FUNCTION find_valid_edge,arr,ind ; Test function RTB 8/18/98 ; Given an array of latiudes or longitudes. Return a valid array of corner ; points which map to the corresponding images arr_sz=size(arr) if(arr_sz(0) ne 2) then begin print, "ERROR: array not 2-D; find_valid_edge" return, -1 endif brr=fltarr(arr_sz(1),arr_sz(2)) brr(ind)=arr(ind) irow=-1 for i=0, arr_sz(2)-1 do begin wc=where(brr(*,i) ne 0.0,wcn) if(wcn ne 0) then begin irow=irow+1 if(irow eq 0) then begin f_row=i p1=brr(wc(0),i) p2=brr(wc(n_elements(wc)-1),i) endif p3=brr(wc(0),i) p4=brr(wc(n_elements(wc)-1),i) endif endfor return, [p1,p2,p3,p4] end function avg, x return, total(x)/float(n_elements(x)) end function doByteScale, Z2, minZ1, maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, is1dim ; common deviceTypeC,deviceType,file;required for inverting grayscale Postscript if (Zsize(Zsize(0)+1) ne 1) then $ ; not Byte array Zb = bytscl(Z2, min=minZ1, max=maxZ1, top=!d.n_colors-3)+1B else Zb = Z2 ; reserve black and white at ends of colorscale ; replace bad values with 0 but keep 2-dim array if not is1dim then if (wBad(0) ge 0) then Zb(wBad) = 0B ; minZ1 if (n_elements(deviceType) ne 0) then if (deviceType eq 2) then $ Zb = (!d.n_colors-1B) - Zb ; invert grayscale for Postscript if flipColorBar then Zb = (!d.n_colors-1B) - Zb ; invert for inverted cscale return, Zb ; end ; doByteScale pro auroral_image, Z, Lon, Lat, centerLonLat=centerLonLat, title=title, $ centerPole=centerPole, continents=continent, nogrid=nogrid, nLat=nLat, $ nLon=nLon, rangeLonLat=rangeLonLat, debug=debug, rotation=rotation, $ nocolorbar=nocolorbar, ctitle=ctitle, cscale=cscale, cCharSize=cCharSize, $ maxValue=maxValue, minValue=minValue, fillValue=fillValue, logZ=logZ, $ method=method, slow=slow, status=status, proj=proj, tvscale=tvscale, $ altitude=altitude, mapColor=mapColor, mapCharSize=mapCharSize,radius=radius,$ degrees=degrees, noisotropic=noisotropic, mltgrid=mltgrid, $ fill_cont=fill_cont, _Extra=extra ;+ ; NAME: ; Auroral_Image ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function plots a 2-dimensional array Z mapped onto a polar ; projection, with each point mapped to its corresponding Longitude and ; Latitude (possible to use three 1-dim arrays also) ; ; CATEGORY: ; Graphics ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; AURORAL_IMAGE, Z, Lon, Lat ; ; INPUTS: ; Z: 2-dimensional data array (nLon, nLat) ; or 1-dimensional (requires Lon and Lat be defined) ; (currently assumes Z is always positive) ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; Lon: Corresponding Longitudes for Z, degrees (-180:+180 deg) ; 1-dimensional data array of size Z(*,0) or 2-dim of size Z(*,*) ; or 1-dimensional of size Z(*) if Z is 1-dim ;##### try to handle longitudes 0:360?? ; Lat: Corresponding Latitudes for Z, degrees (-90:+90 deg) ; 1-dimensional data array of size Z(0,*) or 2-dim of size Z(*,*) ; or 1-dimensional of size Z(*) if Z is 1-dim ; Assumes measurements in Z are centered on Lat, Lon values ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; LOGZ=logZ: Scale Z data and color scale logarithmically ; CENTERPOLE=centerPole: Center on nearest pole (overrides centerLonLat) ; CENTERLONLAT=centerLonLat: Center of polar plot [Lon, Lat], degrees ; (if centerPole and centerLonLat not provided, center on middle of image) ; RANGELONLAT=rangeLonLat: Range of Longitude and Latitude, degrees ; [minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat] (Lat may be >90 or <-90 and ; Lon may be >180 or <-180 for crossing poles and Dateline) ; default is to plot the whole sphere (Earth) ; CONTINENT=continent: switch to plot continent outlines ; (requires Lon and Lat in geographic coordinates) ; TJK added the following on 12/12/2003 for vis lab requirements ; FILL_CONT=fill continental outlines w/ solid color ; NOGRID=nogrid: switch to not plot map grid (Lat, Lon lines) ; default is to plot grid lines (added by request) ; NLON=nLon: Number of pixels of output image in Longitude dim (def=50) ; NLAT=nLat: Number of pixels of output image in Latitude dim (def=50) ; NLon and NLat only used by Map_image and TV ; MAXVALUE=maxValue: Max value of data to plot; values above are ignored ; MINVALUE=minValue: Min value of data to plot; values below are ignored ; FILLVALUE=fillValue: Data with this value are ignored ; NOCOLORBAR=nocolorbar: Switch to not plot a color bar on right ; default is to plot colorbar (added by request) ; CTITLE=ctitle: String title for colorbar ; CSCALE=cscale: scale for colorbar range [min, max] ; CCHARSIZE=cCharSize: Character size for axis on color bar ; ROTATION=rotation: Rotate map, degrees (def=0), positive clockwise ; TVSCALE=tvScale: Integer scaling factor for TV method only ; METHOD=method: String indicating which method to plot with: ; "TV": TV bitmap of Z scaled to color table (no map, no plot) ; "QUICK": Quick plotting of Z array only (no map) ; "PLOTS": Use plots command ; "POLYFILL": Use polyfill ; "MAPIMAGE": Use map_image and tv (least preferred method) ; "DILATE": Use convert_coord, dilate and tv ; "MP": Map Overlay (testing) ; SLOW=slow: Switch to use bilinear and quintic interpolations (def=0) ; Only used by Map_image method ; STATUS=status: Return 0 if plot okay, else -1 for an error, ; status variable must be predefined before call ; PROJ=proj: Set map projection; defaults to /satellite ; 1=stereo, 2=ortho, 3=cone, 4=lamb, 5=gnom, 6=azim, ; 7=satel, 9=merc, 10=moll, 14=sinu, 15=aitoff ; Simple cyl proj: 11=8, 12=merc, 13=moll, 18=aitoff ; use 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 (see IDL manual for more info) ; ALTITUDE=altitude: Distance from center of sphere in units of sphere's ; radius (for satellite (7) projection) ; MAPCOLOR=mapColor: color index for grids and continent overlays; ; default=white ; MAPCHARSIZE=mapCharSize: character size for grid numbers; default=1.0 ; _EXTRA=extra: Any extra parameters to pass on to plot outline ; Add your own title, xtitle, ytitle ; May be able to over-ride plot location/size with position ; DEBUG=debug: switch to print debugging statements ; NOISOTROPIC=noisotropic: turn off isotropic mapping; default=1 (on) ; ; OUTPUTS: ; No outputs. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; DEVICETYPEC: deviceType ; Shared with to allow inverting grayscale Postscript ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Creates plot to screen or file. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Sets a specific X margin to allow for the colorbar. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Uses map_set, triangulate, trigrid, map_image to map pixels to polar ; coordinates; TV to display and map routines to draw grids and continents ; A colorbar is plotted on the right if not /nocolorbar or cscale is set. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Create a polar plot of 2 dimensional data Z = dist(60), with ; lat = [findgen(30)+60., 90.-findgen(30)], lon = findgen(60)*6.-180. ; auroral_image, Z, lon, lat ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Emily A. Greene, Hughes STX, ; and Bobby Candey, NASA GSFC Code 632; ; ; $Id: 8 2006-10-11 20:32:51Z kenb $ ; ; 1995 Sept 26 BC, original full copy ; 1995 Sept 29 BC, beta ; 1995 Oct 2 BC, beta 2 ; 1995 Nov 3 BC, reversed all Lat and Lon to agree with map_image ; 1996 April 11 BC, cleanup ; 1996 April 16 BC, cleanup, add status ; 1996 April 17 BC, added colorBar to allow autoscale ; 1996 April 18 BC, added methods ; 1996 April 19 BC, added projection keyword and rearranged ; 1996 April 20 BC, added doByteScale function and surface method ; 1996 July 9 BC, added not_nearby, changed centerLonLat calc. ; 1996 July 11 BC, fixed polyfill method, added even scale to quick ; 1996 July 17 BC, cleaned up, added mapColor ; 1996 Aug 5 BC, added comments and removed old stuff ; 1996 Aug 6 BC, added dilate method ; 1997 Jul 18 EAG, added avg function, !MAP changed for IDL5 ; 1997 Aug 6 EAG, added EAG polyfilling method for sparse input image ; makes circles of radius=radius and removed default ; circle points if within degrees=degrees of real point ; 1998 Jan 12 BC, added noisotropic keyword ;- common deviceTypeC, deviceType, file;required for inverting grayscale Postscript if keyword_set(debug) then debug = 1 else debug = 0 if keyword_set(noisotropic) then isotropic = 0 else isotropic = 1 ;if (n_elements(!debug) gt 0) then if !debug then debug = 1 if (n_elements(status) gt 0) then doStatus = 1 else doStatus = 0 ; To avoid incorrect map centers from being passed back, corrupting subsequent ; thumbnails; added the following line. status = 0L if (n_params(0) lt 1) then message, 'Auroral_image, Z, Lon, Lat' Z1 = reform(Z) ; remove extraneous dimensions Zsize = size(Z1) if ((Zsize(0) lt 1) or (Zsize(0) gt 2)) then begin msgText = 'Requires 1- or 2-dimensional Z array' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif if (Zsize(0) eq 1) then is1dim = 1 else is1dim = 0 catch, error_status if error_status ne 0 then begin ; print, 'WARNING=An IDL map_grid error has occurred in'; ;TJK put in code to spit out error message/code and return, otherwise if an ;error occurred the code continued in an infinite loop. print, "number: ",error_status," in" print, "Message: ",!ERR_STRING print, 'STATUS=Map registration maybe in error. Re-select time interval.' !ERROR = 0 ; reset !error so we can continue w/ the next image. return endif case n_params(0) of 1: begin ; Z only if (is1dim eq 0) then begin ; 2-dim midZ = long(Zsize(2)/2) Ltt = findgen(midZ)/midZ * 89. + 1 Lat1 = ([Ltt,90.,reverse(Ltt)])(0:Zsize(2)-1) Lat1 = rebin(reform(Lat1,1,Zsize(2),/overwrite),Zsize(1),Zsize(2),/sample) Lat1 = (Lat1 + (randomu(seed,Zsize(1),Zsize(2)) - 0.5)*2.) > 1 < 90 Lon1 = rebin(findgen(Zsize(1))/Zsize(1)*360.-180.,Zsize(1),Zsize(2),/sample) Lon1 = (Lon1 + (randomu(seed,Zsize(1),Zsize(2)) - 0.5)*2.) > (-180) < 180 endif else begin ; 1-dim midZ = long(Zsize(1)/2) Ltt = findgen(midZ)/midZ * 89. + 1 Lat1 = ([Ltt,90.,reverse(Ltt)])(0:Zsize(1)-1) Lat1 = (Lat1 + (randomu(seed,Zsize(1)) - 0.5)*2.) > 1 < 90 Lon1 = findgen(Zsize(1))/Zsize(1)*360.