;+ ;Procedure: THM_LOAD_GMAG, ; thm_load_gmag, site = site, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ ; level = level, verbose = verbose, $ ; subtract_average = subtract_average, $ ; subtract_median = subtract_median, $ ; varname_out = varname_out, $ ; subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ ; downloadonly = downloadonly, $ ; valid_names = valid_names ;keywords: ; site = Observatory name, example, thm_load_gmag, site = 'bmls', the ; default is 'all', i.e., load all available stations . This ; can be an array of strings, e.g., ['bmls', 'ccmv'] or a ; single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'bmls ccnv' ; datatype = The type of data to be loaded, for this case, there is only ; one option, the default value of 'mag', so this is a ; placeholder should there be more that one data type. 'all' ; can be passed in also, to get all variables. ; TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ; this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note ; that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded ; level = the level of the data, the default is 'l2', or level-2 ; data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. 'all' ; can be passed in also, to get all levels. ; /VERBOSE : set to output some useful info ; /SUBTRACT_AVERAGE, if set, then the average values are subtracted ; from the loaded variables, ; /SUBTRACT_MEDIAN, if set, then the median values are subtracted ; from the loaded variables, ; varname_out= a string array containing the tplot variable names for ; the loaded data, useful for the following keyword: ; subtracted_values = returns N_elements(varname_out) by 3 array ; containing the average or median (or 0) values ; subtracted from the data. ; /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it ; into variables. ; no_download: use only files which are online locally. ; relpathnames_all: named variable in which to return all files that are ; required for specified timespan, probe, datatype, and level. ; If present, no files will be downloaded, and no data will be loaded. ; /valid_names, if set, then this will return the valid site, datatype ; and/or level options in named variables, for example, ; ; thm_load_gmag, site = xxx, /valid_names ; ; will return the array of valid sites in the ; variable xxx ; get_support_data = does nothing. present only for consistency with other ; load routines ;Example: ; thm_load_gmag, site = 'bmls', trange = ; ['2007-01-22/00:00:00','2007-01-24/00:00:00'] ; ;Written by: Davin Larson, Dec 2006 ; 22-jan-2007, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu rewrote argument list, added ; keywords, ; 1-feb-2007, jmm, added subtract_median, subtracted_value keywords ; 19-mar-2007, jmm, fixed the station list... ; 1-may-2009, jmm, removed greenland_data keyword, the greenland ; stations are now valid site names ; 3-jun-2009, jmm, added stations cdrt, crvr, gjoa, rbay, pang, tbdl ; MACCS data from Augsburg ; $LastChangedBy: jwl $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2009-06-11 14:54:28 -0700 (Thu, 11 Jun 2009) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 6149 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/tags/tdas_5_1/idl/themis/ground/thm_load_gmag.pro $ ;- ; processing for subracting average, median, and returning subracted value. pro thm_load_gmag_post, sname=sitei, datatype=dtj, $ varcount = varcount, verbose = vb, $ subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, $ varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ _extra = _extra ; varname = 'thg_'+lvlk+'_'+dtj+'_'+sitei varname = 'thg_'+dtj+'_'+sitei options, /def, varname, ytitle = sitei,ysubtitle='B (nT)', $ constant = 0.,labels=['bx','by','bz'],labflag=1 if varcount Eq 0 then begin varname_out = varname subtracted_values = dblarr(1, 3) ;3 field components varcount = varcount+1 endif else begin varname_out = [varname_out, varname] subtracted_values = [subtracted_values, dblarr(1, 3)] varcount = varcount+1 endelse if keyword_set(subavg) Or keyword_set(subtract_median) then begin get_data, varname, data = d, alim = alim if keyword_set(d) then begin lng = struct_value(alim, 'cdf.vatt.station_longitude', default = !values.f_nan) lat = struct_value(alim, 'cdf.vatt.station_longitude', default = !values.f_nan) ;Note 'lat' and 'lng' could be used to subtract off a model dipole ;field svalue = average(d.y, 1, /double, $ ret_median = keyword_set(subtract_median)) d.y -= (replicate(1, n_elements(d.x)) # svalue ) ; subtract the average value subtracted_values[varcount-1, *] = transpose(svalue) store_data, varname, data = d endif endif end Pro thm_load_gmag, site = site, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, $ subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, $ varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ downloadonly = downloadonly, no_download=no_download, $ relpathnames_all=relpathnames_all, $ valid_names = valid_names, $ get_support_data=get_support_data, $ progobj = progobj, files=files, $ greenland_data = greenland_data ; _extra = _extra ;krb 5/4 ;figure out sites here vsnames = 'arct atha bett bmls ccnv cdrt chbg cigo crvr drby eagl ekat fsim fsmi fykn '+ $ 'fyts gako gbay gill gjoa hlms homr hots iglo inuv kako kapu kian kuuj loys mcgr nain nrsq '+ $ 'pang pgeo pina pine pokr ptrs rank rbay rmus snap snkq swno tbdl tpas trap ukia whit yknf' vsnames_arr = strsplit(vsnames, ' ', /extract) vsnames_g = 'amk atu dmh dnb gdh kuv naq nrd sco skt stf svs thl umq upn' vsnames_g_arr = strsplit(vsnames_g, ' ', /extract) vsnames_all = [vsnames_arr, vsnames_g_arr] If(keyword_set(site)) Then site_in = site Else site_in = 'all' thm_sites = thm_check_valid_name(site_in, vsnames_arr, /ignore_case, /include_all, /no_warning) green_sites = thm_check_valid_name(site_in, vsnames_g_arr, /ignore_case, /include_all, /no_warning) If(keyword_set(valid_names)) Then Begin ;need to handle valid_names here too, jmm, 4-may-2009 thm_load_greenland_gmag, site = gsites, datatype = datatype, $ level = level, /valid_names thm_load_xxx, sname = tsites, datatype = datatype, $ level = level, /valid_names, vsnames = vsnames, $ type_sname = 'site', $ vdatatypes = 'mag', $ vlevels = 'l2', $ deflevel = 'l2' site = [gsites, tsites] Return Endif If(is_string(green_sites)) Then Begin ;go to greenland_gmag for these If(keyword_set(relpathnames_all)) Then Begin ;this is a mess... thm_load_greenland_gmag, site = green_sites, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download, relpathnames_all = relpathnames_all, $ valid_names = valid_names, get_support_data = get_support_data, $ progobj = progobj, files = files Endif Else Begin thm_load_greenland_gmag, site = green_sites, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download, valid_names = valid_names, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, progobj = progobj, files = files Endelse Endif If(is_string(thm_sites)) Then Begin if arg_present(relpathnames_all) then begin downloadonly = 1 no_download = 1 end varcount = 0 thm_load_xxx, sname = thm_sites, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download, relpathnames_all = relpathnames_all, $ cdf_data = cdf_data, get_cdf_data = arg_present(cdf_data), $ varnames = varnames, valid_names = valid_names, files = files, $ vsnames = vsnames, $ type_sname = 'site', $ vdatatypes = 'mag', $ get_support_data = get_support_data, $ vlevels = 'l2', $ deflevel = 'l2', $ version = 'v01', $ post_process_proc = 'thm_load_gmag_post', $ subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, $ varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ varcount = varcount, $ progobj = progobj, $ _extra = _extra Endif end