;The following two functions, Read_master_cdf and write_data_to_cdf are ;intended to be used together. The general purpose is to allow someone who might ;have data that's possibly stored in IDL save sets, to use the routines to ;setup the "structure" of the cdf w/ a skeleton cdf. Then add their data to the ;cdf variables by simply setting the pointer variables and then write the data out ;to the desired cdf w/ the write_data_to_cdf routine. ; ;So a user's program might look like the following (w/o the comment characters): ; ;out_cdf = 'hk_test.cdf' ; ;; Read the master cdf, copy its contents to our out_cdf and define a structure, ;; in this case "buf1" so that I may add the data to the variables. ; ;buf1 = read_master_cdf('hk_h0_vlf_00000000_v01.cdf',out_cdf) ; ;;buf1, would look like (a tag for each variable): ; EPOCH STRUCT -> Array[1] ; E_FREQ STRUCT -> Array[1] ; E_FREQ_DELTA STRUCT -> Array[1] ; ;;help, /struct, buf1.epoch would reveal the structure for each variable ; VARNAME STRING 'e_spd' ; DATA POINTER ; ; ;Note: when needing to add character data to a string variable, you ;must blank fill your character arrays to match the variable size that ;you've defined in the cdf. Here's an example: ; ;! Variable Data Number Record Dimension ;! Name Type Elements Dims Sizes Variance Variances ;! -------- ---- -------- ---- ----- -------- --------- ; ; "ask_names" ; CDF_CHAR 4 1 5 F T ; ; ! Attribute Data ; ! Name Type Value ; ! -------- ---- ----- ; ; "FIELDNAM" CDF_CHAR { "ask_names" } ; "FORMAT" CDF_CHAR { "A4" } ; "VAR_TYPE" CDF_CHAR { "metadata" } ; "VAR_NOTES" CDF_CHAR { "Names of stations with data in file" } . ; ; ! NRV values follow... ; ; [1] = { " " } ; [2] = { " " } ; [3] = { " " } ; [4] = { " " } ; [5] = { " " } ; ;So, when defining the values to be loaded into the array elements, they ;must be, in this case, 4 characters long. If they are shorter, w/o ;blank filling to 4 characters, they will not load. ; ;restore an IDL save set containing the data values for some variables ;restore, 'hk_vlf_74300.sav' ; ;Epoch = double(num_rec) ;espd = fltarr(16,num_rec) ;bspd = fltarr(16,num_rec) ;bave = fltarr(num_rec) ;pos_mag = fltarr(3,num_rec) ;pos_gsm = fltarr(3,num_rec) ;seqno = indgen(num_rec) ; ;; copy values out of idl save set ;Epoch = arec.EPOCH ;espd = arec.spde ;bspd = arec.spdb ;bave = arec.BAVE ;pos_mag(0,*) = arec.RE ;pos_mag(1,*) = arec.MLAT ;pos_mag(2,*) = arec.MLT ;pos_gsm(0,*) = arec.XGSM ;pos_gsm(1,*) = arec.YGSM ;pos_gsm(2,*) = arec.ZGSM ; ;; Now set the buf1 structure data pointers for each variable to the appropriate ;; data arrays/values. ; ;*buf1.Epoch.data = epoch ;*buf1.E_SPD.data = espd ;*buf1.B_SPD.data = bspd ;*buf1.BAVE.data = bave ;*buf1.pos_mag.data = pos_mag ;*buf1.pos_GSM.data = pos_gsm ;*buf1.activity_index.data = seqno ; ;;write data in the above pointers back out to our new cdf ; ;stat2 = write_data_to_cdf(out_cdf, buf1) ; ;end ; ; ; ;Function: Read_master_cdf ;Purpose: To copy a "master" cdf and then read just the "data" and ;"support_data" variables from it and create an IDL structure where each ;structure tag is the name of a variable. Each variable tag will then point ;to a data pointer. This structure is then returned to the user so that ;they can fill each data pointer w/ the real data. Once each pointer is ;assigned real data, the user should call the write_data_to_cdf function ;(below) ; ;Input arguments: ; master_cdf - name of the "skeleton/master" cdf which contains the ; cdf's metadata and variable "structure". ; output_cdf - name of cdf file that will ultimately contain the metadata ; and data. ;Keywords: ; debug - set this if you want to see a few status messages ; ;Output: ; final - an idl structure which looks