-180. Lon1 = (Lon1 + (randomu(seed,Zsize(1)) - 0.5)*2.) > (-180) < 180 endelse end ; Z only 3: begin ; Z, Lat, Lon Lat1 = 1.0*reform(Lat) & Lon1 = 1.0*reform(Lon) ; remove extraneous dimensions Vsize = size(Lat1) if is1dim then begin if n_elements(Lat1) ne Zsize(1) then begin msgText = 'Lat must be of same size as Z(*)' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif ; else Lat1 agrees in size with Z endif else begin ; not 1-dim if (n_elements(Lat1) eq Zsize(2)) then begin ; make 2-dim Lat1 = rebin(reform(Lat1,1,Zsize(2),/overwrite),Zsize(1),Zsize(2),/sample) endif else begin if not ((Vsize(1) eq Zsize(1)) and (Vsize(2) eq Zsize(2))) then begin msgText = 'Lat must be of same size as Z(0,*) or Z(*,*)' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif ; else Lat1 is already same size as Z endelse endelse Vsize = size(Lon1) if is1dim then begin if n_elements(Lon1) ne Zsize(1) then begin msgText = 'Lon must be of same size as Z(*)' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif ; else Lon1 agrees in size with Z endif else begin ; not 1-dim if (n_elements(Lon1) eq Zsize(1)) then begin ; make 2-dim Lon1 = rebin(Lon1,Zsize(1),Zsize(2),/sample) endif else begin if not ((Vsize(1) eq Zsize(1)) and (Vsize(2) eq Zsize(2))) then begin msgText = 'Lon must be of same size as Z(*,0) or Z(*,*)' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif ; else Lon1 is already same size as Z endelse endelse end ; Z, Lat, Lon else: begin msgText = 'Wrong number of arguments' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText end endcase ;##### remove "> 0." on next 30 lines for real Z < 0 ;if (n_elements(minValue) gt 0) then minZ = minValue(0) else minZ = min(Z1) > 0. ;if (n_elements(maxValue) gt 0) then maxZ = maxValue(0) else maxZ = max(Z1) > 0. if (n_elements(minValue) gt 0) then minZ = minValue(0) else minZ = min(Z1) if (n_elements(maxValue) gt 0) then maxZ = maxValue(0) else maxZ = max(Z1) if (n_elements(fillValue) gt 0) then begin fillZ = fillValue(0) wZfill = where(Z1 eq fillZ, wZfillc) if (wZfillc gt 0) then begin wnotZfill = where(Z1 ne fillZ, wnotZfillc) if (wnotZfillc gt 0) then begin if (n_elements(minValue) le 0) then minZ = min(Z1(wnotZfill)) if (n_elements(maxValue) le 0) then maxZ = max(Z1(wnotZfill)) endif endif ; RCJ 02/15/02 'minZ - 1' -> 'minZ - 1.' in case minZ is unsigned number. endif else fillZ = minZ - 1. ; note Lat/Lon have values of -300. which are off the earth for DE-1 SAI CDFs isBad = (Lat1 lt -90.) or (Lat1 gt 90.) or (Lon1 lt -180.) or (Lon1 gt 180.) $ or (Z1 lt minZ) or (Z1 gt maxZ) or (Z1 eq fillZ) ;the above produces a boolean array sized lat1 by lon1, where the value ;assigned is 1=true, 0=false. wBad = where(isBad, wBadc) if (wBadc gt 0) then begin wGood = where(isBad ne 1, wGoodc) if (wGoodc le 0) then begin ; quit here ; RCJ. This msgtext no longer used here. ;msgText = 'No good values to display' if doStatus then begin ; RCJ 03/12/2003 Commenting out this line. It seems ; to be causing problems but I'm not sure this is the best solution. ;plot, [0,1], [0,1], /nodata, _Extra=extra ;message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return ; RCJ 04/04/2003 Cannot have auroral_image return any print statements ; at this point. Eval4.cgi expects to parse nrows,ncols, etc that ; are printed out at the end of the program that calls auroral_image ; (plot_map_images in this case). ;print, 'STATUS=No good values to display; Re-select time interval' ;print, 'ERROR=No valid points in display area' status = -1L; return endif else begin ; message, msgText ;print, 'STATUS=No good values to display; Reselect time interval' ;print, 'ERROR=No valid points in display area' status = -1L; return endelse endif ; if (n_elements(minValue) le 0) then minZ=min(Z1(wGood)) > 0. ; if (n_elements(maxValue) le 0) then maxZ=max(Z1(wGood)) > 0. if (n_elements(minValue) le 0) then minZ=min(Z1(wGood)) if (n_elements(maxValue) le 0) then maxZ=max(Z1(wGood)) ; RCJ 02/15/02 'minZ - 1' -> 'minZ - 1.' in case minZ is unsigned number. if (n_elements(fillValue) le 0) then fillZ = minZ - 1. endif if not keyword_set(logZ) then logZ = 0 doColorBar = 0 flipColorBar = 0 ; flip color bar if cScale is inverted if (n_elements(cscale) ne 0) then begin doColorBar = 1 ; check accuracy of cscale if n_elements(cscale) ne 2 then begin msgText = 'Error in cscale dimensions, no colorbar plotted' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif if logZ then begin ; check if cscale is less than 0 and minZ ; if (n_elements(minValue) ne 0) then minCscale = minValue(0) > 0 $ if (n_elements(minValue) ne 0) then minCscale = minValue(0) $ else minCscale = 0 ; minCscale = minZ > 0 wcs = where(cscale le minCscale, wcsc) if wcsc gt 0 then begin ws = where(Z1 gt minCscale, wsc) if wsc gt 0 then cscale(wcs) = min(Z1(ws)) else cscale(wcs) = minCscale endif ; bad cscale endif ; logZ doCheck = 0 ; if keyword_set(CheckScale) then doCheck = 1 if doCheck then begin ; check for exceeding maxZ or less than minZ ; if (n_elements(maxZ) ne 0) then begin ; wcs = where(cscale gt maxZ, wcsc) ; could be "ge" if (n_elements(maxValue) ne 0) then begin wcs = where(cscale gt maxValue(0), wcsc) ; could be "ge" if wcsc gt 0 then begin ws = where(Z1 le maxValue(0), wsc) ; could be "lt" if wsc gt 0 then cscale(wcs) = max(Z1(ws)) else cscale(wcs)=maxValue(0) ; ws = where(Z1 le maxZ, wsc) ; could be "lt" ; if wsc gt 0 then cscale(wcs) = max(Z1(ws)) else cscale(wcs) = maxZ endif endif ; if (n_elements(minZ) ne 0) then begin ; wcs = where(cscale lt