FUNCTION parse_mydepend0, a ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; PURPOSE: If more than 1 depend_0 variable defined, separate variables ; in the input structure. Build a new structure for each ; depend_0 and it's associated variables and metadata. ; ; AUTHOR: R. Baldwin HSTX ; ; HISTORY: ; 1.0 R.Baldwin 1/97 ; 12/13/2006 - TJK moved this code from w/in ; to this file so that it can ; be called by a function in read_myCDF ; ;___________________________________________________________ ; Check input structure chsz=size(a) if(chsz(n_elements(chsz)-2) ne 8) then begin print, 'ERROR=Structure not defined in parse_mydepend0' return, -1 endif ; Compile # and names of variables in structure namest=tag_names(a) ns_tags=n_tags(a) depend0=strarr(ns_tags) depend1=strarr(ns_tags) ;for k=0, ns_tags-1 do depend0(k)=a.(k).depend_0 ;RCJ 06/09/2004. If data is 'ignore_data' then don't bother w/ its depend_0. for k=0, ns_tags-1 do begin if (strlowcase(a.(k).var_type) ne 'ignore_data' and $ strlowcase(a.(k).var_type) ne 'additional_data') $ then depend0(k)=a.(k).depend_0 endfor depend0=depend0(uniq(depend0,sort(depend0))) dc=where(depend0 ne '',dcn) depend0=depend0(dc) dc=where(depend0 ne ' ',dcn) depend0=depend0(dc) ; Build mega-structure if(dcn le 1) then begin ret_str=create_struct('num',1,depend0(0),a) endif else begin for k=0, dcn-1 do begin astr='a'+strtrim(k,2) comm_x0 = astr+'=create_struct(depend0(k),a.'+depend0(k)+')' x0=execute(comm_x0) endfor ; end k ret_str=create_struct('num',dcn) ; Find depend_0 for k=0, ns_tags-1 do begin if(a.(k).depend_0 ne ' ') then begin ;print,'!!! ',a.(k).depend_0,' ',a.(k).varname for i=0, dcn-1 do begin astr='a'+strtrim(i,2) if(a.(k).depend_0 eq depend0(i)) then begin data=create_struct(namest(k),a.(k)) comm_x2=astr+'=create_struct('+astr+',data)' x2=execute(comm_x2) ; ; check to see if there is a depend_1 attribute before trying ; to use it - added on 09/20/2000 by TJK. q=where(tag_names(a.(k)) eq 'DEPEND_1') if q(0) ne -1 then begin if(a.(k).depend_1 ne '') then begin comm_z1='depend_1=a.'+a.(k).depend_1 z1=execute(comm_z1) meta=create_struct(a.(k).depend_1,depend_1) comm_x3=astr+'=create_struct('+astr+',meta)' x3=execute(comm_x3) if(depend_1.depend_1 ne '') then begin comm_z2='depend_n=a.'+depend_1.depend_1 z2=execute(comm_z2) meta_n=create_struct(depend_1.depend_1,depend_n) comm_x4=astr+'=create_struct('+astr+',meta_n)' x4=execute(comm_x4) endif endif endif ; ; RCJ 12/99 Added the following piece of code, to look ; for depend_2 too. ; q=where(tag_names(a.(k)) eq 'DEPEND_2') if q(0) ne -1 then begin if(a.(k).depend_2 ne '') then begin comm_z1='depend_2=a.'+a.(k).depend_2 z1=execute(comm_z1) meta=create_struct(a.(k).depend_2,depend_2) comm_x3=astr+'=create_struct('+astr+',meta)' x3=execute(comm_x3) if(depend_2.depend_2 ne '') then begin comm_z2='depend_n=a.'+depend_2.depend_2 z2=execute(comm_z2) meta_n=create_struct(depend_2.depend_2,depend_n) comm_x4=astr+'=create_struct('+astr+',meta_n)' x4=execute(comm_x4) endif endif endif ; endif endfor ; end i endif endfor ; end k ; for k=0, dcn-1 do begin astr='a'+strtrim(k,2) dp0=strtrim(depend0(k),2) comm_x3='temp=create_struct(dp0,'+astr+')' x3=execute(comm_x3) ret_str=create_struct(ret_str,temp) endfor ; end k endelse ; Free Memory delete, data delete, meta delete, astr delete, temp return, ret_str end