like the following: ; ;Modification History: ; Initial version written by Tami Kovalick, Raytheon ITSS 12/1/1999 ; ;this function returns a structure Function read_master_cdf, master_cdf, output_cdf, debug=debug ;1st make a copy of the master into the requested output cdf cmd = strarr(3) cmd(0) = "cp" cmd(1) = master_cdf cmd(2) = output_cdf spawn, cmd, /noshell ; ; now change the protection so that updates can be made to the new cdf ; HAL 8/1/2000 ; cmd(0) = "chmod" cmd(1) = "+w" cmd(2) = output_cdf spawn, cmd, /noshell ;set the quiet flag so that various non relevant CDF warning messages are ;not displayed. !quiet = 1 ;now work on the output_cdf ;get the list of data variables from the cdf ;TJK 11/7/2006 - change this to just get all the variables in one call ;data_vars = get_allvarnames(cname=output_cdf, var_type='data') ;meta_vars = get_allvarnames(cname=output_cdf, var_type='support_data') all_vars = get_allvarnames(cname=output_cdf) if keyword_set(debug) then print, 'Setting up an IDL structure for the following variables ',all_vars num_vars = n_elements(all_vars) for d = 0, num_vars-1 do begin meta = create_struct('varname', all_vars(d)) ptr = create_struct('data',ptr_new(/allocate_heap)) d_struct = create_struct(meta, ptr) if (d eq 0) then final = create_struct(all_vars(d),d_struct) if (d gt 0) then begin d_struct = create_struct(all_vars(d),d_struct) final = create_struct(final, d_struct) endif endfor return, final end function write_data_to_cdf, output_cdf, a_struct, debug=debug ;Purpose: To take a structure produced by read_master_cdf and insert the "data" ;arrays into their associated CDF variables. The routine also defines the ;global attribute logical_file_id for the output_cdf to be the filename ;specified with any directory and .cdf extensions stripped off. ; ;Note: the data pointers for each of the variables need to be filled in by ;the calling program. ; ;Written by TJK 11/12/1999 num_vars = n_tags(a_struct) if (num_vars gt 0) then begin cdf_id = cdf_open(output_cdf) ;need to determine the logical_file_id which is just the filename ;not including any directory/pathname and not including the .cdf extension. logical_file_id = output_cdf period = rstrpos(logical_file_id, '.') ;find position of last '.' if (period gt -1) then logical_file_id = strmid(output_cdf,0,period) slash = rstrpos(logical_file_id, '/') ;find position of last '/' if (slash gt -1) then logical_file_id = strmid(logical_file_id,slash+1) if (cdf_id gt 0) then begin if keyword_set(debug) then print, 'Successfully opened CDF ',output_cdf attid = cdf_attnum(cdf_id, 'Logical_file_id') ; need to change the logical_file_id global attribute here... if (attid ge 0) then cdf_attput, cdf_id, attid, 0L, logical_file_id if keyword_set(debug) then print, 'Changed logical_file_id attribute to ',logical_file_id for i = 0, num_vars - 1 do begin ;test to make sure some data is actually in the data pointer if (size(*a_struct.(i).data,/type) gt 0) then begin cdf_varput, cdf_id, a_struct.(i).varname, *a_struct.(i).data if keyword_set(debug) then print, 'data put in cdf var, ',a_struct.(i).varname endif else begin if keyword_set(debug) then print, 'No data found in pointer for ',a_struct.(i).varname endelse endfor endif else print, 'Could not open CDF ',output_cdf cdf_close, cdf_id endif else begin print, 'No variables in structure. ' help, /struct, a_struct endelse for i = 0, num_vars - 1 do begin if (ptr_valid(a_struct.(i).data)) then begin if keyword_set(debug) then print, 'Freeing pointer for ',a_struct.(i).varname ptr_free, a_struct.(i).data if (ptr_valid(a_struct.(i).data) and keyword_set(debug)) then print, 'Pointer not deleted.' endif endfor !quiet = 0; turn messages back on return, 1 end