minZ, wcsc) ; could be "le" if (n_elements(minValue) ne 0) then begin wcs = where(cscale lt minValue(0), wcsc) ; could be "le" if wcsc gt 0 then begin ws = where(Z1 ge minValue(0), wsc) ; could be "gt" if wsc gt 0 then cscale(wcs) = min(Z1(ws)) else cscale(wcs)=minValue(0) ; ws = where(Z1 ge minZ, wsc) ; could be "gt" ; if wsc gt 0 then cscale(wcs) = min(Z1(ws)) else cscale(wcs) = minZ endif endif endif ; doCheck min/max Z in cscale minZ = min(cscale) & maxZ = max(cscale) if (cscale(0) gt cscale(1)) then flipColorBar = 1 ; RCJ 02/15/02 'minZ - 1' -> 'minZ - 1.' in case minZ is unsigned number. if (n_elements(fillValue) le 0) then fillZ = minZ - 1. endif else begin; colorBar without cscale if not keyword_set(nocolorbar) then begin doColorBar = 1 cscale = [minZ, maxZ] endif endelse if debug then message, /inform, string('DEBUG: minZ, maxZ = ', minZ, maxZ) ; Pick a valid latitude center point of the given map area ;TJK 1/5/2004 - catch the case where centerlonlat was set for the previous variable ;and want to for the code to re-compute the centerlon/lat based on the data. ;Setting centerlonlat to [-1,1] in plot_map_images so that I can catch it here ;(since we can't actually "turn off" a keyword once its set... compute_lonlat = 0 if (n_elements(centerLonLat) gt 0) then begin if (centerLonLat(0) eq -1 and centerLonLat(1) eq -1) then compute_lonlat = 1 endif if (n_elements(centerLonLat) le 0 or compute_lonlat) then begin if is1dim then centerLat = long(Lat1(Zsize(1)/2 - long(sqrt(Zsize(1))/2.))) $ else begin ; Avoid bad lat values; test #1 ; clat=extrac(Lat1,(Zsize(1)/2-5),(Zsize(2)/2-5),10,10) ; wz=where(clat ne 0.0,wzn) ; if(wzn ne 0) then centerLat=long(clat(wz(wzn/2))) else $ ; centerLat = long(Lat1(Zsize(1)/2,Zsize(2)/2)) ; Avoid bad lat values; test #2 ; clat=Lat1 ; wn=where(clat gt 0.01, wzn) ; ws=where(clat lt -0.01, wzs) ; if(wzn ge wzs) then begin ; if(wzn ne 0) then centerLat=long(clat(wn(wzn/2))) else $ ; centerLat = long(Lat1(Zsize(1)/2,Zsize(2)/2)) ; endif else begin ; if(wzs ne 0) then centerLat=long(clat(ws(wzs/2))) ; endelse ; ; RCJ 04/01/2003.The particular value of lat1 could be a bad value so we look for a ; valid lat by walking in diagonal to the upper right corner of the array until ; we find a valid lat. The isbad array will tell us if the value is bad. ; This direction is arbitrary. I'm not sure what to do if we get to the end of the ; possible pairs [x,y] and the values are still bad... ; Another idea would be to go in circles around the bad value looking ; for a valid lat. Better ideas are welcome. ; ;centerLat = long(Lat1(Zsize(1)/2,Zsize(2)/2)) dum1=zsize(1) dum2=zsize(2) centerLat = long(Lat1(dum1/2,dum2/2)) while (isbad(dum1/2,dum2/2) ne 0) and (dum1/2 lt zsize(1)) and (dum2/2 lt zsize(2)) do begin dum1=dum1+1 dum2=dum2+1 centerLat = long(Lat1(dum1/2,dum2/2)) endwhile endelse ; #### may want to do this next part all the time if (centerLat lt -90) or (centerLat gt 90.) then begin wGoodn=n_elements(wGood) ; clat=Lat1(wGood) ; if(wGoodn ne 0) then centerLat=long(clat(wGood(wGoodn/2))) else $ if(wGoodn ne 0) then centerLat=long(Lat1(wGood(wGoodn/2))) else $ print, 'ERROR=No valid centerLat point found' ; if debug then message, string('Bad centerLat = ', centerLat), /inform ; if (wBadc gt 0) then centerLat = 90. * sign(avg(Lat1(wGood))) else $ ; centerLat = 90. * sign(avg(Lat1)) endif ; Pick valid longitude center of the map area if is1dim then centerLon = long(Lon1(Zsize(1)/2 - long(sqrt(Zsize(1))/2.))) $ else begin ; Lon center ; clon=extrac(Lon1,(Zsize(1)/2-5),(Zsize(2)/2-5),10,10) ; wz=where(clon ne 0.0,wzn) ; if(wzn ne 0) then centerLon=long(clon(wz(wzn/2))) else $ ; centerLon = long(Lon1(Zsize(1)/2,Zsize(2)/2)) ; Lon center ; clon=Lon1 ; wn=where(clon gt 0.01, wzn) ; ws=where(clon lt -0.01, wzs) ; if(wzn ge wzs) then begin ; if(wzn ne 0) then centerLon=long(clon(wn(wzn/2))) else $ ; centerLon = long(Lon1(Zsize(1)/2,Zsize(2)/2)) ; endif else begin ; if(wzs ne 0) then centerLon=long(clon(ws(wzs/2))) ; endelse ; ; RCJ 04/01/2003. Take the same dum1 and dum2 from the calculation of centerlat ;centerLon = long(Lon1(Zsize(1)/2,Zsize(2)/2)) centerLon = long(Lon1(dum1/2,dum2/2)) endelse if (centerLon lt -180.) or (centerLon gt 180.) then begin wGoodn=n_elements(wGood) ; clon=Lon1(wGood) ; if(wGoodn ne 0) then centerLon=long(clon(wGood(wGoodn/2))) else $ if(wGoodn ne 0) then centerLon=long(Lon1(wGood(wGoodn/2))) else $ print, 'ERROR=No valid centerLon point found' endif ; In order to handle image flips when projected ; Check neighbor point to centerLat and flip image ; if(centerLat_1 lt centerLat) then begin ; centerLon=centerLon+180.0 ; if(centerLon gt 180.0) then centerLon=centerLon-360.0 ; endif if (centerLon lt -180) or (centerLon gt 180.) then begin if debug then message, string('Bad centerLon = ', centerLon), /inform centerLon = 0. endif endif else begin if (n_elements(centerLonLat) ne 2) then begin msgText = 'centerLonLat must be an array of size 2' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif centerLon = centerLonLat(0) centerLat = centerLonLat(1) ; centerLat=10.0 ; centerLon=65.0 endelse ;print, 'TJK DEBUG: centerlon = ',centerlon,' centerlat = ',centerlat if keyword_set(centerPole) then