; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PRO thm_sunpulse, time_state,spinpha,spinper,sunpulse,sunp_spinper, $ probe=probe, suffix=suffix, sunpulse_name = sunpulse_name ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ;NAME: ; thm_sunpulse ;Purpose: ; Interpolate spin phase to have same time resolution as time_dat ;Keyword: ; probe: string indicating probe. Array of strings, or a string ; like 'a b'. Not used if positional parameters are present. ; suffix: suffix to add to default tplot name in which to store sunpulse ; data: thx_state_sunpulse (x = probe letter designation) ; This suffix is expected on the names of the state data inputs. ;Optional Inputs/Output parameters: ;(if not present, then standard state tplot variable names will be used for i/o) ; Input Parameters: ; time_state: double precision array: times of data from state file ; spinpha: spin phase from state file ; spinper: spin period from state file ; Output Parameters: ; sunpulse: sunpulse times (times of zero spin phase) ; sunp_spinper: spin period at time of each sunpulse. ; ;Keywords: ; sunpulse_name: string. If present, store sunpulse/spinperiod in tplot ; variable with this name. Has no effect if probe keyword ; is provided. ; ;Notes: ; ; Written by K. Bromund, SPSystems/NASA/GSFC, May 2007 ;$LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2007-05-29 15:08:39 -0700 (Tue, 29 May 2007) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 712 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/tags/tdas_2_02/idl/themis/state/thm_sunpulse.pro $ ;- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if n_params() eq 0 then begin if not keyword_set(suffix) then suff = '' else suff = suffix vprobes = ['a','b','c','d','e'] if not keyword_set(probe) then prb = vprobes $ else prb = thm_check_valid_name(strlowcase(probe), vprobes, /include_all) if not keyword_set(prb) then begin message, /info, 'probe keyword required if no positional args present' return endif for i = 0, n_elements(prb)-1 do begin get_data, 'th'+prb[i]+'_state_spinphase'+suff, $ time_state,spinpha,dtype=tph get_data, 'th'+prb[i]+'_state_spinper'+suff, $ time_state, spinper, dtype=tpe if (tph ne 1 || tpe ne 1) then begin print, '*** thm_sunpulse: state data not loaded for probe ', prb[i] continue endif thm_sunpulse, time_state, spinpha, spinper, $ sunpulse='th'+prb[i]+'_state_sunpulse'+suff endfor return endif nsta=N_ELEMENTS(time_state) PRINT, ' Dimension of state file array = ', nsta FLUSH, 0, -1, -2 ; get time of sunpulse which occurred before each state data point sunpulse_state1 = time_state - spinpha/360.0*spinper ; get time of sunpulse which occurred after each state data point sunpulse_state2 = time_state + (360.0-spinpha)/360.0*spinper ; get number of spins between each known sunpulse time dtime = sunpulse_state1[1:*]-sunpulse_state2 nspins1 = dtime/spinper nspins2 = dtime/spinper[1:*] int_nspins1 = long(nspins1+0.5) int_nspins2 = long(nspins2+0.5) spin_error = where(int_nspins1 ne int_nspins2, n_spin_error) if n_spin_error gt 0 then begin print, '*** thm_sunpulse: spin rate changing too quickly to uniquely' print, ' determine sunpulses between state data points at ', $ time_string(time_state[spin_error[0:10 < n_spin_error-1]]) if n_spin_error gt 10 then $ print, ' ', n_spin_error, ' times. Output truncated' endif err1 = nspins1 - int_nspins1 spin_warn = where(abs(err1) gt 0.25, n_spin_warn) if n_spin_warn gt 0 then begin print, '*** thm_sunpulse: spin rate data questionable at ', $ time_string(time_state[spin_warn[0:10 < n_spin_warn-1]]) if n_spin_warn gt 10 then $ print, ' ', n_spin_warn, ' times. Output truncated' endif nspins = int_nspins1 ; calculate spin period based on sun pulse times, to interpolate ; sun pulse times in between state data values. spinper_state = dtime/nspins sunpulse = dblarr(total(nspins)+nsta) sunp_spinper = fltarr(total(nspins)+nsta) spin_ind = 0 for i=0L, nsta-2 do begin sunpulse_ind = lindgen(nspins[i]) sunpulse[spin_ind] = sunpulse_state1[i] sunp_spinper[spin_ind] = spinper[i] ;; after state data point, fill at interpolated rate, based on spinphase sunpulse[spin_ind + 1 + sunpulse_ind] = sunpulse_state2[i] + $ sunpulse_ind*spinper_state[i] sunp_spinper[spin_ind + 1 + sunpulse_ind] = spinper_state[i] spin_ind += nspins[i] + 1 endfor sunpulse[spin_ind] = sunpulse_state1[nsta-1] sunp_spinper[spin_ind] = spinper[nsta-1] if keyword_set(sunpulse_name) then $ store_data, sunpulse_name, data={x:sunpulse, y:sunp_spinper} end