This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 24 12:41:17 2009.
NAME: SEGMENT_TEST.PRO PURPOSE: Check a spinmodel segment structure to ensure that the model parameters b and c are consistent with the start and end times and spin counts CATEGORY: TDAS CALLING SEQUENCE: segment_test,probe,segment,result INPUTS: probe: A single character probe letter (only used in output messages). segment: A spinmodel_segment structure. OUTPUTS: result: 0 for failure, 1 for success KEYWORDS: None. PROCEDURE: Calls segment_interp_t to get spin count and spin phase at segment start/end times. Calls segment_interp_n to get sun pulse times of segment start/end counts. Cross check results of segment_interp_t and segment_interp_n, verifying that interp_t and interp_n results are consistent within modest tolerances (100 usec for times, 0.1 deg for phase angles). Check maxgap field against 4-hour threshold; large gaps are likely a result of missing data. EXAMPLE: mptr=spinmodel_get_ptr('a') sptr=(*mptr).segs_ptr segment_test,'a',(*sptr)[0],result Written by: Jim Lewis ( Change Date: 2007-10-08
(See themis/spin/
NAME: SPINMODEL_GET_PTR.PRO PURPOSE: Returns a pointer to the spin model, specified by a single letter probe designation ('a' through 'f'). This is to avoid having to define the spinmodel common block all over the place. CATEGORY: TDAS CALLING SEQUENCE: model_ptr=spinmodel_get_ptr('a') INPUTS: probe: A scalar character, one of 'a' through 'f', specifying which model pointer to return. OUTPUTS: model_ptr: The return value is a pointer to the specified spin model, suitable for passing to the other spinmodel manipulation routines. KEYWORDS: None. PROCEDURE: Test probe argument for validity; return appropriate value from the spinmodel_common block. EXAMPLE: model_ptr=spinmodel_get_ptr('a') spinmodel_test,model_ptr Written by: Jim Lewis ( Change Date: 2007-10-08
(See themis/spin/
NAME: SPINMODEL_INTERP_N.PRO PURPOSE: Given a spin model and spin count (or array of counts), calculate the sun pulse time and spin period at each input count. CATEGORY: TDAS CALLING SEQUENCE: spinmodel_interp_n,model=modelptr,count=input_counts,$ time=output_times, spinper=output_spinper INPUTS: Model: pointer to a spinmodel structure Count: A long integer (or long integer array) specifying the spin count to use. If the input is a scalar, all outputs will be scalars; otherwise, all outputs are arrays having the same size as the input counts. OUTPUTS: spinper: Optional keyword parameter to receive spin period values. time: Optional keyword parameter to receive sun pulse time of each input count. KEYWORDS: /MODEL: Required input keyword argument, specifying a pointer to a spinmodel structure. /COUNT: Required input keyword argument specifying a time or array of times. /SPINPER: Optional keyword argument to receive spin period values. /TIME: Optional keyword argument to receive sun pulse times. PROCEDURE: Find the spinmodel segment containing the input spin count. Invert phi(t) function to find time corresponding to this count. Use b and c segment parameters to determine the spin period at the sunpulse time. EXAMPLE: ; Retrieve first 100 sun pulse times included in model for THA: modelptr=spinmodel_get_ptr('a') spinmodel_interp_n,model=modelptr,count=lindgen(100),time=output_times
(See themis/spin/
NAME: SPINMODEL_INTERP_T.PRO PURPOSE: Given a spin model and time (or array of times), calculate the spin count, spin phase, spin period, and time of last sun pulse for each input time. CATEGORY: TDAS CALLING SEQUENCE: spinmodel_interp_t,model=modelptr,time=input_times,$ spincount=output_spincount, spinper=output_spinper,$ t_last=output_sun_pulse_times INPUTS: Model: pointer to s spinmodel structure Time: A double precision scalar or array specifying the input times. If the input is a scalar, all outputs will be scalars; otherwise, all outputs are arrays having the same size as the input times. OUTPUTS: spinper: Optional keyword parameter to receive spin period values. tlast: Optional keyword parameter to receive sun pulse time immediately preceding each input time. spincount: Optional keyword parameter to receive count of spins since the start of the model. spinphase: Optional keyword parameter to receive the