begin ; define at closest pole centerLat = 90. * sign(centerLat) centerLon = centerLon ;TJK 1/21/04 check if latitude values are correct for south pole, their order needs to be if keyword_set(rangeLonLat) then $ ;switched for S.Pole, otherwise continents don't show if (centerlat lt 0) then rangeLonLat=[centerLat,-180.0,-40.0,180.0] ; RTB 3/98 if NOT keyword_set(rangeLonLat) then $ if(centerLat gt 0) then rangeLonLat=[40.0,-180.0,centerLat,180.0] else $ rangeLonLat=[centerLat,-180.0,-40.0,180.0] endif if debug then message, /inform, $ string('DEBUG: centerLon, centerLat = ', centerLon, centerLat) ; find the min and max lat/lon values if (n_elements(rangeLonLat) gt 0) then begin if (n_elements(rangeLonLat) ne 4) then begin msgText = 'rangeLonLat not size 4' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif minLon = rangeLonLat(1) minLat = rangeLonLat(0) maxLon = rangeLonLat(3) maxLat = rangeLonLat(2) endif else begin minLat = (centerLat - 90.) > (-90.) & maxLat = (centerLat + 90.) < (90.) if (abs(centerLat) lt 1.e-5) then begin ; near equator minLon = (centerLon - 90.) & maxLon = (centerLon + 90.) endif else begin ; near pole minLon = (centerLon - 180.) & maxLon = (centerLon + 180.) endelse endelse ; Reduce longitudes while minLon gt 180. do minLon = minLon - 360. while minLon lt (-180.) do minLon = minLon + 360. while maxLon gt 180. do maxLon = maxLon - 360. while maxLon lt (-180.) do maxLon = maxLon + 360. ; Wrap around? Allow for round-off. if (maxLon-1.0e-5) lt minLon then maxLon = maxLon + 360. if debug then message, /inform, 'DEBUG:minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat='+ $ string(minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat, format='(f6.1,1x,f5.1,1x,f6.1,1x,f5.1)') ; Lat -90:90; Lon -180:180; rot -180:180 positive clockwise for map_set if n_elements(rotation) gt 0 then rotate1 = rotation(0) else rotate1 = 0. ; ### could try to compute a rotation matching original image, 2-dim case only minZ1 = minZ & maxZ1 = maxZ ; #### do log before or after interpolating??? Z2 = Z1 if (Zsize(Zsize(0)+1) ne 1) then begin ; not Byte array if logZ then begin wh = where(Z1 le 0, wc) if (wc eq 0) then begin Z2 = alog10(Z1) endif else begin Z2 = Z1*0 ; all 0's wh = where(Z1 gt 0, wc) if (wc gt 0) then Z2(wh) = alog10(Z1(wh)) endelse if (minZ le 0.) then minZ1 = 0. else minZ1 = alog10(minZ) if (maxZ le 0.) then maxZ1 = 0. else maxZ1 = alog10(maxZ) endif endif ; RTB commented out next 1 lines, done in plot_map_images ;xmargin = !x.margin ; & ymargin = !y.margin if doColorBar then if (!x.omargin(1)+!x.margin(1)) lt 14 then !x.margin(1) = 14 ;;;pPosition = !p.position ; save for later ;;;w = where(pPosition eq 0, wc) ;;;if (n_elements(position) ne 0) then positiont = position else $ ;;; if (wc ne 4) then positiont = pPosition else $ ;;; positiont = [0.1, 0.1, 0.88, 0.9] ;if n_elements(nLon) le 0 then nLon = 50 < Zsize(1) ;if n_elements(nLat) le 0 then nLat = 50 < Zsize(2) ; ###? if n_elements(nLon) le 0 then if is1dim then nLon = long(sqrt(Zsize(1))) > 30 $ else nLon = Zsize(1) > 30 if n_elements(nLat) le 0 then if is1dim then nLat = long(sqrt(Zsize(1))) > 30 $ else nLat = Zsize(2) > 30 tvlct, red1, green1, blue1, /get allColor = long(red1) + green1 + blue1 temp = min(allColor, wBlack);wBlack index into color table for lowest intensity temp = max(allColor, wWhite);wWhite index into color table for highest intensity if (n_elements(mapColor) le 0) then mapColor = wWhite ; or !p.background if (n_elements(mapCharSize) le 0) then mapCharSize = 1.0 if (n_elements(title) eq 0) then title = '' if (n_elements(altitude) le 0) then altitude=2.0 else altitude=altitude > 1.1 if (n_elements(method) le 0) then begin method1 = "PL" ; plots default endif else begin if (strlen(method) lt 2) then begin method1 = "PL" ; plots default endif else begin method1 = strupcase(strmid(method, 0, 2)) endelse endelse ; method if (method1 ne "TV") and (method1 ne "QU") then begin ; map setup limitVec = [minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon] revLimit = [minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat] ; RTB added 8/17/98 find valid map corners if(method1 eq "MP") then begin lats=find_valid_edge(Lat1,wGood) lons=find_valid_edge(Lon1,wGood) limitVec=[lats(0),lons(0),lats(1),lons(1),lats(2),lons(2),lats(3),lons(3)] revLimit=[lats(0),lons(0),lats(1),lons(1),lats(2),lons(2),lats(3),lons(3)] endif ; ##### min/maxLon may have to exceed -180:180 ; set up the map projection ; #### which default projection? if n_elements(proj) gt 0 then iproj = proj else iproj = 7 ; assume satellite if (iproj lt 1) or (iproj gt 18) then iproj = 7 ; 1=stereo, 2=ortho, 3=cone, 4=lamb, 5=gnom, 6=azim, 7=satel, 9=merc, 10=moll, ; 14=sinu, 15=aitoff (> 8 are cylindrical except 14, add 3 for simple proj) ; use 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 ; proj_names = $ ; from IDL 5 ; ["", "Stereographic", "Orthographic", "LambertConic", "LambertAzimuthal", $ ; "Gnomic", "AzimuthalEquidistant", "Satellite", "Cylindrical", $ ; "Mercator", "Mollweide", "Sinusoidal", "Aitoff", "HammerAitoff", $ ; "AlbersEqualAreaConic", "TransverseMercator", $ ; "MillerCylindrical", "Robinson"] if (n_elements(rangeLonLat) ne 