;+ ; Batch File: THM_CRIB_FIT ; ; Purpose: Demonstrate the loading, calibration, and plotting ; of THEMIS FIT (On-Board E- and B-Field SpinFit) data. ; ; Calling Sequence: ; .run thm_crib_fit, or using cut-and-paste. ; ; Arguements: ; None. ; ; Notes: ; None. ; ;Written by John Bonnell ; $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2007-07-19 13:12:28 -0700 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 1175 $ ; $URL $ ;- ; FIT On-Board SpinFit data example. ; set a few TPLOT options. tplot_title = 'THEMIS FIT On-Board Spin Fit Examples' tplot_options, 'title', tplot_title tplot_options, 'xmargin', [ 15, 10] tplot_options, 'ymargin', [ 5, 5] ; set the timespan and load the FIT data. timespan, '2007-06-30', 1.0, /day thm_load_fit, level=1,datatype=['efs', 'fgs'],/verbose ; set the color table. loadct2, 39 ; the FIT data, as loaded by THM_LOAD_FIT isn't very usable or viewable, ; so run THM_CAL_FIT to break out the E and B fits with useful plotting options. ; plot the calibrated FIT data. tplot, ['thc_efs', 'thc_fgs'] print, 'at each stop point type .c to continue with the crib' stop tlimit, ['2007-06-30/00:45:00', '2007-06-30/16:30:00'] print, 'now we zoomed in to avoid the perigee' stop tplot, 'th?_fgs th?_efs' print, 'all probes plotted. Note only probes Charley, Delta, Echo have ' print, 'booms deployed for good E-Field data.' stop thm_load_state, /get_support_data thm_cotrans, 'th?_??s', out_suffix='_gsm', out_coord='gsm' tplot, [ 'thc_efs', 'thc_fgs', $ 'thc_efs_gsm', 'thc_fgs_gsm'] print, 'we transformed both efs and fgs to gsm, adding _gsm suffix to result' stop thm_load_fit, level=1,datatype=['efs', 'fgs'], coord='gsm', suffix='_gsm' tplot, [ 'thc_efs', 'thc_fgs', $ 'thc_efs_gsm', 'thc_fgs_gsm'] print, 'you can get the same result (with better plot labels) if you load' print, 'specify the coord keyword to thm_load_fit.' stop thm_load_fgm, datatype=['fgs'],/verbose, suffix='_l2' ; L2 EFI not yet available... ;thm_load_efi, datatype=['efs'],/verbose, suffix='_l2' tplot, ['thc_fgs', 'thc_fgs_dsl_l2'] print, 'now we loaded the same data from level 2. Note L2 data has a ' print, 'suffix to designate the coordinate. ' print, 'EFI is not yet available directly from L2 files.' end