spin phase (ranging from 0.0 to 360.0 degrees) at each input time. KEYWORDS: /MODEL: Required input keyword argument, specifying a pointer to a spinmodel structure. /TIME: Required input keyword argument specifying a time or array of times. /SPINPER: Optional keyword argument to receive spin period values. /T_LAST: Optional keyword argument to receive sun pulse times /SPINCOUNT: Optional keyword argument to receive spin counts /SPINPHASE: Optional keyword argument to receive spin phase PROCEDURE: Find the spinmodel segment containing the input time. Use b and c segment parameters to determine the spin period, spin phase, and spin count at each input time Invert phi(t) function to find sun pulse time immediately preceding each input time. EXAMPLE: ; Assume 'input_times' and 'input_spinphase' already exist as a ; IDL variables -- perhaps obtained from thm_load_state. ; ; Get a pointer to the spin model for probe A modelptr=spinmodel_get_ptr('a') ; Calculate spin phase at each time from spin model spinmodel_interp_t,model=modelptr,time=input_times,spinphase=output_spinphase ; Calculate spinphase differences between spin model and state phi_diff=output_spinphase-input_spinphase ; Fix wraparounds i=where(phi_diff GT 180.0D) i2=where(phi_diff LT -180.0D) phi_diff[i] = phi_diff[i] - 360.0D phi_diff[i2] = phi_diff[i2] + 360.0D Plot results plot,input_times,phi_diff
(See themis/spin/
NAME: SPINMODEL_TEST.PRO PURPOSE: Perform consistency checks on a spin model. CATEGORY: TDAS CALLING SEQUENCE: spinmodel_test,model_ptr INPUTS: model_ptr: A pointer to a spinmodel structure, obtained from the spinmodel_common block or the spinmodel_get_ptr() function. This input must be a scalar. OUTPUTS: Prints "PASS"/"FAIL" messages depending on outcome of tests. KEYWORDS: None. PROCEDURE: Validate model_ptr input argument. Compare spin model capacity to actual number of segments. Validate pointer to model segments. Call segment_test on each model segment, check for any failures. Examine boundaries of adjacent segments, making sure time and spin_number endpoints are identical across each pair. Exercise spinmodel_interp_n by retrieving modeled sun pulse times by spin number. Exercise spinmodel_interp_t by recalculating the spin count and spin phase at each modeled sun pulse time. Cross check results of spinmodel_interp_n and spinmodel_interp_t to verify that the expected values are produced within modest tolerances (allowable phase error .01 deg at each modeled sun pulse time). EXAMPLE: model_ptr=spinmodel_get_ptr('a') spinmodel_test,model_ptr Written by: Jim Lewis ( Change Date: 2007-10-08
(See themis/spin/
Procedure: THM_LOAD_SPIN Purpose: Loads THEMIS spin model parameters, performs some post-processing of data loaded from the SPIN CDFs, and stashes the resulting spin model in a common block. keywords: probe = Probe name. The default is 'all', i.e., load all available probes. This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['a', 'b'] or a single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'a b' Flatsat data (probe 'f') is not returned unless explicitly mentioned. datatype = The type of data to be loaded, can be an array of strings or single string separate by spaces. The default is 'all' TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note that if the input time range is not a full day, a full day's data is loaded level = the level of the data, the default is 'l1', or level-1 data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. 'all' can be passed in also, to get all levels. CDF_DATA: named variable in which to return cdf data structure: only works for a single spacecraft and datafile name. VARNAMES: names of variables to load from cdf: default is all. /GET_SUPPORT_DATA: load support_data variables as well as data variables into tplot variables. /DOWNLOADONLY: download file but don't read it. /valid_names, if set, then this routine will return the valid probe, datatype and/or level options in named variables supplied as arguments to the corresponding keywords. files named varible for output of pathnames of local files. /VERBOSE set to output some useful info Example: thm_load_spin,probe=['a','b'] Written by: Jim Lewis ( Change Date: 2007-10-08
(See themis/spin/