4) then begin map_set, centerLat,centerLon,rotate1, proj=iproj, charsize=1.2*mapCharSize,$ isotropic=isotropic, title=title, /noerase, $ ; RTB added noerase & title central_azimuth=central_azimuth,$ /whole_map, sat_p=[altitude,0.,0.], /noborder, color=mapColor, $ position=position, _Extra=extra ; RTB added position revLimit = !map.ll_box ; if limitvec is not used endif else begin map_set, centerLat,centerLon,rotate1, proj=iproj, charsize=1.2*mapCharSize,$ isotropic=isotropic, /noerase, title=title,$ ; RTB added noerase & title central_azimuth=central_azimuth,$ /whole_map, sat_p=[altitude,0.,0.], /noborder, color=mapColor, $ limit=limitVec, $;limit=rangeLonLat, /advance, /horizon, $ position=position, _Extra=extra ; RTB added position revLimit = !map.ll_box; if limitvec is not used endelse if (keyword_set(continent) and keyword_set(fill_cont)) then $ map_continents, color=mapColor, /fill_continents if debug then message, /inform, 'DEBUG: revLimit = '+ $ string(revLimit, format='(f6.1,1x,f5.1,1x,f6.1,1x,f5.1)') endif ; not TV or Quick case method1 of "EA": begin ; Emily's nearest neighbor filling method if not is1dim then return; must be 1-D array ; remove bad values which reduces to 1-dim arrays if (wBadc gt 0) then begin Lat1 = Lat1(wGood) & Lon1 = Lon1(wGood) & Z2 = Z2(wGood) endif ; convert points to normalized space pAll = convert_coord(Lon1, Lat1, /to_normal) for i=0L,n_elements(Lon1)-1 do begin ;convert to polar coordinates around current point polar = CV_COORD(FROM_RECT=[(pAll(0,*) - pAll(0,i)), (pAll(1,*) - pAll(1,i))], /TO_POLAR, /degrees) ; remove 0s and points too far away close = where (polar[1,*] gt 0. and polar[1,*] lt radius, count) ; create a default circle, including close halfway values if (count le 0) then begin ;nothing close theta = [indgen(10)*360./10.] r = [replicate(radius/3., 10)] endif else begin ; some close points theta = [indgen(10)*360./10., reform(polar(0,close))] r = [replicate(radius/3., 10), reform(polar(1,close))/2.] endelse ; sort around circle in order sorted = sort(theta) sorted = [sorted, sorted(0)] ;make complete circle ; remove default circle points within degrees of real point for j = 0L,n_elements(theta)-1 do begin if ((theta(sorted(j+1)) - theta(sorted(j))) lt degrees) then begin if (r(sorted(j)) eq radius/3.) then begin sorted(j) = -1 ; print, "dropping ", j, r(sorted(j)) endif else if (r(sorted(j+1)) eq radius/3.) then begin sorted(j+1) = -1 j = j + 1 ; print, "dropping ", j+1, r(sorted(j+1)) endif endif endfor sorted = sorted(where(sorted ge 0)) ; remove -1s ; convert back to rectangular buggy = transpose([[theta(sorted)], [r(sorted)]]) rect = CV_COORD(From_polar=buggy, /to_rect, /degrees) Lon2 = rect[0,*] + pAll(0,i) Lat2 = rect[1,*] + pAll(1,i) ; fix outside image problem good = where (lon2 le 1. and lon2 ge 0. and Lat2 le 1. and lat2 ge -1.) ; make an n-sided polygon with the n closest neighbors Zb = doByteScale([Z2[i]],minZ1,maxZ1,Zsize,wBad,flipColorBar,1) polyfill, Lon2(good), Lat2(good), color=Zb(0), /normal, noclip=0, _Extra=extra endfor end ; EAG method "TV": begin ; TV method if is1dim then begin msgText = 'TV method requires 2-dimensional Z array' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif if (n_elements(tvScale) gt 0) then tvscale = fix(tvScale) > 1 else tvScale=1 Zb = doByteScale(Z2, minZ1, maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, 0) ; is1dim xWinsize = nLon * tvScale yWinsize = nLat * tvScale maxWinSize = max([xWinsize, yWinsize]) if (!d.flags and 1L) then $ ; scalable pixels (Postscript) tv, Zb, xsize=float(xWinsize)/maxWinSize, $ ysize=float(yWinsize)/maxWinsize, /normal, _Extra=extra else $ tv, rebin(Zb, xWinSize, yWinSize, /sample), _Extra=extra end ; TV method "QU": begin ; Quick method ; quick plot of raw Z array if is1dim then begin msgText = 'Quick method requires 2-dimensional Z array' if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText endif Zb = doByteScale(Z2, minZ1, maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, 0) ; is1dim ; plot, [minLon, maxLon], [minLat, maxLat], $ ; position = positiont, $ plot, [0, nLon], [0, nLat], $ ; position = positiont, $ /nodata, xstyle=1+4, ystyle=1+4+16, _Extra=extra px = !x.window*!d.x_size py = !y.window*!d.y_size xWinsize = px(1)-px(0) yWinsize = py(1)-py(0) ; even scale??? xr = !x.crange(1) - !x.crange(0) ; data range in data coordinates yr = !y.crange(1) - !y.crange(0) ratio = max([float(xr)/xWinSize, float(yr)/yWinSize]) xWinSize = xr / ratio yWinSize = yr / ratio if (!d.flags and 1L) then $ ; scalable pixels (Postscript) tv, Zb, px(0), py(0), xsize=xWinsize, ysize=yWinsize else $ tv, congrid(Zb,xWinsize,yWinsize), px(0), py(0) ; plot, [minLon, maxLon], [minLat, maxLat], $ ; position = positiont, $ plot, [0, nLon], [0, nLat], $ ; position = positiont, $ /nodata, xstyle=1+4, ystyle=1+4+16, _Extra=extra, /noerase end ; Quick method "PL": begin ; Plots method ; remove bad values which reduces to 1-dim arrays if (wBadc gt 0) then begin Lat1 = Lat1(wGood) & Lon1 = Lon1(wGood) & Z2 = Z2(wGood) endif Zb = doByteScale(Z2, minZ1, maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, 1) ; is1dim nsides = 6 ; 16 avec = findgen(nsides) * (!pi*2/nsides) usersym, cos(avec), sin(avec), /fill ; plot a black background circle before plotting data to remove distractions nsides = 720 avec = findgen(nsides) * (!pi*2/nsides) xavec = (!x.window(1)-!x.window(0))/2. * (1.