4 plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='xz',color=2 plotxy,d_thm_c,/over,versus='xz',color=4 plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='yz',color=2 plotxy,d_thm_c,/over,versus='yz',color=4 ;linestyle example, letter color example stop plotxy,d_thm_b,multi='2 2',color='b' plotxy,d_thm_c,/over,color='g',linestyle=2 plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='xz',color='b' plotxy,d_thm_c,/over,versus='xz',color='g',linestyle=2 plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='yz',color='b' plotxy,d_thm_c,/over,versus='yz',color='g',linestyle=2 stop ;resize window and replot window,xsize= 750,ysize=750 plotxy stop ;isotropic plots plot on multiple panels ;titles and margins ;unlike tplot ;margins are measured in % of the plot panel ;and margins are set for each plot ;so since there are 3 plots across and one high ;each plot area will be 300x300px ;since the xmargin is .3 on both sides ;for the first plot ;each side will have a margin of ~100px plotxy,d_thm_b,multi='3 1',title='SC Position',xtitle='X km',ytitle='Y km',xmargin=[.3,.3],xsize=900,ysize=300 plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='xz',title='SC Position',xtitle='X km',ytitle='Z km',xmargin=[0,.3] plotxy,d_thm_b,/add,versus='yz',title='SC Position',xtitle='Y km',ytitle='Z km',ymargin=[.4,.4] stop ;you can overplot arrows with plotxyvec dim = dimen(d_thm_b) n = dim[0]/50 idx = indgen(n)*50 x = d_thm_b[idx,0] y = d_thm_b[idx,1] u = x[1:n-1] - x[0:n-2] v = y[1:n-1] - y[0:n-2] plotxy,d_thm_b,xsize=600,ysize=600,title="XY orbital plot with change arrows",charsize=1.5 plotxyvec,[[x[1:n-1]],[y[1:n-1]]],[[u],[v]],/over,charsize=1.5 stop ;you can interleave with plotxyz & plotxyvec ;first generate plotxyz data x = dindgen(5) y = dindgen(7) z = dindgen(5,7) mod 2. plotxy,d_thm_b,multi='3,1' plotxyz,x,y,z,/add plotxyvec,[[x],[x]],[[replicate(-1.,n_elements(x))],[replicate(1.,n_elements(x))]],/add,/grid,xticks=4,yticks=6 stop ;can also do an automatic replot on interleaved plots window,xsize=900,ysize=300 plotxy stop ;window options plotxy,d_thm_b,window=2,xsize=800,ysize=500,wtitle='WINDOW WINDOW' stop ;non isotropic plot plotxy,d_thm_b,window=2,xsize=800,ysize=500,wtitle='WINDOW WINDOW',/noisotropic stop ;change character size, set start/end syms plotxy,d_thm_b,multi='2 1',charsize=.75,pstart=4,pstop=2 plotxy,d_thm_c,/add,charsize=2.0,pstart=2,pstop=4,symsize=1.5 stop ;change character size, and change margin size to make room for text plotxy,d_thm_b,multi='2 1',charsize=.75,xsize=800,ysize=400 plotxy,d_thm_c,/add,charsize=3.0,ymargin=[.15,.2] stop end