+cos(avec)) + !x.window(0) yavec = (!y.window(1)-!y.window(0))/2. * (1.+sin(avec)) + !y.window(0) ; polyfill, xavec, yavec, color=wBlack, /normal ; black background ; plots, Lon1, Lat1, color=Zb, psym=8, /clip, _Extra=extra ; ;plots, Lon1, Lat1, color=Zb, psym=8, noclip=0 ; , symsize=? ; plots, [0.0], [-90.0], color=!d.n_colors-1, psym=8, noclip=0, symsize=0.5 ; plots, [0.0], [90.0], color=!d.n_colors-1, psym=8, noclip=0 ,symsize=0.5 plots, Lon1, Lat1, color=Zb, psym=8, _Extra=extra plots, [0.0], [-90.0], color=!d.n_colors-1, psym=8, symsize=0.5 plots, [0.0], [90.0], color=!d.n_colors-1, psym=8, symsize=0.5 end ; Plots method "MP": begin ; Map Overlay method ; remove bad values which reduces to 1-dim arrays if (wBadc gt 0) then begin Lat1 = Lat1(wGood) & Lon1 = Lon1(wGood) & Z2 = Z2(wGood) endif Zb = doByteScale(Z2, minZ1, maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, 1) ; is1dim nsides = 6 ; 16 avec = findgen(nsides) * (!pi*2/nsides) usersym, cos(avec), sin(avec), /fill ; plot a black background circle before plotting data to remove distractions nsides = 720 avec = findgen(nsides) * (!pi*2/nsides) xavec = (!x.window(1)-!x.window(0))/2. * (1.+cos(avec)) + !x.window(0) yavec = (!y.window(1)-!y.window(0))/2. * (1.+sin(avec)) + !y.window(0) ; polyfill, xavec, yavec, color=wBlack, /normal ; black background plots, Lon1, Lat1, color=Zb, psym=8, /clip, _Extra=extra ;plots, Lon1, Lat1, color=Zb, psym=8, noclip=0 ; , symsize=? plots, [0.0], [-90.0], color=!d.n_colors-1, psym=8, noclip=0, symsize=0.5 plots, [0.0], [90.0], color=!d.n_colors-1, psym=8, noclip=0 ,symsize=0.5 end ; Plots method "PO": begin ; Polyfill method if is1dim then begin ; #### maybe 2-dim also?? ; remove bad values which reduces to 1-dim arrays if (wBadc gt 0) then begin Lat1 = Lat1(wGood) & Lon1 = Lon1(wGood) & Z2 = Z2(wGood) endif ; triangulate, Lon1, Lat1, triangles, bounds, sphere=tridata, fvalue=Z2, $ ; /degrees, repeats = repeats, connectivity=list triangulate, Lon1, Lat1, triangles, sphere=tridata, fvalue=Z2, /degrees ; ### Z2(10150) is rearranged from before ;,3) ranges +/-1 ; tridata.iend(10150) ranges 4-60881 for 10150 triangles ; tridata.iadj(60900) ranges 0-10150 ; repeats = [-1,-1] ; bounds is small array of indices < 10150 ; triangles(3,20285) ; list() where list(list(i):list(i+1)-1) has nodes adjacent to i ; Zb = doByteScale(Z2, minZ1, maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, 1) pAll = convert_coord(Lon1, Lat1, /data, /to_normal) pLon = pAll(0,*) & pLat = pAll(1,*) for i=0L,n_elements(triangles(0,*))-1 do begin tri1 = triangles(*,i) Lon3 = Lon1(tri1) & Lat3 = Lat1(tri1) ;### which average scheme is best? ; Zb1 = avg(Zb(tri1)) ; average byte values ; Zb1 = Zb(tri1(0)) ; faster than avg and as accurate? only small bar Zb1 = doByteScale([avg(Z2(tri1))],minZ1,maxZ1,Zsize,wBad,flipColorBar,1) if (total(abs(pLon(tri1)-shift(pLon(tri1),1))) lt 0.1) and $ (total(abs(pLat(tri1)-shift(pLat(tri1),1))) lt 0.1) then $ polyfill, Lon3, Lat3, color=Zb1(0), noclip=0, _Extra=extra endfor endif else begin ; 2-dim Zb = doByteScale(Z2, minZ1, maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, 0) ; is1dim ; remove bad values but keep 2-dim arrays pAll = convert_coord(Lon1, Lat1, /data, /to_normal) pLon = pAll(0,*) & pLat = pAll(1,*) for i=1L,Zsize(1)-1 do for j=1L,Zsize(2)-1 do begin ; plot rhombus indices = [(j-1)*Zsize(1)+(i-1), (j-1)*Zsize(1)+i, $ j*Zsize(1)+i, j*Zsize(1)+(i-1)] ; Z3=Z2(indices) same as Z3 = [Z2(i-1,j-1), Z2(i,j-1), Z2(i,j), Z2(i-1,j)] Lon3 = Lon1(indices) & Lat3 = Lat1(indices) & Z3 = Z2(indices) pLon3 = pLon(indices) & pLat3 = pLat(indices) ; could split into 2 triangles with Zb1=Zb(i-1,j-1) and Zb1=Zb(i,j) ; indices3a = [(j-1)*Zsize(1)+(i-1), (j-1)*Zsize(1)+i, j*Zsize(1)+i] ; indices3b = [(j-1)*Zsize(1)+i, j*Zsize(1)+i, j*Zsize(1)+(i-1)] ; p = convert_coord(Lon3, Lat3, /data, /to_normal) w = where((Zb(indices) le 0) or (Lon3 lt -180) or (Lon3 gt 180) or $ (Lat3 lt -90) or (Lat3 gt 90) or $ (abs(pLon3-shift(pLon3,1)) gt 0.1) or $ (abs(pLat3-shift(pLat3,1)) gt 0.1), wc) if (wc le 0) then begin ; ### select one corner value or average? ; Zb1 = Zb(i,j) Zb1 = doByteScale([avg(Z3)], minZ1,maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, 1) ; is1dim polyfill, Lon3, Lat3, color=Zb1(0), noclip=0 ;, thick=3 endif endfor plots, [0.0], [-90.0], color=!d.n_colors-1, psym=8, noclip=0, symsize=0.5 plots, [0.0], [90.0], color=!d.n_colors-1, psym=8, noclip=0 ,symsize=0.5 endelse ; 2-dim end ; Polyfill method "MA": begin ; Map_image method ; remove bad values which reduces to 1-dim arrays if (wBadc gt 0) then begin Lat1 = Lat1(wGood) & Lon1 = Lon1(wGood) & Z2 = Z2(wGood) endif if keyword_set(slow) then begin & quintic = 1 & bilinear = 1 & endif $ else begin & quintic = 0 & bilinear = 0 & endelse triangulate, Lon1, Lat1, triangles, bounds, sphere=tridata, fvalue=Z2, $ /degrees, repeats = repeats ; Z2 = transpose(Z2) ; #### Z2 is Lon by Lat? ;### gridSpacing = [maxLon - minLon, maxLat - minLat] / float([nLon-1, nLat-1]) gridSpacing = [1., 1.] ; [deltaLon, deltaLat] in degrees if debug then message, /inform, $ string('DEBUG: gridSpacing (Lon, Lat)= ', gridSpacing) ; #### could not specify gridSpacing and revLimit? if (quintic eq 0) then begin mapimage = trigrid (Z2, gridSpacing, revLimit, sphere=tridata, /degrees) ; max_Value=maxZ1, min_Value=minZ1, missing=fillZ ; minZ1 endif else begin mapimage = trigrid (Z2, gridSpacing, revLimit, sphere=tridata, /degrees, $ /quintic, extrapolate=bounds) ; max_Value=maxZ1, min_Value=minZ1, missing=fillZ ; minZ1 endelse ;###### or ,missing=!p.background ;maxLon1 = maxLon > (-180) < 180 & minLon1 = minLon > (-180) < 180 ;maxLat1 = maxLat > (-90) < 90 & minLat1 = minLat > (-90) < 90 maxLon1 = maxLon & minLon1 = minLon maxLat1 = maxLat & minLat1 = minLat ;#### is following true? ;if (maxLon1 lt 0) then maxLon1 = maxLon1 + 360. ; map_image seems to want 0:360 ;if (minLon1 lt 0) then minLon1 = minLon1 + 360. ; map_image seems to want 0:360 ;if (centerLon lt 0) then centerLon = centerLon + 360. ; map_image seems to want 0:360 ;#### need to do same thing for min/maxLat1 ?; need to do this for centerlat/lon ; this command warps the input image to the defined mapping ; ### mapimage = transpose(mapimage) maxLon1 = revLimit(2) & minLon1 = revLimit(0) ; based on edges of mapimage maxLat1 = revLimit(3) & minLat1 = revLimit(1) image = map_image(mapimage, startx, starty, xWinsize, yWinsize, $ latmin=minLat1, latmax=maxLat1, lonmin=minLon1, lonmax=maxLon1, $ bilinear=bilinear, /whole_map, missing=!p.background) ; compress=1) ; $ ; compress def=4 ; scale=0.05, $ ; Postscript scaling, def=0.02 ; max_value=maxZ1, min_Value=minZ1) ;### add scale keywords??? Zb = doByteScale(image, minZ1, maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, 1) ; is1dim tv, Zb, startx, starty, xsize=xWinsize, ysize=yWinsize end ; Map_image method "DI": begin ; Dilate method ; technique copied from from CIMSS/SSEC, ; 26-JUL-1996 ; suggested by Hermann Mannstein ( ; remove bad values which reduces to 1-dim arrays if (wBadc gt 0) then begin Lat1 = Lat1(wGood) & Lon1 = Lon1(wGood) & Z2 = Z2(wGood) endif maxLon1 = revLimit(2) & minLon1 = revLimit(0) ; based on edges of mapimage maxLat1 = revLimit(3) & minLat1 = revLimit(1) Zb = doByteScale(Z2, minZ1, maxZ1, Zsize, wBad, flipColorBar, 1) ; is1dim px = !x.window*!d.x_size py = !y.window*!d.y_size xWinsize = px(1)-px(0) yWinsize = py(1)-py(0) ;- create resampled byte image p = convert_coord(Lon1, Lat1, /data, /to_device ) newimage = bytarr( !d.x_size, !d.y_size ) newimage( p( 0, * ), p( 1, * ) ) = Zb ;- get image coordinates of map projection corners ; p = convert_coord( [minLon1,maxLon1], [minLat1,maxLat1], /data, /to_device ) ; if (p(0,0) gt 1.e+10) then p(0,0) = 0 ; off projection ; if (p(1,0) gt 1.e+10) then p(1,0) = 0 ; off projection ; if (p(0,1) gt 1.e+10) then p(0,1) = !d.x_size ; off projection ; if (p(1,1) gt 1.e+10) then p(1,1) = !d.y_size ; off projection ;- extract portion of image corresponding to map limits ; newimage = temporary( newimage( p(0,0):p(0,1), p(1,0):p(1,1) ) ) ;- fill holes in resampled image fill = dilate( newimage, replicate( 1, 2, 2 ), /gray ) loc = where( newimage eq 0, wc ) if (wc gt 0) then newimage( loc ) = fill( loc ) fill = 0 ;- display resampled image tv, newimage, p( 0, 0 ), p( 1, 0 ), xsize=xWinsize, ysize=yWinsize end ; Dilate method else: begin msgText = 'Method unknown: ' + string(method) if doStatus then begin message, msgText, /info & status = -1L & return endif else message, msgText end ; else case endcase if (method1 ne "TV") and (method1 ne "QU") then begin if not keyword_set(nogrid) then begin if keyword_set(mltgrid) then begin lons=[180.,-45.,-90.,-135,0.,45.,90.,135.,180.] lonnames=['0','','6','','12','','18','','0'] if(centerLat gt 0) then begin lonlb=45.0 latlb=-135.0 endif else begin lonlb=-45 latlb=135.0 endelse map_grid,/label,latdel=10,color=mapColor,charsize=mapCharSize*1.5, $ LONS=lons, LONNAMES=lonnames,LONLAB=lonlb,LATLAB=latlb ;LONS=lons, LONNAMES=lonnames,LONLAB=45.0,LATLAB=-135.0 endif else begin ;if error_status ne 0 then begin ; print, 'WARNING=An IDL map_grid error has occurred in'; ; print, 'STATUS=Map registration maybe in error. Re-select time interval.'; ; ;map_grid ; stop ;endif ;map_grid,latdel=10,color=mapColor,charsize=mapCharSize,_Extra=extra ; RCJ 03/12/2003 Commented out the 'if error_status' above and ; removed the latdel=10 from the call to map_grid. map_grid,color=mapColor,charsize=mapCharSize,_Extra=extra endelse endif ;TJK 3/30/2004 - added use of mlinethick which is passed through "xtra" keyword ;and at this time just set in if (keyword_set(continent) and not keyword_set(fill_cont)) then begin map_continents, color=mapColor, MLINETHICK=MLINETHICK endif endif ; not TV or Quick if doColorBar then begin if (n_elements(ctitle) eq 0) then ctitle = '' if (n_elements(cCharSize) eq 0) then cCharSize = 0. offset = 0.01 colorbar, cscale, ctitle, logZ=logZ, cCharSize=cCharSize, $ position=[!x.window(1)+offset, !y.window(0),$ !x.window(1)+offset+0.03, !y.window(1)] endif ; colorbar ;!p.Position = pPosition ; restore ;;RTB commented !x.margin = xmargin ;!y.margin = ymargin return end ; auroral_image